tom@8775: -- SEDDB_NAME tom@8775: -- Lookup table for optional matching with differing river names in SedDB tom@8775: -- Add name here and set rivers.seddb_name_id to id tom@8775: CREATE TABLE seddb_name ( tom@8775: id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, tom@8775: name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, tom@8775: PRIMARY KEY (id) tom@8775: ); tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE rivers ADD seddb_name_id NUMBER(38,0); tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE rivers ADD CONSTRAINT cRiversSeddbNames tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (seddb_name_id) REFERENCES seddb_name; tom@8775: tom@8775: tom@8775: -- bed heights tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_bed_single_river_id; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_type; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_location_system; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_cur_elevation_model; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_old_elevation_model; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP CONSTRAINT fk_range; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single DROP COLUMN sounding_width; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single RENAME TO bed_height; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_river_id tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (river_id) REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_type tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES bed_height_type(id); tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_location_system tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (location_system_id) REFERENCES location_system(id); tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_cur_elevation_model tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (cur_elevation_model_id) REFERENCES elevation_model(id); tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_old_elevation_model tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (old_elevation_model_id) REFERENCES elevation_model(id); tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bh_range tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (range_id) REFERENCES ranges(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; tom@8775: tom@8775: -- the following is needed because Oracle is not able to mix DDL with tom@8775: -- DML in a subselect tom@8775: VARIABLE seqval NUMBER tom@8775: BEGIN tom@8775: SELECT BED_HEIGHT_SINGLE_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :seqval FROM DUAL; tom@8775: execute immediate('CREATE SEQUENCE BED_HEIGHT_ID_SEQ START WITH ' tom@8775: || :seqval); tom@8775: END; tom@8775: / tom@8775: DROP SEQUENCE BED_HEIGHT_SINGLE_ID_SEQ; tom@8775: tom@8775: tom@8775: -- bed height values tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single_values tom@8775: DROP CONSTRAINT fk_bed_single_values_parent; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single_values tom@8775: RENAME COLUMN bed_height_single_id TO bed_height_id; tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single_values DROP COLUMN width; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_single_values RENAME TO bed_height_values; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE bed_height_values ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bed_values_parent tom@8775: FOREIGN KEY (bed_height_id) REFERENCES bed_height(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; tom@8775: tom@8775: BEGIN tom@8775: SELECT BED_SINGLE_VALUES_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :seqval FROM DUAL; tom@8775: execute immediate('CREATE SEQUENCE BED_HEIGHT_VALUES_ID_SEQ START WITH ' tom@8775: || :seqval); tom@8775: END; tom@8775: / tom@8775: DROP SEQUENCE BED_SINGLE_VALUES_ID_SEQ; tom@8775: tom@8775: tom@8775: -- measurement stations tom@8775: ALTER TABLE measurement_station ADD CONSTRAINT check_m_type tom@8775: CHECK(measurement_type IN ('Geschiebe', 'Schwebstoff')); tom@8775: tom@8775: tom@8775: -- SQ relations tom@8775: ALTER TABLE sq_relation DROP CONSTRAINT fk_sqr_river_id; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE sq_relation DROP COLUMN river_id; tom@8775: tom@8775: ALTER TABLE sq_relation_value ADD CONSTRAINT sq_mstation_param_key tom@8775: UNIQUE(sq_relation_id, measurement_station_id, parameter);