ingo@1677: package de.intevation.flys.jfree; ingo@1677: felix@2138: import java.util.Collections; ingo@1677: import java.util.List; ingo@1677: ingo@1679: import org.w3c.dom.Document; ingo@1679: ingo@1679: import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation; ingo@1677: felix@2161: import de.intevation.flys.jfree.StickyAxisAnnotation; felix@2161: felix@2138: import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.HYKFactory; felix@2138: felix@2138: felix@1721: /** felix@2138: * List of Text- Annotations with name and theme. felix@1721: */ ingo@1677: public class FLYSAnnotation { ingo@1677: felix@2183: /* 'Other' Text Annotations. */ felix@2138: protected List<XYTextAnnotation> textAnnotations; felix@2138: felix@2183: /** Annotations at axis. */ felix@2161: protected List<StickyAxisAnnotation> axisTextAnnotations; felix@2161: felix@2183: /** Areas at axis. */ felix@2138: protected List<HYKFactory.Zone> boxes; ingo@1679: felix@2183: /** Styling information. */ ingo@1679: protected Document theme; ingo@1677: felix@2183: /** Chart-legend information. */ ingo@1677: protected String label; ingo@1677: ingo@1677: felix@2161: public FLYSAnnotation(String label, List<StickyAxisAnnotation> annotations) { felix@2152: this(label, annotations, null, null); felix@2152: } felix@2152: felix@2152: felix@2138: /** Create annotations, parameter might be null. */ felix@2161: public FLYSAnnotation(String label, List<StickyAxisAnnotation> annotations, felix@2138: List<HYKFactory.Zone> bAnnotations felix@2138: ) { felix@2152: this(label, annotations, bAnnotations, null); felix@2152: } felix@2152: felix@2152: felix@2152: /** Create annotations, parameter might be null. */ felix@2161: public FLYSAnnotation(String label, List<StickyAxisAnnotation> annotations, felix@2152: List<HYKFactory.Zone> bAnnotations, Document theme felix@2152: ) { felix@2138: this.label = label; felix@2161: this.axisTextAnnotations = (annotations != null) felix@2138: ? annotations felix@2161: : Collections.<StickyAxisAnnotation>emptyList(); felix@2138: this.boxes = (bAnnotations != null) felix@2138: ? bAnnotations felix@2138: : Collections.<HYKFactory.Zone>emptyList(); felix@2161: this.textAnnotations = Collections.<XYTextAnnotation>emptyList(); felix@2152: this.setTheme(theme); felix@2138: } felix@2138: ingo@1677: ingo@1712: public void setLabel(String label) { ingo@1712: this.label = label; ingo@1712: } ingo@1712: ingo@1677: public String getLabel() { ingo@1677: return label; ingo@1677: } ingo@1677: felix@2161: public List<StickyAxisAnnotation> getAxisTextAnnotations() { felix@2161: return axisTextAnnotations; felix@2161: } felix@2161: felix@2183: public void setTextAnnotations(List<XYTextAnnotation> annotations) { felix@2183: this.textAnnotations = annotations; felix@2183: } felix@2183: felix@2183: /** Set the "other" Text Annotations. */ felix@2138: public List<XYTextAnnotation> getTextAnnotations() { felix@2138: return textAnnotations; felix@2138: } felix@2138: felix@2138: public List<HYKFactory.Zone> getBoxes() { felix@2138: return boxes; ingo@1677: } ingo@1679: ingo@1679: public void setTheme(Document theme) { ingo@1679: this.theme = theme; ingo@1679: } ingo@1679: ingo@1679: public Document getTheme() { ingo@1679: return theme; ingo@1679: } ingo@1677: } ingo@1677: // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :