2013-04-12 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added facets to bed difference config.
2013-04-12 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new facet types to middle bedheight chart output.
2013-04-10 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added old calculations to datacage 'M-INFO Sedimentfracht'.
2013-04-08 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new elements to M-INFO datacage.
2013-04-04 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added bed quality facets to flow velocity datacage.
2013-03-25 |
Raimund Renkert |
Use new state 'outlier mehtod selection' in SQ-relation.
2013-01-22 |
Bettina Gruenbauer |
insert helpText for .sq.
2013-01-22 |
Bettina Gruenbauer |
insert helpTexts
2013-01-21 |
Bettina Gruenbauer |
changing helpText static URL to id
2012-12-13 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new facets for filtered bed height diffs to have filtered and raw data.
2012-12-13 |
Raimund Renkert |
Generate new facets to have raw and filtered data in flow velocity chart.
2012-11-28 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Allow manual points in bedheight_longitudinal_sections.
2012-11-28 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Enable manual points for s/q diagrams.
2012-11-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Allow manual points in flow_velocity diagrams.
2012-11-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Enable manual points in sedimentload ls.
2012-11-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Fix flys/issue989: manual points in bedheight_middle outs.
2012-11-15 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new facet type to sediment load calculation.
2012-11-15 |
Björn Ricks |
Handle also the bedheight facet in minfo bedheight_middle output
2012-11-14 |
Raimund Renkert |
Additional transitions and outs for MINFO sediment load calculation.
2012-11-09 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
minfo.xml: Add discharge facet to compat list of flow_velocity out.
2012-11-08 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Add new facet to flow velocity outs compat list.
2012-11-07 |
Björn Ricks |
Add datacage for minfo and longitudinal_section.w from fixanalysis
2012-11-07 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Backed out changeset e8a4d2fd25cc
2012-11-07 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of sedimentload_ls out.
2012-11-05 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of flow-velocity outs.
2012-11-02 |
Björn Ricks |
Add facets for fixanalysis data from the datacage
2012-11-02 |
Raimund Renkert |
New facet and result set for sediment load.
2012-10-29 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added serverside service for sediment load info.
2012-10-23 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added config and states for sediment load calculation in MINFO module.
2012-09-21 |
Raimund Renkert |
Bedheight difference calculation has chart outpus now.
2012-09-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Merged revisions 5501-5502,5504-5508,5511-5513,5516-5519 via svnmerge from
2012-09-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Use data of bed quality facets to fill the chart.
2012-09-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Splitted up facets for porosity and density into two facets: a toplayer and a sublayer facet for each. BedQualityState will now create facets based on the calculation result.
2012-09-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Renamed input parameters of MINFO flow velocity calculation.
2012-09-12 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new services to render overview charts in minfo bed quality calculation
2012-09-12 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Created the initial structure for MINFO bed quality chart generation.
2012-09-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Merged revisions 5375,5379,5382 via svnmerge from
2012-08-31 |
Raimund Renkert |
MINFO: Added states and config for bed quality calculation.
2012-08-28 |
Raimund Renkert |
MINFO: Implemented UI and facet/artifact stack for bed height differences.
2012-07-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
S/Q: Extented the result data model of the S/Q calculation to
2012-07-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Use a new state - specific for SQ relation - for the period input in the SQ relation.
2012-07-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Limited the input of time periods in SQ relation calculation to 1.
2012-07-13 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added overview output for sq relation. Currently the overview generator is
2012-06-28 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
SQ: finished the access stuff.
2012-06-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added component stubs for SQ relation calculation.
2012-06-11 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added states and transitions for S-Q-relation.
2012-05-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added chart generator for middle bed height charts.
2012-05-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added states and improved transition model for MINFO middle bed height calculation.
2012-05-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Create chart facets for flow velocity calculation and a chart generator for this.
2012-05-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added state, calculation and csv exporter for MINFO flow velociy calculation.
2012-05-15 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the states for MINFO flow velocity calculation.
2012-05-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Started module MINFO (MINFOArtifact, state to choose calculations, configurations).