ingo@369: package de.intevation.flys.exports; ingo@369: ingo@419: import java.awt.BasicStroke; ingo@369: import java.awt.Color; ingo@419: import java.awt.Stroke; ingo@369: ingo@369: import; ingo@369: ingo@1645: import java.text.NumberFormat; ingo@1645: ingo@369: import org.apache.log4j.Logger; ingo@369: ingo@369: import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; ingo@369: import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; ingo@369: import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; ingo@652: import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; ingo@369: import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; ingo@369: import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; ingo@924: import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; ingo@652: import; ingo@654: import; ingo@923: import; ingo@923: import; ingo@654: ingo@654: import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; ingo@369: ingo@369: import de.intevation.flys.exports.ChartExportHelper; ingo@369: ingo@369: ingo@369: /** ingo@369: * An abstract base class for creating XY charts. ingo@369: * ingo@369: * @author Ingo Weinzierl ingo@369: */ ingo@369: public abstract class XYChartGenerator extends ChartGenerator { ingo@369: felix@1048: /** The logger that is used in this generator. */ ingo@654: private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(XYChartGenerator.class); ingo@369: ingo@369: felix@1048: /** SeriesCollection used for the first axis. */ ingo@923: protected XYSeriesCollection first; ingo@923: felix@1048: /** SeriesCollection used for the second axis. */ ingo@923: protected XYSeriesCollection second; ingo@923: ingo@419: public static final Color DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR = Color.GRAY; ingo@419: public static final float DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_WIDTH = 0.3f; ingo@419: ingo@419: ingo@369: /** ingo@369: * Returns the title of a chart. ingo@369: * ingo@369: * @return the title of a chart. ingo@369: */ ingo@369: protected abstract String getChartTitle(); ingo@369: ingo@369: /** ingo@369: * Returns the X-Axis label of a chart. ingo@369: * ingo@369: * @return the X-Axis label of a chart. ingo@369: */ ingo@369: protected abstract String getXAxisLabel(); ingo@369: ingo@369: /** ingo@369: * Returns the Y-Axis label of a chart. ingo@369: * ingo@369: * @return the Y-Axis label of a chart. ingo@369: */ ingo@369: protected abstract String getYAxisLabel(); ingo@369: ingo@369: ingo@369: public void generate() ingo@369: throws IOException ingo@369: { ingo@369: logger.debug("XYChartGenerator.generate"); ingo@369: ingo@653: JFreeChart chart = generateChart(); ingo@653: ingo@653: int[] size = getSize(); ingo@653: ingo@653: ChartExportHelper.exportImage( ingo@653: out, ingo@653: chart, ingo@653: "png", ingo@653: size[0], size[1]); ingo@653: } ingo@653: ingo@653: ingo@653: public JFreeChart generateChart() { ingo@653: logger.debug("XYChartGenerator.generateChart"); ingo@653: ingo@369: JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( ingo@369: getChartTitle(), ingo@369: getXAxisLabel(), ingo@369: getYAxisLabel(), ingo@375: null, ingo@369: PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, ingo@369: true, ingo@369: false, ingo@369: false); ingo@369: ingo@369: chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ingo@369: chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); ingo@369: ingo@419: XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); ingo@419: ingo@923: addDatasets(plot); ingo@414: addSubtitles(chart); ingo@419: adjustPlot(plot); ingo@419: adjustAxes(plot); ingo@1645: localizeAxes(plot); ingo@923: ingo@923: removeEmptyRangeAxes(plot); ingo@923: ingo@673: autoZoom(plot); ingo@652: ingo@924: applyThemes(plot); ingo@924: ingo@653: return chart; ingo@369: } ingo@369: ingo@369: ingo@923: protected void addDatasets(XYPlot plot) { ingo@923: if (first != null) { ingo@923: logger.debug("Set the first axis dataset."); ingo@923: plot.setDataset(0, first); ingo@923: } ingo@923: if (second != null) { ingo@923: logger.debug("Set the second axis dataset."); ingo@923: plot.setDataset(1, second); ingo@923: } ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: ingo@923: public void addFirstAxisSeries(XYSeries series) { ingo@923: if (first == null) { ingo@923: first = new XYSeriesCollection(); ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: if (series != null) { ingo@923: first.addSeries(series); ingo@923: } ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: ingo@923: public void addSecondAxisSeries(XYSeries series) { ingo@923: if (second == null) { ingo@923: second = new XYSeriesCollection(); ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: if (series != null) { ingo@923: second.addSeries(series); ingo@923: } ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: ingo@923: private void removeEmptyRangeAxes(XYPlot plot) { ingo@923: if (first == null) { ingo@923: plot.setRangeAxis(0, null); ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: if (second == null) { ingo@923: plot.setRangeAxis(1, null); ingo@923: } ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: ingo@653: /** ingo@654: * This method zooms the plot to the specified ranges in the attribute ingo@654: * document or to the ranges specified by the min/max values in the ingo@654: * datasets. Note: We determine the range manually if no zoom ranges ingo@654: * are given, because JFreeCharts auto-zoom adds a margin to the left and ingo@654: * right of the data area. ingo@653: * ingo@653: * @param plot The XYPlot. ingo@653: */ ingo@673: protected void autoZoom(XYPlot plot) { ingo@652: logger.debug("Zoom to specified ranges."); ingo@654: ingo@673: Range xrange = getDomainAxisRange(); ingo@673: Range yrange = getValueAxisRange(); ingo@654: ingo@673: for (int i = 0, num = plot.getDatasetCount(); i < num; i++) { ingo@673: XYDataset dataset = plot.getDataset(i); ingo@923: ingo@923: if (dataset == null) { ingo@923: continue; ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@673: Range[] ranges = getRangesForDataset(dataset); ingo@654: ingo@673: if (i == 0) { ingo@673: ValueAxis xaxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); ingo@718: zoomX(plot, xaxis, ranges[0], xrange); ingo@654: } ingo@654: ingo@673: ValueAxis yaxis = plot.getRangeAxis(i); ingo@654: ingo@673: if (yaxis == null) { ingo@673: continue; ingo@673: } ingo@673: ingo@718: zoomY(plot, yaxis, ranges[1], yrange); ingo@654: } ingo@653: } ingo@652: ingo@653: ingo@718: protected boolean zoomX(XYPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Range range, Range x) { ingo@718: return zoom(plot, axis, range, x); ingo@718: } ingo@718: ingo@718: ingo@718: protected boolean zoomY(XYPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Range range, Range x) { ingo@718: return zoom(plot, axis, range, x); ingo@718: } ingo@718: ingo@718: ingo@653: /** ingo@653: * Zooms the x axis to the range specified in the attribute document. ingo@653: * ingo@653: * @param plot The XYPlot. ingo@673: * @param axis The axis the shoud be modified. ingo@673: * @param range The whole range specified by a dataset. ingo@673: * @param x A user defined range (null permitted). ingo@654: * ingo@654: * @return true, if a zoom range was specified, otherwise false. ingo@653: */ ingo@673: protected boolean zoom(XYPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Range range, Range x) { ingo@673: if (x != null) { ingo@673: double min = range.getLowerBound(); ingo@673: double max = range.getUpperBound(); ingo@673: double diff = max > min ? max - min : min - max; ingo@652: ingo@673: Range computed = new Range( ingo@673: min + x.getLowerBound() * diff, ingo@673: min + x.getUpperBound() * diff); ingo@673: ingo@717: axis.setRangeWithMargins(computed); ingo@673: ingo@673: logger.debug("Zoom axis to: " + computed); ingo@654: ingo@654: return true; ingo@652: } ingo@654: ingo@717: axis.setRangeWithMargins(range); ingo@654: return false; ingo@654: } ingo@654: ingo@654: ingo@654: /** ingo@654: * This method extracts the minimum and maximum values for x and y axes. ingo@654: * ingo@654: * @param dataset The dataset that should be observed. ingo@654: * ingo@654: * @return a Range[] as follows: [x-Range, y-Range]. ingo@654: */ ingo@673: public static Range[] getRangesForDataset(XYDataset dataset) { ingo@654: double[] xr = new double[] { Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE }; ingo@654: double[] yr = new double[] { Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE }; ingo@654: felix@1623: if (dataset != null) { felix@1623: int sCount = dataset.getSeriesCount(); ingo@654: felix@1623: for (int i = 0; i < sCount; i++) { felix@1623: int iCount = dataset.getItemCount(i); felix@1623: felix@1623: for (int j = 0; j < iCount; j++) { felix@1623: double x = dataset.getX(i, j).doubleValue(); felix@1623: double y = dataset.getY(i, j).doubleValue(); felix@1623: felix@1623: if (!Double.isNaN(x)) { felix@1623: xr[0] = xr[0] < x ? xr[0] : x; felix@1623: xr[1] = xr[1] > x ? xr[1] : x; felix@1623: } felix@1623: felix@1623: if (!Double.isNaN(y)) { felix@1623: yr[0] = yr[0] < y ? yr[0] : y; felix@1623: yr[1] = yr[1] > y ? yr[1] : y; felix@1623: } ingo@667: } ingo@654: } ingo@654: } ingo@654: ingo@654: // this is only required, if there are no items in the dataset. ingo@654: xr[0] = xr[0] < xr[1] ? xr[0] : xr[1]; ingo@654: xr[1] = xr[1] > xr[0] ? xr[1] : xr[0]; ingo@654: yr[0] = yr[0] < yr[1] ? yr[0] : yr[1]; ingo@654: yr[1] = yr[1] > yr[0] ? yr[1] : yr[0]; ingo@654: ingo@654: return new Range[] {new Range(xr[0], xr[1]), new Range(yr[0], yr[1])}; ingo@652: } ingo@652: ingo@652: ingo@369: /** ingo@369: * Adjusts the axes of a plot. ingo@369: * ingo@369: * @param plot The XYPlot of the chart. ingo@369: */ ingo@369: protected void adjustAxes(XYPlot plot) { ingo@369: NumberAxis yAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); ingo@369: ingo@369: yAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); ingo@369: } ingo@414: ingo@414: ingo@419: protected void adjustPlot(XYPlot plot) { ingo@419: Stroke gridStroke = new BasicStroke( ingo@419: DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_WIDTH, ingo@419: BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, ingo@419: BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, ingo@419: 3.0f, ingo@419: new float[] { 3.0f }, ingo@419: 0.0f); ingo@419: ingo@419: plot.setDomainGridlineStroke(gridStroke); ingo@419: plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR); ingo@419: plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(true); ingo@419: ingo@419: plot.setRangeGridlineStroke(gridStroke); ingo@419: plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR); ingo@419: plot.setRangeGridlinesVisible(true); ingo@654: ingo@654: plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(0d, 0d, 0d, 0d)); ingo@923: ingo@923: if (plot.getDataset(0) != null) { ingo@923: plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(0, 0); ingo@923: } ingo@923: ingo@923: if (plot.getDataset(1) != null) { ingo@923: plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); ingo@923: } ingo@419: } ingo@419: ingo@419: ingo@414: protected void addSubtitles(JFreeChart chart) { ingo@414: // override this method in subclasses that need subtitles ingo@414: } ingo@924: ingo@924: ingo@1645: /** ingo@1645: * This method walks over all axes (domain and range) of plot and ingo@1645: * calls localizeDomainAxis() for domain axes or localizeRangeAxis() for ingo@1645: * range axes. ingo@1645: * ingo@1645: * @param plot The XYPlot. ingo@1645: */ ingo@1645: private void localizeAxes(XYPlot plot) { ingo@1645: for (int i = 0, num = plot.getDomainAxisCount(); i < num; i++) { ingo@1645: ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(i); ingo@1645: ingo@1645: if (axis != null) { ingo@1645: localizeDomainAxis(axis); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: else { ingo@1645: logger.warn("Domain axis at " + i + " is null."); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: ingo@1645: for (int i = 0, num = plot.getRangeAxisCount(); i < num; i++) { ingo@1645: ValueAxis axis = plot.getRangeAxis(i); ingo@1645: ingo@1645: if (axis != null) { ingo@1645: localizeRangeAxis(axis); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: else { ingo@1645: logger.warn("Range axis at " + i + " is null."); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: ingo@1645: ingo@1645: /** ingo@1645: * Overrides the NumberFormat with the NumberFormat for the current locale ingo@1645: * that is provided by getLocale(). ingo@1645: * ingo@1645: * @param domainAxis The domain axis that needs localization. ingo@1645: */ ingo@1645: protected void localizeDomainAxis(ValueAxis domainAxis) { ingo@1645: NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale()); ingo@1645: ((NumberAxis) domainAxis).setNumberFormatOverride(nf); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: ingo@1645: ingo@1645: /** ingo@1645: * Overrides the NumberFormat with the NumberFormat for the current locale ingo@1645: * that is provided by getLocale(). ingo@1645: * ingo@1645: * @param domainAxis The domain axis that needs localization. ingo@1645: */ ingo@1645: protected void localizeRangeAxis(ValueAxis rangeAxis) { ingo@1645: NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale()); ingo@1645: ((NumberAxis) rangeAxis).setNumberFormatOverride(nf); ingo@1645: } ingo@1645: ingo@1645: ingo@924: protected void applyThemes(XYPlot plot) { ingo@924: if (first != null) { ingo@924: applyThemes(plot, first, 0); ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: if (second != null) { ingo@924: applyThemes(plot, second, 1); ingo@924: } ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: ingo@924: protected void applyThemes(XYPlot plot, XYSeriesCollection dataset, int i) { ingo@924: XYLineAndShapeRenderer r = getRenderer(plot, i); ingo@924: ingo@924: for (int s = 0, num = dataset.getSeriesCount(); s < num; s++) { ingo@924: XYSeries series = dataset.getSeries(s); ingo@924: ingo@924: if (series instanceof StyledXYSeries) { ingo@924: ((StyledXYSeries) series).applyTheme(r, s); ingo@924: } ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: plot.setRenderer(i, r); ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: ingo@924: protected XYLineAndShapeRenderer getRenderer(XYPlot plot, int idx) { ingo@924: XYLineAndShapeRenderer r = ingo@924: (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(idx); ingo@924: ingo@924: if (r != null) { ingo@924: return r; ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: if (idx == 0) { ingo@924: logger.warn("No default renderer set!"); ingo@924: return new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: r = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(0); ingo@924: ingo@924: try { ingo@924: return (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r.clone(); ingo@924: } ingo@924: catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { ingo@924: logger.warn(cnse, cnse); ingo@924: } ingo@924: ingo@924: logger.warn("No applicalable renderer found!"); ingo@924: ingo@924: return new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); ingo@924: } ingo@369: } ingo@369: // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :