ingo@287: 2011-05-13 RELEASE 2.3 ingo@287: ingo@287: NEW: ingo@287: ingo@287: * Initial GWT/Ajax based Web-Client for the REST based artifact system: ingo@287: - Renderer for states specific for WINFO artifact ingo@287: - Panels for W/Q selection ingo@287: - Panels for Range selection ingo@287: - Chart panels for chart output creation ingo@287: - Export panels that provides download links for exporting computation ingo@287: data ingo@287: - Project list displays former projects that might be opened by ingo@287: double click ingo@287: - Datacage (dt. 'Datenkorb') UI that displays loadable data for charts ingo@287: ingo@287: * RPC-services enable data exchange between client and server ingo@287: ingo@287: * Connection settings are configured in config.xml ingo@287: ingo@287: * I18N is splitted into two parts and support English and German: ingo@287: - GUI elements are translated using the GWT i18n mechanism ingo@287: - Information/data served by the artifact system is translated by the ingo@287: artifact server ingo@287: ingo@287: ingo@287: LIMITATIONS: ingo@287: ingo@287: * Language switch drops the current session ingo@287: ingo@287: * Charts served by the artifact system are rendered as PNG only ingo@287: ingo@287: * Theme control for charts is not implemented yet. ingo@287: ingo@287: * Data served by the datacage can't be added to projects/charts ingo@287: ingo@287: ingo@287: !!! ingo@287: ingo@287: The version number of this release depends on an existing desktop variant of ingo@287: this software that is in version 2.1. ingo@287: ingo@287: !!! ingo@287: ingo@287: ingo@287: 2011-03-30 RELEASE 0.1