tom@9739: # Docker file for D4E River documentation wiki tom@9739: FROM centos:7 tom@9739: MAINTAINER tom@9739: tom@9739: # Necessary to run further yum-installs inside Docker container, tom@9739: # if not already part of the base image: tom@9739: RUN yum -q -y install yum-plugin-ovl && rpm --rebuilddb tom@9739: tom@9739: # Install prerequisites tom@9803: RUN yum -q -y install curl ca-certificates tar gzip \ tom@9803: python-setuptools gcc python-devel xmlsec1-nss-devel libtool-ltdl-devel tom@9739: WORKDIR /opt/xmlsec tom@9739: RUN curl -sL | \ tom@9739: tar -xz tom@9739: WORKDIR pyxmlsec-next-0.3.1 tom@9739: RUN echo 3 | python build install tom@9739: tom@9739: WORKDIR /opt/wiki tom@9739: tom@9739: # User for wiki installation and WSGI tom@9739: RUN useradd wiki tom@9739: RUN chown wiki:wiki . tom@9739: USER wiki tom@9739: tom@9739: # Install MoinMoin tom@9739: RUN curl -s | tar -xz tom@9739: ENV WIKI /opt/wiki/moin-1.9.9 tom@9739: tom@9739: # Install tool for SSO tom@9739: RUN curl -s | \ tom@9739: tar -xz -C $WIKI/MoinMoin/auth --strip-components=1 moin-was-default/ tom@9739: tom@9739: # Volume for Wiki data tom@9739: VOLUME $WIKI/wiki/data tom@9739: tom@9803: ENV PYTHONPATH $WIKI tom@9739: tom@9803: CMD ["/opt/wiki/moin-1.9.9/wiki/server/moin", "server", "standalone", \ tom@9803: "--hostname="]