2012-10-08 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Move ChangeLog entry to right ChangeLog.
2012-10-01 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
2012-09-30 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed superflous imports.
2012-09-28 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted the spatial schema for DEMs and the DgmSqlConverter.
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
fix issue862/1.
2012-09-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new method to RiverAxis to query a special kind of river axes (default, official, outsourced).
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
fix issue863: Handle missing data points for epoch bed height data.
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Documentation (d o c u m e n t a t i o n).
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Let importer handle gappy single bed height values.
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Cosmetics, docs.
2012-09-27 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Towards fix for issue863 (gaps in bedheight data).
2012-09-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Code simplification. Removed trailing whietspace.
2012-09-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
2012-09-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted postgresql spatial schema and fixed a bug in the geo importer.
2012-09-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Some minor bugfixes for MINFO import.
2012-09-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted PostgreSQL spatial schema.
2012-09-24 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Remove fetchInfoURL methods from River and gauge
2012-09-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Added 'official_number' column to rivers table to model the 'Bundeswasserstrassen Identnummer'.
2012-09-21 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Change methods names until the url is really be fetched from the db
2012-09-21 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Add a new method to River and Gauge classes to return a http url for additional
2012-09-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Store minfo values into database only if their peer has been successfully stored.
2012-09-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed trailing whitespace.
2012-09-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing GrainFraction type to parser; accept 'Querprofil' as valid BedHeightType during MINFO import.
2012-09-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved logging and stabilized minfo import.
2012-09-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged 'flys-backend' as 2.9.1
2012-09-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed broken loops to find the bed height epochs and singles for a given river and km range.
2012-09-13 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Made importer more robust
2012-09-13 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Added flag to invert skipping behaviour by default. Makes importing single features much easier.
2012-09-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FLYS backend: Fixed postgresql scheme.
2012-09-12 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Add new method determineMinMaxQ to the River class to fetch the mimimum and maximum q values
2012-09-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FYLS-Backend: Bring MINFO schemes of Oracle and PostgreSQL back in sync.
2012-09-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Java 1.5 -> 1.6
2012-09-10 |
Christian Lins |
Remove obsolet method
2012-09-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: 'Pegelinfo' needs min/max Q, too.
2012-09-10 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Add method fetchMinMaxWQ to Gauge
2012-09-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Moved some code over from flys-artifacts.
2012-09-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged 'flys-backend' as 2.9
2012-09-07 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Rename method to satisfy hibernate
2012-09-06 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Used wrong class in ChangeLog message
2012-09-06 |
Bjoern Ricks |
Add getDurationCurveData method to Gauge class
2012-08-30 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Removed conflict markers from ChangeLog.
2012-08-30 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue821 (cross sections beyond 500m).
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added run scripts for both importers.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed typo.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Corrected name of run scripts for importers in docu.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added error description of geo importer; fixed bugs.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed broken method call in geo importer.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added hint for root permission in documentation.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added 'path' attribute to each geo relation; adapted the shape importer to set the path for each feature.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finalized geo part of importer documentation; set document revision and date.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added manual line breaks.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed bugs during PDF creation.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed bugs in hydrological and morphological documentation.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Describe unpack process and schema creation.
2012-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Describe connection error in geo importer.
2012-08-29 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Documented install steps for Oracle Instantclient, Python and GDAL.
2012-08-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Describe Log4J configuration in importer documentation.
2012-08-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Mention the structure of a river directory and describe the morphological file import in the german documentation.
2012-08-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixes and structural changes in the german documentation.
2012-08-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Transfered README into latex documentation (german).
2012-08-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Importer: Documented which hydrological files are taken into account.
2012-08-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Importer: Documented the classification of the annotations.
2012-08-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Importer: Documented the db credentials.
2012-08-24 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Completed the error messages of the importer.
2012-08-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Initial checkin of documentation of importer and shape importer.
2012-08-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Mention backend warnings in importer.
2012-08-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Mention backend errors in importer.
2012-08-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Added first part of the importer documentation.
2012-08-23 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Shape importer: modified structure of run.sh script.
2012-08-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Shape importer: added command line option dry_run to supress database transactions.
2012-08-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Shape importer: use python's OptionParse to read user specific configuration from command line.
2012-08-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added FastAnnotation.Annotation.toString()
2012-07-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged module flys-backend as '2.8.1'.
2012-07-18 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Adjusted official lines views schemata to include wst column pos.
2012-07-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged flys-backend module as '2.8'.
2012-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed same package imports.
2012-07-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
MapResultTransformer: Added static INSTANCE because its stateless.
2012-07-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Strategy to directly transform native SQL results into Maps.
2012-07-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fix for issue 359
2012-07-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Added DB indices for fasten access to cross section points.
2012-07-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Partial fix for flys/issue697: Increased the decimal places of Ws, Qs and Kms to 5.
2012-07-03 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Set correct connection provider class which package had changed in the last commit.
2012-07-03 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed broken package declaration in DBCPConnectionProvider.
2012-06-29 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backend: Added views to access the 'Amtlichen Linien'.
2012-06-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FLYS backend: Removed trailing whitespace.
2012-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
SedDB: Make access to SedDB configurable over conf.xml and provide access to sessions.
2012-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added Hibernate access class to SedDB
2012-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
flys-backend: Re-establish cross platform compatibilty again.
2012-06-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing 'name' property and a new function to retrieve CrossSectionTracks.
2012-06-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Store sq relations into database after parsing.
2012-06-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added parser and import classes to import MINFO sq relations.
2012-06-12 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Cleared some irritating debug messages.
2012-06-12 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the import process to read MINFO specific 'Messstellen'.
2012-06-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added Override annotation.
2012-06-11 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added filter for annotation names.
2012-06-08 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Fix comment.
2012-06-08 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Make it run again by removing hibernate annotation.
2012-06-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved minfo db schema and added model classes for s/q relation.
2012-06-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed superfluous imports.
2012-05-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged module flys-backend as '2.7'.
2012-05-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added lower and upper km to functions that return bed height singles and epochs for a given river.
2012-05-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed a typo.
2012-05-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added functions to retrieve bed height single and epoch values based on its owner and km range.
2012-05-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added functions to BedHeightSingle and BedHeightEpoch to get instances from db by id or river.
2012-05-15 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added functions to retrieve data from database.
2012-05-15 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added DischargeZone.getDischargeZones() that returns all DischargeZones for a given river.
2012-05-10 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new model class GaugeLocation for storing locations of gauges.
2012-05-10 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added HydrBoundary and HydrBoundaryPoly and adapted method signatures of Line and Building.
2012-05-10 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
The python crosssectiontrack importer now also searches for 'STATION' field to extract the current km.
2012-05-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Modified Hws.getHws() to retrieve more specific hws.
2012-05-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Modified Catchment.getCatchments() to retrieve specific catchments.
2012-05-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Changed the geometry type of 'catchments' from polygon to multipolygon.
2012-05-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added an sql script to insert dems for Saar, Mosel and Elbe into database.
2012-05-04 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
New shape importers and schema modifications.
2012-05-03 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added further shape importers and added the option to reproject shapes during the import process.
2012-05-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Use Doubles to store meassure points of profiles.
2012-04-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed superfluous imports.
2012-04-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Adjusted PostgreSQL port of MINFO schema to match Oracle one.
2012-04-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted annotation types.
2012-04-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added SQL file to drop WINFO specific db schema.
2012-04-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Made SQL instructions upper case.
2012-04-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added an SQL file to drop the spatial schema.
2012-04-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the python shapefile importer.
2012-04-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Repaired broken oracle spatial schema.
2012-04-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Parse and store MINFO waterlevel differences; added config option to skip this process.
2012-04-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a parser and importer classes used to import waterlevel differences.
2012-04-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing constraint to relation 'waterlevel_difference'.
2012-04-25 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Fix for wrong method name in WaterlevelDifferenceValue hibernated class.
2012-04-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added model classes for MINFO specific waterlevel differences.
2012-04-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the db schema to store MINFO specific waterlevel differences.
2012-04-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Completed the MINFO waterlevel import.
2012-04-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Prepared the importer to import MINFO specific waterlevel values and added a stub for a parser.
2012-04-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added importer classes used for MINFO specific waterlevel import.
2012-04-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new model classes for MINFO specific waterlevel data.
2012-04-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added MINFO specific waterlevel relations.
2012-04-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a parser for sediment yield files; started parsing and store values in db.
2012-04-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added config option to skip parsing sediment yield data and prepared the importer to read/store those data.
2012-04-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new importer classes for importing sediment yield data.
2012-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new model classes for sediment yield data.
2012-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing river_id column to sediment_yield relation.
2012-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed superflous imports.
2012-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the db schema to store sediment yield values.
2012-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finished flow velocity data import: finished parsing meta data of model files and repaired broken HQL statements.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new parser for flow velocity measurements and fixed some smaller bugs while importing flow velocity data.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added importer classes used during the import process of flow velocity measurements.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new model classes for storing flow velocity measurements.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added MINFO specific relations for flow velocity measurements.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a parser for flow velocity model data and adjusted the db relation schema (missing q column).
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added temp classes used during the import process of flow velocity data.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Prepared the importer to parse flow velocity files and added a config option to skip that process.
2012-04-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new model classes for MINFO specific flow velocity.
2012-04-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the oracle db schema for MINFO specific flow velocity values.
2012-04-13 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Add MINFO schema for PostgreSQL
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing annotation in MorphologicalWidth for values.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added parser for parsing morphological widths.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a config option to skip parsing morphological widths.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tiny schema modification specific to MINFO morphological width values; added importer classes.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the MIFNO DB schema for morphological width and added model classes.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finished parsing MINFO specific sediment density.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented the method stubs of the parser for sediment density and made some db schema adaptions.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new parser (stub) to read MINFO sediment density files; prepared import process to handle those files.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new config option to skip parsing MINFO sediment density values.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new importer classes used during MINFO sediment density import.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the MINFO db schema and added model classes for storing sediment density values specific to a river and depth.
2012-04-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finished importing MINFO bed heights (single and epoch).
2012-04-12 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented model classes and importer classes for bed height epochs.
2012-04-12 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finished work on MINFO bed heights (single).
2012-04-11 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Finished work on parsing meta information and data specific to single bed heights files in MINFO.
2012-04-11 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Some oracle db schema adaptions specific to bed heights in MINFO.
2012-04-11 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Initial checkin for parsing MINFO bed heights.
2012-04-11 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
First things for MINFO specific database schema.
2012-03-29 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new config option to specify a INFO.gew file by system property.
2012-03-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted the column type of relation 'dem' in oracle-spatial schema.
2012-03-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Registered missing Floodmaps and set its Geometry type to Geometry.
2012-03-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged module 'flys-backend' as 'pre2.7-2012-03-16'.
2012-03-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Modified the oracle db schema (relation 'floodmaps').
2012-03-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added model class for 'floodmaps'.
2012-03-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a python tool to import shapefiles into database.
2012-03-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted the PostgreSQL schema for floodmaps.
2012-03-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Improved the db schema for storing existing floodmaps.
2012-03-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted wrong method call of Log4J logger.
2012-03-02 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Fix or workaround flys/issue632, avoid NPE.
2012-02-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
flys/issue499: Sort the values of the discharge table by Q.
2012-02-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a method Gauge.fetchMasterDischargeTable() to retrieve the discharge table with kind = 0.
2012-02-06 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
River: (fix) Renamed function which is not a getter.
2012-02-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a method to build a map from gauge stations to the datums of the gauges.
2012-01-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added meachnism to backend to fetch all annotation related data in one go.
2012-01-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a function Gauge.getGaugeByOfficialNumber() that returns a Gauge based on its official number.
2012-01-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Create fast cross section lines in the backend now.
2012-01-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
CrossSection: Added method to extract the lines of a given km range.
2012-01-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
CrossSectionLine: Simplified creation of Point2Ds.
2012-01-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Make parsing of official numbers out of STA files being enabled with new system property.
2012-01-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
backend: Fixed spatial table hws.
2012-01-05 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Modified the signature of RiverAxis.getRiverAxis() which now returns a list of RiverAxis objects instead of a single instance.
2012-01-03 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new method Wst.determineMinMaxQFree() to determine the min/max Qs at a given kilometer.
2012-01-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed "NOT NULL" constraint from gauges.range_id because there are gauges which dont have a Gueltigkeitsbereich.
2011-12-28 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new method Wst.determineMinMaxQ(double,double).
2011-12-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added support for official gauge numbers.
2011-11-30 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
doc/schema/oracle-spatial.sql: Adjust extent of germany to EPSG:31467 (GK3) coordinates.
2011-11-30 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
doc/schema/oracle-spatial.sql: Adjusted extent to the extent of germany and srs to 31467 in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
2011-11-29 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Fixed oracle_create_user.sql script: Fixed notation of the table in the alter statement.
2011-11-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed flys/issue415: Increased precision of a and b in ranges.
2011-11-10 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added functions that return lists of Buildings/Fixpoints to according classes.
2011-11-10 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adapted 'lines' relation and made lines queryable for a given river.
2011-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added and registered a model Catchment for 'catchment' relation.
2011-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added model for 'hws' relation and synced postgis with oracle spatial schema.
2011-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added some functions that return information about the db connection used by the current database session.
2011-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Made flys-backend compatible with oracle spatial.
2011-11-01 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added model class for relation 'river_axes_km'.
2011-10-25 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added explizit TABLESPACE definition for the user.
2011-10-25 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Adjusted oracle_create_user.sql script. Added USER SQL snippet to change tablespace to users.
2011-10-24 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added date guesser for WST columns.
2011-10-24 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Adjusted geometry type for floodplain and hws in AddGeometryColumn.
2011-10-19 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added missing views (wst_value_table,wst_w_values,wst_q_values).
2011-10-18 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Removed all CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER statements.
2011-10-17 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Adjusted NUMBER format for units, positions and cross_section_points tables.
2011-10-11 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Fixed errors.
2011-10-10 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Adjust oracle schema [I382]
2011-10-10 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Removed obsolete imports.
2011-10-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
units table: Added update statements for existing databases
2011-10-05 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a schema dump shell script.
2011-10-04 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed the Unit from Wsts - added a WstUnit column to rivers.
2011-10-04 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added db table, model class and importer stuff for units.
2011-10-04 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Bugfix: #333 Improved determination of reference gauge based on start km.
2011-09-28 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Extracted StringUtil.wWrap method from WaterlevelSelectState .
2011-09-28 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Added 'unbracket' StringUtil method (extracted from WaterlevelSelectState).
2011-09-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
CrossSectionLine: Moved some logic from cross section demo app to this model.
2011-09-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added function to retrieve nearest CrossSectionTrack to a given kilometer.
2011-09-23 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added missing schemas.
2011-09-23 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Harmonized oracle and postgresql spatial schema.
2011-09-22 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Harmonized Extent for Saar and Mosel. Some cleanups.
2011-09-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added code and a system property 'flys.backend.enablejmx=true' to enable JMX support for hibernate.
2011-09-21 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added right to create views.
2011-09-20 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Generalized oracle spatial schema.
2011-09-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged RELEASE 2.5 of flys-backend.
2011-09-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a function to query a DGM by Id.
2011-09-15 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Removed oracle dependency.
2011-09-15 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added inital oracle schema.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added inital oracle-spatial_idx.sql script.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Deactivated spatial indexes.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added inital oracle_create_user.sql script.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema floodplain.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema hws.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema cross_section_tracks.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema river_axes.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema fixpoints.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Added schema buildings.
2011-09-14 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Fixed table river_axes_km.
2011-09-13 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Initial oracle schema.
2011-09-12 |
Bjoern Schilberg |
Postgresql spatial scheme extended.
2011-09-02 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Replaced SERIALs with SEQUENCES in PostgreSQL spatial schema.
2011-09-01 |
Hans Plum |
Hint for unifying table names: dgm -> dem
2011-09-01 |
Hans Plum |
Added mappings to existing data in file system (based on river Saar); added TODOs for missing tables/mappings
2011-08-31 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added relation and hibernate classes for floodplains (german 'Talaue').
2011-08-31 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added relation and hibernate classes for DGMs.
2011-08-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a static function that returns all CrossSectionTracks of a specific river.
2011-08-25 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed FileTools that has been moved to artifacts-common module.
2011-08-25 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Mapping and Accessors for MainValues of Gauge, by Sascha L. Teichmann.
2011-08-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Reverted the default db dialect back PostgreSQL.
2011-08-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a function in RiverAxis to retrieve the RiverAxis of a given river.
2011-08-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Introduced support for FLYS spatial data.
2011-08-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Re-enabled Hibernate schema dumps.
2011-07-31 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Bumped Apache DBCP up to 1.4
2011-07-28 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer session: Make use of the LRU cache from artifacts common.
2011-07-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: added missing key contraint on hyks table.
2011-07-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
HYK Importer: Check if zone coordinates in HYKs are swapped and warn the user.
2011-07-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
HYK importer: Various small fixes and some extra logging.
2011-07-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Added a central configuration to allow skipping of parsing/storing individual sub systems.
2011-07-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Fixed OrderBy clause in HYKEntry.
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Store HYK data structures to database. Needs testing.
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Parse HYKs from importer.
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
HYKParser: Create data structures while parsing.
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added importer models for HYKs.
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Fixed location of 'Peilungsjahre' in HYKs
2011-07-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixes for the HYK parser
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Initial version of the HYK parser. Not ready, yet.
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Argh! Added distance_{vl|hf|vr} to
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added method
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Added missing columns in HYK tables.
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Moved file parsers to separate package.
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
New. The hibernate models
2011-07-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
schema: Added structures for HYKs "Hydraulische Kenngroessen"
2011-07-13 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Bumped Hibernate up to 3.6.5
2011-07-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
HashedFile: Forget to call the file hashing so only the file lengths were compared.
2011-07-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Prevent parsing and storing PRF duplicates.
2011-07-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Made import of cross sections work.
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Integrated PRF parsing into importer. Needs testing!
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Querprofile: Added a table to map the points to a given km.
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Added description column to the cross section table
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Dropped unique constraint of x in a single line of a "Querprofil-Spur".
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
PRFParser: Added a callback to be called from parsePRFs() if
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
PRFParser: Extract the year of sounding and description from file names.
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
PRFParser: Extracted the data. All BfG PRFs are parsed correctly, now.
2011-07-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
PRFParser: extract km from lines. TODO: extract data.
2011-07-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added parser for PRF files. TODO: Extract data and km.
2011-07-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed braindead points3d table
2011-07-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added Hibernate models for cross-sections and their points.
2011-07-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added hibernate point3d model
2011-07-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Add relations for cross sections.
2011-06-28 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged RELEASE 2.4 of flys-backend.
2011-06-27 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Prepared Changes for the upcoming release.
2011-06-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed trailing whitespace.
2011-06-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed superfluous imports.
2011-06-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a method to river to find the gauge with the max overlap with a given interval.
2011-06-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
2011-06-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
River: Added method to find gauge by its name.
2011-06-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Fix import of annotation type classification.
2011-06-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added classification of annotation types. Needs testing!
2011-06-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
river model: Added method to find gauge by a position lying in its range.
2011-06-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
First part of flys/issue18
2011-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fix for flys/issue110: Start index was shifted by one.
2011-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Forgot to store reference to edge.
2011-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Register the backend model.
2011-06-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added 'Kanten' model
2011-06-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
River: add method to find gauge by its station position.
2011-05-26 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
River: Make search for gauges independent of from/to order.
2011-05-24 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a new view to select qs of a WST.
2011-05-24 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a new view to select ws of a WST.
2011-05-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
flys/issue76: Close gaps between q ranges
2011-05-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged release 2.3.1 of flys-backend.
2011-05-13 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Prepared Changes for the upcoming release.
2011-05-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Added a column which tells if a river counts its km up or downwards.
2011-05-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed flys/issue11 and flys51.
2011-05-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Added unsharp lookup to avoid numerical problems.
2011-05-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Fix silly bug and set Hibernate session flushing back to auto.
2011-05-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Change caching strategy not to cause OOM any more.
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Use BigDecimals in hashing to prevent numerical problems. Cache ranges globally, too.
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Only accept main value types 'Q', 'W', 'D' and 'T' by default.
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Cache the discharge table values, too.
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: centralized caching
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Schema: Dropped constraint which forces discharge tables to have a unique time interval for a given gauge and kind.
2011-05-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: make column names in WST files unique by appending (1), (2) and so on in case of collision
2011-05-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Import the "HW-Schutzanlagen", too.
2011-05-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Make import of historical discharge tables work.
2011-05-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: parse historical discharge tables, too. TODO: store them in database.
2011-05-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Prefix "Zusätzliche Längsschnitte" with "Zus.Längsschnitte" in description.
2011-05-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Import "Hochwasser-Marken", too.
2011-05-05 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Ignore lines that contain km positions which were found before in the same WST file.
2011-05-05 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
River got a new method that returns all gauges intersected by a given start and end point.
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: forgot to fetch time interval peer
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Attach a time interval to a discharge table if we find one during import.
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Try to extract time ranges from at files.
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Parse and store "amtliche Linien" wst files.
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: parse and store fixation wst files as well
2011-05-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Support parsing "zusaetzliche Laengsschnitte".
2011-05-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed flys/issue19
2011-05-02 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Introduced a 'scale' parameter in Gauge.determineMinMaxW().
2011-05-01 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed superfluous import.
2011-04-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented a WstColumnValue cache to speed up inserting WST files into database.
2011-04-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Forgot to add db update to changelog
2011-04-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a view 'wst_value_table' which aggregates the data to build w/q value tables.
2011-04-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Add forgotten one to many relation Wst -> WstColumn.
2011-04-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Import of q ranges of wst files was totally broken.
2011-04-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Forgot kind parameter in peer fetching query.
2011-04-18 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a new method to determine the selected gauge of a river based on a start and end point.
2011-04-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added 'position' column to wst_columns to allow order them by there column position in the original wst file.
2011-04-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Forget ',' in schema.
2011-04-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed index problem when an empty list is returned.
2011-04-15 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added methods to retrieve the min and max W and Q values of a Wst and Gauge.
2011-04-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added new column 'kind' in discharge tables and wst to distinguish between different types.
2011-04-15 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Moved the SessionHolder from flys-artifacts to flys-backend.
2011-04-14 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added a method to River that returns the min and max distance of the river.
2011-04-03 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed trailing whitespace.
2011-03-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Tagged RELEASE 0.1 of FLYS backend.
2011-03-28 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Forgot to save the last change before commit.
2011-03-28 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added methods to find out if two ranges intersects.
2011-03-24 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added an one to many relation to the discharge tables of a gauge.
2011-03-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Finished import of WSTs.
2011-03-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Build models for wsts, wst columns and q ranges and store them in the backend.
2011-03-23 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Add a hack to repair the units in WST files extraction.
2011-03-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Ported over some WST parsing stuff from desktop flys
2011-03-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added import code for importing discharge tables.
2011-03-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added stub for WST parser.
2011-03-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added importer helper model stubs for WST imports.
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Second part of parsing/storing main values. Should be finished now.
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed wrong unique constraint.
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Add forgotten column river_id in Gauges.
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added missing ImportGauge.getPeer() method
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Propagate river into storing of gauges.
2011-03-21 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added stub code to write gauges
2011-03-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
First part of parsing main values.
2011-03-18 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Store annotations in backend.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Bound Attributes and Positions to there backend peers.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added parser to read *.KM files.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added new helper models for import.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added parsing of PEGEL.GLT files.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Used thread local pattern to make sharing of session easier.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Fixed error in HQL statement.
2011-03-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Commented out a debug block because it leaks the db password.
2011-03-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Store imported rivers into database. Needs testing!
2011-03-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Default connection parameters are now overwritable with system properties.
2011-03-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Expose the creation of the SessionFactory to the public to
2011-03-16 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Importer: Added info gew parser.
2011-03-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
SessionFactoryProvider for access to the backend.
2011-03-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added dependency to artifacts-commons to be able to use the global configuration of the artifact database.
2011-03-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added foreign key constraint annotations to model classes.
2011-03-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed wrong spelled column references in foreign keys introduces with last change.
2011-03-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added column annotations for simple fields. TODO: foreign keys.
2011-03-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added entity and id annotations.
2011-03-14 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added missing sequences. Deleted unsupported sqlite schema.
2011-03-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Bound Apache Commons DBCP with Hibernate.
2011-03-11 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
More Hibernate/JPA stuff
2011-03-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added POJOs to be mapped to schema.
2011-03-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added dependency Hibernate Core 3.6.1 Final
2011-03-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Created a new empty maven project
2011-03-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Converted schema to be PostgreSQL compatible.
2011-03-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Factorized time intervals out into a separated table.
2011-02-22 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Initial database import scripts. Not finished, yet.
2011-02-10 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Initial check in of the FLYS database backend.