- Some minor changes on chart: allow area-themes to consider range; allow for axis-margins2018-02-14, by gernotbelger
- Work on SINFO-FlowDepth2018-02-13, by gernotbelger
- Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth2018-02-09, by gernotbelger
- Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth2018-02-09, by gernotbelger
- Slightly better abstraction for extraction waterlevels via datacage2018-02-09, by gernotbelger
- Added tag 3.2.2 for changeset de423c2a3c1b3.2.x 2018-02-09, by Tom Gottfried
- Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth2018-02-09, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: reverting removal of module-localization because it is also used at a different place2018-02-09, by gernotbelger
- Some work on SINFO FlowDepth2018-02-08, by gernotbelger
- Allow access to staticwqkms data; also allow to acces by km range2018-02-08, by gernotbelger
- Fixed: strange tweak in w-diferences panel always returned staticwkms factory instead of the original one. In sinfo we need the original one though.2018-02-08, by gernotbelger
- Fixed some minro layout problems and initial selection.2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Removed obsolete client side module localization2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Just c comment describing an existing bug2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Introduced groups for modules. Modules marked with the same group-id, will be put together in the ui.2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Introduced groups for modules. Modules marked with the same group-id, will be put together in the ui.2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Fixed some typos2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Fixed typo2018-02-07, by gernotbelger
- Checkstyle: define header inline.3.2.x 3.2.2 2018-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- Build script: Do not require branch or tag in all repositories.3.2.x 2018-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- URL-encode URLs (potentially) containing invalid characters.3.2.x 2018-01-22, by Tom Gottfried
- Encode fixation preview image-URL with GWT-means.3.2.x 2018-01-19, by Tom Gottfried
- Some work on flow depth exporter2018-01-19, by gernotbelger
- Introduced new number formats for some new data types2018-01-19, by gernotbelger
- Introduced new FLYS constants class that contains the version number2018-01-19, by gernotbelger
- Merge with 0862ea5d66baf60e7eee496d130a35157cc9ec122018-01-19, by gernotbelger
- Add Checkstyle configuration.3.2.x 2018-01-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix license headers.3.2.x 2018-01-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix diverse coding issues.3.2.x 2018-01-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix code style.3.2.x 2018-01-18, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove unused test code.3.2.x 2018-01-18, by Tom Gottfried
- SINFO - first prototype of BArt Fließtiefen2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Some source code comments and fixme's2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Refaktored the DatacageTwinPanel so it is reusable.2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Generalized the FloodplainChoice to a reusable BooleanChoiceState2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Better helper for acessing gauges by station2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Using varargs for message arguments2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Reverting test commit2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Testcommit2018-01-18, by gernotbelger
- Remove unused classes.2018-01-16, by Tom Gottfried
- Documenting comment.2018-01-16, by Tom Gottfried
- Encode print URL with GWT-means.2018-01-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Mark constants final.2018-01-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Whitespace cosmetics.2018-01-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Add missing copyright headers.2018-01-12, by Tom Gottfried
- Fix client build.2017-06-29, by Tom Gottfried
- Add configurable time tolerance to SAML ticket validation.2017-06-28, by Tom Gottfried
- Use the webservers log for MapServer.2017-05-30, by Tom Gottfried
- ETL: Add shell parameters for config to run script.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Move README to doc as to include it in package.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- ETL: use Java 7, include run-script and docs when packaging.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- ETL: Update some dependencies.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove unused binaries.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Do not ignore JARs generally.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove obsolete paragraph in README.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Ignore TAGS file.2017-05-17, by Tom Gottfried
- Geo-Importer: Install dependencies directly on target system.2017-05-16, by Tom Gottfried
- Remove outdated script.2017-05-16, by Tom Gottfried
- Upgrade importer to GDAL 1.11.2017-05-16, by Tom Gottfried
- Whitespace cleanup.2017-05-16, by Tom Gottfried