log artifacts/src/main/resources/messages.properties @ 9452:af163ce96eb4

age author description
2018-08-22 mschaefer Bundu bzws calculation nearly completed, some corrections with csv output, started with linking the minfo density calculation
2018-08-22 gernotbelger withFieldsOnly bundu.wst sounding
2018-08-21 mschaefer Added bundu bzws calculation for missing volumes (masses still not yet ready) and results1/2/3
2018-08-21 mschaefer Added heights and depths of cross section fields in the bundu bzws calculation and longitudinal section charts
2018-08-20 mschaefer Replaced own W and Q facets in bundu bzws by subclass of FixWaterlevelFacet, added annotations and datacage
2018-08-20 mschaefer Added bundu bzws w calculation and longitudinal sections of wspl and depth
2018-08-17 gernotbelger Work on salix cross sections; waterlevels work now with different colors
2018-08-17 gernotbelger jUnit test uinfo salix regional
2018-08-17 mschaefer Fixed NaN handling in salix historical scenarion calculation, added problem report
2018-08-17 mschaefer Fixed year extraction from date and message format for the years without group digit
2018-08-16 mschaefer Changed bundu bzws workflow to stop in case of missing daily discharge values and other minor changes
2018-08-15 gernotbelger common time range for gauges incl. error messages
2018-08-14 mschaefer Changed hard coded standard vegetation zone table to fetching it from the database, i18n for the standard zone names
2018-08-09 gernotbelger salix historical sounding workflow changed
2018-08-09 gernotbelger Salix-Linie -> Iota
2018-08-09 gernotbelger little fixes on links (uinfo, sinfo)
2018-08-08 gernotbelger bundu result links
2018-08-08 gernotbelger bundu workflow review
2018-08-08 gernotbelger bundu missing links 2
2018-08-08 gernotbelger bundu missing links
2018-08-07 gernotbelger sinfo onlinehilfe
2018-08-07 gernotbelger Bundu Onlinehilfe Links
2018-08-06 gernotbelger links online-hilfe uinfo
2018-08-06 gernotbelger handbuch link test
2018-08-03 mschaefer S-Info flood duration theme rename, and more infrastructure themes in the duration curve
2018-08-02 gernotbelger .
2018-08-02 gernotbelger ungültige utf-chars zerstören messages.properties
2018-08-02 mschaefer Fixed U-Info salix mw calculation, added filtered themes, own y axis, warning report
2018-08-02 gernotbelger bundu.bezugswst workflow reviewed
2018-08-01 mschaefer Refactoring on SalixLineCalculationResult etc., calculation using MQ etc., scenario (regional+supra) csv columns and meta data added
2018-08-01 gernotbelger Outliers in fixation calculation are now shown within the other 'B' event themes and get a separate symbol (triangle).
2018-07-30 gernotbelger Beseitigung des Fehlers beim Laden eines Projektes
2018-07-30 mschaefer Fixed: common csv header for W added
2018-07-27 gernotbelger bundu bezugswst result 2
2018-07-27 gernotbelger bundu.bezugswst first result for missing volume added
2018-07-27 gernotbelger Fixed: wrong string key
2018-07-27 gernotbelger Fixed csv metadata output for salix
2018-07-27 gernotbelger bundu bezugswst excel metadaten
2018-07-27 gernotbelger collision pdf details, ResultType refactoring, bezugswst result
2018-07-26 mschaefer U-Info salix line with regional and supraregional scenario calculation and chart display
2018-07-26 gernotbelger Q [m³/s] one message
2018-07-26 gernotbelger Moved chart metadata line to top of chart. Minor cleanup.
2018-07-25 mschaefer Small fixes of the S-Info flood duration outputs
2018-07-24 mschaefer Work on U-Info salix line calculation and chart (no scenario case)
2018-07-24 gernotbelger bundu.bezugswst details
2018-07-24 gernotbelger Punkt 2.3.8 vom 1. Zwischenrelease
2018-07-20 gernotbelger Fixed: missing series name in infrastructures datacage theme
2018-07-19 gernotbelger salix another review
2018-07-19 gernotbelger uinfo.salix details
2018-07-18 gernotbelger bundu bezugswst work
2018-07-17 gernotbelger VegetationZone color added and disabled
2018-07-16 mschaefer Added infrastructure height and Q annotation to S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-13 mschaefer Added W and Q main values to S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-12 mschaefer Work on S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-12 gernotbelger Historical Result
2018-07-12 gernotbelger salix.historical.distance_only_part detail work
2018-07-10 gernotbelger minor bugfixes
2018-07-10 gernotbelger salix.supraregional ui
2018-07-05 mschaefer Different themes/facets for left bank and right bank infrastructures in S-Info flood durations, some fixmes done
2018-07-04 gernotbelger salix workflow little improvments
