tom@8278: #!/bin/bash
tom@8278: DIR=$(readlink -f `dirname $0`)
tom@8278: # write all outs expected in datacage to temporary file
tom@8278: tmpfile=`uuid`
tom@8278: cat $DIR/../doc/conf/meta-data.xml | \
tom@8278:     sed -n '/test="$out/p' | \
tom@8278:     sed "s/ *<dc:when test=\"\$out = '\(.*\)'\">/\1/" | \
tom@8278:     sort -u > /tmp/$tmpfile
tom@8289: echo "WARNING:"
tom@8289: echo "Only tests having exactly the pattern \"\$out = 'outname'\" will be recognised!"
tom@8289: echo
tom@8278: echo "outs not used in any artifact-configuration:"
tom@8278: for out in `cat /tmp/$tmpfile`
tom@8278: do
tom@8278:     count=`grep -l $out $DIR/../doc/conf/artifacts/*.xml | wc -l`
tom@8278:     if [ $count -lt 1 ]
tom@8278:     then
tom@8278:         echo " $out"
tom@8278:     fi
tom@8278: done
tom@8279: echo
tom@8279: echo "Caution: These might be set in gwt-client for inline datacage panels!"
tom@8279: echo