felix@2157: package de.intevation.flys.jfree; felix@2157: felix@2157: import java.awt.Shape; felix@2157: import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; felix@2157: felix@2318: import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.entity.XYAnnotationEntity; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo; felix@2157: import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; felix@2157: felix@2157: import org.jfree.text.TextUtilities; felix@2157: felix@2157: import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; felix@2157: felix@2157: /** felix@2157: * Custom Annotations class that is drawn only if no collisions with other felix@2157: * already drawn CustomAnnotations in current plot are found. felix@2157: */ felix@2157: public class CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotation extends XYTextAnnotation { felix@2157: felix@2161: public CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotation(String text, double x, double y) { felix@2157: super(text, x, y); felix@2157: } felix@2157: felix@2157: felix@2157: /** felix@2157: * Draw the Annotation only if it does not collide with other felix@2157: * already drawn Annotations- texts. felix@2157: * felix@2157: * @param g2 the graphics device. felix@2157: * @param plot the plot. felix@2157: * @param dataArea the data area. felix@2157: * @param domainAxis the domain axis. felix@2157: * @param rangeAxis the range axis. felix@2157: * @param rendererIndex the render index. felix@2157: * @param info state information, escpecially collects info about felix@2157: * already drawn shapes (and thus annotations), used felix@2157: * for collision detection. felix@2157: */ felix@2157: @Override felix@2157: public void draw( felix@2157: java.awt.Graphics2D g2, felix@2157: XYPlot plot, felix@2157: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D dataArea, felix@2157: ValueAxis domainAxis, felix@2157: ValueAxis rangeAxis, felix@2157: int rendererIndex, felix@2157: PlotRenderingInfo info felix@2157: ) { felix@2157: // From superclass, adjusted access only. felix@2157: PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); felix@2157: RectangleEdge domainEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation( felix@2157: plot.getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation); felix@2157: RectangleEdge rangeEdge = Plot.resolveRangeAxisLocation( felix@2157: plot.getRangeAxisLocation(), orientation); felix@2157: felix@2157: float anchorX = (float) domainAxis.valueToJava2D( felix@2157: this.getX(), dataArea, domainEdge); felix@2157: float anchorY = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D( felix@2157: this.getY(), dataArea, rangeEdge); felix@2157: felix@2157: if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { felix@2157: float tempAnchor = anchorX; felix@2157: anchorX = anchorY; felix@2157: anchorY = tempAnchor; felix@2157: } felix@2157: felix@2157: g2.setFont(getFont()); felix@2157: Shape hotspot = TextUtilities.calculateRotatedStringBounds( felix@2157: getText(), g2, anchorX, anchorY, getTextAnchor(), felix@2157: getRotationAngle(), getRotationAnchor()); felix@2157: felix@2157: // Deviation from superclass: prevent collision. felix@3023: if (JFreeUtil.collides(hotspot, info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(), felix@3023: XYAnnotationEntity.class)) { felix@3023: return; felix@2157: } felix@2157: felix@2157: if (this.getBackgroundPaint() != null) { felix@2157: g2.setPaint(this.getBackgroundPaint()); felix@2157: g2.fill(hotspot); felix@2157: } felix@2157: g2.setPaint(getPaint()); felix@2157: TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(getText(), g2, anchorX, anchorY, felix@2157: getTextAnchor(), getRotationAngle(), getRotationAnchor()); felix@2157: if (this.isOutlineVisible()) { felix@2157: g2.setStroke(this.getOutlineStroke()); felix@2157: g2.setPaint(this.getOutlinePaint()); felix@2157: g2.draw(hotspot); felix@2157: } felix@2157: felix@2318: //String toolTip = getToolTipText(); felix@2318: //String url = getURL(); felix@2318: String toolTip = "CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotation"; felix@2318: String url = toolTip; felix@2318: felix@2157: if (toolTip != null || url != null) { felix@2157: addEntity(info, hotspot, rendererIndex, toolTip, url); felix@2157: } teichmann@4048: // XXX: DEAD CODE (as long as a hard value is assigned to toolTip teichmann@4048: /* felix@2157: else { felix@2157: addEntity(info, hotspot, rendererIndex, felix@2157: "CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotation", felix@2157: "CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotation"); felix@2157: } teichmann@4048: */ felix@2157: } felix@2318: felix@2318: /** felix@2318: * A utility method for adding an {@link CollisionFreeXYAnnotationEntity} to felix@2318: * a {@link PlotRenderingInfo} instance. felix@2318: * felix@2318: * @param info the plot rendering info (<code>null</code> permitted). felix@2318: * @param hotspot the hotspot area. felix@2318: * @param rendererIndex the renderer index. felix@2318: * @param toolTipText the tool tip text. felix@2318: * @param urlText the URL text. felix@2318: */ felix@2318: protected void addEntity(PlotRenderingInfo info, felix@2318: Shape hotspot, int rendererIndex, felix@2318: String toolTipText, String urlText) { felix@2318: if (info == null) { felix@2318: return; felix@2318: } felix@2318: EntityCollection entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection(); felix@2318: if (entities == null) { felix@2318: return; felix@2318: } felix@2318: CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotationEntity entity = felix@2318: new CollisionFreeXYTextAnnotationEntity(hotspot, felix@2318: rendererIndex, toolTipText, urlText); felix@2318: entities.add(entity); sascha@3076: } felix@2157: } felix@2157: // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :