Mercurial > dive4elements > river
- Implemented S-INFO Flowdepth TKH calculation2018-02-22, by mschaefer
- Activated theme 'streckeninformation2018-02-19, by gernotbelger
- Using correct layer names2018-02-19, by gernotbelger
- Reactivatd random stuff2018-02-19, by gernotbelger
- SINFO FlowDepth - slight code cleanup2018-02-15, by gernotbelger
- Flow-depth-axis and tkh-axis are now synchronized at 0. Show baseline for charts with tkhAxis2018-02-15, by gernotbelger
- Introduced ChartExtender that allows to tweak the charts for very specific use cases.2018-02-15, by gernotbelger
- Implemented access to bed measurements2018-02-14, by gernotbelger