view flys-backend/doc/schema/import-dems.sql @ 4641:f3325079dacc

Improve the up and down arrows in the theme navigation panel Don't stretch the arrow icons and fit to their actual size. Also put the up buttons on the left and the down buttons on the right.
author Björn Ricks <>
date Tue, 04 Dec 2012 16:16:43 +0100
parents 89ada0b9083f
line wrap: on
line source
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00000_01010', 0.0, 101.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_00000_10110.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00992_02030', 99.0, 203.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_09920_20300.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02020_02998', 202.0, 300.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_20200_29980.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02981_04010', 298.0, 401.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_29810_40100.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_04000_05009', 400.0, 501.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_40000_50090.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_05001_05830', 500.0, 583.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_50010_58330.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00000_00058', 0.0, 6.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00058_00153', 6.0, 15.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00153_00416', 15.0, 42.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_O', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_W', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01012_01488', 101.0, 145.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01488_01666', 145.0, 167.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01666_01960', 167.0, 196.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01960_02044', 196.0, 204.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/1960-2044.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02044_02184', 204.0, 218.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/2044-2184.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02184_02420', 218.0, 242.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/525480MO.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00000_00079', 0.0, 8.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0000-0079_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00080_00204', 8.0, 20.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0080-0204_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00205_00314', 20.0, 31.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0205-0314_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00315_00541', 31.0, 54.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0315-0541_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00542_00655', 54.0, 65.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0542-0655_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00656_00828', 65.0, 83.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0656-0828_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00829_00931', 83.0, 93.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0829-0931_erweitert.txt');