- Add non recommendations for bed_difference_height_year2013-06-11, by Andre Heinecke
- Add missing 'Saale-Thüringen' and 'Saar (Wiltinger Bogen)' hover images links. The latter is not available yet.2013-06-11, by Christian Lins
- Order bed heights by station.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- merged changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Bed height parser: check for duplicate stationsdouble-precision 2013-06-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Replaced the 'old school' wiki link buttons with default links.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- WQAdaptedInputPanel: Ensure correct initial default selection ("Q").2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1267: Polishing: Move the sorting into the db/sql-query.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1267: Do not downscale height.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added TODO about braindead code.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1267: Sort the list of FastCrossSections before binarySearching it.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-06-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- merge changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Added styles for bed quality themes to config.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Set facet activity, have the correct facet order and added new facet to bed quality.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new bedload diameter facet to config.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- New facet for bedload diameter measurements.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed obsolete member and minor code style.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Never return 'null' for bed(load) diameters.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Bring bedload average diameter to 'mm'.2013-06-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Corrected typo2013-06-11, by Tom Gottfried
- AT-Parser: Do not change unit of W and Q in discharge tables2013-06-10, by Tom Gottfried
- I18N strings for facet descriptions.2013-06-10, by Raimund Renkert
- New theme for bed diameter measurement facets.2013-06-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Generate facets for bed diameter measurements and draw them into the generated chart.2013-06-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new facet types for bed diameter measurements.2013-06-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Added container and facet for bed diameter measurements.2013-06-10, by Raimund Renkert
- Added tag 3.0.7 for changeset 5733d7f271962013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Removed obsolete import.3.0.7 2013-06-10, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Enlarge white background so that it overlays correctly as2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Refit PDF map legend (#767).2013-06-10, by Christian Lins
- Limit PDF map title length to 20 characters (#767).2013-06-10, by Christian Lins
- Enhance WSPLGEN legend's class names (#767).2013-06-10, by Christian Lins
- Add Jasper report templates for bedheight differences2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Implement pdf export for bedheight differences2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Add method to get name pairs of differences2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Add JR datasource for Bedheight differences2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Change author I'm the culprit of that class.2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix accidental mistake in group expression of some waterlevels2013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix uesk description for issue 7702013-06-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Bedheight parser: improved logging2013-06-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Bedheight parser: handle whitespace in metaline2013-06-07, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix export at river km's for issue12752013-06-07, by Andre Heinecke
- Call update after setting the instance2013-06-07, by Andre Heinecke
- Use WikiLink class for Help links2013-06-07, by Andre Heinecke
- Subclass ImgLink with a new class WikiImgLink2013-06-07, by Andre Heinecke
- Add imageLinkHTML function to WikiLinks class2013-06-07, by Andre Heinecke