teichmann@5861: /* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde teichmann@5861: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH teichmann@5861: * teichmann@5993: * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3) teichmann@5861: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the teichmann@5993: * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details. teichmann@5861: */ teichmann@5861: teichmann@5835: package org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.plain; sascha@2959: teichmann@5835: import org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.AuthenticationException; teichmann@5835: import org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.DefaultUser; teichmann@5835: import org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.User; sascha@2959: sascha@2959: import java.io.BufferedReader; sascha@2959: import java.io.File; sascha@2959: import java.io.FileReader; sascha@2959: import java.io.IOException; sascha@2980: sascha@2980: import java.util.ArrayList; bjoern@2978: import java.util.List; sascha@2959: bh@5933: import javax.servlet.ServletContext; bh@5933: tom@9726: import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; tom@9726: import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; sascha@2985: teichmann@5835: import org.dive4elements.river.client.server.features.Features; bjoern@3485: christian@3696: /** christian@3696: * Authenticator that uses a local file as user backend. christian@3696: */ sascha@2959: public class Authenticator teichmann@5835: implements org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.Authenticator sascha@2959: { sascha@2985: private static final Logger log = tom@9726: LogManager.getLogger(Authenticator.class); sascha@2985: sascha@2959: public static class Authentication tom@8856: implements org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.Authentication sascha@2959: { sascha@2980: protected String user; sascha@2980: protected String password; bjoern@2978: protected List roles; bjoern@3485: protected Features features; sascha@2959: sascha@2980: public Authentication( sascha@2980: String user, sascha@2980: String password, bjoern@3485: List roles, bjoern@3485: Features features sascha@2980: ) { sascha@2959: this.user = user; sascha@2959: this.password = password; bjoern@2978: this.roles = roles; bjoern@3485: this.features = features; sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: sascha@2959: @Override sascha@2959: public boolean isSuccess() { sascha@2959: return user != null; sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: sascha@2959: @Override sascha@2959: public User getUser() { sascha@2959: return isSuccess() tom@8856: ? new DefaultUser( tom@8856: user, password, null, false, roles, tom@8856: this.features.getFeatures(roles)) sascha@2959: : null; sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: } // class Authentication sascha@2959: sascha@2959: public Authenticator() { sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: sascha@2959: private static File credentialsFile() { sascha@2959: String env = System.getenv("FLYS_USER_FILE"); sascha@2959: if (env == null) { sascha@2959: env = System.getProperty( sascha@2959: "flys.user.file", sascha@2959: System.getProperty("user.home", ".") sascha@2959: + System.getProperty("file.separator") sascha@2959: + "flys_user_file"); sascha@2959: } bjoern@3545: log.debug("Using credentials file " + env); sascha@2959: return new File(env); sascha@2959: sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: sascha@2959: @Override teichmann@5835: public org.dive4elements.river.client.server.auth.Authentication auth( sascha@2959: String username, sascha@2959: String password, bjoern@3485: String encoding, bh@5933: Features features, bh@5933: ServletContext context sascha@2959: ) sascha@2959: throws AuthenticationException, IOException sascha@2959: { sascha@2959: File file = credentialsFile(); sascha@2959: if (!file.canRead() || !file.isFile()) { sascha@2985: log.error("cannot find user file '" + file + "'"); tom@8856: return new Authentication( tom@8856: null, null, new ArrayList(0), features); sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: sascha@2959: BufferedReader reader = sascha@2959: new BufferedReader( sascha@2959: new FileReader(file)); sascha@2959: try { sascha@2959: String line; sascha@2959: while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sascha@3697: if ((line = line.trim()).length() == 0 sascha@3697: || line.startsWith("#")) { sascha@2959: continue; sascha@2959: } sascha@3697: christian@3696: String[] parts = line.split("\\s+"); sascha@2959: if (parts.length < 2) { sascha@2959: continue; sascha@2959: } sascha@3697: sascha@2959: if (parts[0].equals(username)) { sascha@2985: log.debug("user '" + username + "' found."); sascha@2959: if (parts[1].equals(password)) { sascha@2980: List roles = sascha@2980: new ArrayList(parts.length - 2); sascha@2980: bjoern@2978: for (int i = 2; i < parts.length; i++) { bjoern@2978: roles.add(parts[i]); bjoern@2978: } sascha@2980: sascha@2985: log.debug("success"); tom@8856: return new Authentication( tom@8856: username, password, roles, features); sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: // Stop: user found, wrong password sascha@2959: break; sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: finally { sascha@2959: reader.close(); sascha@2959: } sascha@2985: log.debug("failed"); christian@3696: return null; sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: } sascha@2959: // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :