- Calculation of Dauerlinie corrected in WInfo (fix wst position according to a reference gauge, km specific discharge instead of that of the gauge);2018-10-11, by mschaefer
- No discharge zone calculation and output for gauges unknown in flys for sinfo collision (Meilenstein 2, 2.2.1)2018-10-04, by mschaefer
- Fixed BedQuality finder2018-10-02, by gernotbelger
- Salix line: reference gauge column removed2018-10-02, by mschaefer
- Tkh: d50 converted to mm for output2018-10-02, by mschaefer
- Reference gauge for salix line always the river's first gauge, all others 'not-in-range'2018-10-02, by mschaefer
- Fixed: consistent gauge assignment with downstream gauge as reference gauge for calc range starting at a gauge range limit2018-10-02, by mschaefer
- Cleanup of MainWstValue code. Cache qPositions once determined.2018-10-02, by gernotbelger
- Set default fitting function to log-inear („W(Q)=a*ln(m*Q+b)“)2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Minor cleanup2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Added more metadata to chart exports2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Allow to edit colors in vegetation zones2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Selection range of D50 values for tkh calculation can now be configured with a river specific table.2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Removed river specific configurations2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Allow to filter datacage entries by module-roles of current user.2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Standard vegetation zones initially visible.2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Put iota cross section results in own data cage folder; working now2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Changed order of iota result themes2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Separate axis for iota results2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Formatting2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Added default vegetation zones tzo iota result map.2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Fixed merge problem and null pointer exception2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Zusammenführen2018-10-01, by gernotbelger
- Wrong/not translated column2018-09-28, by gernotbelger
- Error message added if no bed height found for a calc range2018-10-01, by mschaefer
- Fixed: f2 sign corrected in vegetation zone height calculation, vegetation zone limit handling changed in the importer2018-10-01, by mschaefer
- Comments changed for vegetation_zone.min/max..days2018-09-28, by mschaefer
- New predefined artifact2018-09-28, by gernotbelger
- Predefined artifact for standard vegetation zones.2018-09-28, by gernotbelger
- Bezugspegel-assignment changed for coinciding gauge and calculation range (Meilenstein-2 2.2.4)2018-09-28, by mschaefer
- No rounding during calculation (Meilenstein-2 2.4.2 and 2.9), delta-w-cm as double (for historical scenario)2018-09-28, by mschaefer
- Fixed: no rounding during calculations (Meilenstein-2 2.9)2018-09-28, by mschaefer
- Comment changed for vegetation_zone.max_overflow_days2018-09-28, by mschaefer
- legend cs vegizone2018-09-27, by gernotbelger
- Merge2018-09-27, by gernotbelger
- VegetationZones in CrossSectionsDiagram2018-09-27, by gernotbelger
- Zusammenführen2018-09-27, by gernotbelger
- Enabled logging of saml-group-name in log-ing logfile.2018-09-27, by gernotbelger
- stripedArea introduced for Assessment Scheme/Bewertungsschema2018-09-26, by gernotbelger
- Datenkorb bezugswasserstände längsschnitte + minor fixes2018-09-25, by gernotbelger
- Changed main value calculations from calendar year to Abflussjahr, modified time range determination accordingly2018-09-24, by mschaefer
- collisions multiple epochs ui input2018-09-21, by gernotbelger
- Meilenstein-2-Rücklauf Punkt 2.2.4 Angabe des Bezugspegels2018-09-20, by gernotbelger
- Temporarily: log sinfo meanbedheight formatting2018-09-19, by mschaefer
- Fixed: rounding problems in iota/salix scenario calculation2018-09-19, by mschaefer
- Fixed: Sinfo flood duration duration curves with km specific Q2018-09-18, by mschaefer
- Fixed: finding attributes record first case sensitive, insensitive then as fallback2018-09-18, by mschaefer
- Sinfo collisions: calculation of multiple epochs, avoiding duplicate collision events in the details report2018-09-18, by mschaefer
- pdf exports added for fixation+bundu (waterlevel)2018-09-17, by gernotbelger
- Bezugspegel Winfo.Wspl + Fix.Awspl fix2018-09-17, by gernotbelger
- Karten-Tab-Bug2018-09-17, by gernotbelger
- wms uinfo.inundation2018-09-13, by gernotbelger
- standard veg'zone data cage fix2018-09-12, by gernotbelger
- TSV introduced; uinfo.inundationWMS-Config2018-09-12, by gernotbelger
- Fixed bundu bzws bedheightfinder todos, added types for excavation volume and costs total2018-09-10, by mschaefer
- i18n TODO "benutzerdefiniert" = "custom" fixed2018-09-10, by gernotbelger
- translation review2018-09-10, by gernotbelger
- Disable Intelligent Data Cage Filtering2018-09-10, by gernotbelger
- Changed duration numbers2018-09-10, by gernotbelger
- Gauge Level i18n2018-09-07, by gernotbelger