- mergedami 2013-02-19, by Tom Gottfried
- SCHEMA CHANGE: removed obsolete table 'lines' from spatial schema (now 'hws_lines')dami 2013-02-19, by Tom Gottfried
- Add message if DGM import is skippeddami 2013-02-19, by Andre Heinecke
- Do not skip hws_lines when skip hws_points is truedami 2013-02-19, by Andre Heinecke
- Corrected typo in field namedami 2013-02-19, by Tom Gottfried
- flys/#657: Shapefile upload service returns success or failure to client (i18n tbd)2013-02-18, by Christian Lins
- flys/#657: Shapefile upload now reports success or failure to client.2013-02-18, by Christian Lins
- Importer doc: Update installation documentation.dami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Importer: Behold, Logging!dami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Importer: Fix directory paths and river name encodingdami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix imports of ogr, this removes a warning in gdal 1.9 but keepsdami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Importer: Fix fieldname of "official" in the new feature and set itdami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Importer HWS: case insensitive matching for HWS_KIND and FED_STATESdami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix syntax errordami 2013-02-15, by Andre Heinecke