- Partial fix issue1532: at least clone artifacts data when cloning2014-02-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Upcoming issue1532: Extracted method where 'cloning/initialize' takes place.2014-02-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue1549: Add live-validation to wsplgen to-field.2014-02-11, by Felix Wolfsteller
- issue765: When creating a WMSLayerFacet copy, also copy original2014-02-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Schema correction following yesterday's brain failure.2014-02-07, by Tom Gottfried
- merged2014-02-06, by Tom Gottfried
- SCHEMA CHANGE: renamed uuid-column to avoid collision with data type.2014-02-06, by Tom Gottfried
- Implement deepCopy on WMSLayerFacet WMSDBLayerFacet and WSPLGENLayerFacet2014-02-06, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SCHEMA CHANGE: Add UUIDs to rivers.2014-02-06, by Tom Gottfried
- (issue1692) Ãberarbeitetes Init script2014-02-04, by Andre Heinecke
- This was obsolete since r5294.2014-01-31, by Tom Gottfried
- Server side validation for flys/issue1549.2014-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Cross section importer: avoid logging of unused feature.2014-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- Close branch slt-simplify-cross-sections.slt-simplify-cross-sections 2014-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- Merge slt-simplify-cross-sections branch into default.2014-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- Merged2014-01-20, by Sascha L. Teichmann