- Merge2018-07-02, by mschaefer
- Fixed approx char restaurated, findValue condition for zone name corrected2018-07-02, by mschaefer
- inundationDuration/floodDuration multiple columns+chartLines refactoring2018-07-02, by gernotbelger
- Individual facets/themes for single years i the S-Info collisions output2018-07-02, by mschaefer
- AbstractSInfoLineProcessor refactoring2018-07-02, by gernotbelger
- More work on calculations and output for S-Info flood duration workflow (chart types 1 and 2)2018-07-02, by mschaefer
- Renamed getValues... to fetch...2018-07-01, by mschaefer
- refactoring on processors2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Ignore contents of folder shapefiles, because it contains runtime data2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Compile errors fixed2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- compile error fix2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- 'ca.'-issue2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: used java 7 feature although java 6 comliance level is configured2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Zusammenführen2018-06-29, by gernotbelger
- Formatting2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- sinfo.collisions review2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- uinfo.inundationduration workflow2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- bom for csv export added2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- Minor cleanup and bugfix concerning number formatters2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- Configured tkh theme e.g. ShowLineLabel2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- Implemented 'ShowLineLabel' for area themes.2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: manualpoint did not work for tkh calc mode2018-06-28, by gernotbelger
- code review uinfo.inundationduration2018-06-27, by gernotbelger
- Themes with band now must have 'showarea' set to true.2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: waterlevels could not show a band any more2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: pattern got wrong colors2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- DB-Ports2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- uinfo inundationduration langjähr. Mittel,, Meldung2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- klasse vergessen uinfo2018-06-26, by gernotbelger
- Work on calculations for S-Info flood duration workflow2018-06-25, by mschaefer
- DistancePanel Berechnungsstrecke->Darstellungsbereich Refactoring2018-06-25, by gernotbelger
- modules order change2018-06-25, by gernotbelger
- little work on uinfo.inundationduration2018-06-22, by gernotbelger
- collision details+pdf-export2018-06-22, by gernotbelger
- tab titles from server2018-06-22, by gernotbelger
- tkh cast exception fix2018-06-21, by gernotbelger
- Collisions nullpointer fix2018-06-21, by gernotbelger
- Fixed dateformat with 4-digit year, added query method for collision years of a river2018-06-21, by mschaefer
- Result-Tabs (for collisions)2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- Fixed data datatype to avoid cast exceptions2018-06-20, by mschaefer
- REVERT - Aus Versehen DB-Settings committed2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- uinfo.distance_only Berechnungsstrecke -> Darstellungsbereich HACK2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- layout verrutscht2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- runner lauffähig2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- NICHT COMMITTEN LOCAL DB SETTINGS2018-06-20, by gernotbelger
- Added methods to select collision values and collision counts2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- Added methods to select a gauge's discharge table and main value list; added a main value type key enum2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- Added a getter for any gauge belonging to the km range2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- Added the S-Info collision calculation and chart output2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- Added definitions for the S-Info collision workflow and output2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- Changed to list of DateRange, added methods in DateRange to support year ranges2018-06-19, by mschaefer
- little bugfix on soundings2018-06-14, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-06-14, by mschaefer
- Fixed query semicolon2018-06-14, by mschaefer
- vergessen2018-06-14, by gernotbelger
- gigantic refactoring: exporter, result, results2018-06-14, by gernotbelger
- Updated/added reference data files for S-Info tests2018-06-14, by mschaefer
- Unit testing flowdepthdevelopment added2018-06-12, by gernotbelger