- WQKmsFactory: Add name getting function if only column id is known.2013-04-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added new Facet Type for Fix. Events.2013-04-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix print url replacement2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Added tag 3.0.0 for changeset 280093510e1d2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Also java encode the info side of the data table3.0.0 2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Send errors as plaintext and not as pdf documents2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Minor layout changes in map print add a margin between map and stamp/legend2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Remove uneccessary debug output2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Add configurable logo for map print and rename/reorder fields2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Add some more WMS Services as specified by issue 7962013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Add font settings for info part2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Add toJavaEncodedString function to encode strings in utf-16 notation2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix class cast error in flow velocity importer (might by S. Teichmann)2013-04-15, by Tom Gottfried
- Avoid NPE in sediment density factory and return a valid density if no exists.2013-04-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Merged.2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fix XML typo2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Schema change: add constraint to have unique stations per flow velocity model2013-04-15, by Tom Gottfried
- Backend: Reset km index after parsing a file.2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Backend: Import Flow Velocity Model: Use unique km for station.2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Replace in conf.xml2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Used replacement ${help.url} in i18n- properties.2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added configuration for online help in conf.xml2013-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- issue1149: Include function name in facet name for fixreal.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Avoid NPE.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- merged.2013-04-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Use correct i18n string for y axis.2013-04-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Switch back to example url and correct background wms url2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Added accidentally omitted i18n addition.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- i18n error messages if years are wrong for sediment load.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc and vimline.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadYearSelect: Add validation to have second year later than first.2013-04-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Increase default memory size for the artifact server2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Add print url to relase script2013-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- StaFileParser: use correct substring for gauge name2013-04-12, by Tom Gottfried
- merge2013-04-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Set description when importing flow velocity models2013-04-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Added tag 2.9.19 for changeset c4162d8378a12013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix syntax error2.9.19 2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Inlcude years in error messages about sed.load, to avoid it interpreted as km.2013-04-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadCalculation: Partly fix 1250 (calculate more than one total if possible).2013-04-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Schema change: fixed constraints2013-04-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Fixed label for 'W' axis in middle bed height generator.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added old calculation and additional data to dc config for bed difference charts.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added processor for new factes in bed difference chart generators.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added facets to bed difference config.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Minor renaming in German i18n2013-04-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Update Layout and add basic UTF-8 support that is still broken2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Do ordering in the data dictionary and replace "null" strings with empty strings2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Request maps from by another url and fix dpi handling2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Localize the _data strings, limit the input in the panel and Search2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Add i18n for mapfish_data variables. A bit ugly because we2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Add saveguard not to include 0 in a scale for logarithmic axes2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Do not autozoom on logarithmic axis. Autozoom tries to include 0 in most cases2013-04-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Also make http part of the mapserver url replaceable2013-04-10, by Andre Heinecke
- Cosmetics.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added basedata and old calculations to middle bedheight dc and added new macros.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Enable the middle bedheight chart generator to draw W facets.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new facet types to middle bedheight chart output.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Renamed 'Werte' to 'Ergebnisausgabe' in client.2013-04-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Fix RangeAccess.getLocations for Reference Curves.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added vimline.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- themes.xml: Fix typo that prevented susp_sediment theme display.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Cosmetics, docs, vimlines.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadFactory: Renamed getLoadwithData to getLoadWithData, update callers.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Workaround for flys/issue1161: Render gauge names into tooltip, too.2013-04-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- configured zoom-scale for river Rhein2013-04-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Temporary remove classification from floodmap plane theme editor (#801).2013-04-11, by Christian Lins
- fix names in features.xml2013-04-11, by Tom Gottfried
- fix diverse name errors in floodmap.xml and rivermap.xml2013-04-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Create floodmap colorrange dynamically from artifact parameters. Theme setting for colorrange classes is currently not functioning (wasn't before either).2013-04-11, by Christian Lins
- FacetTypes: Add sedimentload IS macro.2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1077: Handle overlapping measurement station ranges, refactored Generator,2013-04-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- updated names and URLs in rivermap.xml and floodmap.xml2013-04-11, by Tom Gottfried
- update river names in features.xml2013-04-11, by Tom Gottfried
- Make it compile again.2013-04-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Minor refactoring.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadFacet: Minor refactor.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc and cosmetics.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc, Cosmetics.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- flys/issue1077: Show loads as step line, therefore transform data in2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FacetTypes: New IS macro for sediment load, prep for issue1077.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc and whitespaces.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add vim line.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Whitespace cosmetic.2013-04-10, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WQAdaptedInputPanel: cosmetics in docs.2013-04-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix issue697 (i18n).2013-04-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ComputedDischargeCurveState: Cosmetics.2013-04-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- StaFileParser: take correct substring for gauge number2013-04-10, by Tom Gottfried
- Added old calculations to datacage 'M-INFO Sedimentfracht'.2013-04-10, by Raimund Renkert