view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/resources/ @ 4740:fb135e1dfa35

Added 'type' attribute to <dc:variable/> element. If an optional 'type' attribute is given the result of the XPATH expression is interpreted as this type. Valid values are 'number', 'bool', 'node' and 'nodeset'. All other defaults to 'string' which also is the default if nor type is given.
author Sascha L. Teichmann <>
date Wed, 02 Jan 2013 15:31:53 +0100
parents 04309ca24614
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.artifacts.resources;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import de.intevation.artifacts.CallMeta;

 * This class provides methods for i18n.
 * @author <a href="">Ingo Weinzierl</a>
public class Resources {

    /** The logger that is used in this class.*/
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Resources.class);

    /** The singleton instance.*/
    private static Resources INSTANCE;

    /** The locales supported by this server.*/
    protected Locale[] locales;

     * No instance of this class is necessary.
    private Resources() {

     * Returns the locales supported by this server.
     * @return the supported locales.
    public synchronized Locale [] getLocales() {
        if (locales == null) {

        return locales;

     * Read the locales configured for this server.
    protected void readLocales() {

        locales = new Locale[2];
        locales[0] = Locale.GERMANY;
        locales[1] = Locale.ENGLISH;

    private static synchronized void ensureInstance() {
        if (INSTANCE == null) {
            INSTANCE = new Resources();

    public static Locale getLocale(CallMeta meta) {

        Locale[] locales = INSTANCE.getLocales();
        return meta.getPreferredLocale(locales);

     * This method returns the translated value for <i>key</i> or <i>def</i> if
     * <i>key</i> is not existing in the resource bundle.
     * @param meta The CallMeta object of the request that contains the
     * preferred locale.
     * @param key The key that should be translated.
     * @param def A default value that is returned, if <i>key</i> was not found.
     * @return the translated message.
    public static String getMsg(CallMeta meta, String key, String def) {

        Locale[] locales = INSTANCE.getLocales();
        Locale   locale  = meta.getPreferredLocale(locales);

        return getMsg(locale, key, def);

    public static String getMsg(
            CallMeta meta,
            String   key,
            Object[] args
            ) {
        return getMsg(meta, key, key, args);

     * Returns a translated message based on a template specified by <i>key</i>
     * that has necessary values to be filled in.
     * @param meta The CallMeta object.
     * @param key The key of the template in the resource bundle.
     * @param def the default value if no template was found with <i>key</i>.
     * @param args The arguments that are necessary for the template.
     * @return a translated string.
    public static String getMsg(
            CallMeta meta,
            String   key,
            String   def,
            Object[] args)
        String template = getMsg(meta, key, (String)null);

        if (template == null) {
            return def;

        return format(meta, template, args);

    public static String format(
            CallMeta   meta,
            String     key,
            String     def,
            Object ... args
            ) {
        String template = getMsg(meta, key, (String)null);

        if (template == null) {
            template = def;

        return format(meta, template, args);

     * Formats the given template using the arguments with respect of the
     * appropriate locale given by the CallMeta instance.
    public static String format(CallMeta meta, String templ, Object ... args) {
        Locale locale = getLocale(meta);
        MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(templ, locale);

        return mf.format(args, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();

     * This method returns the translated value for <i>key</i> or <i>def</i> if
     * <i>key</i> is not existing in the resource bundle.
     * @param locale The locale.
     * @param key The key that should be translated.
     * @param def A default value that is returned, if <i>key</i> was not found.
     * @return the translated message.
    public static String getMsg(Locale locale, String key, String def) {
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale);

        try {
            return bundle.getString(key);
        catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
            logger.warn("No message found for key: " + key);

            return def;
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