teichmann@5863: /* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde teichmann@5863: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH teichmann@5863: * teichmann@5994: * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3) teichmann@5863: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the teichmann@5994: * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details. teichmann@5863: */ teichmann@5863: teichmann@5831: package org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.model.minfo; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: import java.io.Serializable; raimund@3751: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; raimund@3751: import java.util.ArrayList; raimund@3751: import java.util.Date; raimund@3751: import java.util.List; raimund@3751: tom@9726: import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; tom@9726: import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; raimund@3751: import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; raimund@3751: import org.hibernate.Session; raimund@3751: import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes; raimund@3751: import org.w3c.dom.Document; raimund@3751: import org.w3c.dom.Element; raimund@3751: teichmann@5831: import org.dive4elements.river.utils.KMIndex; andre@8684: import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.model.RiverFactory; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public class BedOverview raimund@3751: implements Serializable raimund@3751: { raimund@3751: /** raimund@3751: * Serial version UId. raimund@3751: */ raimund@3751: private static final long serialVersionUID = -7967134407371364911L; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public interface Filter { raimund@3751: boolean accept(KMIndex> entry); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: } // interface Filter raimund@3751: raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static final Filter ACCEPT = new Filter() { raimund@3751: public boolean accept(KMIndex> entry) { raimund@3751: return true; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: }; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static class KmFilter implements Filter { raimund@3751: raimund@3751: protected double km; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public KmFilter (double km) { raimund@3751: this.km = km; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: public boolean accept(KMIndex> list) { raimund@3751: for (KMIndex.Entry> e: list){ raimund@3751: if (e.getKm() == km) { raimund@3751: return true; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: return false; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: }; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static class DateFilter implements Filter { raimund@3751: raimund@3751: protected Date date; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public DateFilter (Date date) { raimund@3751: this.date = date; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public boolean accept(KMIndex> list) { raimund@3751: for (KMIndex.Entry> e: list){ raimund@3751: if (e.getValue().equals(this.date)) { raimund@3751: return true; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: return false; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: }; raimund@3751: tom@9726: private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(BedOverview.class); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static final double EPSILON = 1e-4; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd.MM.yyyy"; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public static final String SQL_SQ = raimund@3751: "SELECT" + raimund@3751: " so.km AS km," + raimund@3751: " so.datum AS datum " + raimund@3751: "FROM sohltest so " + tom@8780: " JOIN station s ON so.stationid = s.stationid " + tom@8780: " JOIN gewaesser g ON s.gewaesserid = g.gewaesserid " + tom@8780: " JOIN sohlprobe sp ON sp.sohltestid = so.sohltestid " + tom@8780: " JOIN siebanalyse sa ON sa.sohlprobeid = sp.sohlprobeid " + raimund@3751: "WHERE" + tom@8779: " g.name = :name" + tom@8779: " AND so.km IS NOT NULL" + tom@8779: " AND so.km BETWEEN :from AND :to " + tom@8780: " AND sp.tiefevon IS NOT NULL " + tom@8780: " AND sp.tiefebis IS NOT NULL " + tom@8780: "ORDER BY so.km, so.datum"; raimund@3751: tom@8779: protected String riverName; tom@8779: protected String SeddbRiverName; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: protected KMIndex> entries; raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public BedOverview() { raimund@3751: entries = new KMIndex>(); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public BedOverview(String riverName) { raimund@3751: this(); tom@8779: this.riverName = riverName; tom@8779: this.SeddbRiverName = RiverFactory.getRiver(riverName).nameForSeddb(); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: private static final boolean epsilonEquals(double a, double b) { raimund@3751: return Math.abs(a - b) < EPSILON; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: protected void loadData(Session session) { tom@8779: double [] fromTo = RiverFactory.getRiver(riverName) tom@8779: .determineMinMaxDistance(); tom@8779: raimund@3751: SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SQ) raimund@3751: .addScalar("km", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE) raimund@3751: .addScalar("datum", StandardBasicTypes.DATE); raimund@3751: tom@8779: query.setString("name", SeddbRiverName); tom@8779: query.setDouble("from", fromTo[0]); tom@8779: query.setDouble("to", fromTo[1]); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: List list = query.list(); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: if (list.isEmpty()) { tom@8779: log.warn("No river '" + SeddbRiverName + "' found."); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: Double prevKm = -Double.MAX_VALUE; raimund@3751: List dates = new ArrayList(); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: for (Object [] row: list) { raimund@3751: Double km = (Double)row[0]; raimund@3751: if (!epsilonEquals(km, prevKm) && !dates.isEmpty()) { raimund@3751: entries.add(prevKm, dates); raimund@3751: dates = new ArrayList(); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: dates.add((Date)row[1]); raimund@3751: prevKm = km; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: if (!dates.isEmpty()) { raimund@3751: entries.add(prevKm, dates); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public boolean load(Session session) { raimund@3751: raimund@3751: loadData(session); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: return true; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public void generateOverview(Document document) { raimund@3751: generateOverview(document, ACCEPT); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public KMIndex> filter(Filter f) { raimund@3751: // TODO: Apply filter raimund@3751: return entries; raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: public void generateOverview( raimund@3751: Document document, raimund@3751: Filter filter raimund@3751: ) { raimund@3751: KMIndex> filtered = filter(ACCEPT); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: Element sqElement = document.createElement("bed"); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: Element riverElement = document.createElement("river"); raimund@3751: tom@8779: riverElement.setAttribute("name", SeddbRiverName); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: sqElement.appendChild(riverElement); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: Element kmE = document.createElement("km"); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: for (KMIndex.Entry> e: filtered) { raimund@3751: raimund@3751: List dates = e.getValue(); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: if (!dates.isEmpty()) { raimund@3751: Element dEs = document.createElement("dates"); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: for (Date d: dates) { raimund@3751: Element dE = document.createElement("date"); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: dE.setAttribute("value", df.format(d)); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: dEs.appendChild(dE); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: kmE.appendChild(dEs); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: raimund@3751: sqElement.appendChild(kmE); raimund@3751: raimund@3751: document.appendChild(sqElement); raimund@3751: } raimund@3751: }