
age author description
2011-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Added importer models for HYKs.
2011-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Schema: Fixed location of 'Peilungsjahre' in HYKs
2011-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixes for the HYK parser
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Initial version of the HYK parser. Not ready, yet.
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Schema: Argh! Added distance_{vl|hf|vr} to
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Added method
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Schema: Added missing columns in HYK tables.
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved file parsers to separate package.
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann New. The hibernate models
2011-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann schema: Added structures for HYKs "Hydraulische Kenngroessen"
2011-07-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Bumped Hibernate up to 3.6.5
2011-07-11 Sascha L. Teichmann HashedFile: Forget to call the file hashing so only the file lengths were compared.
2011-07-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Prevent parsing and storing PRF duplicates.
2011-07-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Made import of cross sections work.
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Integrated PRF parsing into importer. Needs testing!
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Querprofile: Added a table to map the points to a given km.
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Schema: Added description column to the cross section table
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Schema: Dropped unique constraint of x in a single line of a "Querprofil-Spur".
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann PRFParser: Added a callback to be called from parsePRFs() if
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann PRFParser: Extract the year of sounding and description from file names.
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann PRFParser: Extracted the data. All BfG PRFs are parsed correctly, now.
2011-07-07 Sascha L. Teichmann PRFParser: extract km from lines. TODO: extract data.
2011-07-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Added parser for PRF files. TODO: Extract data and km.
2011-07-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed braindead points3d table
2011-07-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Added Hibernate models for cross-sections and their points.
2011-07-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Added hibernate point3d model
2011-07-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Add relations for cross sections.
2011-06-28 Ingo Weinzierl Tagged RELEASE 2.4 of flys-backend.
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein merged flys-artifacts/2.5
2011-09-19 Ingo Weinzierl Tagged RELEASE 2.5 of flys-artifacts.
2011-09-19 Bjoern Schilberg Adjust wms saar styling in the flys karten-archive styling.
2011-09-19 Ingo Weinzierl Cleanup imports.
2011-09-16 Ingo Weinzierl Use DGM Id in FLYSArtifact's data pool to query DGMs for floodmaps instead of querying DGMs by given range values.
2011-09-16 Ingo Weinzierl Added a DEM section to the floodmap section in the datacage configuration.
2011-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Fix build.
2011-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Load given artifacts for w-diff calculation.
2011-09-16 Bjoern Schilberg Added inital mapserver configuration files.
2011-09-16 Ingo Weinzierl Repaired datacage configuration. The system specific stuff is also displayed if a user-id is given.
2011-09-16 Ingo Weinzierl Write the name of the selected waterlevels (used for the floodmap) into the static DESCRIBE.
2011-09-16 Ingo Weinzierl Added state label for waterlevel selection.
2011-09-15 Ingo Weinzierl Enabled the FloodMapState to fetch waterlevel data from external Artifact.
2011-09-15 Ingo Weinzierl Removed needness import from JSON library which is not part of FLYS yet.
2011-09-15 Ingo Weinzierl Introduced the possibility for States to transform/modify input before the data is added to FLYSArtifact.
2011-09-15 Ingo Weinzierl Prepared FLYSArtifactCollection to live without Artifacts.
2011-09-15 Ingo Weinzierl Improved FLYSUtils: fetch Artifacts from ArtifactDatabase properly.
2011-09-15 Felix Wolfsteller Extended WDifferences bracnh of WINFO to have calculation in dedicated,
2011-09-14 Ingo Weinzierl Prepared the winfo artifact for floodmap calculations (now selectable in the UI).
2011-09-14 Ingo Weinzierl Bugfix: merge facets for the Collection's attribute only if the new and old facet's name and owner artifact are equal.
2011-09-14 Felix Wolfsteller Partial fix flys/issue304 (3:Display ZeroBaseline).
2011-09-14 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue310 (crosssection theme).
2011-09-13 Ingo Weinzierl Add an error message to the calculation report if an error occured while WSPLGENJob creation.
2011-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller Fix crash when StickyAxisAnnotation should be drawn without proper axis
2011-09-13 Ingo Weinzierl Improved styling (mapserver style) of WSPLGEN result shape.
2011-09-12 Ingo Weinzierl Add status message for queued WSPLGEN jobs to notify users.
2011-09-12 Ingo Weinzierl Do only create WSPLGEN and barrier facets if the WSPLGEN job has been added to the Scheduler and if there are digitized geometries existing.
2011-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller Fix build, added new DataUtil.
2011-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2011-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller Added CSV Exporter for WDifferences.
2011-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics
2011-09-12 Ingo Weinzierl Suppress the GeoJSON string for the FloodMap creation to be included in the static DESCRIBE part.
