- Merged.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed validation in parameter matrix panel. Single selections are allowed now.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Add start and end km of current chart zoomlevel to the context and use these2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- New class for average calculation implementing moving average algorithms.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Generate flow velocity facets based on the type the user selected.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Set the discharge zone type to be able to generate the appropriate facets.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added member variable for discharge zone type.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new member variable for zone type.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Extracted method to calculate the zoomed bound of a chart.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added example config for river 'Elbe' and read the config in context factory.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- New class storing configuration about zoom dependent filter levels.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix reference curve creation.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix differences/Waterlevelartifact.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Change floodmap WMS paths in make_flys_release.2012-12-01, by Christian Lins
- Add pdf export to GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Fix: Don't show the warning if datatype is WQKms2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Remove obsolete MainMenu2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add new CSS for the layout changes2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add a welcome screen to the workspace background2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add i18n message strings for a welcome screen2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Hide the manage project button if the project list is shown2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add methods to hide and show the manage projects button of the header2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Use the FLYSHeader instead of the MainMenu2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Merge the MainMenu into the FLYSHeader2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add methods to hide and show the project list in FLYS class2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add path for the new small BfG logo2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add smaller BfG logo2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- meta-data.xml: Moved 'map' definitions to more appropriate place.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Resolved discharge_longitudinal_section definitions and use2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Moved duration-curve definitions into more appropriate places.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Added 'prototype-macro for longitudinal_sections.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Use floating point calculation for floodmap colors.2012-11-30, by Christian Lins
- Floodmap can now be classified in the range 5 to 20 (incl.).2012-11-29, by Christian Lins
- Doc.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add ManualPoint-handling to SQRelationGenerator.doOut().2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation added.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Allow manual points in bedheight_longitudinal_sections.2012-11-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Enable manual points for s/q diagrams.2012-11-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add the csv export to the GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor ComputedDischargeCurveExporter to support WQKms values and WQKms arrays2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Use constant from DischargeTables for the scaling factor2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor getting the WQKms into it's own method2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Doc.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Allow manual points in flow_velocity diagrams.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Enable manual points in sedimentload ls.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- Work on dynamic color classes for floodmap (work in progress, not yet functional).2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- Merged.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix flys/issue989: manual points in bedheight_middle outs.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- flys-client: Shapefile upload widget readded again (regression).2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- flys-client: Patch to render combobox options as clickable links.2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- i18n fix.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix FLYS logo URL for printing.2012-11-20, by Christian Lins
- flys-client: Map.updateSize() is now called on every windows movement2012-11-20, by Christian Lins
- Workaround for NPE in FloodMapState.2012-11-20, by Christian Lins