- Fix loading former derivative curves in fixation analysis artifacts DC.2012-10-17, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add data for the gauge name to the GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact2012-10-17, by Björn Ricks
- Made DoubleUtil.explode() more robust against invalid result array sizes.2012-10-17, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added tag flys-2.9.3 for changeset ff74ff82f2d42012-10-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add theme for gauge discharge curve artifactflys-2.9.3 2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Add a new panel to show settings of a gauge discharge curve2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Set uiprovider on the state2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Override describe method to return also a uiprovider.2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Store a StaticState class in staticstate member variable2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Change visibility of createOutputModes to protected.2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Avoid NullPointerException if help text is null.2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Avoid another possible NullPointerException in GaugeTree2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Avoid possible NullPointerException in openOnLocation method.2012-10-16, by Björn Ricks
- Added evaluation timerange to subtitle of historical discharge curve charts.2012-10-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added date to release package. strip OpenLayers a bit2012-10-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Workaround for #9612012-10-16, by Christian Lins
- Merged.2012-10-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Prevent crash when input helper panel is used differently.2012-10-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Cosmetics, documentation.2012-10-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-10-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Merged.2012-10-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #930 Added unit [cm] of discharge tables to the facet description of historical discharge curves if calculation mode is W.2012-10-16, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Fix issue946 (own style for wkms annotation facets in wq diagrams).2012-10-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix typo2012-10-16, by Christian Lins
- Fix for part a) and c) in issue #9182012-10-15, by Björn Ricks
- Change updateUserCollections visibility to public2012-10-15, by Björn Ricks
- Merged heads.2012-10-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #904 Use the correct scale to convert discharge table values into [cm].2012-10-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Open gauge and river info in a new browser window2012-10-15, by Björn Ricks
- #548 Fetch historical discharge table values with SCALE=1.2012-10-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Importer: Ignore historical discharge tables.2012-10-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- AFT: Ignored tables with unset GUELTIG_VON or GUELTIG_BIS values.2012-10-15, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged heads.2012-10-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- #543 Validate date range in client gauge time range selection state.2012-10-15, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Cosmetics, warnings and minor TODOs.2012-10-15, by Christian Lins
- Improve warning when user does not select a waterlevel calculation (#914)2012-10-14, by Christian Lins
- NPE fix when comparing Double with double2012-10-14, by Christian Lins
- Fix for NPE in FLYSWorkspace.bringUp() #9332012-10-14, by Christian Lins
- More fixes for #897: missing resource exceptions when handling other exceptions2012-10-14, by Christian Lins
- Improvements for issue945/6 (separate w and q mainvalues in DC).2012-10-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Improvements for issue945/1 (DC)2012-10-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Improvements for issue949 (q and w facets for official lines).2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Improvements on issue934/4 (double annotations/DC).2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- In 'annotations per type' - section of DC, also add an 'all'-node.2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix 943/3: Show flood-protections in WSP DC.2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Register new ui provider.2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-10-12, by Felix Wolfsteller