- qdTables all types have to be in.2018-08-10, by gernotbelger
- Implemented first approach of bundu dynamic main value calculation2018-08-09, by mschaefer
- salix historical sounding workflow changed2018-08-09, by gernotbelger
- "Name der Peilung" columname minfo.2018-08-09, by gernotbelger
- Salix-Linie -> Iota2018-08-09, by gernotbelger
- little fixes on links (uinfo, sinfo)2018-08-09, by gernotbelger
- bundu result links2018-08-08, by gernotbelger
- bundu workflow review2018-08-08, by gernotbelger
- bundu missing links 22018-08-08, by gernotbelger
- bundu missing links2018-08-08, by gernotbelger
- sinfo onlinehilfe2018-08-07, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: avoiding NaN exception in BigDecimal rounding2018-08-07, by mschaefer
- Bundu Onlinehilfe Links2018-08-07, by gernotbelger
- links online-hilfe uinfo2018-08-06, by gernotbelger
- handbuch link test2018-08-06, by gernotbelger
- Added datacage for S-Info collision and U-Info salix line, added datacage grouping for previous calculations of collisions, flood durations, salix lines2018-08-06, by mschaefer
- Renaming (predefined...) and own package for database loaded S-Info series of collisions and infrastructure height2018-08-06, by mschaefer
- S-Info flood duration theme rename, and more infrastructure themes in the duration curve2018-08-03, by mschaefer
- Fixed: cm rounding in S-Info flow depth/tkh and U-Info salix via BigDecimal, half_even mode2018-08-03, by mschaefer
- .2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- ungültige utf-chars zerstören messages.properties2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- distance_only_part_validation bugfix2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- seddb accident2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- radio choice fix2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- Fixed U-Info salix mw calculation, added filtered themes, own y axis, warning report2018-08-02, by mschaefer
- Fixed: rounding methods NaN aware in Formatter2018-08-02, by mschaefer
- bundu.bezugswst workflow reviewed2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- sinfo.flowdepth Results.isShowRefGauge==false->spalte ausblenden; result.isShowRefGauge==false&&results.isShowRefGauge==true->result.refGauge=""2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- salix pdf export fix2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: missing commit2018-08-02, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: waterlevels from database should not get the "Bezugspegel" column in the result output.2018-08-01, by gernotbelger
- Refactoring on SalixLineCalculationResult etc., calculation using MQ etc., scenario (regional+supra) csv columns and meta data added2018-08-01, by mschaefer
- Outliers in fixation calculation are now shown within the other 'B' event themes and get a separate symbol (triangle).2018-08-01, by gernotbelger
- Two minor importer changes2018-08-01, by mschaefer
- Fixed: S-Info flood duration Q-D interpolation for non monotonous Q values, NaN instead of -1 in error cases2018-08-01, by mschaefer
- S-Info flood duration: fixed error report output name, changed duration from int to double, added formatter2018-08-01, by mschaefer
- Fixed: missing commit2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: collision themes had fiferent point sizes2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Change theme legend label if interpolated2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- sinfo flowdepth multiple pairs allowed; bugfix arrayOutOfRange hasTkh==false && useTkh==true2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- no tkh bug fixed2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Zusammenführen2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: typo in outliner theme definition2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Show wq outliers within same thems with different symbol: not ready yet2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- salix.regional refactoring2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- validationLabelHeight2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- jasper improvements2018-07-31, by gernotbelger
- Added longitudinal section prototype for S-Info flood duration output datacage2018-07-30, by mschaefer
- Merge2018-07-30, by gernotbelger
- Beseitigung des Fehlers beim Laden eines Projektes2018-07-30, by gernotbelger
- Facet filter added for S-Info collision and flood duration, db loaded artifacts renamed to predefined..2018-07-30, by mschaefer
- Fixed: when selecting waterlevels for 'Fließtiefen': should schow W(Q=xxx) syntax for user waterlevels from fixa.2018-07-30, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: d50 interpolation always with complete river range2018-07-30, by mschaefer
- Flys-Constants Bezugswst Export2018-07-30, by gernotbelger
- bundu bezugswst export little review2018-07-30, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: corrected error condition2018-07-30, by mschaefer
- Fixed: calculation of flow depth and tkh with rounding to cm, calculator return differentiated2018-07-30, by mschaefer
- Fixed: common csv header for W added2018-07-30, by mschaefer