view gwt-client/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/client/client/ @ 7597:fca46ce8e4f5

(issue1225) Implement Magic labels. There is now a new value in the chartsettings "Suggested Label" which is hidden in the property editor. A suggested label is the label that combines the label's of all processors that wrote data to an axis. This suggested label is set as the label when the user has not overwritten the label.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:58:14 +0100
parents 811dd7a3bdb9
children 6d39b4066c91
line wrap: on
line source
fullname = Flusshydrologische Software
user = User:
guest = guest
logout = Logout
projects = Projects
open_project = Open Project
delete_project = Delete Project
rename_project = Rename Project
clone_project = Clone Project
copy_of = Copy
manage_projects = Manage Projects
favorite_tooltip = Permanently store?
favorite_tooltip_meaning = Golden star: stored
projectlist_creationTime = Creation time
projectlist_title = Title
projectlist_favorite = Permanent
projectlist_close = Close
really_delete = Do you really want to delete this project?
project_name_too_long = The entered project name is too long. Max length is $LEN characters.
switch_language = German
info = Info
warning = Attention
warning_language = Choosing a new language starts a new session. All open windows will be closed.
no_projects = No existing calculations found.
load_projects = Load calculations...
empty_table = Loading data...
empty_filter = No data found.
date_format = yyyy-MM-dd
datetime_format = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
new_project = New Project
new_calculation = New Calculation
module_selection = Module
river_selection = Rivers
winfo = W-INFO
minfo = M-INFO
new_map = New Map
map = Map
new_chart = New Chart
diagram = Chart
axes = Axes
legend = Legend
chart_title = Title
chart_subtitle = Subtitle
grid = Grid
antialiasing = Antialiasing
axis_name = Name
chart_start = start
chart_end = end
x_axis = X-Axis
y1_axis = Y1-Axis
y2_axis = Y2-Axis
y3_axis = Y3-Axis
legend_name = Name
show_legend = Show
aggregation_threshold = Threshold for aggregation of legend entries
scale = Scale
databasket = Databasket
databasket_loading = Loading Databasket content
fix = Fixing
fixanalysis = Fixing Analysis
next = Next
location_distance_state = Choose calculation location(s) / range [km]
distance_state = Choose calculation range [km]
waterlevel_ground_state = Choose differences betweeen waterlevel and ground [m]
location = Location(s)
locations = Locations
single_location = Location
distance = Range
unitFrom = km
unitTo = km a
unitWidth = m
search = Search
discharge = Discharge Name
properties = Properties
activateTheme = Activate
deactivateTheme = Deactivate
removeTheme = Remove
manageThemes = Manage themes
label_ok = Ok
label_cancel = Cancel
cancelCalculationLabel = Stop the current calculation.
calculationCanceled = The calculation has been canceled.
range = Range
resultCount = Hits
bfg_id = BfG-ID
start_year = Start
end_year = End
period = Period
year = Year
sedimentload_ls = Sediment Load
welcome = Welcome to Flusshydrologische Software
welcome_open_or_create = Please open a project from the project list or create a
# Header images
flysLogo = images/flys_logo.gif
bfgLogo = images/bfg_logo.gif
bfgLogoSmall = images/bfg_logo_small.png

# Images
downloadPNG = images/png_export.png
downloadPDF = images/pdf_export.png
downloadSVG = images/svg_export.png
downloadCSV = images/save_csv.png
downloadAT = images/save_at.png
downloadWST = images/save_wst.png
loadingImg = images/loading.gif
loadingImg = images/loading.gif
cancelCalculation = images/cancelCalculation.png
markerRed = images/marker_red.png
markerGreen = images/marker_green.png
riverMap = images/FLYS_Karte.png
properties_ico = images/properties.png

dpLabelFrom = from
dpUnitFrom = km
dpLabelTo = to
dpUnitTo = km
dpLabelStep = a
dpUnitStep = m

wgLabelFrom = From
wgUnitFrom = m
wgLabelTo = To
wgUnitTo = m
wgLabelStep = a
wgUnitStep = m

unitFromInM = From [m]:
unitToInM = To [m]:
unitDiffInM = Diff [m]:
unitLocation = km
wrongFormat = Wrong format
atLeastOneValue = You need to insert at least one value.
missingInput = You need to enter a value.
too_many_values = Only one value allowed

addPointsTooltip = Add manual points
addWSPTooltip = Add manual LS
downloadPNGTooltip = Download chart as PNG
downloadPDFTooltip = Download chart as PDF
downloadSVGTooltip = Download chart as SVG
downloadCSVTooltip = Download data as CSV
zoomToMaxExtentTooltip = Zoom to max extent
zoomOutTooltip = Zoom out
historyBackTooltip = Previous zoom
panControlTooltip = Pan
zoomboxTooltip = Zoombox
chartPropertiesTooltip = Chartproperties
printTooltip = Print

description = Description
from = From
to = To
riverside = Riverside
bottom_edge = Bottom edge
top_edge = Top edge
name = Name
type = Type
starttime = Start Time
stoptime = Stop Time
wq_table_w = Characteristic Waterlevels
wq_waterlevel_label = Characteristic Waterlevel
wq_table_q = Characteristic Discharges / Durations
wq_value_w = W [cm at Gauge]
wq_value_q = Q [m\u00b3/s]
river_km = River-Km
uesk_profile_distance = Distance [m]

wqTitle = Input for W/Q Data
wqadaptedTitle = Input for W/Q Data
noMainValueAtGauge = Selected main value not present at all gauges
wqHistorical = Selection of Analyse Type
calcTableTitle = Values
helperPanelTitle = Input Support
gaugePanelTitle = Gauge Information
measurementStationPanelTitle = Measurement Station Information
wqW = W at Gauge [cm]
wqQ = Q [m\u00b3/s]
wqQatGauge = Q at Gauge [m\u00b3/s]
wqWFree = W free position [m+NHN]
wqQGauge = Discharge at Gauge
wqSingle = Single values
wqRange = Range
unitWNN = W [NN+m]
unitWSingle = cm
unitWFrom = cm&nbsp;-
unitWTo = cm&nbsp;a
unitWStep = cm
unitQSingle = m³/s
unitQFrom = m³/s&nbsp;-
unitQTo = m³/s&nbsp;a
unitQStep = m³/s
main_channel = Main Channel
total_channel = Total Channel
footerHome = Home
footerContact = Contact
footerImpressum = Legal info
print = Print
printWindowTitle = PDF-Print Settings

projectListMin = format-indent-less.png
projectListAdd = list-add.png
buttonNext = Next
imageBack = images/back_en.png
imageSave = images/save.png
theme_top = images/go-first.png
theme_up = images/go-up.png
theme_down = images/go-down.png
theme_bottom = images/go-bottom.png
zoom_all = images/mag_100.png
zoom_in = images/mag_zoom_box.png
zoom_out = images/mag_zoom_minus.png
zoom_back = images/mag_zoom_back.png
pan = images/hand.png
askThemeRemove = Are you sure that you want to remove the selected theme / themes?
add = Add

static_sqrelation = SQ relation
discharge_curve = Discharge Curve at Gauge
discharge_curve_gaugeless = Discharge Curve
gauge_discharge_curve = Discharge Table at Gauge
computed_discharge_curve = Discharge Curve
computed_discharge_curves = Discharge Curves
longitudinal_section = Longitudinal Section Curve
duration_curve = Duration Curve
historical_discharge_curves = Historical Discharge Curve
discharge_longitudinal_section = Discharge Longitudinal Section
floodmap = Floodmap
historical_discharge = Time-Chart
historical_discharge_wq = W/Q-Chart
flow_velocity = Flow Velocity
flow_velocities = Flow Velocities
flow_velocity_export = Flow Velocity Export
bedheight_middle = Middle Bed Height
bedheight_middle_export = Middle Bed Height Export
bed_longitudinal_section = Bed Quality
bed_longitudinal_section_export = Bed Quality Export
sq_relation_a = A Feinkornanteil
sq_relation_b = B Sand (Suspensionstransport)
sq_relation_c = C Sand (Geschiebetransport)
sq_relation_d = D Fein- und Mittelkies
sq_relation_e = E Grobkornanteil (> Mittelkies)
sq_relation_f = F Geschiebetransport Gesamt
sq_relation_export = SQ Export
cross_section = Cross Section
cross_sections = Cross Sections
w_differences = Differences
w_differences_export = Differences Export
reference_curve_export = Reference Curve Export
historical_discharge_export = Historical Discharge Curve Export
showextramark = Show begin of extrapolation
extreme_wq_curve = W/Q
fix_wq_curve = W/Q-Diagram
fix_deltawt_curve = \u0394 W/t
fix_longitudinal_section_curve = Longitudinal Section
fix_derivate_curve = Derivate
fix_vollmer_wq_curve = W/Q-Diagram
datacage_add_pair = Add difference pair
load_diameter = Bedload Diameter
bed_diameter = Bed Diameter
soundings = Soundings
soundings_width = Soundings Width
bed_difference_year = Bedheight Differences
bed_difference_epoch = Epoch Bedheight Differences
bed_difference_height_year = Bedheight Differences per year
bedheight_difference_export = Bedheight Differences Export

exportATTooltip = Export as AT file

waterlevel_export = Waterlevel Export
waterlevel_report = Waterlevel Report
computed_dischargecurve_export = Discharge Curve Export
computed_dischargecurve_report = Discharge Curve Report
discharge_longitudinal_section_export = Discharge Longitudinal Section Export
discharge_longitudinal_section_report = Discharge Longitudinal Section Report
durationcurve_export = Duration Curve Export
durationcurve_report = Duration Curve Report
dataexport = Data export
csv = CSV
wst = WST
at = AT
pdf = PDF
computed_dischargecurve_at_export = Discharge Curve Export
gauge_discharge_curve_at_export = Gauge Discharge Curve
current_gauge = Current Gauge Discharge Curve
gauge_class = Gauge Class
eventselect = Eventselection
events = Events
kmchart = W/Q-Preview
fix_waterlevel_export = Fixing analysis export

chart_themepanel_header_themes = Theme
chart_themepanel_header_actions = Actions
chart_themepanel_synchron = Navigate synchronously
chart_themepanel_asynchron = Navigate independently
chart_themepanel_set_master = Reference
chart_themepanel_new_area = New Area...
chart_themepanel_area_under = under ...
chart_themepanel_area_over = over ...
chart_themepanel_area_between = between ...
against_x_axis = Over X-Axis

gauge_mnq = around MNQ
gauge_mq  = around MQ
gauge_mhq = around MHQ
gauge_hq5 = above HQ5

ele_window_title = Elevation Node
ele_window_label = Elevation settings in m \u00fc. NN.
ele_window_x_col = X
ele_window_y_col = Y
ele_window_z_col = Z-Coordinate
ele_window_ok_button = Set elevations
ele_window_cancel_button = Cancel
ele_window_format_error = The elevation you have entered is invalid:
ele_window_save_error = Error while saving elevations.
ele_window_geometry_error = The geometry is not supported:

unexpected_exception = There occured an unexpected exception
error_years_wrong = The second year needs to be bigger than the first year.
error_read_minmax_values = Error while reading min/max values for the location input.
error_validate_range = The value $1 needs to be smaller than $3 and bigger than $2.
error_validate_date_range = Start date needs to be before end date.
error_validate_date_range_invalid = The specified timerange is invalid.
error_validate_lower_range = The lower value $1 needs to be bigger than $2.
error_validate_upper_range = The upper value $1 needs to be smaller than $2.
error_validate_positive = The value $1 must be positive.
error_empty_state = Required inputs are missing.
error_invalid_double_value = Wrong format for a floating point number.
error_create_artifact = Error while creating new project.
error_describe_artifact = Error while loading the parameterization.
error_feed_data = Error while inserting new data.
error_advance_artifact = Error while changing the project's state.
error_add_artifact = Error while inserting new data.
error_remove_artifact = Error while removing data.
error_create_collection = Error while creating a new collection.
error_describe_collection = Error while fetching the projects state.
error_no_rivers_found = Error while reading supported rivers.
error_no_such_user = Error - no such user found.
error_no_users = Error - no users found.
error_no_waterlevel_pair_selected = Error - no waterlevel pair for building differences selected.
error_same_waterlevels_in_pair = Error - minuend and subtrahend have to differ.
error_not_logged_in = You need to log in before you are allowed to start your work.
error_load_parameterization = Could not load the parameterization.
error_wrong_date = Please enter valid dates.
error_no_gaugeoverviewinfo_found = Error while fetching the river and gauge info

error_feed_no_data = No input data found.
error_feed_from_out_of_range = The lower value is bigger than the upper value.
error_feed_to_out_of_range = The upper value is out or the valid range.
error_feed_from_bigger_to = The lower value is bigger than the upper value.
error_feed_invalid_wq_mode = Invalid WQ-Mode selected.
error_feed_number_format_float = The inserted value is no floating point number.
error_feed_invalid_calculation_mode = The chosen calculation method is invalid.
error_feed_no_calculation_mode = No calculation method chosen.
error_feed_no_such_river = The selected river is not provided.
error_feed_no_river_selected = No river selected.
error_feed_no_wq_mode_selected = No W/Q mode selected.
error_feed_q_values_invalid = Selected Q values are outside the valid range.
error_feed_w_values_invalid = Selected W values are outside the valid range.
error_chart_info_service = Could not fetch meta information of the chart.
error_no_meta_data_found = No meta data found.
error_load_artifact = Error while adding data to the current project.
error_no_calc_result=No calculation results found.
error_no_theme_styles_found=No style for the selected theme found.
error_no_feature_selected = No object selected.
error_no_map_config = No Map configuration found.
error_no_map_output_type = No Map output found.
error_no_valid_gfi_url = No valid GetFeatureInfo response found.
error_gfi_req_failed = GetFeatureInfo request failed.
error_gfi_parsing_failed = Failed to read GetFeatureInfo response.
error_gc_req_failed = Error while loading Capabilities document.
error_gc_doc_not_valid = Capabilities document is not valid.
error_malformed_url = The URL you have entered is not valid.
error_no_dgm_selected = No DEM selected.
error_invalid_dgm_selected = An error occured while selecting the DEM.
error_bad_dgm_range = You have selected a DEM with an invalid range.
error_bad_dgm_river = You have selected a DEM for a wrong river.
error_dialog_not_valid = One or more values are not valid.
error_invalid_date = The entered date is not valid.
error_same_location = Reference location equals selected location.
error_contains_same_location = Target locations contains reference location.
error_update_collection_attribute = Error while updating the collection attribut
error_values_needed = You must provide values.
error_no_module_found = No modules found

warning_use_first_feature = You have more that one object selected. The first one is used.
warning_no_wsp_selected = No waterlevel selected!
warning_cannot_parse_date = Invalid date!
warning_select_two_values = Please select two values!

## map related strings
digitize = images/digitize.png
pipe1 = Pipe1
pipe2 = Pipe12
ditch = Ditch
dam = Dam
ring_dike = Ringdike
selectFeature = images/selectFeature.png
removeFeature = images/removeFeature.png
getFeatureInfo = images/info.png
getFeatureInfoTooltip = Information Tool
getFeatureInfoWindowTitle = Information for Map Layer:
addWMS = images/add_map.png
printMapSettings = images/print_map_settings.png
addWMSTooltip = Load layers from external WMS service.
adjustElevation = images/adjustElevation.png
measureLine = images/measure_line.png
measurePolygon = images/measure_plane.png
step = Step
calculationStarted = Calculation started.
zoomMaxExtent = Max extent
zoomIn = Zoom in
zoomOut = Zoom out
zoomLayer = Zoom to layer
moveMap = Move
digitizeObjects = Creation of pipes, ditches, dams and ringdikes
selectObject = Select tool
removeObject = Remove selected object
adjustElevationTooltip = Define elevations for barriers
measureDistance = Measure line
measureArea = Measure area
map_themepanel_header_style = Style
zoomToLayer = Layer-Zoom
requireDGM = You need to choose a DEM.
upload_file = upload
shape_file_upload = Upload shapefile

# data cage
historical_discharges = Historical discharge curves
reference_curves = Reference Curves
waterlevels = Waterlevels
waterlevels_ls = Longitudinal Section
waterlevels_discharge = Discharge Longitudinal Section
waterlevels_fix = Fixation analysis
waterlevels_fix_vollmer = Fixation analysis (Vollmer)
beddifferences = Bedheight Differences
bedheight_differences = Bedheight Differences
vollmer_waterlevels = Vollmer Waterlevels
old_calculations = Former Calculations
officiallines = Official lines
datacageAdd = Add data
heightmarks = Height Marks
basedata = Base Data
fixations = Fixations
flood_protections = Flood Protections
columns = Columns
annotation = Annotations
annotations = Annotations
all_annotations = All annotations
flowvelocitymeasurement = Flowvelocity measurements
flowvelocitymodel = Flowvelocity model
bed_quality = Bed Quality
additionals = Additional Longitudinal Section Curves
differences = Differences
kilometrage = Kilometrage
riveraxis = Riveraxis
km = Km
qps = Crosssection Tracks
hws = Floodplain Protection Work
catchments = Catchments
catchment_wms = Catchments (WMS)
floodplain = Floodplain
lines = Lines
buildings = Buildings
fixpoints = Fixpoints
uesk = Floodmaps
calculations = Calculations
current = Current
potential = Potential
bfg = BfG
land = Land
rastermap = Rastermap
background = Background Map
discharge_tables_chart = W/Q-Preview
discharge_table_nn = Discharge Tables at Gauge
discharge_table_gauge = Discharge Table at Gauge
mainvalue = Mainvalue
mainvalues = Mainvalues
wmainvalue = Mainvalues (W)
qmainvalue = Mainvalues (Q)
show_mainvalues = Show Mainvalues
dems = Digital Elevation Models
hydrboundaries = Hydrological Boundaries
gaugelocations = Location of Gauges
single = Year
epoch = Epoch
bedheights = Bedheights
morph_width = morphologic Width
datacage = Datacage
official = Offical
inofficial = Inofficiall
custom_lines = Own Digitalizations
hws_lines = Lines
hws_points = Points
hws_fed_unknown = Unknown State
jetties = Jetties
route_data = Route Data
other = Other
axis = Axis
bfg_model = BfG-Model
federal = Federal States
areas = Areas
sobek_flooded = SOBEK-Boundary flooded / not flooded
sobek_areas = SOBEK-Areas
measurements = Measurements
floodmarks = Flood Marks
pegel_had_measurement_points = HAD Discharge-Measurement points
delta_w = Waterleveldifferences
delta_w_cm = cm
delta_w_cma = cm/a
wlevel = Waterlevels
yields = sedimentyields
years = years
epochs = epochs
densities = Sediment Densities
sediment_load = Sediment Load
sand = Sand
fine_middle = Fine Middle
susp_sediment = Suspended Sediment
coarse = Coarse
susp_sand = Suspended Sand
susp_sand_bed = Suspended Sand (bed)
total_load = Total load
# No translation for the pegelonline wms service layer names.
gauge_points = Pegelpunkte (WSV)
gauge_level = Aktueller Wasserstand (WSV)
gauge_names = Pegelnamen (WSV)
gauge_tendency = Tendenz des Wasserstands (WSV)

startcolor = Colorrange start color
endcolor = Colorrange end color
numclasses = Number of classes

# capabilities information panel
addwmsInputTitle = Base URL of WMS service
addwmsInfoTitle = Information about WMS service
addwmsLayerTitle = Choose Layer
addwmsBack = Back
addwmsContinue = Continue
addwmsCancel = Cancel
addwmsInvalidURL = The URL is not valid.
capabilitiesHint = Please notice the information of the WMS service.
capabilitiesTitle = Title
capabilitiesURL = URL
capabilitiesAccessConstraints = Access Constraints
capabilitiesFees = Fees
capabilitiesContactInformation = Further Information
capabilitiesEmail = Email
capabilitiesPhone = Phone

#Properties dialog
chart = Chart
export = Export
width = Width
height = Height
visibility = Visibility
upper = to
lower = from
fixation = Fix
font_size = Fontsize
label = Title
title = Title
subtitle = Subtitle
display_grid = Display grid
display_logo = Display logo
logo_placeh = Horiz. Place for logo
logo_placev = Vertic. Place for logo
suggested_label = Suggested Label
top = top
bottom = bottom
center = center
left = left
right = right
none = none

notselected = none

linetype = Linetype
textstyle = Textstyle
linecolor = Linecolor
showhorizontalline = Show horizonal line
showverticalline = Show vertical line
textcolor = Textcolor
textsize = Textsize
font = Font
showpoints = Show points
showbackground = Show background
textshowbg = Show background
backgroundcolor = Backgroundcolor
bandwidthcolor = Bandwidthcolor
textbgcolor = Backgroundcolor
textorientation = Textorientation
linesize = Linesize
pointsize = Pointsize
bandwidth = Bandwidth
pointcolor = Punktfarbe
showlines = Show lines
showlinelabel = Show line label
showpointlabel = Show point label
labelfontface = Label: Font
labelfontcolor = Label: Color
labelfontsize = Label: Size
labelfontstyle = Label: Style
labelbgcolor = Label: Background Color
labelshowbg = Label: Show Background
horizontal = horizontal
vertical = vertical
showwidth = Show width
showlevel = Show waterlevel
showminimum = Show minimum
showmaximum = Show maximum
showborder = Show line
transparent = Transparency
transparency = Transparency
showarea = Show area
showarealabel = Show area label
showmiddleheight = Show middle depth
fillcolor = Fill Color
areabgcolor = Fill Color
areashowborder = Show area border
areashowbg = Show area background
areabordercolor = Border color
areatransparency = Tranparency
wsplgen_cat1 = Fill Color 0.0 <= DIFF < 1
wsplgen_cat2 = Fill Color 1.0 <= DIFF < 2
wsplgen_cat3 = Fill Color 2.0 <= DIFF < 3
wsplgen_cat4 = Fill Color 3.0 <= DIFF < 4
wsplgen_cat5 = Fill Color 4.0 <= DIFF
attribution = &copyIntevation GmbH 2013<br>Data &copy<a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>
wmsURLMenuItem = WMS URL
wmsURLBoxTitle = Layer WMS URL
requireTheme = You need to choose a Layer.

# Manual Points Editor
addpoints = Add points
pointname = Name
removepoint = Remove
newpoint = New Point
standby = Creating Artifact ... please wait.
points = Points
editpoints = Edit Points
addWSPButton = Add Manual LS
addWSP = Add Manual LS
selection = Selection

# Reference Curves
reference_curve = Reference Curve
reference_curve_normalized = Reduced Reference Curve
reference_startpoint = Point of reference
reference_endpoint = Point(s) of projection

fix_deltawt_export = \u0394 W/t

fix_parameters_export = Adjusted coefficient
fix_parameters = CSV

sq_relations=SQ Relations

gauge_zero = GZG
gauge_q_unit = m\u00b3/s
gauge_river_info_link = Riverinfo
gauge_info_link = Gaugeinfo
gauge_url = /PegelInfo/
gauge_river_url = /GewaesserInfo/
gauge_curve_link = Dischargecurve/-table
discharge_timeranges = DC-Timeranges
discharge_chart = W/Q-Preview

measurement_station_type = Type of Measurement Station
measurement_station_operator = Operator
measurement_station_start_time = Observation Start Time
measurement_station_url =
measurement_station_info_link = Measurement Station Info
measurement_station_gauge_name = Reference Gauge

# The prefix is used to classify them and will be stripped
# If the payload part sarts with a number it will be sorted
# By this number and the number will be stripped.
# Number must be a single digit 0-9. This hack was made necessary
# by the usage of an attribute table in mapfish

mapfish_data_range = mapfish_data_3Range
mapfish_data_subtitle = mapfish_data_0Subtitle
mapfish_data_strech = mapfish_data_2Stretch
mapfish_data_institution = mapfish_data_5Institution
mapfish_data_source = mapfish_data_6Source
mapfish_data_creator = mapfish_data_5Creator
mapfish_data_dateplace = mapfish_data_7Place, Date
mapfish_data_river = mapfish_data_1River

mapTitle = Title
mapSubtitle = Subtitle
mapRange = Range
mapStretch = Stretch
mapCreator = Creator
mapInstitution = Institution
mapSource = Source
mapDate = Place, Date
mapLogo = Logo

# Get Feature Info Window
PATH = Filepath
KM = Station
Z = Height
LOCATION = Location
HPGP = Kind of Fixpoint
SOURCE = Source
WATERBODY = Waterbody
FEDSTATE_KM = Station (Federal State)

official_regulation = official Regulation