- merged changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Backend: WST parser. Detect ranges of years in column-datum2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix import of source from wst-files2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Backend: Store source of a wst column if available.2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged changes from default into double-precision branchdouble-precision 2013-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Schema change: add new field 'source' to wst_columns, currently only for official linesdouble-precision 2013-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Amtl. Linien: Added report if an official line was found in report.2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- SedimentLoadCalculation: Handle boring cases in total sed load calculation.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1235: Avoid NPE.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1235: sort km when running over them for total sediment load.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadLSGenerator: Added vimline.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- added recommendation for official lines in cross sections2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Amtl. Linien: Fixed problem that only a random official line is detect.2013-06-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- issue1383: Create new facet und resolve issue. Double-click symetry remains.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1383: FixWQCurveGenerator: handle new facet type.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1383: Added new facet type to fix_wq facet compat list, removed culprit longitudinal_section.w for now.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1383: Added new facet type.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixRealizingCompute: Add hsah and id parameter to constructing call of2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixWaterlevelFacet: Turn around hash and stateId parameter in constructor, as in DataFacet.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- fixanalysis: remove event facet (issue1372).2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- fixanalysis.xml: Make longitudinal conf same as in winfo.2013-06-28, by Felix Wolfsteller