view .hgignore @ 8449:f61e2791ccdf

(issue1733) Fix locationdistancepanel There is now a central method to setup the listgrids and connect the Input completion pins. The old variant with three tables was broken and had did many duplicated things. Comments should also be clearer to point out which code path belongs to which input state.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:00:40 +0100
parents 5d5fb6ee1888
children ca70952653b9
line wrap: on
line source
syntax: regexp
artifacts/target      # maven output
artifacts/\.classpath # eclipse
artifacts/\.project   # eclipse
artifacts/\.settings  # eclipse
artifacts/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
backend/target      # maven output
backend/\.classpath # eclipse
backend/\.project   # eclipse
backend/\.settings  # eclipse
backend/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
gwt-client/target      # maven output
gwt-client/\.classpath # eclipse
gwt-client/\.project   # eclipse
gwt-client/\.settings  # eclipse
gwt-client/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
etl/target      # maven output
etl/\.classpath # eclipse
etl/\.project   # eclipse
etl/\.settings  # eclipse
etl/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output