- Append artifact recommendations to the artifact's describe document.2011-07-14, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Adapted a method signature of FLYSContextFactory to apply the changes in the artifact database.2011-07-14, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Debugged the water fill algorithm.2011-07-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added a monitor that creates new artifacts for default themes in charts and maps.2011-07-14, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Add Swing standalone app to test/develope cross sections directly from database.2011-07-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Introduced a new output 'floodmap' for the FloodMapState.2011-07-13, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Fixed corner case.2011-07-12, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Generate water level lines for given cross section.2011-07-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Artifacts and Collections now support the 'type' member of Outputs.2011-07-08, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed a type from transition model.2011-07-06, by Ingo Weinzierl
- The DataFacets are now able to store the ID of the create which created them.2011-07-06, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Facets created by the WaterlevelState store information about state's id and artifact's hash value now.2011-07-06, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Changed the desired UI provider for the WaterlevelGroundDifferences state.2011-07-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Enhanced the transition model to continue the parameterization in the waterlevel state to compute flood maps.2011-07-05, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Fix(?) for flys/issue1142011-07-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added the math needed to calculate "W-Differenzen" in "Laengsschnitten"2011-07-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- An initial implementation to render chart series based on the XML configuration in themes.xml.2011-07-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #135 Modified the way to store datasets for different chart axes.2011-07-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added the option to call the distance info service with a filter to fetch locations or distances only.2011-07-01, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #159 Modifications in the transition model to support a state with a kilometer range input only.2011-06-30, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Downgraded Trove to 1.1-beta-52011-06-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed the JBoss Maven repository.2011-06-28, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Tagged RELEASE 2.4 of flys-artifacts.2011-06-28, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Tagged RELEASE 2.5 of flys-client.2011-09-19, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Improved the DEM datacage panel to display the DEMs only.2011-09-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Hide geometry layer in floodmap when tab selection changes.2011-09-16, by Raimund Renkert
- Made DatacageTwinPanel somewhat usable.2011-09-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added loadMany-function to LoadArtifactService.2011-09-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Rollback for input assistance of "Q/D" table.2011-09-16, by Raimund Renkert
- #259 Refresh charts after loading new Themes / Artifacts from Datacage.2011-09-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #259 Use the LoadArtifactService to clone Artifacts and add them to the current Collection.2011-09-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Clone Artifacts and add them to the current Collection in the WspDatacagePanel.2011-09-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Create new collections initially when starting a new project.2011-09-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Validate than the input field for single locations contains a single value.2011-09-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Added formatter for numeric columns that converts the decimal separator.2011-09-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Refactored server code - HTTP related code moved to ArtifactsHelper and CollectionHelper which makes us able to combine Artifact and Collection protocol stuff in a single RPC service.2011-09-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Changed table header string and set the column width to percental value.2011-09-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Changed columns to the correct type for most tables.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Changed i18n string for "Q/D" table header.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added stubs for two datacage panels - one for choosing waterlevels, one for choosing DEMs.2011-09-14, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Changed i18n string for search field label.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- New widget for future use.2011-09-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Changed style for loading panel.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Refactored DatacageWidget to allow reuse in other use-cases.2011-09-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fixed a problem with renaming collection view title and duplicating projects.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Update the collection view title when the project name changes.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed the table listener for "Q" input. The table is no longer used2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Clear the table filter on tab selection change and input method change.2011-09-14, by Raimund Renkert