2012-10-16 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Fix issue946 (own style for wkms annotation facets in wq diagrams).
2012-09-26 |
Christian Lins |
Rename fix_derivate to fix_derivate_curve to enable manual points on it
2012-09-22 |
Christian Lins |
Add reference period facet to delta W/t chart
2012-09-20 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
improve manual points in fix. charts.
2012-09-20 |
Christian Lins |
Manual points (work in progress)
2012-09-15 |
Christian Lins |
Manual Points for fixing charts (not working yet)
2012-09-13 |
Christian Lins |
Fix missing import
2012-08-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
FixA: Added exporter for AT files.
2012-08-16 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
More facets in ausgelagerte WSP/ W/Q diag.
2012-08-16 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Add ls facet type to compat. list of w/q outs.
2012-08-14 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Add more discharge curve data to DC and W/Q diag.
2012-08-14 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Add more facets to DC and W/Q diag.
2012-08-14 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Basedata in FixA WQ DC and diagram.
2012-08-13 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Added deltawt-out.
2012-08-10 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Add more qsectory infrastructure.
2012-07-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Registered new output 'fix_vollmer_wq_curve' for the vollmer path of fixings analysis module; create required Facets for it after calculation.
2012-07-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added new Output WaterlevelExport (CSV, WST and PDF) to FixRealizingCompute State.
2012-07-25 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Commit accidentally kept change.
2012-07-23 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Preparing W/Q per gauge input for FixationArtifact.
2012-07-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FixA: Renamed FixationVolmerCompute to FixRealizingCompute.
2012-07-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FixA: Renamed FixationCompute to FixAnalysisCompute
2012-06-30 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
FixA: Added parameter exporter.
2012-06-25 |
Raimund Renkert |
FixA: Added longitudinal section chart.
2012-06-21 |
Christian Lins |
Theme updates for sector average wq curves/points
2012-06-20 |
Raimund Renkert |
FixA: Added delta W(t) chart in fix analysis.
2012-06-18 |
Christian Lins |
Themes for fixing curves and debug output
2012-06-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added facet for derivate curve and fixed facet names.
2012-06-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added new facet for analysis periods and updated facet names in fix analysis.
2012-06-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
Fixed outputmodes in fix analysis.
2012-06-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added facets for fix analysis.