# HG changeset patch
# User mschaefer
# Date 1519305079 -3600
# Node ID d32c22fc686ceb307d6641333346b92bd1819d01
# Parent 3dd0c77a4b27bc752fc37d12464d5c6dfc351052# Parent 863f2850dbcf3bfafa13c8304a08659539576d70
diff -r 863f2850dbcf -r d32c22fc686c .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore Mon Feb 19 18:04:25 2018 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-syntax: regexp
-artifacts/target # maven output
-artifacts/\.classpath # eclipse
-artifacts/\.project # eclipse
-artifacts/\.settings # eclipse
-artifacts/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
-backend/target # maven output
-backend/\.classpath # eclipse
-backend/\.project # eclipse
-backend/\.settings # eclipse
-backend/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
-gwt-client/target # maven output
-gwt-client/\.classpath # eclipse
-gwt-client/\.project # eclipse
-gwt-client/\.settings # eclipse
-gwt-client/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
-etl/target # maven output
-etl/\.classpath # eclipse
-etl/\.project # eclipse
-etl/\.settings # eclipse
-etl/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
diff -r 863f2850dbcf -r d32c22fc686c artifacts/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/artifacts/sinfo/flowdepth/BedQualityD50KmValueFinder.java
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/artifacts/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/artifacts/sinfo/flowdepth/BedQualityD50KmValueFinder.java Thu Feb 22 14:11:19 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
+ * Software engineering by
+ * Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
+ * Dr. Schumacher Ingenieurbüro für Wasser und Umwelt
+ *
+ * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3)
+ * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the
+ * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details.
+ */
+package org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.sinfo.flowdepth;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.math.DoubleRange;
+import org.apache.commons.math.ArgumentOutsideDomainException;
+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator;
+import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.model.DateRange;
+import org.dive4elements.river.backend.SedDBSessionHolder;
+import org.dive4elements.river.model.River;
+import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
+import org.hibernate.Session;
+import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
+ * Searchable sorted km array with parallel bed measurements value array and linear interpolation for km and d50 between the array elements.
+ * @author Matthias Schäfer
+ *
+ */
+public class BedQualityD50KmValueFinder {
+ /***** INNER CLASSES *****/
+ /**
+ * A bed measurements aggregate with its d50 characteristic grain diameter
+ */
+ private class D50Measurement {
+ private double km;
+ public double getKm() {
+ return km;
+ }
+ private Date mindate;
+ public Date getMinDate() {
+ return mindate;
+ }
+ private Date maxdate;
+ public Date getMaxDate() {
+ return maxdate;
+ }
+ private int cnt;
+ public int getCnt() {
+ return cnt;
+ }
+ private double mindepth;
+ public double getMinDepth() {
+ return mindepth;
+ }
+ private double maxdepth;
+ public double getMaxDepth() {
+ return maxdepth;
+ }
+ private double d50;
+ /**
+ * D50 in m
+ */
+ public double getD50() {
+ return d50;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parameter constructor
+ */
+ public D50Measurement(double km, Date mindate, Date maxdate, int cnt, double mindepth, double maxdepth, double d50mm) {
+ this.km = km;
+ this.mindate = mindate;
+ this.maxdate = maxdate;
+ this.cnt = cnt;
+ this.mindepth = mindepth;
+ this.maxdepth = maxdepth;
+ this.d50 = d50mm / 1000;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Query result row constructor
+ */
+ public D50Measurement(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) {
+ km = 0;
+ mindate = null;
+ maxdate = null;
+ cnt = 0;
+ mindepth = Double.NaN;
+ maxdepth = Double.NaN;
+ d50 = Double.NaN;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tuple.length; ++i) {
+ if (tuple[i] == null)
+ continue;
+ switch (aliases[i]) {
+ case "km":
+ km = ((Number) tuple[i]).doubleValue();
+ break;
+ case "mindate":
+ mindate = (Date) tuple[i];
+ break;
+ case "maxdate":
+ maxdate = (Date) tuple[i];
+ break;
+ case "cnt":
+ cnt = ((Number) tuple[i]).intValue();
+ break;
+ case "mindepth":
+ mindepth = ((Number) tuple[i]).doubleValue();
+ break;
+ case "maxdepth":
+ maxdepth = ((Number) tuple[i]).doubleValue();
+ break;
+ case "d50":
+ d50 = ((Number) tuple[i]).doubleValue() / 1000; // mm to m
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***** FIELDS *****/
+ /**
+ * Private log to use here.
+ */
+ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BedQualityD50KmValueFinder.class);
+ /**
+ * Query that aggregates by km for a km range and a time period all sub layer bed measurements with their d50
+ *
+ * A km may have bed measurements for multiple dates, multiple distances from the river bank, and multiple depth layers.
+ * The query filters by km range, time period and layer (sub layer: below bed to max. 50 cm depth).
+ * Those measurements are then grouped by km, and the D50 aggregated as average value.
+ */
+ private static final String SQL_BED_D50_SUBLAYER_MEASUREMENT =
+ "SELECT t.km, MIN(t.datum) AS mindate, MAX(t.datum) AS maxdate, COUNT(*) AS cnt,"
+ + " MIN(p.tiefevon) AS mindepth, MAX(p.tiefebis) AS maxdepth, AVG(a.d50) AS d50"
+ + " FROM sohltest t INNER JOIN station s ON t.stationid = s.stationid"
+ + " INNER JOIN gewaesser g ON s.gewaesserid = g.gewaesserid"
+ + " INNER JOIN sohlprobe p ON t.sohltestid = p.sohltestid"
+ + " INNER JOIN siebanalyse a ON p.sohlprobeid = a.sohlprobeid"
+ + " WHERE (g.name = :name) AND (s.km BETWEEN :fromkm - 0.0001 AND :tokm + 0.0001)"
+ + " AND (p.tiefevon > 0.0) AND (p.tiefebis <= 0.5)"
+ + " AND (t.datum BETWEEN :fromdate AND :todate)"
+ + " GROUP BY t.km"
+ + " ORDER BY t.km";
+ private static final String[] SQL_BED_D50_SELECT_ALIAS = {"km", "mindate", "maxdate", "cnt", "mindepth", "maxdepth", "d50"};
+ /**
+ * Real linear interpolator for kms and d50 values
+ */
+ private PolynomialSplineFunction interpolator;
+ /***** METHODS *****/
+ /**
+ * Returns the d50 value interpolated according to a km
+ * @throws ArgumentOutsideDomainException
+ */
+ public double findD50(double km) throws ArgumentOutsideDomainException {
+ return interpolator.value(km);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the range of the river's kms with their associated values.
+ * @return Whether the load has been successful
+ */
+ public boolean loadValues(final River river, final DoubleRange kmRange, final DateRange dateRange) {
+ log.debug(String.format("loadValues km %.3f - %.3f %tF - %tF", kmRange.getMinimumDouble(), kmRange.getMaximumDouble(), dateRange.getFrom(), dateRange.getTo()));
+ Session session = SedDBSessionHolder.HOLDER.get();
+ SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_BED_D50_SUBLAYER_MEASUREMENT)
+ .addScalar("km", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
+ .addScalar("mindate", StandardBasicTypes.DATE)
+ .addScalar("maxdate", StandardBasicTypes.DATE)
+ .addScalar("cnt", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
+ .addScalar("mindepth", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
+ .addScalar("maxdepth", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
+ .addScalar("d50", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE);
+ String seddbRiver = river.nameForSeddb();
+ sqlQuery.setString("name", seddbRiver);
+ sqlQuery.setDouble("fromkm", kmRange.getMinimumDouble());
+ sqlQuery.setDouble("tokm", kmRange.getMaximumDouble());
+ sqlQuery.setDate("fromdate", dateRange.getFrom());
+ sqlQuery.setDate("todate", dateRange.getTo());
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ final List