2019-02-12 |
gernotbelger |
Reimplemented baseline for tkh. Extended area-dataset to be able to draw baseline.
2018-11-06 |
gernotbelger |
mean bed height -> mean bed LEVEL
2018-09-27 |
gernotbelger |
VegetationZones in CrossSectionsDiagram
2018-09-26 |
gernotbelger |
stripedArea introduced for Assessment Scheme/Bewertungsschema
2018-08-21 |
mschaefer |
Added heights and depths of cross section fields in the bundu bzws calculation and longitudinal section charts
2018-08-20 |
mschaefer |
Added bundu bzws w calculation and longitudinal sections of wspl and depth
2018-08-17 |
gernotbelger |
Work on salix cross sections; waterlevels work now with different colors
2018-08-03 |
mschaefer |
S-Info flood duration theme rename, and more infrastructure themes in the duration curve
2018-08-02 |
mschaefer |
Fixed U-Info salix mw calculation, added filtered themes, own y axis, warning report
2018-08-01 |
gernotbelger |
Outliers in fixation calculation are now shown within the other 'B' event themes and get a separate symbol (triangle).
2018-07-31 |
gernotbelger |
Fixed: collision themes had fiferent point sizes
2018-07-26 |
mschaefer |
The conf files for the salix extensions
2018-07-25 |
gernotbelger |
Configured sinfo flood duration themes
2018-07-24 |
mschaefer |
Work on U-Info salix line calculation and chart (no scenario case)
2018-07-16 |
mschaefer |
Added infrastructure height and Q annotation to S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-05 |
mschaefer |
Different themes/facets for left bank and right bank infrastructures in S-Info flood durations, some fixmes done
2018-07-03 |
gernotbelger |
work on collison, flood_duration
2018-07-02 |
gernotbelger |
inundationDuration/floodDuration multiple columns+chartLines refactoring
2018-07-02 |
mschaefer |
Individual facets/themes for single years i the S-Info collisions output
2018-07-02 |
mschaefer |
More work on calculations and output for S-Info flood duration workflow (chart types 1 and 2)
2018-06-28 |
gernotbelger |
Configured tkh theme e.g. ShowLineLabel
2018-06-26 |
gernotbelger |
Themes with band now must have 'showarea' set to true.
2018-06-25 |
mschaefer |
Work on calculations for S-Info flood duration workflow
2018-06-19 |
mschaefer |
Added definitions for the S-Info collision workflow and output
2018-06-04 |
mschaefer |
Added datacage select and chart display for river bed collision counts loaded from database
2018-06-04 |
mschaefer |
Conf files for the infrastructure datacage extension
2018-06-04 |
mschaefer |
Added datacage select and chart display for river channel sizes loaded from database
2018-04-30 |
mschaefer |
Added datacage select and chart display for modelled flow depth series loaded from database
2018-04-27 |
mschaefer |
Added datacage select and chart display for flow depth evolution series loaded from database, and a correction for the tkh data
2018-04-23 |
mschaefer |
Added datacage select and chart display for TKH series loaded from database
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Implemented datacage for min/max bedheights.
2018-03-20 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO-Fließtiefenentwicklung
2018-03-15 |
gernotbelger |
Implemented chart output for sinfo flow depth min/max calculation
2018-03-07 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO - tkh, configured result facets and themes
2018-02-26 |
gernotbelger |
Configured some real fill patterns
2018-02-20 |
gernotbelger |
Moved comments to virtual.xml and configured sinfo themes
2018-02-14 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO-FlowDepth - work on tkh themes
2018-02-13 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO-FlowDepth
2018-01-18 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO - first prototype of BArt Fließtiefen
2015-03-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Fix theme for SQ Outliers and SQ Measurements
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Add interpolated facets and update themes accordingly
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Use different theme for measurements overview and single diagrams
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Add label theme for SQMeasurements
2015-02-12 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1068) Add different theme for SQOutlier curves and increase SQCurve linesize to 2
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Unify colors of SQ-relations and distinguish outliers by point size.
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove non-mapped dependencies of removed theme.
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Theme-style cleanup for discharge curves.
2014-09-26 |
Tom Gottfried |
Main values: Reduce code duplication and correct logic to specify whether we are at gauge or not.
2014-09-18 |
Tom Gottfried |
At least since rev eb052d759fcc, there are no bed height epochs anymore.
2014-09-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add theme for porosity and sync second with default.
2014-09-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added themes for new fraction in sq relation.
2014-09-12 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added themes for SQ relation overview chart.
2014-09-05 |
Tom Gottfried |
Sediment loads at measurement stations and longitudinal sections need different processing and styling for diagrams.
2014-08-21 |
Tom Gottfried |
Dashed lines shall be used for sediment load at measurement stations (issue1352).
2014-08-21 |
Tom Gottfried |
Complete mapping and themes for sediment load.
2014-08-21 |
Tom Gottfried |
Make a difference between themes representing loads in different units.
2014-08-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1681) Add themes for sedimentloads
2014-06-04 |
Tom Gottfried |
Annotations are not points.
2013-11-04 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue1658: Fix theme styles for sediment load (t/a and m^3/a) facets.
2013-10-01 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Bring themes back into sync.
2013-09-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
Fix area label rendering.
2013-09-12 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue1378: Adjust style for flood-protection annotation values at y axis.
2013-08-26 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
Added new Theme.
2013-08-15 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1444) Add theme for fixing calculated point
2013-08-15 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Part of flys/issue1168: Fix themes of fixings delta w averages. Bring default and second theme back in snyc.
2013-08-01 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue1337: fix. Let theme not inherit from longitudinal_section, as this
2013-07-31 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue1393: Fix theme association for sedimentload.total_load .
2013-07-11 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue1312: Bring back auto-coloring to FixPoints.
2013-06-21 |
Raimund Renkert |
New themes for sediment load fraction 'unknown'.
2013-06-11 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added styles for bed quality themes to config.
2013-06-10 |
Raimund Renkert |
New theme for bed diameter measurement facets.
2013-06-05 |
Felix Wolfsteller |
issue697: Re-add style for vertical Q main values text. Had been removed.
2013-05-27 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Themes: s/hints="h"/hints="hidden"/
2013-05-27 |
Raimund Renkert |
Merged theme config files default.xml and second.xml.
2013-05-25 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Themes: Reunited the small parts of default and second theme to default.xml and second.xml again to have valid XML.