- Changes in the chart theme panel will now have an effect on the themes stored at the collection.2011-05-27, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Connected the actions in the navigation panel with the theme list in the ChartThemePanel - themes can be moved now.2011-05-26, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added a navigation panel to the bottom of the theme control panel to move themes up/down (function not implemented yet).2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added a service stub to update/modify the attribute of a collection (used in the theme control panel).2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed a bug in the DefaultTheme that prevented setting the artifact of a Theme correctly.2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- The theme list information stored in the attribute of a collection is read and added in form of Themes and ThemeLists to the Collection.2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Implemented the first step of a theme control panel for charts.2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed needless imports.2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added a new package 'chart' that should be the place where chart relevant classes should be stored. Moved ChartOutputTab into that package.2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Bugfix in the range/location panel - avoid NullPointerExceptions in getData().2011-05-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- ISSUE-90 & ISSUE-40 (part II/II) Former selected values are preselected after back jumps.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added i18n error messages.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Take care on empty Data objects while initializing default values in Location/distance panel.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- ISSUE-85 (part II/III) Repaired broken location/range panel.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- The default values/labels for Data objects are read from DESCRIBE document.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Enhanced the Data object to save default values/labels.2011-05-24, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added a mechanism to listen to changes relating to output modes of collections and artifacts. Solves a part of ISSUE-62.2011-05-23, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Reverted commit that changed the default port of the artifact server.2011-05-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added missing i18n strings for duration curve export.2011-05-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Tagged release 2.3.1 of flys-client.2011-05-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Prepared Changes for release 2.3.12011-05-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- merged flys-backend/ 2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Tagged release 2.3.1 of flys-backend.2011-05-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Prepared Changes for the upcoming release.2011-05-13, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Schema: Added a column which tells if a river counts its km up or downwards.2011-05-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed flys/issue11 and flys51.2011-05-10, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Added unsharp lookup to avoid numerical problems.2011-05-09, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Fix silly bug and set Hibernate session flushing back to auto.2011-05-09, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Change caching strategy not to cause OOM any more.2011-05-09, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Use BigDecimals in hashing to prevent numerical problems. Cache ranges globally, too.2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Only accept main value types 'Q', 'W', 'D' and 'T' by default.2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Cache the discharge table values, too.2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: centralized caching2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Schema: Dropped constraint which forces discharge tables to have a unique time interval for a given gauge and kind.2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: make column names in WST files unique by appending (1), (2) and so on in case of collision2011-05-08, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Import the "HW-Schutzanlagen", too.2011-05-06, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Make import of historical discharge tables work.2011-05-06, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: parse historical discharge tables, too. TODO: store them in database.2011-05-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Prefix "Zusätzliche Längsschnitte" with "Zus.Längsschnitte" in description.2011-05-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Import "Hochwasser-Marken", too.2011-05-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Ignore lines that contain km positions which were found before in the same WST file.2011-05-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- River got a new method that returns all gauges intersected by a given start and end point.2011-05-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Importer: forgot to fetch time interval peer2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Attach a time interval to a discharge table if we find one during import.2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Try to extract time ranges from at files.2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Parse and store "amtliche Linien" wst files.2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: parse and store fixation wst files as well2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Support parsing "zusaetzliche Laengsschnitte".2011-05-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed flys/issue192011-05-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Introduced a 'scale' parameter in Gauge.determineMinMaxW().2011-05-02, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed superfluous import.2011-05-01, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Implemented a WstColumnValue cache to speed up inserting WST files into database.2011-04-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Forgot to add db update to changelog2011-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added a view 'wst_value_table' which aggregates the data to build w/q value tables.2011-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add forgotten one to many relation Wst -> WstColumn.2011-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Import of q ranges of wst files was totally broken.2011-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Importer: Forgot kind parameter in peer fetching query.2011-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added a new method to determine the selected gauge of a river based on a start and end point.2011-04-18, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added 'position' column to wst_columns to allow order them by there column position in the original wst file.2011-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Forget ',' in schema.2011-04-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann