- Added new model classes for gauges.2012-03-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Disable spinnerbox if theme is disabled.2012-03-20, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Make synchron navigation of CrossSections a per-theme option, not global one.2012-03-20, by Felix Wolfsteller
- i18n and moved reference selectbox for cross section master to top.2012-03-20, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix flys/issue4622012-03-20, by Felix Wolfsteller
- #204 Modified i18n strings in WQD table.2012-03-20, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Configured more external WMS services for floodmaps.2012-03-19, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Issue 493.2012-03-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Tagged module 'flys-client' as 'pre2.7-2012-03-16'.2012-03-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Issue 630.2012-03-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Issue 508.2012-03-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Issue 514.2012-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Issue 616.2012-03-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Issue 563.2012-03-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Issue 553.2012-03-08, by Raimund Renkert
- Added i18n strings used in the floodmaps section of the datacage.2012-03-08, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Deactivate measure control when activating GetFeatureInfo control and reverse.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Made GetFeatureInfo request available for maps with one layer only.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Deactivate GetFeatureInfo button if another toggle button is pressed.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed the scrollbar placeholder of the project list.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed the scrollbar gap in the theme panels.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added I18N string for digital elevation models.2012-03-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Partial fix flys/issue624 (removing cross section).2012-03-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix issue621 (areas against removed themes).2012-03-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- #557 Fixed wrong i18n string for tooltip in map controls.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #558 Reload GetLegendGraphics images when changing the style of a map layer.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #555 Close existing GetFeatureInfoWindows before creating new ones.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Query GetFeatureInfo for active layers only.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed the Collection's UUID from CollectionView's title.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Issue 572.2012-03-01, by Raimund Renkert
- Display better message for empty datacages.2012-03-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Fixed Issue 498.2012-03-01, by Raimund Renkert
- fix flys/issue613 . cap max point size.2012-03-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Renamed state data fields for W/Q input.2012-02-17, by Raimund Renkert
- #459 Take the current zoom into account for chart exports.2012-02-17, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed server url from chart image link.2012-02-17, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Print debug messages for zoom values in ChartOutputServiceIMpl.2012-02-17, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Refactored the wq input data fields.2012-02-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Modified german translation of qps in floodmap datacage.2012-02-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- merged flys-backend/ 2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- flys/issue499: Sort the values of the discharge table by Q.2012-02-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged flys-artifacts/2.6.12012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Picked rev 4070,4074,4076,4080 from trunk.2012-02-17, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Picked rev 4058,4063,4065,4068,4069 from trunk.2012-02-17, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Picked rev4061 from trunk.2012-02-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Fix flys/issue150 ('water increasing').2012-02-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fixed broken HYKs in crosssection charts for river Mosel.2012-02-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Another partial fix for flys/issue499: Do the W to Q conversions2012-02-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann