
age author description
2014-09-04 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-09-04 Raimund Renkert Changed discharge processor to plot only discharge curves and added processor for computed discharge curves.
2014-09-04 Raimund Renkert Added new processor to plot misc discharge data, e.g. from datacage or recommendations.
2014-09-03 Tom Gottfried The existing implementation respects the fact that months are 0-based.
2014-09-03 Tom Gottfried Complete CSV-export and correct headers.
2014-09-03 Tom Gottfried Rev aa80f9ba56a9 was incomplete. Shame on me.
2014-09-03 Tom Gottfried We have to calculate bed load plus suspended sand instead of suspended load.
2014-09-02 Tom Gottfried Let epochs be averages over their years.
2014-09-02 Tom Gottfried Precalculated sums from the database will come through recommendations.
2014-09-02 Tom Gottfried Make sedimentload loadable as old calculation.
2014-09-01 Tom Gottfried Only calculated sums of fractions should be initially shown in diagram.
2014-09-01 Tom Gottfried Fix fraction respectively facet names and descriptions.
2014-09-01 Tom Gottfried Broken -> broke away.
2014-09-01 Tom Gottfried Do not handle the impossible.
2014-09-01 Tom Gottfried Handle missing years in bed height differences without assuming an unknown year to be BC 1.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Converted configuration for discharge diagrams to the new Q symmetry style.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Added diagram defaults for discharge diagrams.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Renamed tag in sq relation defaults to a more fitting name.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Added new diagramm generator for Q symmetry.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann More shoveling araound generators.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Added a woking copy for discharge diagramm generators. All modifications are go in here. If the process is finished we'll remove the old one and rename the copy to discharge-diagramms.xml
2014-08-29 Tom Gottfried We have only 4 of them.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann More fixes for conf.xml
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved external system entites back to conf.xml. Uncool.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Cleaned up generator dependencies.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved more generator stuff in reguarding sub directory.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Allow deeper nesting of output-generators in conf.xml. This allows better separation of concerns of different generator types.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved generators.xml and its dependencies to a directory of their own.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved external system entity for longitudinal sections default to generators.xml. TODO: Move in entirely different file.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-08-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed build error.
2014-08-29 Tom Gottfried The relevant contents are now in artifacts/doc/datacage_ref_de.rst.
2014-08-28 Tom Gottfried IDs can be assumed to be unique.
2014-08-28 Tom Gottfried Do not put metadata on series if there are none (avoid NPE).
2014-08-28 Tom Gottfried Quoting is done elsewhere since rev 7021753b3797.
2014-08-27 Tom Gottfried The rest is silence.
2014-08-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Make Logarithmic axis immun against negative values (not throwing Exceptions in that case).
2014-08-27 Tom Gottfried Let the facet know the period of it's data.
2014-08-27 Tom Gottfried Calculate all single years in given interval but only once.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Insert variable values literally into output.
2014-08-26 Tom Gottfried With the exception of real calculation results, descriptions of sediment loads can all follow the same pattern.
2014-08-26 Tom Gottfried Metadata in datacage tooltips for sediment densities, bed heights, flow velocities and sounding widhts.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Added missing generics parameter.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Remove simple tail recursive calls from SedimentLoadData.recursiveFindStations(). More carefully this time.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete same package imports.
2014-08-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Fix exporter loops
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Acctually use the new Sedilmentload calculation
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Make SedimentloadExporter work with the new result scheme.
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Correctly handle not creating facets and error reports.
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke GetFractionByName now returns a list as it can differ in Epochs
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Add period to sedimentloaddataresult fraction
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Use old names for SedimentloadDataFractions and add average fraction
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Actually return the period in SedimentLoadAccess
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Fix compilation of last commit
2014-08-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Another fix for find stations in sediment load.
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke Correctly output problems in SedimentLoadDataCalculate
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke (issue1448) Add WIP SedimentLoadDataFacet and use it in calculation.
2014-08-25 Andre Heinecke (issue 1448) Use new data model for sedimentloadinfo
2014-08-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Fixed findStations() and add findLoads().
2014-08-22 Tom Gottfried Tooltip for sediment loads in datacage.
2014-08-22 Tom Gottfried Add SQ time interval to selection tree in datacage for sediment loads.
2014-08-22 Tom Gottfried Remove code duplications in sedimentload datacage.
2014-08-22 Tom Gottfried Format timestamps in datacage tooltip for porosities.
2014-08-21 Tom Gottfried Dashed lines shall be used for sediment load at measurement stations (issue1352).
2014-08-21 Tom Gottfried Complete mapping and themes for sediment load.
2014-08-21 Tom Gottfried Make a difference between themes representing loads in different units.
2014-08-20 Tom Gottfried i18n for sediment loads.
2014-08-20 Tom Gottfried Reconstruct facet description of sediment load longitudinal sections. i18n will follow.
2014-08-20 Tom Gottfried Reconstruct facet description of sediment load at measurement stations. i18n will follow.
2014-08-20 Tom Gottfried Let hg ignore downloaded SmartGWT stuff.
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Change facet.sedimentload.dc to facet.sedimentload.ls
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1681) Add l10n for grain fractions
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1681) Handle different grain fraction kinds
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Fix typo in sedimentload i18n
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1681) Add themes for sedimentloads
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Remove todos about sedimentload_ls facet
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Remove unecessary debut output
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Configure SedimentLoadLSFacet
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Add SedimentLoadLSFacet
2014-08-20 Andre Heinecke Add getSedimentLoadById accessor
2014-08-19 Tom Gottfried Distinction by measurement station gives lots of duplicates, as we always get a whole longitudinal section.
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Fix binarysearch logic in SedimentLoadData
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Add translation for sedimentloads
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Add new and simplyfied SedimentLoadFacet
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Fix ti_stop_time naming
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Change sedimentload factory from yields to loads.
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Configure sedimentload static facet
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Rename the SedimentLoadDataFacet and add deprection comment
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Revert accidental change.
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Expose sedimentLoad stations
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke merge
2014-08-15 Andre Heinecke Move the old data facet out of the way.
2014-08-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Use list() instead of iterator(). Why does this not work?
2014-08-11 Andre Heinecke Add comment on how to obtain smartgwt
2014-08-11 Andre Heinecke Do not try to load empty files.
2014-08-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Be more tolerant with not existing artifact configurations.
2014-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Added the broken calculation state of the new sediment load calc.
2014-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed same package import.
2014-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2014-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2014-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-08-11 Andre Heinecke Build is locale sensitive. Force a UTF-8 locale for building.
2014-08-08 Tom Gottfried Datacage config for new sediment load structures. Missing: some facets and everything down from the innermost macros for sediment load at measurement stations.
2014-08-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Added $RADIUS zoom scale sub title logic to other diagrams.
2014-08-07 Tom Gottfried Some typos in datacage config reference.
2014-08-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed sub title zoom stuff.
2014-08-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2014-08-07 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1262: Introduce variable $RADIUS to be used in user defined chart sub titles.
2014-08-07 Tom Gottfried Cleaned layout for infolines (issue1635).
2014-08-06 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: rename database tables from yield to load_ls according to respective classes.
2014-08-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Parse meta data for multi attribute data.
2014-08-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Added meta infos for multi items to enable client to order the columns in a defined order.
2014-08-05 Sascha L. Teichmann More idiomatic Java string concat.
2014-07-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: transform units for official epochs, too.
2014-07-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: refactored epoch calculation to not average over all but per year.
2014-07-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: fetch sediment density for transforming t/a to m^3/a.
2014-07-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Cached sediment values dont depend on year. The cached object is an index over year so there is not need to ask the factory for this.
2014-07-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Ensure that the lists of values are always ordered station wise. This was a hidden bug. :-/
2014-07-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment density: Got rid of stupid extra year tracking.
2014-07-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Sedimen load: Added bundle for fraction results.
2014-07-23 Andre Heinecke Fix wsplgen name
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: More of official epochs.
2014-07-18 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE and Importer: get time intervals of SQ-relations from metalines in sediment load files.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Fetch kind of sediment load from database to tell if it is official or not.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: More on calculating epoch loads.
2014-07-18 Tom Gottfried Importer: Import sediment load at measurement stations.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load. More off year based calculations.
2014-07-18 Tom Gottfried My hint that MeasurementStation does not know it's river was not true. Thus backout rev 8c14588d1f78.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: dispatch calculation modes.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: take arguments from sediment access.
2014-07-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load access: Cache values.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Added more 'sums' to be calculated.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: (incomplete) new sediment load calculation.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment Load: Added table to figure out where grain fractions are measured.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Added join to fetch measurement station via ranges which know the river. Added a visitor for values, too.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann ImporterSession: Load measurement stations via ranges which hold a reference to the river.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged.
2014-07-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Merge measurement stations if they have the same km. The chaining was too complicated to build algorithms on top of it.
2014-07-16 Tom Gottfried Divide SedimentLoadLSParser into AbstractSedimentLoadParser and SedimentLoadLSParser to be able to reuse code for a new SedimentLoadParser for data at measurement stations.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Introduce LineParserException for CSV file parsing.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment load: Recognize grain fractions 'total', 'bed_load' and 'suspended_load' from pre-calculations.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Replace station list with a plain array.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Use GF_UNKNOWN constant instead of -1 to identify unknown grain fractions.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Directly chain stations with the same km position together. This ease some summations.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Added filters for loaded sediment data values. Year, Epochs (time ranges), And and Or.
2014-07-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Throw out old visitor model and use grain fraction filters instead. Fixed neighborhood wirinng of measument stations.
2014-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Sediment loads from cache are sorted in station order so range filters
2014-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Wire the neighbors to the measurement stations together. This eases the lookup for same types (suspended or bed load).
2014-07-15 Sascha L. Teichmann New way to loaded sediment loads from database and cache it. The data structure a way more straight forward. TODO: Implement calculation on this basis.
2014-07-14 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE and Importer (only longitudinal section data so far): only grain fractions given now in schema are valid. We are handling sediment loads, not yields.
2014-07-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Renamed ImportSedimentYield to ImportSedimentLoadLS.
2014-07-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1735 (Versatz in den HYK-Dateien)
2014-07-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Added method to importer session to fetch the measurement station for given (river, km).
2014-07-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Added importer models for sediment load and sediment load values.
2014-07-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Load grain fractions from database only. Do not store new ones.
2014-07-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Added Hibernate mappings for new sediment load database model.
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Renamed SedimentYield to SedimentLoadLS and SedimentYieldValue to SedimentLoadLSValue. Adjust the names of the parsers and the rest of the glue.
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Renamed SedimentLoad to SedimentLoadLSData to make place for SedimentLoad in backend.
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2014-07-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Support the "new" HYK format which enables setting the end of the last flow zone.
2014-07-09 Tom Gottfried Repair last commit.
2014-07-09 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: consistent naming scheme and drop script for sediment load at measurement stations.
2014-07-08 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: Added new structure for sediment loads measured at measurement stations.
2014-07-08 Tom Gottfried Close branch facet-metadata. It's all in default now. facet-metadata
2014-07-08 Tom Gottfried Merged branch facet-metadata into default.
2014-07-08 Tom Gottfried merged default into branch facet-metadata. facet-metadata
2014-07-04 Raimund Renkert Updated german i18n strings. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert merged. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Write an empty string if year is 0 in middle bedheight exporter. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Updated german i18n string. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Tom Gottfried Allow differences between years and epochs (accidentally did that in branch facet-metadata already too)
2014-07-03 Tom Gottfried Allow differences between years and epochs. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed i18n strings. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Avoid NPE if some meta data does not exist. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for middle bedheights. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Added macro for middle bedheights for old calculations. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Removed unused imports and avoid using RiverUtils. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed NPE when loading folders from datacage. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Translate csv meta data lines in middle bed height chart export. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Add river elevation model to middle bed height csv export. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed i18n strings. facet-metadata
2014-07-03 Raimund Renkert Add river elevation model to bed diff chart export. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Tom Gottfried Allow building Release from specific branch. Beware that branches to not get different ports automatically.
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Added missing facet. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Add meta data to middle bed height CSV export. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Added som more meta data to middle bed height result. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Separate meta data key and value by ':'. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Removed unused importsRemoved unused imports.. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Add meta data to chart series in sq relation. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Add units as meta data to middle bed height facets. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Updated meta data in facets. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Split bed quality facets and updated processors and state. facet-metadata
2014-07-02 Raimund Renkert Removed debug output. facet-metadata
2014-07-01 Raimund Renkert Split bed differences facet into data specific facets. facet-metadata
2014-07-01 Raimund Renkert Bedheight facet now returns double[][]. Removed obsolete processor code. facet-metadata
2014-07-01 Raimund Renkert Moved MiddleBedHeight classes to minfo package. Facet now returns double[][] data. facet-metadata
2014-07-01 Raimund Renkert Fixed some smartgwt 4.1 related issues.
2014-06-30 Raimund Renkert merged with default. facet-metadata
2014-06-27 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.1.4 for changeset 6fef38a526c7
2014-06-27 Tom Gottfried There is no year/epoche choice anymore for bed differences. 3.1.4
2014-06-27 Tom Gottfried Exclude annotation types without trailing unit (assumed after whitespace).
2014-06-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete XPath expression.
2014-06-27 Tom Gottfried Minor cleanup in meta-data.xml.
2014-06-27 Raimund Renkert Select complete differences matrix to have a well sorted dc-tree.
2014-06-27 Raimund Renkert Removed code that ignores a user subtitle and sets a default subtitle.
2014-06-27 Raimund Renkert Fixed datacage info field for bed height differences.
2014-06-26 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-06-26 Raimund Renkert Changed twin dc panel in bed height deifferences to single dc and use the new differences dc macro.
2014-06-26 Raimund Renkert Updated macros and db statement for minfo bedheight differences.
2014-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage function resolver: Declare static functions static.
2014-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Added dc:coalesce(a, b). Returns first element which is not empty or not zero.
2014-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Added dc:lowercase() dc:uppercase()
2014-06-25 Raimund Renkert Set identifier for listgridfields and resized columns.
2014-06-24 Tom Gottfried issue1633: Add missing info line.
2014-06-20 Sascha L. Teichmann DC: Flatten bed height diff tree a bit.
2014-06-20 Sascha L. Teichmann DC: Group bedheight diffs by both years.
2014-06-20 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-06-20 Raimund Renkert New macros for bed height differneces.
2014-06-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Make it possible to group a value tuple into more than one group.
2014-06-20 Raimund Renkert Fixed river selection for interactive map.
2014-06-20 Tom Gottfried i18n for WMS legend window title.
2014-06-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Added script to find unused i18n in *.java and *.xml files.
2014-06-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed last anomalie in i18n files.
2014-06-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed more anomalies from i18n.
2014-06-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Run native2ascii over i18n files.
2014-06-19 Tom Gottfried Fixed i18n string in other german translation.
2014-06-19 Raimund Renkert Fixed i18n string in german translation.
2014-06-19 Tom Gottfried This additional version of JFreeChart prevented diagrams to be drawn.
2014-06-18 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete generator references.
2014-06-18 Tom Gottfried Avoid having to set VERSION in external script.
2014-06-18 Tom Gottfried Override bad defaults of isc-maven-plugin. Please set DEFAULT_WD in make_release_sh to something individual if you are on a multi-user system.
2014-06-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Moved year filtering of bed heights to separate macro to be reusable in other contextes.
2014-06-18 Tom Gottfried Use version-specific mapserver-URLs for release.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed sediment load epoch input panel.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed "pegelinfo"-wiki links.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed date range input panels.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed columns in location/distance helper panels.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed compile errors for smartgwt 4.1.
2014-06-18 Raimund Renkert Use SmartGWT version 4.1p. Updated release script to download SmartGWT.
2014-06-18 Tom Gottfried Importer: document import of UUIDs.
2014-06-17 Tom Gottfried issue1633: Add info lines in SQ-relation CSV export.
2014-06-17 Tom Gottfried So you do not need to type every string twice.
2014-06-17 Raimund Renkert Removed unnecessary container widgets and layouts.
2014-06-17 Raimund Renkert Moved info stack section to top level widget (parameterlist).
2014-06-17 Raimund Renkert Replaced plain gwt with smartgwt components in info panels.
2014-06-13 Tom Gottfried Add unit for Q in SQ relation exports.
2014-06-12 Tom Gottfried Include last year of epoch in calculation.
2014-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Small Java related cosmetics.
2014-06-12 Tom Gottfried Nasty little detail overlooked in last commit.
2014-06-12 Tom Gottfried This guess was not always correct.
2014-06-12 Tom Gottfried Add new DateUtil class.
2014-06-10 Tom Gottfried Complete rev7925.
2014-06-10 Tom Gottfried Importer: remove system property and documentation for bed height epochs.
2014-06-10 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: Removed bed height epochs.
2014-06-10 Raimund Renkert Removed bed differences epoch from datacage.
2014-06-06 Raimund Renkert Removed datacage macro calls for bed height epochs.
2014-06-06 Raimund Renkert Removed clientside filter for bed height epochs.
2014-06-06 Raimund Renkert Removed obsolete bed height epoch files.
2014-06-06 Raimund Renkert Removed serverside path for bed height epochs.
2014-06-06 Raimund Renkert Removed bed height epoch in importer.
2014-06-05 Tom Gottfried Make grain fraction type 'unknown' explicit and use it where appropriate.
2014-06-04 Tom Gottfried Adapted bed differences PDF export to CSV export and some cleanup of field names.
2014-06-04 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1628: Adjusted the PDF export.
2014-06-04 Tom Gottfried Change column order in bed differences export.
2014-06-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added diff pair column to CSV export of bed height differences. TODO: same for PDF, adjust client.
2014-06-04 Tom Gottfried Allow differentiating between units of sediment sources/sinks in annotation types also in datacage.
2014-06-04 Tom Gottfried Annotations are not points.
2014-06-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added text color for annotation labels.
2014-06-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Feed unit to PDF template.
2014-06-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed flys/issue1628. Made "unit" a configurable field in PDF export.
2014-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed typos in datacage manual.
2014-05-30 Tom Gottfried issue1628: correct unit and at least partly complete column name for CSV.
2014-05-30 Tom Gottfried issue661: prototyped tooltip for porosities in datacage.
2014-05-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Potential fix for exception reported in flys/issue1717.
2014-05-27 Tom Gottfried Upgrade to SmartGWT 3.1 (bugfix Release) as this did at least not seem to cause any problems.
2014-05-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Potential fix for flys/issue1717: Draw manuel points on W or Q axis depending on the calculation.
2014-05-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1670: Introduce 100m gaps in single bed width.
2014-05-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 3.1.3 for changeset 8333b9b06c98
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Return NaN for width if no width exists for the requested station in bedheights data. 3.1.3
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Added tag 3.1.3 for changeset e0d06f4edaa6
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Removed tag 3.1.13
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Added tag 3.1.13 for changeset 9d5385ccad07
2014-05-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Use old version of iReport to generate binary compatible version of the PDF S/Q template.
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Added metadata to facets. facet-metadata
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Use the metadata to write csv header when exporting a chart. facet-metadata
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Add metadata to chart series and datasets. facet-metadata
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert Added metadata to styled series. facet-metadata
2014-05-21 Raimund Renkert New class and interface for metadata in chart series and datasets. facet-metadata
2014-05-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix flys/issue1719: s@Abflusskurve/-tafel@Modell-Abflusskurve/-tafel@
2014-05-19 Raimund Renkert Use the new way of building static facets if such facets exist else ignore this way.
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.1.3 for changeset 952b57b43e2f
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried Importer: depths are always numbers assumed to represent centimeters.
2014-05-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2014-05-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2014-05-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried Add porosity importer to helper script.
2014-05-16 Raimund Renkert Use description from database for i18n (completed revision dc8910e29dd4).
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried PorosityParser: Strip file extension for description.
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried Number an unit have to separated by whitespace.
2014-05-16 Tom Gottfried i18n for porosities (needs to be filled with data).
2014-05-16 Raimund Renkert Fixed subtitle handling and added flowvelocity subtitle.
2014-05-16 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-05-16 Raimund Renkert Changed column names in sounding select state ui.
2014-05-15 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1716: Adjusted installation from binaries.
2014-05-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Issue1308 Forgot to rename columns.
2014-05-14 Tom Gottfried Corrected wording for moving average.
2014-05-14 Raimund Renkert Added importer documentation for porosity data.
2014-05-14 Raimund Renkert Backed out changeset 0c88a5d30ca2 facet-metadata
2014-05-14 Raimund Renkert Added importer documentation for porosity data. facet-metadata
2014-05-13 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-05-13 Raimund Renkert Removed step back button for river selection. Fix/Workarround for issue 1203/1714.
2014-05-13 Tom Gottfried Precision and scale have to be set to represent integers with NUMBER; DOUBLE PRECISION is preferable for floating point (see issue1304).
2014-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2014-05-08 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-05-08 Raimund Renkert Updated oracle minfo schema (added porosity).
2014-05-08 Raimund Renkert Fixed porosity importer. Find existing db entries and parse values from string, not via double.
2014-05-08 Raimund Renkert Fixed getPeer for depth. Select with a small epsilon, not extact match.
2014-05-08 Raimund Renkert Order porosities by station.
2014-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixes flys/issue1308. Add new column "Messstellenart" in "Messstellen-Info".
2014-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Preparation for flys/issue1643: Introduced four new annotation types:
2014-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed some whitespace in annotation classifier xml.
2014-05-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1635: Added legend for table. TODO: Adjust english template. BTW: Who threw the original templates away?
2014-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed imports and make it build again.
2014-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added cache key class for porosity.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert New macro for porosities in datacage config.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added porosity facet to minfo artifact config.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added config for porosity artifact.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Handle porosity facets in a processor.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added new facet to facettypes.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert New Facet, datatype and data factory for porosities.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Build static facets in D4EArtifact.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Removed name and getter for name (Moved to DefaultArtifact).
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert D4EArtifact is no longer abstract.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Updated signature of artifacts setup method; Removed unnecessary setup overrides.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Parse and import porosities.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added model, parser and importer for porosities.
2014-04-30 Raimund Renkert Added tables for porosity and porosity values to postgres schema.
2014-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Bring date format on par with server format. Hopefully fixes flys/issue1445.
2014-04-17 Tom Gottfried Use correct URL from config files in release script.
2014-04-17 Tom Gottfried Close branch minfo-opt as it is now merged to default. minfo-opt
2014-04-17 Tom Gottfried Merged minfo-opt branch into default.
2014-04-03 Raimund Renkert Draw lines with gaps for sounding width, and bed heights. minfo-opt
2014-04-03 Raimund Renkert Avoid NPE in sounding select state if no year is set for bed heights. minfo-opt
2014-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added i18n stings for morph active width. minfo-opt
2014-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added new columns for morph active width. minfo-opt
2014-03-28 Raimund Renkert Add new facet for morph active width to bed height difference calculation. minfo-opt
2014-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added morph. active width to bed height difference calculation. minfo-opt
2014-03-27 Raimund Renkert Renamed the incorrectly named morph width to sounding width. minfo-opt
2014-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Added GNU Affero General Public License text to DiveElements/River.
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert Display the additional information extracted from multiattribute data. minfo-opt
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert Added the new multiattribute data type. minfo-opt
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert New method to extract multi attribute data. minfo-opt
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert Add additional data in soundigs select state. minfo-opt
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert Changed state datatype for soundings select state. minfo-opt
2014-03-20 Raimund Renkert Added new state data type. minfo-opt
2014-03-19 Raimund Renkert Fixed WSPLGEN classes. Allow 0 for 'to' in differences.
2014-03-12 Raimund Renkert Use the sediment yield kind to get data to avoid mixing epoch with off. epoch data. minfo-opt
2014-03-18 Tom Gottfried Mention DIPS field-names in ETL-README.
2014-03-17 Tom Gottfried Use new OSM-WMS.
2014-03-17 Tom Gottfried Release script broke with r7814:242e790fb4ee.
2014-03-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 3.1.2 for changeset 242e790fb4ee
2014-03-07 Sascha L. Teichmann More fixes for the Free Software installation. 3.1.2
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Replace model uuid of 'Beispielfluss' with model_uuid of 'Elbe'.
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Added apache example config, updated install doku.
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Added images and html references for inactive rivers: Rhein, Oder.
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Changed model uuid of 'Elbe' to model uuid of 'Beispielfluss'.
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for chart subtitle. minfo-opt
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Calculate the zoom dependent radius and add the informations to chart subtitle. minfo-opt
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Concatenate the subtitle parts and add them to the default subtitle. minfo-opt
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Added subtitle parts to modify the chart subtitle via the outprocessor. minfo-opt
2014-03-07 Raimund Renkert Use the updated default subtitle or the 'old' one from chart settings. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Add extra config files for modules and zoom scales and give option to use custom files for release.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: use useradd with defaults.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: more small improvements and corrections.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Remove not publicly available WMS services and enable custom configuration through release script.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete MapServer stuff.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete WSPLGEN binary.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Ignore python byte code.
2014-03-06 Tom Gottfried Use latest WSPLGEN binary.
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for winfo difference facet names. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed datacage macro for winfo differences and added the new facet. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Mapped a theme for the new differences facet. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Add the new facet to drawable facets. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Add the new difference facet and set facets active/inactive. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added new facet for filtered winfo differences. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Added default zoom scales. minfo-opt
2014-03-06 Raimund Renkert Try to load default zoom scales if no zoom scale defined for the current river. minfo-opt
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: more small improvements and corrections.
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried Set useful DB connection configuration for demo installation.
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: small corrections and (hopefully) improvements.
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: we don't want links to internalt sites and to build WSPLGEN
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: install Java 7 prior to tomcat to avoid Java 6 installation.
2014-03-05 Tom Gottfried Useful server-logging for demo installation.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Set appropriate client log-file for demo installation.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: remove obsolete server configuration.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Remove FLYS-specific stuff from map configuration and allow to give a custom files in release script.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: remove obsolete client configuration.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Remove FLYS-specific stuff from config.yaml and allow to give a custom file in release script.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Set print URL to useful value for demo installation.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried INSTALL_DE: mention tested system and simplify dependency installation.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Defaulting to GGinA authentication in release script instead of client sources.
2014-03-04 Tom Gottfried Replace FLYS-specific features.xml.
2014-03-03 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-03-03 Raimund Renkert Validate waterlevel 'to' value on change.
2014-03-03 Andre Heinecke Change to work dir bevor creating artifacts and datacage db
2014-03-03 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-03-03 Raimund Renkert Added german INSTALL.
2014-03-03 Raimund Renkert Changed directory variable in h2 create scripts.
2014-02-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert merged.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Replaced river names with model_uuid for available rivers.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Use river model_uuid to identify rivers.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Replaced hard coded rivers with rivers loaded from module service.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Use the river model_uuid as value for data items.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Load modules with supported rivers and rivers with model_uuid.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added list to module to store supported rivers.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added model_uuid to river info.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added model_uuid to river model.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added rivers to each module.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Read rivers supported by a module from config file.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added list of rivers a module supports.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Replaced river name with model_uuid as value in RiverSelect state.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Include river model_uuid in RiverService.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Include river model_uuid in RiverInfoService.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Parse and import model_uuid for rivers.
2014-02-27 Raimund Renkert Added model_uuid column to river model.
2014-02-24 Andre Heinecke Add german howto to describe how to set up putty / wald and mercurial on windows
2014-02-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Hopefully a cleaner fix for flys/issue1549 using the FloatRangeValidator from SmartGWT to verify that the 'to' field stays positive.
2014-02-11 Felix Wolfsteller Partial fix issue1532: at least clone artifacts data when cloning
2014-02-11 Felix Wolfsteller Upcoming issue1532: Extracted method where 'cloning/initialize' takes place.
2014-02-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1549: Add live-validation to wsplgen to-field.
2014-02-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue765: When creating a WMSLayerFacet copy, also copy original
2014-02-07 Tom Gottfried Schema correction following yesterday's brain failure.
2014-02-06 Tom Gottfried merged
2014-02-06 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: renamed uuid-column to avoid collision with data type.
2014-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller Implement deepCopy on WMSLayerFacet WMSDBLayerFacet and WSPLGENLayerFacet
2014-02-06 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: Add UUIDs to rivers.
2014-02-04 Andre Heinecke (issue1692) Überarbeitetes Init script
2014-01-31 Tom Gottfried This was obsolete since r5294.
2014-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Server side validation for flys/issue1549.
2014-01-22 Tom Gottfried Cross section importer: avoid logging of unused feature.
2014-01-22 Tom Gottfried Close branch slt-simplify-cross-sections. slt-simplify-cross-sections
2014-01-22 Tom Gottfried Merge slt-simplify-cross-sections branch into default.
2014-01-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2014-01-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Client side fix for flys/issue1549
2014-01-20 Tom Gottfried Merged default into slt-simplify-cross-sections branch and updated package and class names. slt-simplify-cross-sections
2014-01-20 Tom Gottfried Add .jar to hgignore.
2014-01-16 Tom Gottfried Importer: fix logging in import_river.sh.
2014-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. Fixed Logger in SQ measurement.
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.1.1 for changeset 837b620b58b4
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 3.1.1 3.1.1
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Fix doOut for Porosity sublayer
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Make GAP_TOLERANCE static
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1502) Allow annotation handling to be overwritten
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Remove extremly spammy debug output
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.1.1 for changeset 20b4dd8a47eb
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 3.1.1
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Fix compilation of the AreaData change.
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.1.1 for changeset aa5ad2f62def
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke Areas are not Volumes!
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1574) Add correction curves to W Area compatibility lists
2013-12-20 Andre Heinecke (issue1574) Add area handling for correction curves
2013-12-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1622) Paint W Differences on diffW Axis
2013-12-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1622) Allow areas with w_differences
2013-12-19 Andre Heinecke Only show 3 as we are 3.1.x now
2013-12-19 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation be more correct with judgment if a sieve is correct. Needs load and diameter.
2013-12-18 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation removed false COALSCE from SQL statement. Removed misplaced sieve adjustment.
2013-12-18 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: Adjust sieves only once during construction.
2013-12-18 Tom Gottfried Variance is defined as the sum of squared differences.
2013-12-18 Andre Heinecke (issue1594) Get the correct differences data
2013-12-17 Andre Heinecke (issue1594) Move Bed differences absolute height into the correct processor
2013-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann SQ relation: only take sieve which have values at all.
2013-12-17 Andre Heinecke (issue1577, issue1494) Wrap wst name depending on Q > 0
2013-12-17 Andre Heinecke (issue1581) Remove Minfo-heights from differencable
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1579) Add Hack to not syncronize and add second axis in static GaugeDischarge
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1559) Improve Exception handling and allow null titles
2013-12-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-12-16 Sascha L. Teichmann SQ Relation: Added CSV dumping to raw SedDB query results.
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1649) Remove broken getWKms from RiverUtils and use WDifferencesState instead
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1649) Better check for waterlevel data and accept wkms data
2013-12-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke Add Override marker and fix indention
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1596) Sort Export of Middle bedHeight
2013-12-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1596) Make MiddleBedHeightData comparable
2013-12-13 Andre Heinecke (issue1579) Fix axes syncronisation at Gauges
2013-12-13 Andre Heinecke Fix build by removing bedheightsoundingprocessor from old Longitundinal Generator
2013-12-13 Andre Heinecke (issue1225) Unify "Width" processor
2013-12-12 Andre Heinecke (issue1632) Use DOS line endings
2013-12-12 Andre Heinecke (issue1666) Calculate wRow after rounding the first value.
2013-12-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1577: Add W-Wrapping of wst-names in WKmsFactory if kind is one
2013-12-11 Andre Heinecke (issue1614) Handle NaN in Styled Series created by SedimentLoadProcessors
2013-12-11 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete Sedimentload class to avoid confusion
2013-12-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1594/issue1603: Put bed_differences to correct axis.
2013-12-11 Felix Wolfsteller Extracted method.
2013-12-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1574: Also allow area creation for longitudinal_discharge_sections.
2013-12-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1547: Add more facets to lists of facets with which areas can be created.
2013-12-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1574: Set target out for area artifact at creation time.
2013-12-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: I18n change.
2013-12-09 Sascha L. Teichmann dc:sort: Removed unnecessary if check. Forgot to push before tag.
2013-12-09 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, doc.
2013-12-09 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Show official lines in datacage to compute uesks, too.
2013-12-06 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.1.0 for changeset 28f287e84296
2013-12-06 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 3.1.0 3.1.0
2013-12-06 Andre Heinecke (issue1474) Change order of measurement stations
2013-12-06 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.1.0 for changeset 03dc5cc22e26
2013-12-06 Tom Gottfried Update coefficients in porosity formula.
2013-12-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added <dc:sort>
2013-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1688: In flow velocity, discharges are now initially inactive.
2013-12-06 Tom Gottfried Order by years in SQ-relation datacage.
2013-12-06 Tom Gottfried Order by year in sediment yield datacage.
2013-12-06 Tom Gottfried Add sources/sinks to sediment yield datacage.
2013-12-06 Tom Gottfried Add recommendations for bed quality and flow velocity.
2013-12-06 Andre Heinecke Use correct quotes for long names
2013-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1691: Sedimentload-fetching via datacage now picks right facet.
2013-12-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller Fix.
2013-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Do not write Q-Lines with wstwriter from floodmapstate.
2013-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: WstWriter: Add flag to ignore Qs alltogether.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Improved logging.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics of WstWriter. Actually, a decent class now.
2013-12-05 Andre Heinecke Do not NPE if there is a folder without mapfiles in the shapefile path
2013-12-05 Andre Heinecke (issue1620) Fix WstWriter Column Header format.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020 and others: Let StaticWQKmsState spawn other facets, implement computeAdvance.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace-cosmetics.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Add WQ constructor that accepts TDoubleArrayList .
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: When preparing wsts for wsplgen handle other than standard wqkms calculations.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Cosmetics.
2013-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Make WQKms able to build from WKms.
2013-12-04 Felix Wolfsteller Added two comments about improvements.
2013-12-04 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace.
2013-12-04 Felix Wolfsteller Improve logger output.
2013-12-03 Andre Heinecke (issue1610) Add units also for _de
2013-12-03 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1638: Calculate ntot correctly.
2013-12-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Avoid some traps, use WKms and handle data from StaticArtifact.
2013-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Do not set a data with value null, this breaks stuff further
2013-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Handle FixRealizingResult for UESK waterlevel-selection.
2013-12-03 Andre Heinecke (issue1632) Use correct l10n for unit
2013-12-03 Andre Heinecke (issue1632) Add Unit to CSV export
2013-12-03 Andre Heinecke (issue1630) Flush the correct outer output stream
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1043: Add i18n for 'dm'.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1043: Add 'dm' type.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1043: Fetch 'dm'-values in QualityMeasurementFactory.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1043: Add 'dm' to types enum in BedQualityDiameterResult.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1630: Fix column calculation for bed quality values.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityExporter: Continue/exit early when no results.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller Refactoring: extracted method
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1579: Load those official lines automatically.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1579: ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator: Handle WQKms data.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller Whistespace.
2013-12-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1579: Added macro to load interpolated official lines.
2013-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Use IsOfficialAccess instead of direct property in WaterlevelExporter.
2013-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Remove close-isOfficial-Handling in StaticWQKmsArtifact.
2013-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Added new IsOfficalAccess to avoid keeping data too close to StaticWQKmsArtifact.
2013-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Avoid certain exception, added todo about issues with implementation.
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller Fix doc/debug.
2013-11-29 Andre Heinecke (issue1620) join column names with two empty spaces
2013-11-29 Andre Heinecke (issue1620) Print the real official Q value instead of the first
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityExporter: Use foreach instead of manual array loop.
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityExporter: Fix ancient i/j variable mix-up.
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityExporter: Refactoring.
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, removed obsolete code.
2013-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, doc fix.
2013-11-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1611) Correct i18n property for axis label
2013-11-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1667) Remove duplicate points in the same series in Diagram CSV export
2013-11-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1666) Update CSV link in updateLinks, too
2013-11-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1560) Fix off by one error in ATWriter causing the last value to be omitted.
2013-11-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1620) Add export of official lines in WST as specified
2013-11-25 Andre Heinecke (issue1225) Use label code also when only one item is present
2013-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1596: Store table (cell) data twice: Once as (formatted) string
2013-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Typo fix in doc.
2013-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1596: include river wst unit in csv header for middle bed height.
2013-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1596: Add unit to middlebedheight csv header.
2013-11-25 Andre Heinecke Remove uneccessary debug output added in last commit.
2013-11-25 Andre Heinecke (issue1225) Implement Magic labels.
2013-11-25 Andre Heinecke (issue1225) Unify Height BedHeight and W axis
2013-11-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1558: Allow fixed axis for timeseries-diagrams.
2013-11-21 Andre Heinecke Add isValid method for single double arrays
2013-11-21 Andre Heinecke Rename the Global Facet filter to reduce ambiguity with the old facet filter
2013-11-21 Andre Heinecke Add timestamp type
2013-11-21 Andre Heinecke issue1225 Add i18n for bedheight and use wst height system as unit
2013-11-20 Felix Wolfsteller Allow more compact display of mainvalue-table.
2013-11-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Profit from refactoring, use same columns/fields for QDTable.
2013-11-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Only show year of date for mainvalues validity, refactoring.
2013-11-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Reorder columns for main value validity dates.
2013-11-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1613: added accidentally omitted i18n.
2013-11-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1597: Re-enable w/q points in DischargeProcessor. It's yet unclear why it was disabled.
2013-11-19 Felix Wolfsteller Renamed winfo variable to more fitting name artifact.
2013-11-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1606: Handle annotation text as well.
2013-11-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1606: Added methods to parse omitted theme properties.
2013-11-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1606: Handle textstyle property in clients StyleEditorWindow.
2013-11-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1063: Always create data for all parameters, even if not specified.
2013-11-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1063: Expose column names in ParameterMatrix.
2013-11-18 Tom Gottfried Add i18n for SQ-Outliermethod help-URL.
2013-11-18 Tom Gottfried Add units to flow velocity export headers.
2013-11-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1613: In DC, also show the 'diff' facets, define former calc. for hist. W/Q out.
2013-11-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1631: Allow loading of some former historical-discharge facets.
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller Builder: Slightly more verbose errormessage.
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Display more waterlevels for uesk.
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: In WaterlevelSelectState create label more differentiated at
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Let WspDatacagePanel also handle non-winfo (prev. calc) rec.
2013-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1020: Added pointers as comments in code.
2013-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller Fix i18n.
2013-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1611,1046: Adjusted i18n for tau.
2013-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1592: Fix csv headers for w or q calculations.
2013-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Include validity also in qdtable, reorder code, widen column width.
2013-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Sweeten i18n.
2013-11-12 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1503: Evil hack to force loaded of data to be bound to 'w_differences'. TODO: Remove all the broken code from DataCageTwinPanel.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Do not show link to w/q value view if no mainvalues are there.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Let client to i18n and formatting of dates.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: WQInfoObjectImpl: Changed implementation from String to Date.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: WQInfoObject: Changed properties from String to Date.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Added i18n for start/stoptimes of main values.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Make WQInfoObjects and server provide start and end date for mainvalues, display in table.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller Typo fix in debug output.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Let MainValues have localized dates.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller Add start- and stoptime to WQInfoObjects.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1542: Add timeinterval-data to mainvalues made available via service.
2013-11-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, cosmetics.
2013-11-11 Felix Wolfsteller Removed obsolete method.
2013-11-11 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring for future readability and refactoring.
2013-11-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Previous fix for flys/issue1675 was broken. :-/
2013-11-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Workaround for flys/issue1675: Guarantee that the years are always between 0 and 9999 in macro 'minfo-heights'.
2013-11-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 3.0.18 for changeset b82750667e1a
2013-11-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Some i18n for Vollmer curve calculation. 3.0.18
2013-11-08 Sascha L. Teichmann More on flys/issue1585: Do not fill circle for interpolated W/Q points.
2013-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Fix i18n (missing closing bracket).
2013-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1762: correct facet names.
2013-11-08 sascha teichmann issue1585: Part 2/2 of patch from Sascha Teichmann to define datapoint shapes.
2013-11-08 sascha teichmann issue1585: Part 1/2 of patch from Sascha Teichmann to define shape for datapoints.
2013-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Fixed logger instantiations that were done with wrong class.
2013-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Added spooky ruby script to get started fixing logger instances of wrong classes.
2013-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Whacky little script to find possibly wrong loggers.
2013-11-07 Tom Gottfried Add units to bedquality exporter columns.
2013-11-07 Tom Gottfried Change column name in bedheight export.
2013-11-07 Tom Gottfried Fix column names in flow velocity export.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: i18n.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, break overlong lines.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadAccess: Slightly improved readability.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Do not store Access in State.
2013-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Fix SedimentLoadAccess logger instance.
2013-11-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Simplified code.
2013-11-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete facet for fix events in vollmer curve.
2013-11-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Part fix for flys/issue1585: Use result from fitting to display interpolated W/Q points, too. TODO: Draw interpolated as circles.
2013-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1664: Let DC instruct StaticWKmsArtifact to spawn facets
2013-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1664: Add new Processors to old axis and map them in longitudinal-diagram-defaults.
2013-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1664: Prepare new Facets to go to different axis (for wkms from fixa/diffs).
2013-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Fix fine_middle epoch facet name.
2013-11-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Adjuste facet descriptions to include unit.
2013-11-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Add unit name to facet description.
2013-11-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: i18n for upcoming sediment load facet names (including t/a or m^3/a).
2013-11-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Fix theme styles for sediment load (t/a and m^3/a) facets.
2013-11-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1663: Fix. HistoricalDischargeFacet transmorphed to WaterlevelFacet when cloned.
2013-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 3.0.17 for changeset 607246315009
2013-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed tag 3.0.17
2013-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 3.0.17 for changeset e97867879a45
2013-11-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller WOutProcessor: Reorder statements so that function-call-debug-msg comes first.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller White-space cosmetics.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics - full stop.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics, doc.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace-cosmetics.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Fix SedimentLoadLSGenerator (with surprise: isnt that done via processors?).
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Remove now obsolete SedimentLoadProcessor.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: New Processors for t/a and m^3/a -axis (stripped down from SedimentLoadProcessor).
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Handle new Facet-Types for SedimentLoad.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Adjust Facet to new facet-types (t/a and m^3/a).
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Define new FacetTypes and IS functions.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Let SedimentYieldArtifact create facet based on Sed.L. unit.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Have SedimentLoadFactory deliver unit name for given id.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Instead of one SedimentLoad-Axis, have two (t/a, m^3/a).
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1658: Prepare minfo-artifact (.xml) to output t/a and m^3/a facets.
2013-11-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Removed macro "delta-wt-ls" from meta-data.xml as it is not used. 3.0.17
2013-11-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed half broken interpolation code for lines to 'Dauerlinie'.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Removed junk.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1571: Exclude vollmer curves from general longitudinal dc folder.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1571: Hav eown folder in dc for vollmer curves.
2013-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1571: i18n.
2013-11-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed redundant lookup for km in call context.
2013-10-31 Tom Gottfried WST-Parser: revert the assumption of only complete columns.
2013-10-31 Tom Gottfried Correct r7481: use ParseException instead of IllegalArgument that was catched at wrong place.
2013-10-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed charset encoding on outs. They are mainly binary data which simply should be proxied through.
2013-10-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-10-31 Sascha L. Teichmann WQDay is increasing(?) if it is empty of last is greater than first.
2013-10-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Dont assume that wqdays are always of none zero length.
2013-10-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage recommendations: Sort outs to to generate consistent cache keys.
2013-10-31 Tom Gottfried WST-Parser and doc: reject files with wrong number of columns.
2013-10-31 Tom Gottfried WST-Parser: Improve handling of line-endings.
2013-10-31 Tom Gottfried Log errors instead of starting WSPLGEN if required arguments are missing.
2013-10-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1657: Adjust DC conf to spawn sounding widths.
2013-10-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1657: Spawn BEDHEIGHT_SOUNDING_WIDTH facet if asked to. Twiggly.
2013-10-31 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for sounding with axis and facet.
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage recommendations caching: Use LFU strategy to rotate parameter recommendations out earlier. This should be a better config in multiuser user setups because the more frequently used terminal state recs will survive longer.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Add flow_velocities folder.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: i18n for dc.
2013-10-30 Andre Heinecke Dokumention zur Installation erweitert
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Experimental caching of datacage recommendations. The respective hook is called a lot and running the datacage over and over again when loading data can be expensive. So the generated recommendations are cached for some time.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Fix loading of all former flow vel. calculation via folder.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Show all flowvelocity facet in former calc. flow vel. part of dc.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1571: i18n.
2013-10-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1572: Call longitudinal-section-user-prototype for bedheight-diffs/year.
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Remove tree branches vom datacage tree on client side which do not contain loadable data.
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Simplified recommendattion monitor code a bit.
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Code cleanup.
2013-10-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1654: Divide through denisity, do not multiply.
2013-10-29 Tom Gottfried Schema change: add lookup table for sediment yield kinds to have its values documented.
2013-10-29 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1625: Changed default sediment density factor from 1.8 to 1.9 . The value can be changed by adusting conf.xml (/artifact-databae/options/sediment-density-factor/text()).
2013-10-29 Tom Gottfried Importer: document where annotations are searched for.
2013-10-29 Tom Gottfried run_geo.sh: allow logging as documented.
2013-10-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1397: Fix reference_curve former calculations in dc.
2013-10-29 Felix Wolfsteller dc i18n.
2013-10-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Repair loading all of flowvelocitymeasurements by not equipping
2013-10-28 Andre Heinecke inor Layout + Wiki
2013-10-28 Andre Heinecke Rechtschreibkorrektur (durchgeführt von Bettina)
2013-10-28 Andre Heinecke More installation documentation
2013-10-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Sort sediment densities by year.
2013-10-28 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Simplify query for densities a bit, sort by depth.
2013-10-27 Andre Heinecke Start installation documentation for specific client installation
2013-10-25 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: fix some outdated or wrong infos.
2013-10-25 Tom Gottfried Importer and doc: Warn instead of die if AT- or STA-file is missing for a gauge.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Cosmetics.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller Declare certain bedheight-diagrams as charttypes, for manual points.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Include bedheight-diffs per year in minfo-user-dc.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Subsume the different bed-quality dc-nodes.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for dc added.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Ease i18nability.
2013-10-25 Tom Gottfried Geoimporter: be case-insensitive when looking for floodplains.
2013-10-25 Tom Gottfried make-opt-package.sh: give path to internal 'repository'.
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Remove duplicates and 'special' macros fro special outs from
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Remove delta-wt from longitudinal-section-user-prototype .
2013-10-25 Felix Wolfsteller Fix Typo in german i18n (e.g. issue1345) .
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller Partly revert rev 7419, conservative guess about which "outs" are handcrafted.
2013-10-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Experimental patch: Do not run datacage on artifacts that are loaded from datacage. His hopefully minimizes the datacage runs when a lot of data is loaded.
2013-10-24 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: fix some layout issues.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller Made SedimentDensityValue Serializable.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Re-enable sediment load total loads, now that factory is fixed.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller Fix total sediment load fetching.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Showing sediment densitie by depth, comment total load.
2013-10-23 Tom Gottfried Fix typo.
2013-10-23 Andre Heinecke (issue965) Handle the case that diffids are not available
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Be less restrictive in showing facets from waterlevels-discharge.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Exclude empty.facet s.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-meta.xml: Also fetch extreme_base curves via dc.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: cosmetics.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller Add another axis (height) to longitudinal-diagram-defaults.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Cosmetics.
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: More usage of collection-group-macro.
2013-10-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Consequently call macro 'longitudinal-section-user-prototype' in all longitudinal sections of old calculation. Moved asymmeterical stuff to prototype. This may crash!
2013-10-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Create and use collection-group macro.
2013-10-23 Tom Gottfried BedHeightSingleParser: fix no-data-line detection.
2013-10-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: More docs on functions.
2013-10-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: More docs for functions.
2013-10-22 Felix Wolfsteller issue1205: made SedimentDensity serializable.
2013-10-22 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Switch more longitudinal-section like user-dc content to prototype macro.
2013-10-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Fixed macro call.
2013-10-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed meta-data.xml
2013-10-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: More doc for functions.
2013-10-22 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Sort flow-velocity-models by discharge_zone.value.
2013-10-22 Felix Wolfsteller issue1473: Show differences project name in dc.
2013-10-22 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Fix referenced out for discharge_longitudinal_section.
2013-10-21 Andre Heinecke (issue965) Add a comment to explain what we do here
2013-10-21 Andre Heinecke (issue965) Use new datacage magic to have year filtering for bedheights
2013-10-21 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: mention flow direction retrieval from WST.
2013-10-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed dc:to-date(). Added 'date' type for <dc:convert> instead.
2013-10-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1521: Adhere more to dc 'spec', show discharges of flow velocity models.
2013-10-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage reference doc: Explain dc:container-context and dc:properties.
2013-10-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added TODOs for new functions in ref document.
2013-10-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Make double entry of Q facet for flowvelocities dissappear.
2013-10-18 Felix Wolfsteller Fix typo in german i18n.
2013-10-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: improved i18n for flow velocity measurement facets.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightProcessor: Finally display heights, not widths.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightProcessor: Set axis label.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeight(Sounding)Processor: Use FacetTypes.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Removed debris.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Moved BedHeightEpoch to BedHeightEpochData.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Renamed artifacts/**/BedHeight(Single) to BedHeight(Single)Data, to resolve
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Stub for new BedHeightProcessor.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightSoundingProcessor: Log if data is now handled.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightSoundingProcessor: refactored to avoid drifting behavior when using
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: cleanup longitudinal-section-user-prototype, removing dupes.
2013-10-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed same package import.
2013-10-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-10-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Add function dc:to-date(number) which converts a epoch base number to a date object.
2013-10-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added dc:min-number(list) and dc:max-number(list) to extract the numerical
2013-10-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Add function dc:find-all(needle, haystack).
2013-10-18 Andre Heinecke (issue1474) Fix deepCopy signatures and actually copy the facet index now
2013-10-18 Andre Heinecke (issue1071) Handle the case where no MeasurementStation exists
2013-10-17 Sascha L. Teichmann More datacage ref doc.
2013-10-17 Andre Heinecke (issue1474) Fix copying of SQ* Facets
2013-10-17 Tom Gottfried Importer: Avoid 0-lenght Q-ranges in WST-CSV-parsers.
2013-10-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Replaced more tabs with spaces + minor cosmetics (removed out commented code from double precision branch).
2013-10-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Replaced tabs with 4 spaces.
2013-10-17 Tom Gottfried WstParser: Do not add Q-range for trailing Q-line.
2013-10-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-10-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import + whitespace cleanup.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Add getModelDescription to FlowVelocityModel.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller White space cosmetics, added debug output.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentYieldArtifact: Accept 'total' load, genreate facet for it.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityModelArtifact: Slightly improve facet names.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1473: Let vollmer curves appear under 'former calc/waterlevels from fix.'.
2013-10-17 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller Adjusted i18n to match the one in client.
2013-10-16 Andre Heinecke Use more failsave pattern for SQ-facets.
2013-10-16 Andre Heinecke Configure correct name for SQ-relation C-chart.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for total load dc.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller Offer total loads in dc.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller Added i18n for upcoming total load via dc.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller Refactoring: Move functionality of BedHeightAccess into BedHeightFacet for now.
2013-10-16 Felix Wolfsteller Minor BedHeightAccess refactoring.
2013-10-16 Tom Gottfried Remove code that was previously commented out.
2013-10-16 Tom Gottfried BedHeightSingleParser: do not omit lines if last column is empty.
2013-10-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Jim, he's dead. double-precision
2013-10-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged double-precision branch.
2013-10-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Merge branch default double-precision
2013-10-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Reorder generation of static part of describe document for fast XML DOM handling.
2013-10-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1353) Document that there are more things to syncing then just the Number
2013-10-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1474) Add sqrelation user data and disable filtering for it
2013-10-16 Andre Heinecke Add debug output for variables in user context
2013-10-15 Andre Heinecke Break sometimes when dumping variables. Still ugly but a bit nicer.
2013-10-16 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: fix syntax error. double-precision
2013-10-16 Tom Gottfried BedHeightSingleParser: do not log every data line in file. double-precision
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Do not log trace of WST-Parser parse exception and document it. double-precision
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried WST-Parser: check consistence of station ordering in file. double-precision
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Comments. double-precision
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Merged changes from default into double precision branch. double-precision
2013-10-15 Sascha L. Teichmann WST Import: Added parse error exception to WST parser.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller typo fix in doc.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightsArtifact: Use FacetTypes, eliminate local facet type definition.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller Prepare new facet types for bedheights.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for old calculations dc.
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Importer manual: use unique revision identifier. double-precision
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller Add aforementioned user-prototype.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller Prototypically add longitudinal-section-user-prototype, with issues.
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Importer packaging: run pdflatex three times to get references and page numbering right. double-precision
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Show bedheight_type in tooltip.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Bring back waterlevel/diffs from fixation into minfo dc element.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller Fix DC group-by statement, there is no 'oid' variable around.
2013-10-15 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: DC: group bed heights of single years by year.
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Importer: skip historical discharge tables per default as they come via ETL. double-precision
2013-10-15 Tom Gottfried Add warning on errors when importing duplicates. double-precision
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Fix sediment load facet type, adjust theme name.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller have same translations for sediment loads fractions.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage doc ref: Explain dc:group
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Explain dc:filter.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Move dc:if & dc:choose up because they are more important than other elements.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Explain dc:for-each
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Explain dc:virtual-column.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Explain dc:macro & Co.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: Explain dc:variable and dc:convert.
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Dataage ref doc: Explain dc:context, dc:comment
2013-10-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage ref doc: More structure. Explain text interpolation.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller Added sedimentdensity i18n.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Added getDepth() to SedimentDensityFactory.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Change Sediment Density Facet label.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentDensityProcessor: Fix, use getAllDensities instead of only dens. in year 2006.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentDensity: Fix getAllDensities and made it public.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for dc and facet name generation.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Adjust name of sediment yield/load facets to include fraction name and times.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Prepare SedimentLoadFactory to deliver fraction name and time ranges.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller Comment in meta-data.xml.
2013-10-14 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetical description fix.
2013-10-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-10-11 Andre Heinecke (issue1529) Be more tolerant in the fitting.
2013-10-11 Andre Heinecke (issue1529) Only interpolate within a step limit in WQ diagram
2013-10-11 Andre Heinecke Polish SQ Datacage and Facets
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller doc fix <3 .
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller doc fix.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller Doc typo fix.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: include fix for display of epochs stoptime.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: conf.xml: configure flowvelocitymodel artifact-factory.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Adde flow-velocity-models dc conf.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Added accidentally ommitted i18n for sedimentload dc.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: spawn more facets for FlowVelocityMeasurementArtifact .
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Adjusted Q and WOutProcessors to handle data
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller More doc fixes.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller Processor: Doc.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Added method to get FlowVelocityModel by id.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Initial commit of FlowVelocityModelArtifact.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: FlowVelocityCalculation: Opened prepareData(), added doc.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Added comment, opened constructor as we will reuse this class.
2013-10-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1512: Prepare new facet types for flow velocity model facet, add comment.
2013-10-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixings overview panel: Send valid encoded JSON filters to server part of the client.
2013-10-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Factored out description creation for loads. Make epochs show end time.
2013-10-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Added macro for the differing epoch-description, extended query.
2013-10-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Minor refactoring, made structure for epoch loads equal year loads.
2013-10-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Show fraction and year for sediment load dc subtree.
2013-10-10 Felix Wolfsteller Revert 7273, add undefined macro to meta-data.xml.
2013-10-09 Tom Gottfried Remove annotations from reference curve recommendations. There is no km-axis.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann DC: Remove accidentaly used user-macro from system-content part.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed calls to undefined macro.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed duplicate macro.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Added check for duplicate macros.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Little workaround not to crash uf there is no theme style. TODO: Figure out why the theme style is null at this point.
2013-10-09 Tom Gottfried fixed typo.
2013-10-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Vollmer curve: Added facet for generating error report.
2013-10-09 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Add more entries to discharge datacage ('user-part').
2013-10-09 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Let DC show (yet all) computed discharge curves as former calculations.
2013-10-09 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Refactored discharge-curve-prototype.
2013-10-09 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Add a macro to load previous discharge calculations.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightsArtifact: Import 'river' data, for use in "New Chart"-settings.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller RangeAccess: Use min/max as from/to in RangeAccess.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller Refactoring: Let RiverAccess.getRiver return an River.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1490: Fix text annotations of latest points.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1490: Translate other points as well, when at gauge.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1490: Translate text annotations position when displaying w/q- curve at gauge.
2013-10-08 Felix Wolfsteller Minor code simplification.
2013-10-07 Sascha L. Teichmann ETL: Added repair XSLT script to rename value of GEWAESSER attribute 'Untere Havel-Wasserstraße (UHW)' with 'Havel'.
2013-10-06 Sascha L. Teichmann First draft of a german reference document for datacage elements and functions written in reStructuredText. Lots of TODOs.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Reduce usage of careless 'for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)' pattern.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaced some tabs by spaces.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Replaced some tabs by spaces. Guys, please configure your editors not to insert tabs!
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Remove obsolete same package import.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-10-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Remove obsolete import.
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Check for inverted setting later.
2013-10-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Code simplification + moved code out of inner loop.
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Remove boundToOut facet pass. This is now only done if we filtered before.
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Fix SQOverview the new generators need the master artifact set.
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Polish labels and remove unused classes. SQOverview is currently broken.
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Add new option to diagram axes "logarithmic" that can be set to an evaluator
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Add SQRelation Processor
2013-10-04 Andre Heinecke Configure SQ Relations to use new diagram way
2013-10-02 Andre Heinecke Remove SQ Generator Subclasses for A-F
2013-10-02 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete classes
2013-10-02 Andre Heinecke (issue1474) Add datacage loading for SQ Relations
2013-10-01 Andre Heinecke Silence overly spammy debug output
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller Removed TODO which was already done.
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: call longitudinal-section-prototype macro for flow-veloc. DC. Added todo.
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue 1345: Let sediment-load dc-config call longitdunal-section-prototype macro.
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: Also let bed-quality use longitudinal-section-prototype.
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: adjust dc-conf for befheight-diffs: is now longitudinal-section-prototype.
2013-10-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: meta-data.xml: For bedheight_middle, use the longitudinal-section-prototype.
2013-10-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Global facet filtering with bound to out: The DiagramAttributes implements the FacetFilter and not the Generators.
2013-10-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Use diagram configuration and there processors to define compatible facets in loaded data.
2013-10-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Made lookup for generators a class of its own. First step to use it as a compat filter for facets, too.
2013-10-02 Felix Wolfsteller meta-meta.xml: remove debugging info content.
2013-10-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1345: add flowvelocity-macro to winfo longitudinal-section.
2013-10-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: DC layout for sediment-loads more the way its requested.
2013-10-01 Tom Gottfried WST-parser: making ranges tightly fit was broken since a<b was enforced. Re-enabled. double-precision
2013-10-01 Tom Gottfried Range importer: Do not allow to set invalid a or b. double-precision
2013-10-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: For Sediment Density Facets, use densities name/description.
2013-10-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: SedimentDensityFactory: Changed variable name of query to reflect
2013-10-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add bedheights and morph. width to LS DC conf.
2013-10-01 Andre Heinecke (issue1353) Document station check and warn message
2013-10-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Bring themes back into sync.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Initial commit of sediment density processor.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityGenerator: Simplify code a bit, master and its river is
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentDensityFactory: query densities by id only (not year).
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add sedimentyield and sedimentdensity artifact factories to conf.xml.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for densities.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Call densities-macro of meta-data.xml thus show densities in datacage.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add densities-macro to meta-data.xml .
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add SedimentDensityProcessor to longitudinal-diagram-defaults.xml to
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: SedimentDensityFacet: Access sediment density data.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cleaned imports.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Store id of sediment yield only.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cleaned imports.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cleaned imports, added todo about naming.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Added new sediment.density facet type.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add methods to get data in StyledSeriesBuilder-friendly format, doc.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Stubs for SedimentDensityFacet and -Artifact.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Prepare SedimentDensityFactory to delive data by sedimentdesity.id and .year.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc fix.
2013-09-30 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentYieldArtifact: Removed unneeded documentation, removed but added one TODO.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Remove hardcoded river for dc sediment yield sql query.
2013-09-27 Tom Gottfried Remove method which was accidentally merged back from default. double-precision
2013-09-27 Tom Gottfried Merged changes from default into double-precision branch. double-precision
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Added accidentally omitted i18n.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: In DC conf, show sedimentyields in yield/[year|epoch]- structure, i18n.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: meta-data.xml: Add sedimentload/yield- part to minfo part of dc.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadProcessor: Add debug output when handling an out.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller StaticState: doc.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: SedimentYieldArtifact: Add functionality.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Added method to quickly get the description of a given load.
2013-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Fix query, added comment about correctness of
2013-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1500: The main wst file determines km_up now.
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller Initial commit for untested standalone sediment yield artifact.
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Add method to SedimentLoadFactory to fetch a SedimentLoad by id.
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Minor refactoring that will come handy to load SedimentLoads
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.16 for changeset 12248d9eb326
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Only filter the facets for unbound outs 3.0.16
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Fix wrong usage of a_id and add more datacage stuff to WSPL longitundinal
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Fix Y-Axis order for default longituidnals
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Save target_out in the recommendation to ensure it is sent to the server
2013-09-26 Tom Gottfried Filter waterleveldifferences according to unit.
2013-09-26 Tom Gottfried Filter prefix of descriptions of MINFO-WSTs.
2013-09-26 Tom Gottfried Move MINFO-fixation-stuff to MINFO-datacage and give specified names.
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Group minfo-stuff in dc, include waterlevels from csv.
2013-09-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Factor out longitudinal section default config and put it in its own file
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Saveguard range access in case an artifact has no range
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Add debug output triggered by debugging the last commit
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke TRUE != FALSE ;)
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Add ShearStress Processor
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Cosmetics
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Handle flow velocity discharge in the new part of the QOutProcessor
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Handle flow velocity measurements in the FlowVelocity processor
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Handle flow velocity annotation in annoation processor
2013-09-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Diagram attributes: Use evaluators for title arguments, too. This makes it more consistent, powerful and a little bit faster.
2013-09-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Use LongitudinalSectionGenerator2 in the LS diagrams.
2013-09-26 Andre Heinecke Add startkm and endkm setting to longitudinal section generator 2
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add NPE guard to XYStyle.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add FlowVelocity Processor
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure SedimentLoad to use the new diagram Generator
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add SedimentLoadProcessor
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller Noted insights.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1493: Also transform NaN X values to empty string.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure BedQuality to use new DiagramGenerator
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete classes
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add BedQuality Processors
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure bed_difference_year in the new way
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add label for bed difference axis
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add BedWidthProcessor to handle width facets
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Rename BedWidthProcessor to BedHeightSounding processor.
2013-09-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Diagrams: Determine if axis should be inverted dynamically.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure BedDiffYear diagram and remove old generator
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Include encoding parameter hardwiredly in csv export panels
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Let ExportServiceImpl handle encoding parameter,
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: For diagram csv export request windows-1252 encoded output.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Prepare client to include encoding in download url.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Let ChartOutputServiceImpl interprete an "encoding" parameter.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-23 Felix Wolfsteller Full stop at doc sentence end.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Fix diagram title
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete MiddleBedHeightGenerator classes
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure MiddleBedHeight diagram
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove wrong docstring
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Also handle bed height annotations
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Rename BedheightProcessor to BedWidthProcessor
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add axis label to bedheight processor.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add MiddleBedHeightProcessor
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add dW handling also to the other new longitudinal section diagrams
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Configure Longitudinal section diagram to use the new way.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Add currentKM context / request mapping to RiverUtils and use it in DiagramGenerator
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Handle multiple processors for axis labeling.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Cosmetics
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Add DeltaWProcessor to process data for a delta W axis.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Fix area label rendering.
2013-09-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. Minor code cosmetics.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Close generator-refactoring generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Merge branch generator-refectoring into default.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Migrate w_differences and remove unused classes generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Actually commit the canHandle part of the last revision. (WQCKms in WOut proc.) generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Process corrected WQkms (WQCKms) also in the WOutProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Fix applying the inversion of diagrams. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Migrate discharge_longitudinal_section generator to the new architecture. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Reactivate CALCULATION_DISCHARGE_LONGITUDINAL_CURVE generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Also handle subtypes of Discharge longitundial Q facets. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Default to the label of longitundial Q axis in the QProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Handle axis include zero setting for the new processing architecture generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Minor cleanup / doc generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add refactored LongitudinalSectionGenerator2 that inherits DiagramGenerator generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add more Inversion logic to the DiagramGenerator generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add AxisLabel handling to WDiffProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add WDiffProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add AreaProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Added diagram attributes as converter to longitudinal section diagrams. generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Use pre-converted diagram attributes now. generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Fix domain axis label and add manualpoints processor to config generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Move manual point handling into a Processor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add useful debug output for diagram generator debugging generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1493: Don't let NaNs slip through csv export.
2013-09-23 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring for 1493.
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add DiagramGenerator doOut function generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add DiagramGenerator doOut function generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Simplify code to prepare DiagramGenerator signature generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add more proessors to longitudinal diagram generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Remove accidental commited debug line generator-refactoring
2013-09-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. generator-refactoring
2013-09-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Use Object instead of DOM Element as argument for setup of out generators. First step to remove dependency to XML DOM when using configuration. generator-refactoring
2013-09-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Little workaround to make diagram attribute parsing more thread safe. This is not the right solution. generator-refactoring
2013-09-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved generators to separate xml file. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Implement Label handling generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add info generator for refactored generators generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Remove generator2 hacks generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Simplyfy / unify "invert axis" logic generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed faked ChartInfoGenerator2 and LS Info generator. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann ChartGenerator2 can be used as ChartInfoGenerator, too. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Extended init() of OutGenerator to take name of the out to serve. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add LTR inversion code to diagram generator. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke More Processor refactoring generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Trim "names" and "class" attribute of out generators before using. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Allow comma separated names in "names" attribute in out generators to allow registering for more than one name. Old "name" attribute is removed. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Read out generator class info from "class" attribute instead of tags text body. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Use DiagramGenerator for longitudinal section. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add NPE guard generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add InfoGenerator Hacks to be removed soon. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Remove Axis Walker, unabstract Diagram generator generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add second doOut implementations to work with diagram generator generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1494: Spawn Q facet only if Q data is there.
2013-09-19 Felix Wolfsteller Simplify code a bit.
2013-09-19 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, comment.
2013-09-20 Tom Gottfried Close branch longitudinal-symmetry. Diagram refactoring is now done in branch generator-refactoring. longitudinal-symmetry
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Added 'include-zero' attribute to <axis> tag in diagram configuration. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Added domain axis title to diagram attributes. generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Some more accessors and typo fix generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Remove AxisProcessor "glue" class and extend Processor interface generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Fix indention / line length generator-refactoring
2013-09-20 Andre Heinecke Add Default Processor implementation and make processors inherit it. generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete configuration of DGM-SRID.
2013-09-19 Sascha L. Teichmann DGM SRIds are now fetched from database instead of configuration.
2013-09-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1436: Repair sedimentload epoch calculation,
2013-09-19 Felix Wolfsteller Corrected debug output.
2013-09-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Call processors from configuration. generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Parse config when setup a new diagram. generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Andre Heinecke Add annotationProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Added alignment rules for diagrams. generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Simple interpolation logic for diagram titles and subtitles. generator-refactoring
2013-09-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1493: Use other numberformat for csv data from diagram.
2013-09-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Bring a formatter in (a bad) place.
2013-09-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Use ";" as CSV separator also in ChartExportHelper, with the
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Add DiagramGenerator which should mainly replace xygenerator generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Factor out annotation handling code generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed typo. generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Correct group for jfreechart generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Added first version of diagram attribute parser. generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Update jfreechart dependency to 1.0.15 generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Use combine instead of combineignoringNaN (for compatibility) generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Add setup(Element config) method to Generator interface to be initialized from configuration. generator-refactoring
2013-09-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Change CSV column separator to ";".
2013-09-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Change CSV column separator to ";" for Exports, client-side change follows.
2013-09-18 Andre Heinecke Combine AxisDataset implementations and remove / simplify handling code. generator-refactoring
2013-09-17 Andre Heinecke Add a copy of the ChartGenerator class. generator-refactoring
2013-09-17 Andre Heinecke (issue1023) We do not support html getfeatureinfo
2013-09-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-17 Felix Wolfsteller WDifferencesState: Remove empty constructor.
2013-09-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1470: Make validate of WDifferencesState return true if in "new chart".
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, typo fix in comment.
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-09-16 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.15 for changeset a18a43764793
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Do not add 'other' values twice to suspended sed. values, fix range. 3.0.15
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-16 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error on oracle by removing unused paramater
2013-09-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1071) Change format for paramter a again
2013-09-16 Andre Heinecke (Issue 1353): Add warning when a gauge is skipped because of station
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Assume that a "0" measurement for total sediment load is
2013-09-16 Felix Wolfsteller issue1157: Fix sorting by start time (descending) for cross-section selection.
2013-09-13 Tom Gottfried Schema change: increase precision of gauges.station to be able to hold nearby gauges. double-precision
2013-09-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed misuse of x !=/== Double.NaN
2013-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Adjust to new use of NaN instead of 0.
2013-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Do not allow null ranges for fraction values, logger.error instead.
2013-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Initialize sediment load fraction values with NaN instead of 0,
2013-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Show space instead of '-' in table results view.
2013-09-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Typo fix.
2013-09-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Another tweak for flys/issue1353: Be more tolerant about river names.
2013-09-13 Tom Gottfried make_release.sh: default DGM_PATH to path on poland.
2013-09-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Prepare SedimentLoadExporter to show "-" for NaN-values.
2013-09-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1479: Really iterate over the FLYS river not over empty list.
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: a < b now enforced on ranges. double-precision
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried DGM-importer: enforce a < b for ranges. double-precision
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried Range import: enforce a<b not only for WSTs and set only a for zero-length ranges. double-precision
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried Issue1333: expand single-line i.e. 0-lenght Q-range to minimal length. double-precision
2013-08-30 Tom Gottfried Minor schema change: allow to delete ranges with associated DEMs. double-precision
2013-09-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1018: Sort the pairs of (q, w) in q before creating a spline also in case of non interpolation.
2013-09-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for flys/issue1479: The indices of the dates of the analysis periods where re-mapped wrong.
2013-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1472: Remove commented code.
2013-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1472: Do not guess flow direction from differences.
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried LocationDistancePanel error messages: do not imply calculation in the direction of kilometrage.
2013-09-12 Tom Gottfried merged accidental head (nothing changed)
2013-09-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Adjust style for flood-protection annotation values at y axis.
2013-09-11 Bernhard Reiter Closing branch 'dc-km-filter', should already be integrated in default (but not tracked by hg). dc-km-filter
2013-09-11 Bernhard Reiter (issue1023) mapserver templates mapfile.vm, wsplgen_layer.vm explicitely adding the three projects, so that mapserver offers the in the capabilities.
2013-09-11 Bernhard Reiter Closing inaktive branch "dc-km-filter-rr". dc-km-filter-rr
2013-09-11 Bernhard Reiter Closing inactive branch. facets-slt
2013-09-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-09-11 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1485 Better titles for UESK layers.
2013-09-11 Bernhard Reiter Closing branch 'interaktive-karte', the contents must have been merged (without hg tracking it) to default long ago because it is in there. interaktive-karte
2013-09-11 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Do not assumed there is always a SAML ticket when generating Wiki links.
2013-09-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Removed fix for non-matching measurement station and stations range.
2013-09-11 Felix Wolfsteller Backed out changeset 6b9402377d07
2013-09-10 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1417 Be more fault tolerant if a river has no flood plain.
2013-09-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: For additionals and basedata via datacage for
2013-09-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1457: Handle symbolic discharge of -1 as 'no discharge'.
2013-09-09 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-10 Bernhard Reiter mapserver templates for flys.map and rivers.map: correcting the wms_onlineresource URL to partly help (issue1023)
2013-09-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix for Browser and server running both on localhost. Previously all requests from localhost where accepted w/o auth. Now they are only accepted when a HTTP header X_NO_GGINA_AUTH=TRUE is send, too. This is ddone when printing maps.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller Corrected doc.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller D4EArtifactCollection: Do not push CallContext and reference to db around.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-06 Felix Wolfsteller Correct SedimentLoadExporters compilability-fix.
2013-09-05 Tom Gottfried Make EpsilonComparator serializable.
2013-09-05 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1235: Same kicks against a few inconsistencies and bugs in the calculation of sediment loads. I believe it _do_not_ delivers the right results.
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1465: Fetch correct measurement station (also if the km does not
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Improved readability.
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Further code simplification.
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Minor simplification.
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Extracted method to find range of matching
2013-09-05 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadExporter: Minor refac. Determine a displayed string
2013-09-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Workaround for flys/issue14070. TODO: Find the reason why a null document is given to the ThemeDocument.
2013-09-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1458: Avoid facet duplicates.
2013-09-03 Felix Wolfsteller Implement ManagedFacet.isSame to determine whether two facets are the same.
2013-09-03 Felix Wolfsteller Added new CompareUtil (singleton Helper class).
2013-09-03 Felix Wolfsteller AttributeWriter: Even better variable name.
2013-09-03 Felix Wolfsteller AttributeWriter: Slightly improved variable naming and comments.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller Added loadTotalRange getter.
2013-08-30 Andre Heinecke (issue1452) Coalesce to zero to avoid NaN arithmetic.
2013-08-30 Andre Heinecke (issue1023) Start returning more useful information
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1462/3: When changing units (t/a -> m^3/a), also change total load.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoad: Allow to set range of total load.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc fix.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadCalculation: Log an error on unknown mode.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller issue1462: 1) & 4) Fix wrong density interpolation code.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller Let hibernate do the parsing/casting.
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue957: Better name for flowvelocity measured values facets.
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller Assign theme to flowvelocitymeasurementvaluefacets.
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller Slightly better name for flowvelocitymeasurementvaluefacets.
2013-08-29 Andre Heinecke (issue1451) Round Q's in the way it is done for AT's and localize KM
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1466: Fix, sort stations before gap detection.
2013-08-29 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeCurveGenerator: Prevent NPE when no gauge can be found.
2013-08-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1436: Exploit validity-rule of sedimentdensities.
2013-08-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1436: Towards finding the best match in years for densities.
2013-08-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1460: prevent NPEs when backstepping and changing Q values for WINFO
2013-08-28 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: be clearer on DEM-metadata import. double-precision
2013-08-27 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: added remark considering re-import of modified data double-precision
2013-08-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Add dc:all-state-successors() to enable predicates like dc:contains(dc:all-state-successors($artifact-name, $current-state-id), 'state.winfo.calculation_mode') which recursively collects all successor state ids an check for containment.
2013-08-27 Andre Heinecke (issue1451) Use distinct values for single_wq mode filtering instead of ranges.
2013-08-27 Andre Heinecke Fix NPE in case the artifact does not even have the master attribute
2013-08-27 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeLongitudinalSectionGenerator: Use QOutProcessor, fix compilation.
2013-08-27 Felix Wolfsteller Let QOutProcessor also handle Discharge/Q-data.
2013-08-27 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadCalculation: Refactoring, extracted method.
2013-08-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1455: Extract QOutProcessor, use it
2013-08-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1455: Prepare MiddleBedHeightDiagram to show Q values.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsInterpolArtifact: Add different facet if wst has only 'fake' Qs.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, cosmetics.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller WstValueTable: Add method to find out wether the Qs are 'fake'
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeProcessor: Handle interpolated w values
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, added @Override annotation, vim line.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Added new Theme.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Added new ThemeMappings.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Mapping new facet type to theme.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Added new facet type to gaugedischargecurve.xml compat matrix.
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Added new type other.w.interpol .
2013-08-26 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring, renamed variable, extracted method.
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller Typo fix in debug message.
2013-08-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: ThemeDocument. More debug output. Make more getters private to only expose the parsed values.
2013-08-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Make TextStyle Make more robust.
2013-08-23 Tom Gottfried a bit of debug output
2013-08-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: ThemeDocument. Removed some zero length checks because we do not store zero length strings in the backing map.
2013-08-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: ThemeDocument. The bloody part: Removal of the XPaths. Now the theme XML document is scanned once(!) at construction time for field values and the resulting key/value pairs are store in a map.
2013-08-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Removed ThemeUtil.
2013-08-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Moved logic of ThemeUtils into ThemeDocument. TODO: Remove ThemeUtils
2013-08-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Introduce ThemeDocument & make stuff compileable again. THIS BREAKS THE SYSTEM! TODO: Move ThemeUtils into ThemeDocument.
2013-08-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Make it compilable again.
2013-08-22 Sascha L. Teichmann ETL: Take care of the fact that one river in AFT/SGM may correspond to N rivers in FLYS.
2013-08-22 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.14 for changeset 84b1e87e8669
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator: Use DischargeProcessor to add main values.
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller ChartGenerator: Changed visibility of doAnnotations,
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeCurveGenerator: Use DischargeProcessor.
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeProcessor: Handle main-values. Temporarily disable w/q data handling.
2013-08-22 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeProcessor: Minor refactoring (use getter), warn when no Ẁ/Q data found.
2013-08-21 Tom Gottfried Give correct name to outlier method 3.0.14
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Potential fix for flys/1453.
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Backed out changeset 60f39ee19473
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann ETL: Potential fix for flys/1453.
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Remapped indices of analysis periods, too. Needs testing!
2013-08-21 Tom Gottfried BWASTR-Import: name of tributary contains name of river, not the other way round. double-precision
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Add axis markers for additional long-sect. without Q (e.g. dike heights).
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Also add ability to add text-annotations.
2013-08-21 Tom Gottfried Geo-Importer: import axes 2D to avoid problems with invalid z-coordinates double-precision
2013-08-21 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Fix logger class reference.
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378 (part): Make DC config for discharge curve offer correct
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Prepare DischargeCurveGenerator to digest wq-interpolated data.
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-21 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Prepare StyledSeriesBuilder to get double[][] values to translate.
2013-08-20 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Preparing DischargeProcessor to be able to draw W/Q points,
2013-08-20 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-20 Felix Wolfsteller Initial DischargeProcessor-commit (skeleton).
2013-08-20 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Make dates of analysis periods unique, too. TODO: Remap the indices like the reference interval.
2013-08-20 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA W/Q Diagram: Allow duplicate points. It should work but it doesn't. :-/
2013-08-20 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Fixed reference events mapping. TODO: Same for analysis periods.
2013-08-20 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA Delta W(t): Add 30 seconds to colliding dates to avoid them vanishing from the diagrams.
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Reference points facets: the index of the point is stored in the lower 8 bits of the facect index. Why was it search via getIndex()?
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA overview: Fetch dates in higher resolution from database.
2013-08-19 Tom Gottfried Undo misguided schema change from r5207 double-precision
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1071) Increase river km column width
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue738: Adjust S/Q-Relation Diagram subtitles.
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix Analysis: Code simplification in facets.
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Client: Removed an XPath eval and simplified a loop.
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke Add small script to generate an issue overview from a roundup querry.
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Factored our date formatter.
2013-08-19 Sascha L. Teichmann Break long lines.
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1225: Add bedheight/year-difference points with a scale factor,
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller StyledSeriesBuilder: Added new method to add points with a scane factor.
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring.
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Add missing w_differences compat to new chart ls.
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1347) Add SQ Relation fields for measurement station information
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1347) Update jasper templates with new fields
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1347) Add measurement station getter for location
2013-08-19 Andre Heinecke Make debug functions of D4EArtifact public
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller Merged backout of changes for 1440 (gap-detection in bedquality).
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller Backed out changeset 10646f31efec
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2013-08-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1157: Only look at the best match for CrossSections to activate.
2013-08-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1391): Build the current discarge curve name as requested
2013-08-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1391)Add compatibility for hist.discharge in Hist discharge output
2013-08-16 Andre Heinecke (issue1391) Filter by reference_gauge or by KM
2013-08-16 Andre Heinecke Minor layout change
2013-08-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixing Analysis: Significantly (8-10x) improved the performance of the generation of the overview data. The data is now prefetched in batches.
2013-08-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed _stupid_ TODO question. WE WANT PULL OUT LOGIC OUT OF ARTIFACTS!
2013-08-16 Andre Heinecke Add FixingCalculatedPoint to second theme, too
2013-08-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Part of flys/issue1168: Make facet names unique. It should help but there must be bug before the facet generation.
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke (issue1444) Add theme for fixing calculated point
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke Readd accidentally removed line
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke (Issue1357) Pull river name into getReferenceGauge
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke Improve debug output in timerangestate
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke (issue1353) Add river name handling
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke (issue1353) Add method to model to gauge by number and river name
2013-08-15 Andre Heinecke (issue1353) Add river name to query for discharge Info
2013-08-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Part of flys/issue1168: Fix themes of fixings delta w averages. Bring default and second theme back in snyc.
2013-08-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Part of flys/issue1168: Show discharge sector averages as lines again.
2013-08-15 Christian Lins Add missing import in ArtifactMapfileGenerator
2013-08-15 Christian Lins (issue657) Prevent errornous recreation of usershape mapfile fragment.
2013-08-15 Christian Lins (issue657) Use regular expressions in Mapfile templates to catch various spellings of feature class types.
2013-08-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backed out changeset 74a437805e2a
2013-08-14 Andre Heinecke (issue1347) Localize outliers and pdf Header
2013-08-14 Andre Heinecke (Issue1347) Update jasper files for pdf export of new data
2013-08-14 Andre Heinecke (issue1347) Add new variables to SQ Relation output.
2013-08-14 Andre Heinecke Fix typo in SQRelation calculation
2013-08-14 Christian Lins Mapfile templates contain regex expressions to catch features more robust (#657).
2013-08-14 Tom Gottfried import_rivers.sh: skip cross sections instead of WST-file in first run. double-precision
2013-08-14 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: force import of waterlevel WST-file in first run. double-precision
2013-08-14 Tom Gottfried Importer: force import of waterlevel WST-file in first run. double-precision
2013-08-14 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: Fixed broken parameter creator constructor.
2013-08-14 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: Added forgotten class.
2013-08-13 Tom Gottfried issue1328: improved i18n message
2013-08-13 Tom Gottfried WstParser: warn only once if no unit comment is found double-precision
2013-08-12 Tom Gottfried Make postgresql-setup helper script work on different platforms. double-precision
2013-08-12 Tom Gottfried fixed syntax errors in Postgres-schema. double-precision
2013-08-12 Tom Gottfried Importer: set memory size according to doc double-precision
2013-08-12 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer: remove leftovers of catchment and gauge location importers double-precision
2013-08-10 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: Update title page automatically. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: remove obsolete README. It is all in the tex-files now. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: correctly document use of gew-file for geo-importer. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer and doc: use commandline-argument instead of configuration for river selection. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: complete master data of gauges and waterlevel model and move to top. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried WstParser and Importer doc: More sensible default unit and warn if it is used. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: move general information on geo-importer to overview. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: corrections to starting of geo-importer. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: corrections of geo-importer configuration. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer: use commandline-argument instead of configuration for river selection. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: document DEM-Metadata import. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: reworked sectioning of geo-importer overview. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: completed description of shapefile-parsers. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: add description of alternativ attribut-names. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: reformat tables in parser descriptions of geo-importer. double-precision
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Removed obsolete imports. longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Move Funcionality related to bed quality from FlowVelocityGenerator to LongitudinalSectionGenerator (previously left over). longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-09 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: Spell Ferguson with F.
2013-08-09 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1347: Added missing calcutions. TODO: Bring them into the generated outs.
2013-08-09 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-09 Tom Gottfried Moved most of the functionality of FlowVelocityGenerator to LongitudinalSectionGenerator on the way to longitudinal-section symmetry. ToDos left. longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-08 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into longitudinal-symmetry branch longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-07 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into longitudinal-symmetrie branch longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-07 Tom Gottfried merge changes from default into longitudinal-symmetrie branch and make it build longitudinal-symmetry
2013-08-09 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Handle static_wqkms.w as annotations.
2013-08-09 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-09 Felix Wolfsteller issue1378: Add wqkms.w|q to discharge curve facet compat list.
2013-08-08 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q: Excel compat completed: Now the data is linearized before fitting. This can be prevented by setting the system property S/Q: Excel compat completed: Now the data is linearized before fitting. This can be prevented by setting the system property "minfo.sq.calcution.non.linear.fitting" to true.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller Removed debug output.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Survive not completely defined sediment loads.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1060: i18n.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller Added @Override-Annotation.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller added vimline
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-08-08 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: Part I of 'faking' fitting linear data. S/Qs can now be subclassed and processed through views. TODO: Add knob to setup a linear data path.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller offer differences for bedheight-diffs in dc, and bedheight diffs in ls.
2013-08-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1439: Show line segments for points that have gaps on both sides. Small refac.
2013-08-07 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q relation: More Excel compat.
2013-08-07 Andre Heinecke Remove accidentally commited debug output
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1415: Corrected update query and parameter setting.
2013-08-07 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer: removed unused variable. double-precision
2013-08-07 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer: removed obsolete run-script. double-precision
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1440: Add gap detection at >101m for BedQuality LS diagrams.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1439: reduce gap-tolerance to 101m.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller issue1439: Use auto-gap detect when adding points to series for bed diff data.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller StyledSeriesBuilder: Minor doc improvement.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller QualityMeasurementFactory: Doc about singleton usage.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller Made trivial QualityMeasurement-constructor private, as it shouldnt be used.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-08-07 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics.
2013-08-06 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: error in W80CSV-Parser. double-precision
2013-08-06 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue748: Force linear curve fitting. This is a real hack! Set the system property "minfo.sq.fitting.nonlinear" to re-enable the old behavior.
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: missing english i18n.
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: exporter for sedimentload and i18n.
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1436: Remove wrong condition where previous value does not exist but is
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1435: Tolerate missing measurement values in QualityMeasurements.
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1433: Update caller for last commit.
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1433: Filter loaded unknown sediment yields by kind.
2013-08-06 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1433: Include trailing empty strings in stringsplit, this prevents emission
2013-08-06 Felix Wolfsteller issue1433: Do not emit warning when tolerated empty string as value.
2013-08-05 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: partly completed geo-importer parsers (with layout issues) double-precision
2013-08-05 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: completion and corrections to overview of geo-importer. double-precision
2013-08-05 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: Document reprojection of geo-data. double-precision
2013-08-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-08-03 Tom Gottfried Importer Dok: added missing warnings to hydr-morph section double-precision
2013-08-02 Tom Gottfried Sediment Density parser: avoid NPE when no year is given double-precision
2013-08-02 Tom Gottfried Sediment density parser: fetch year from metaline and parse double-precision
2013-08-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1337: fix. Let theme not inherit from longitudinal_section, as this
2013-08-01 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml/DC: Automatically add annotations to middle bed height diagrams.
2013-08-01 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: fix syntax error. double-precision
2013-08-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Survive when off-epochs no total data, but other.
2013-08-01 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs, in range of issue1393.
2013-08-01 Felix Wolfsteller issue1418: Fetch correct (not necessarily first) gauge
2013-08-01 Tom Gottfried Geo-Importer: Don not import misc. floodplains as hydraulic boundary. double-precision
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Avoid NPE for off-epoch when actually no off-epoch data available.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Fix theme association for sedimentload.total_load .
2013-07-31 Tom Gottfried Schema change: Store station of cross section lines with higher precision to avoid duplicates due to rounding. double-precision
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-31 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Remove cryptic warning messages.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Fix display, no description, just years needed to select official epochs.
2013-07-31 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393/SedLoadOffEpochPanel: Request the correct (off-epoch) data
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issu1393/SedimentLoadFactory: Handle off_epoch type queries.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393/ImportRiver: Import official epochs from directory, minor refac.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393/SedimentYieldParser: set kind of SedimentYields
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393/backend: Add kind property to ImportSedimentYield and SedimentYield.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller minfo-schema-change/issue1393: add kind column to sediment_yield table.
2013-07-31 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.13 for changeset 71da3d4ffb4a
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Some more unification fix km filtering for calculated discharges 3.0.13
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke Add compatibility with more facet names for mainvalues.
2013-07-30 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: completed and corrected section with warnings. double-precision
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke issue748: Change StandardDeviation implmentation to what BFG calls Standard Deviation
2013-07-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc
2013-07-30 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-07-30 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-30 Christian Lins Remove duplicate code for mapfile generation. ID problem still not fixed (#657).
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke issue767: Do not encode the complete legend url
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke Remove accidental commited debug output
2013-07-30 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Unify theme styles and add facet compatibilities
2013-07-30 Tom Gottfried Importer scripts: add skip flag for W80-CSV to import_river.sh double-precision
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue766: Minimal fix for doubled RiverAxis.
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Add forgotten i18n for historical discharges
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: Errors not documented so far double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: Document error when no measurement station fits station in SQ-file double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Dok: removed redundant doc and syntax error double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: small corrections to configuration and typo double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Dok: document import_river.sh double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: small corrections to morphological data double-precision
2013-07-29 Tom Gottfried Importer Dok: documented measurement stations double-precision
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1418: skip MainValues with NaN values.
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Add new facets for gaugedischarge
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Enable GaugeDischarge artifact to directly load a table by its ID
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1891: Add method to get a discharge table by it's id
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Unify datacage elements in discharge curve outs and add historical discharges
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke issue1391: Fix syntax in gauge macros and add km filtering
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Handle bedheightdiff-facets in LS Generator.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Add bedheight-difference facets to chart.xml longitudinal-section
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke Do not translate river annotations twice. (issue1370)
2013-07-26 Andre Heinecke Activate also in historical discharge
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: SedimentLoadExporter: Implemented rough output.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Prepare i18n for issue1416.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Use full stop in doc. This fixes my syntax highlight :) .
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Use foreach instead of for-loop.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, vimline.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Added @Override annotation.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs, imports.
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: fixed typos, language and formatting issues for hydrological data double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: cross section import completed. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: document that Amtl_Linien.config is needed. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: move paragraphs on main values and WST to correct section double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: comment out obsolete paragraph on invalid gauge numbers. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: small formating corrections to overview. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: small language corrections to Overview double-precision
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: Move a stub new SedimentLoadExporter in place.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller BedDifferenceExporter: Added licence header.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1259: in WQAdaptedInputPanel (vollmer w/q-input) allow
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1413: Only show unknown sediment loads of selected unit type.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadUnknownFacet: Removed another debugging obstacle (wrong class for logger).
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller Fix, missed to commit a typo correction.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller Fixed typo that made me search longer than necessary.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue1415: Update state of artifact when storing artifact.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1415: Define update statement for artifacts state.
2013-07-25 Andre Heinecke Make mainvalues active in discharge_curve and fix_wq_curve (issue1391)
2013-07-25 Tom Gottfried Importer scripts: shpimporter needs backend name to play with Oracle. double-precision
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue1412: make vollmer-curves functional in middle bedheight diagrams.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Partly fix a filter expression (unclodes literal).
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Cast ld values to varchar in user artifacts statement
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Add zero padding to minutes and seconds of a_creation times
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Add some useful debug output.
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried Purge tables when droping in Oracle to free space and avoid duplicates in views such as dba_constraints double-precision
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried Importer scripts: add default encoding to correctly read gew-files double-precision
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried fixed statement for floodplains in datacage-config (with Andre's eyes)
2013-07-24 Felix Wolfsteller Collapse overly complicated dc-filter-statement for vollmer-curves.
2013-07-24 Felix Wolfsteller vimline added.
2013-07-23 Felix Wolfsteller Fix doc typo.
2013-07-23 Felix Wolfsteller Fix misleading debug output.
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Remove duplicated discharge_table_gauge macros and calls
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Unify duplicated fix-wq-curve case
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Only look to W facets for inversion handling.
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried Schema change: droped NOT NULL constraint from attributes.value because empty string is silently converted to NULL in Oracle but needed here. double-precision
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried More correct i18n string for outlier tolerance in SQ
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried backout changeset 6513:ef3b02034f6a
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried Backed out changeset 1a7f5d09b9d8
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Subtract PNP before calculating wcm from wMinCM (issue1155)
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: Complete gauge master data. double-precision
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Do not invert chart when adding point data. (issue1290)
2013-07-22 Andre Heinecke Fix Waterlevel description for issue1404
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Importer docs: Improved layout. double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Schema changes: fixed typos, syntax errors and missing or obsolete statements in Oracle schema double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Fixed documentation for Oracle schema. double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried completed documentation for Oracle schema double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Geo importer: also accept 25D-points from km.shp double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-07-22 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.12 for changeset da197a9236fd
2013-07-22 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 3.0.12 3.0.12
2013-07-22 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Fix typo.
2013-07-22 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.12 for changeset 3999162f474f
2013-07-22 Felix Wolfsteller DatacageTwinPanel: Show busy-wheel when loading and adding artifacts to collection.
2013-07-22 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSection: Uppercase sql keywords in query.
2013-07-22 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSection: Improve SQl compat of statement.
2013-07-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Show bedheight diffs in w-diff datacage.
2013-07-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1399: WINFOArtifact: Compute difference also if part of difference building oneselve.
2013-07-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1399: Use WKms instead of WQKms object, as W-Difference artifact themselves
2013-07-19 Felix Wolfsteller Do not fiddle with the factory name of recommendations for differences anymore.
2013-07-19 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller Do not show beddifferences in dc that lets select for differences.
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.11 for changeset 63baa1873b1f
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Sync not in gauge string between de and de_DE 3.0.11
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add cleanup to the release script
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Shorten and correct waterlevel not in gauge string
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add quick hack to fix the exported name of Amtl.Fixierungen
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Change artifact database v param to be type TEXT
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add official Fixings to PDF Export
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Indentation fix
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Factor out description getting code from csv export and reuse for pdf
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Include the calculation borders in the official line export.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Make new chart(.xml)-wdiff Facet Compat List equal to winfo/wdiffs one.
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Factor out filtering code in WaterlevelExporter
2013-07-18 Christian Lins Fix for SAML authentication in FLYSHeader's Info button (#702).
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add official fixings to Waterlevel CSV Export (issue1384)
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add getArtifactsByName to collection
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Add getFirstLastKM utiltity function to WQKms
2013-07-18 Andre Heinecke Mark staticwqkms that are loaded as officiallines recommendation as official
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Let WDifferencesCurveGenerator use Beddiff-processors to display beddiff data.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller WDifferencesCurveGenerator: added a logger.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Renamed bedheight-differences macro, call it from wdiff DC context.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: add Bedheight facets to winfo wdiff out compat matrix.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and indentation fix.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394: Minor refactoring.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller i18n.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1395: Use correct out name in DC for bedheight-diffs.
2013-07-18 Felix Wolfsteller issue1396: Fix (at least partly) the loading of new differences via dc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394: Prevent display of empty paths in DC tree (vollmer and waterlevels).
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394: i18n
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Fix typos that lead to non-compilability.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394: Let client use the new pseudo-out: differenceable, deal with
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Commit omitted patch for BedDiffHeightYearProcessor.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394, issue1366: Prepare difference state to handle other artifacts, esp.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller issue1394: meta-data.xml: Add DC-Config for (pseudo-)out "differenceable".
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Added vimlines.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-17 Felix Wolfsteller Docs, cosmetics.
2013-07-16 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, doc, obsolete import removal.
2013-07-16 Felix Wolfsteller Fix cloning of old MINFO/Beddiff-calculations.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller BedDifferenceYearGenerator: Remove stray code, fix axis, added vimline.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Refactored BedDifferenceYearGenerator to use new BedDiffYearProcessor.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Fix debug output.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Moved BedDiffYearProcessor to BedDiffHeightYearProcessor.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring to use processor and later use processor in WINFO-Diagrams.
2013-07-15 Felix Wolfsteller Show (csv-)waterlevel in beddiff-datacages.
2013-07-12 Felix Wolfsteller OutputHelper: Fix misleading debug output copy/pasted from D4EArtifactCollection.
2013-07-11 Felix Wolfsteller More doc fixes.
2013-07-11 Felix Wolfsteller Fix doc.
2013-07-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1312: Bring back auto-coloring to FixPoints.
2013-07-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1168: Use all QSectors for FixAnalysis-Calculation.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Force second axis if at gauge.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue702: (temporarily) disable "Info"-Button.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller Debug/typo fixes.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc/Debug.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller doc.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller Typo in doc fix.
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Fix determination of SedimentLoadLSGenerators Y-Axis (m3/a or t/a).
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller BedDiff*Generator: Refactored to avoid code dupes. The problematic setting
2013-07-10 Felix Wolfsteller BedDiffHeightYearGenerator: Correct list size check, in
2013-07-09 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring, extracted method.
2013-07-09 Felix Wolfsteller Prevent accessing min element of empty list, repairing BedDiff Year-Diagrams.
2013-07-08 Christian Lins Merged
2013-07-08 Christian Lins Add SAML authentication to Info-Button.
2013-07-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1386: Fix date parameter for official epochs query.
2013-07-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1386: Prevent null-ranges to be set when station of sediment measurement
2013-07-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Prevent division by zeros leading to NaNs.
2013-07-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue1149: Be able to add label/annotation to event points.
2013-07-05 Felix Wolfsteller doc cosmetic.
2013-07-05 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, yay, adds color.
2013-07-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1157: Make a better choice for master and active CrossSection.
2013-07-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1157: Let CrossSection be able to find out whether it should be active & master.
2013-07-04 Felix Wolfsteller issue1157: Store parents initial km at CrossSectionArtifact.
2013-07-03 Felix Wolfsteller Initial improved query to find matching cross section.
2013-07-03 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSectionChartThemePanel: Corrected doc-string.
2013-07-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: In GWT chart property editor, suppres editing the "W [cm]" axis.
2013-07-03 Felix Wolfsteller In analogy to w values allow q values to be calculated at the
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Prevent NPE.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Set same tolerance to "at Gauge?"-definition as in other w/q cases.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Make second axis initial extends match first one.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller RiverUtils: Made two debug output lines unique.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller Antidoc: Strip "This method" from short doc strings.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Translate main values if needed.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller doc
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesWFacet: Fetch the gauge-respecting mainvalues if in a navigable chart
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Added method to determine whether at gauge or not.
2013-07-02 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring in MainValuesArtifact.
2013-07-01 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.10 for changeset bfcb513c1fda
2013-07-01 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 3.0.10 3.0.10
2013-06-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-06-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Another fix for the 'Amtlichen Linien'. Stupid copy/paste error while taking the range of a gauge.
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried Longitudinal sections: partly renamed outs and configured recommendations at once
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried More consistent labeling for longitudinal section diagrams
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.0.10 for changeset 5f4893db41e4
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Removed obsolete imports.
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Removed obsolete imports.
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann artifacts: Desktop-FLYS conform official line messages in error reports.
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: WST parser. Detect ranges of years in column-datum
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix import of source from wst-files
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Store source of a wst column if available.
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried Schema change: add new field 'source' to wst_columns, currently only for official lines double-precision
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Amtl. Linien: Added report if an official line was found in report.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadCalculation: Handle boring cases in total sed load calculation.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Avoid NPE.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: sort km when running over them for total sediment load.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadLSGenerator: Added vimline.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann added recommendation for official lines in cross sections
2013-06-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Amtl. Linien: Fixed problem that only a random official line is detect.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1383: Create new facet und resolve issue. Double-click symetry remains.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1383: FixWQCurveGenerator: handle new facet type.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1383: Added new facet type to fix_wq facet compat list, removed culprit longitudinal_section.w for now.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller issue1383: Added new facet type.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller FixRealizingCompute: Add hsah and id parameter to constructing call of
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller FixWaterlevelFacet: Turn around hash and stateId parameter in constructor, as in DataFacet.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller fixanalysis: remove event facet (issue1372).
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller fixanalysis.xml: Make longitudinal conf same as in winfo.
2013-06-28 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelFacet: Added a comment.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1372: Removed Event facet from vollmer curve.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: correct second y axis label (cm).
2013-06-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Official lines: Use river id instead of river name to be more precise when finding out which main values has a official line.
2013-06-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Reference only Q main values for official lines double-precision
2013-06-27 Christian Lins More robustness in FLYS.onModuleLoad() service calls.
2013-06-27 Christian Lins Use help-url provided by ServerInfoService (fix for #1197).
2013-06-27 Christian Lins Enable ServerInfoService (!! CONFIG !!).
2013-06-27 Tom Gottfried 'start' is a reserved word in Oracle
2013-06-27 Christian Lins Minor fix for ServerInfoService.
2013-06-27 Christian Lins Add client side servlets and service stubs for ServerInfoService.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: FixWQCurveGenerator: second y axis for fix-w/q diagrams.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Fix second y axis label.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Put data on cm axis if at gauge.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for axis labels.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Fix axis labels.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Do not use axis index directly. never.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Introduce second (cm) axis.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller Removed indentation and added doc for prepare*Data.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller StyledSeriesBuilder: More convenience methods to scale and translate values while adding.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-27 Felix Wolfsteller add tolerance to getCurrentGaugeDatum .
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller SyncNumberAxis: Open up constructor and setter of shift (why were these protected anyway?)
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Added translations for fix w/q y- axis.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator: Removed garbage.
2013-06-27 Raimund Renkert Added missing image to highlight 'Unstrut' on interactive image map.
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Added tag 3.0.9 for changeset 41152c3a532d
2013-06-26 Christian Lins Add ServerInfoService (currently inactive). 3.0.9
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Call official lines macro in system context and fixed the macro.
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Fixed container context variables: to upper case.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Now that the default first y axis is in cm, change default label.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: swap default axis (now in cm), translate annotations if in cm.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller StickyAxisAnnotation: Add setter for pos and docs.
2013-06-26 Bernhard Reiter Corrected typos in "Eingabe fär Q Daten".
2013-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: prevent too many create artifact calls at the same time by limiting them to 5.
2013-06-26 Tom Gottfried Import main values of type '-' by default double-precision
2013-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Set tokm and fromkm to location if we are at a location to apply km-filtering correctly
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Add doc and override-annotation.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Adjust label of second y axis to show cm if it is the "cm" axis.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Moved code from ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator to DischargeCurveGenerator.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Remove unused definitions.
2013-06-26 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1313: Prevent double skip when looking at the first lines of a prf file.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator: Renamed function.
2013-06-26 Tom Gottfried fix typo in make_release.sh
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Enabled basedata datacage in fix analysis ls.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Remove second y axis (Q?), reference axis by enums id.
2013-06-26 Christian Lins Info-Button now leads to $WIKI_URL/Info. Ticket for authentication not implemented yet.
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Updated highlighting areas and added new image tag for 'Saale-Zwischen'.
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Updated images for interactive image map.
2013-06-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Partial fix for flys/1303
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Do wqkms q facets out in discharge ls generator.
2013-06-26 Raimund Renkert Added wqkms q and w facets to w differences config.
2013-06-26 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-06-26 Tom Gottfried Enable annotations in mean bed height longitudinal section diagramm.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Add discharge q data to second axis.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: StyledSeriesBuilder: Added add function with translation and scale factors.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Prepare a second y axis.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, doc.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Let a hypothetical second y axis be an SyncNumberAxis depending on first.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: helper to find Gauge datum if any.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller ChartGenerator: Added getter for master artifact.
2013-06-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1370: Initial commit for new SyncNumberAxis.
2013-06-26 Christian Lins Merged
2013-06-26 Christian Lins Add replacement rule for wiki url in make_release.sh
2013-06-26 Christian Lins Make wiki url configurable in gwt client (flys/#1197). It's probably better to retrieve
2013-06-25 Tom Gottfried Importer: add skip flag for measurement stations to scripts
2013-06-25 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-25 Tom Gottfried Flow Velocity Model Parser: another fix of main value guessing double-precision
2013-06-25 Tom Gottfried Flow Velocity Parser: fixed regular expression for guessing main values double-precision
2013-06-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1259: fixing initial selected input helper tab. Believing that there is a bug in TabSet.
2013-06-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: revert some changes, use correct Schwebstoff/Geschiebe-measurement-stations.
2013-06-25 Felix Wolfsteller Revert to rev 6404 for issue1235
2013-06-24 Tom Gottfried merge changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed broken HQL statement in OfficialLine.
2013-06-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Re-inserted OfficialLine.fetchAllOfficalLines()
2013-06-24 Felix Wolfsteller issue1313: Use correct skip lines. In case of recognizing skip, the
2013-06-24 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Fix, suspSand is also measured at susp-measurement stations (Schwebstoff).
2013-06-24 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Respect that suspSand values are also measured at "suspended" (Schwebstoff)
2013-06-24 Felix Wolfsteller prep issue1235: Rename functions and variable to indicate use of other susp values.
2013-06-21 Felix Wolfsteller ComputedDischargeCurveGenerator: Fix misleading debug output.
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Stop execution of dc:container-context earlier if there are nor results at all.
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Rewrote the loading of the official lines based on the latest changes. Untested!
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Store the official lines of an artifact under the key 'official-lines'. Can be treated with <dc:container-context>.
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Introduced <dc:container-context>.
2013-06-21 Andre Heinecke Add null pointer guard before encode
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Official lines finder: handle the cases from the state model.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert Set image size in image map to have initial scroll bars.
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Official lines: Only apply in Q-Calculations and filter against the ranges of the gauges.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert New themes for sediment load fraction 'unknown'.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert Draw sediment load fraction 'unknown' in chart.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert Load sedimentload fraction with sedimentload factory and add new facets to artifact.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert Added new fraction 'unknown' to SedimentLoadFractions.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert New facet type in FacetTypes.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert Added new facet to minfo artifact config.
2013-06-21 Raimund Renkert New Facet for sediment load fraction 'unknown'.
2013-06-21 Tom Gottfried Flow velocity model parser: be more tolerant with main value strings in meta line double-precision
2013-06-21 Tom Gottfried Flow velocity model parser: more and improved log output double-precision
2013-06-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: First part of the official lines guessing.
2013-06-21 Andre Heinecke Further fix encoding handling in the print service
2013-06-21 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadResult: Add getter for load.
2013-06-21 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFacet: Now that we have total load values with correct ranges in
2013-06-21 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadCalculation: Calculate and set Total Load values ind a brutal range merging manner.
2013-06-21 Felix Wolfsteller Range: Add start and end setters, doc, clone function.
2013-06-21 Andre Heinecke Search the river name also in the map.river state
2013-06-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: instanceof null == false, so extra null check needed.
2013-06-20 Felix Wolfsteller Fix typos and NPEs.
2013-06-20 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoad*: Switch from snake_case to camelCase.
2013-06-20 Felix Wolfsteller declare nextStep variable for future use.
2013-06-20 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoad*: Set range to fraction/fractions values.
2013-06-19 Felix Wolfsteller Add fields, getters and setters for ranges in SedimentLoadFraction.
2013-06-19 Felix Wolfsteller Add hashCode and equals implementation to Range.
2013-06-19 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Display official lines in helper panels.
2013-06-18 Sascha L. Teichmann fix official lines import double-precision
2013-06-18 Tom Gottfried Minimal schema change: allow longer names in discharge zones double-precision
2013-06-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-06-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed Oracle scheme for official lines.
2013-06-18 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Added tag 3.0.8 for changeset eec895f6ec80
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed y axis label generation in sedimentload generator. 3.0.8
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Add annotations to sediment load chart.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Test if artifact in a MINFO artifact to avoid NPE when getting unit data.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Set initial facet activity for sediment load fractions.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert New images and hover areas for Saale and Saale-Thüringen.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Skip calculation parameters if no bed diameter data exist in CSV exporter.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Order bed quality data by km.
2013-06-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed bed quality data facet index to get the correct diameter.
2013-06-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Scan the official lines associated with a main value if it applies for the current river.
2013-06-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Added one to many getter to fetch the official lines associated with a namend main value.
2013-06-17 Raimund Renkert Removed umlaut stripping for image map and renamed 'Saale Thüringen'.
2013-06-17 Tom Gottfried flow velocity model parser: accept braces in names of upper discharge double-precision
2013-06-17 Raimund Renkert Insert Double.NaN for missing values in bed height factory.
2013-06-17 Raimund Renkert Use Double.NaN for missing values in middle bedheight calculation and write empty strings in csv export.
2013-06-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed SQ relation total bedload: Use the correct input data for calculation.
2013-06-17 Christian Lins Fix the "Saale-Thüringen" hover effect in the interactive JS map.
2013-06-17 Christian Lins Renaming "Thüringen" -> "Thueringen" to fix interactive JS map (#1322).
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Store official lines from config if they are any.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Only use name of official config line as name of main value.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Joined official lines with there importer model.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Added importer model for official lines.
2013-06-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1235: Values are valid until next measurements station range start.
2013-06-14 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFacet, issue1235: Ignore values not measured at measurement stations
2013-06-14 Felix Wolfsteller Comment.
2013-06-14 Felix Wolfsteller In prep for 1235: Renamed variables for improved readability.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Added special ImportWstColumns for official lines. They have to be glued with the main values.
2013-06-14 Tom Gottfried merge changes from default into double-precision double-precision
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Create ImportWsts for official lines expicitly. They are going to be somewhat special. Removed some cruft from the WstParser.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Added factory to ImportWst to create columns which are derived from ImportWstColumns. This will be handy when creating columns for the official lines.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: First steps to integrate parsing of official config files.
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Extended list of recognized main value names in STA/official line classification
2013-06-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Removed cruft code
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Remove createBarriersLayer and createBarriers
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Use group layer instead of adding two layers to barriers facet
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Group barriers layer and fix polygon layer path to shapefile
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Give the polygon barriers class a nice name
2013-06-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Moved guessing of main values and there time intervals out of the STA parser. Same come will be useful to extend the WST parser to better handle official lines.
2013-06-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: removed scale factor from min/max value determination of gauge Ws.
2013-06-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Moved code from WINFO artifact into state where it belongs.
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Add special case handling for Fixing AT export at a gauge
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Add location handling in waterlevels-fix macro
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Fix dc:fromValue and dc:toValue for locations
2013-06-13 Andre Heinecke Add SQ Relation KM formatter and use it fopr issue 1071
2013-06-13 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1335: Set a single (0) QRange for Waterlevel diffs from csv.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller issue1354: TimeIntervals in Waterlevels from csv files.
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Comment out broken official lines loading from datacage.
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Add gauge validity information to dischargecurve exporter
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Removed obsolete imports.
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Artifacts: Removed obsolete import.
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Removed obsolete import.
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Add Hibernate model for official lines.
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Assume that the result is calculated if the wUnit is meter
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Format km's in computed discharge export
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Don't print two header at calculated gauges
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Correctly set the reference system after conversion
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Use the river unit in csv export if not converted
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Only show gauge information if available
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Remove some accidental debug output
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Update PDF/CSV export for discharge curves
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Rework ATWriter/Exporter
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Add another constructor that takes a WQ object as parameter
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Add conversion function that prepares a WQ table for export at gauge
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Remove discharge table scaling but add reference system to W
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Modified schema for a better model of official lines.
2013-06-12 Christian Lins Add missing hover image for "Saar (Wiltinger Bogen)" (#1322).
2013-06-12 Tom Gottfried Bedheight single parser: do not reject lines with missing values double-precision
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Weird merge.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refac.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Remove code dupe, doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Waterl.Diff.Parser issue1354: Extract years from name, to later set timeintervals.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: issue1354/1, set timeintervals from waterdiff-csvs.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refac.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Remove code dupe, doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Waterl.Diff.Parser issue1354: Extract years from name, to later set timeintervals.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Whitespace correction and cminor ruft code removal.
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Add date format for artifact creation time
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Switch wst_kinds of Waterleve/-Differences (6/7).
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Switch wst-kind of waterlevel/-differences (7 and 6).
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Cosemetics, doc.
2013-06-12 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-12 Andre Heinecke Add km range to description of waterlevels for issue565
2013-06-11 Andre Heinecke Revert halfhearted logfile move. (r6127)
2013-06-11 Andre Heinecke Add non recommendations for bed_difference_height_year
2013-06-11 Christian Lins Add missing 'Saale-Thüringen' and 'Saar (Wiltinger Bogen)' hover images links. The latter is not available yet.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Order bed heights by station.
2013-06-11 Tom Gottfried merged changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-11 Tom Gottfried Bed height parser: check for duplicate stations double-precision
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Replaced the 'old school' wiki link buttons with default links.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Ensure correct initial default selection ("Q").
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1267: Polishing: Move the sorting into the db/sql-query.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1267: Do not downscale height.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller Added TODO about braindead code.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1267: Sort the list of FastCrossSections before binarySearching it.
2013-06-11 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-06-11 Tom Gottfried merge changes from default into double-precision branch double-precision
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Added styles for bed quality themes to config.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Set facet activity, have the correct facet order and added new facet to bed quality.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Added new bedload diameter facet to config.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert New facet for bedload diameter measurements.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Removed obsolete member and minor code style.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Never return 'null' for bed(load) diameters.
2013-06-11 Raimund Renkert Bring bedload average diameter to 'mm'.
2013-06-11 Tom Gottfried Corrected typo
2013-06-10 Tom Gottfried AT-Parser: Do not change unit of W and Q in discharge tables
2013-06-10 Raimund Renkert I18N strings for facet descriptions.
2013-06-10 Raimund Renkert New theme for bed diameter measurement facets.
2013-06-10 Raimund Renkert Generate facets for bed diameter measurements and draw them into the generated chart.
2013-06-10 Raimund Renkert Added new facet types for bed diameter measurements.
2013-06-10 Raimund Renkert Added container and facet for bed diameter measurements.
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.7 for changeset 5733d7f27196
2013-06-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import. 3.0.7
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Enlarge white background so that it overlays correctly as
2013-06-10 Christian Lins Refit PDF map legend (#767).
2013-06-10 Christian Lins Limit PDF map title length to 20 characters (#767).
2013-06-10 Christian Lins Enhance WSPLGEN legend's class names (#767).
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Add Jasper report templates for bedheight differences
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Implement pdf export for bedheight differences
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Add method to get name pairs of differences
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Add JR datasource for Bedheight differences
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Change author I'm the culprit of that class.
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Fix accidental mistake in group expression of some waterlevels
2013-06-10 Andre Heinecke Fix uesk description for issue 770
2013-06-07 Tom Gottfried Bedheight parser: improved logging
2013-06-07 Tom Gottfried Bedheight parser: handle whitespace in metaline
2013-06-07 Andre Heinecke Fix export at river km's for issue1275
2013-06-07 Andre Heinecke Call update after setting the instance
2013-06-07 Andre Heinecke Use WikiLink class for Help links
2013-06-07 Andre Heinecke Subclass ImgLink with a new class WikiImgLink
2013-06-07 Andre Heinecke Add imageLinkHTML function to WikiLinks class
2013-06-06 Andre Heinecke Fix gauge determination.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Added i18n string for wst with kind=6 used in datacage.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed i18n string to have the correct unit in y axis.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Added wsts with kind=6 (delta W ls) to datacage config.
2013-06-06 Andre Heinecke Switch default seddb to postgres and handle the configuration
2013-06-06 Andre Heinecke Default to a non internal wiki url
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert I965: Set bed heights initial inactive in bed height differences chart.
2013-06-05 Andre Heinecke Fix AT export icon and file name after a km change
2013-06-06 Christian Lins WMSLayer now use correct OnlineResource for map requests (e.g. Omniscale OSM Service is now working), see Issue #554.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert I18N strings for bed difference CSV file header.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Add CSV data facet to have a CSV file export.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Added the new bed difference exporter to config files.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Added exporter for bed height differences.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Adjusted bed height difference tab title.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert I999: Epochs and single years are handled in the same way in difference calc.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert I999: Filter epochs ands single years in datacage config.
2013-06-06 Felix Wolfsteller Remove stray debug logging.
2013-06-06 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue863: Create gaps for middlebedheight data if distance > 110 m.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert Fixed facet display name in bed height difference calculation.
2013-06-06 Raimund Renkert I1035: Fixed calculation of multiple bed height differences.
2013-06-05 Andre Heinecke Fix empty column logic in FixAT export
2013-06-05 Andre Heinecke Add * in the first line of AT Exports.
2013-06-05 Andre Heinecke Updade sq relation pdf export as specified in issue1071
2013-06-05 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-06-05 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-06-05 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-06-05 Tom Gottfried backout backout as it is now safely in a branch double-precision
2013-06-05 Tom Gottfried Do not use file extension for description of bed heights
2013-05-24 Tom Gottfried Backed out changeset 53fca3392c9f
2013-05-24 Tom Gottfried Schema change and Importer: use double to prevent rounding at import time
2013-06-05 Christian Lins CapabilitiesParse parses the "queryable" attribute of a WMSLayer now (#1253).
2013-06-05 Christian Lins CapabilitesParser can parse map format types now (#554).
2013-06-05 Christian Lins Fix Non-UTF8 Umlaut characters.
2013-06-05 Felix Wolfsteller issue697: Re-add style for vertical Q main values text. Had been removed.
2013-06-04 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, TODO, doc.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Use WikiLinks cell formatter for the wiki-links in MeasurementStationListGrid.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Generate SSO wiki links in RiverInfoPanel instead of plain Anchors.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Instantiate RiverInfoPanel with a FLYS reference for SSO.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Pass the FLYS instance to the InfoPanel class.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Use WikiLinks cell formatter for the wiki-links in GaugeListGrid.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Add helpers for links into the Flys wiki with optional SSO support.
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Extend the shared interface User with the SAML ticket
2013-06-04 Bernhard Herzog Store the SAML ticket in the user object after authentication.
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Add an Override to the compare method
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Add sorting for discharge value
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Remove getUser Hack.
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Simplify and fix range filtering for server data.
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Accept null mode in to/fromValue
2013-06-04 Andre Heinecke Let get return a value
2013-06-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added function dc:get('var-name'). Returns content of variable var-name or NULL if not
2013-06-04 Christian Lins i18n: German Üsg -> ÜSG
2013-06-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: If there is an artifact you likely need the artifact database, too.
2013-06-04 Felix Wolfsteller Remove stray semicolon from sql schema.
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Fix km filtering in Datacage, we default to mode distance now
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Add unit to location and translate outliertest method
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Add missing localisation for pdf export tooltip in fixing analysis
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Add SQRelationJRDataSource class
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Implement PDF export for SQ Relation
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Add Jasper report templates for sqrelation
2013-06-03 Christian Lins createWSPLGENClassName() now respects user locale (#767).
2013-06-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue986: i18n, include wst-unit in axis label.
2013-06-03 Felix Wolfsteller part of issue986: axis label includes correct wst-unit.
2013-06-03 Felix Wolfsteller cosmetics: minor indentation fix.
2013-06-03 Felix Wolfsteller issue1225: use river name for axis i18n.
2013-06-03 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for issue1225: river-km/$river-km .
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Fix location of features.xml
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Handle FEATURES_XML environment setting
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Add l10n for issue1310
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Use HLayout instead of VLayout.
2013-06-03 Christian Lins Stamp border thinkness of map print PDF fitted (#767).
2013-06-03 Andre Heinecke Prophylactic fix for DeltaWt's before 1900
2013-06-03 Christian Lins Make legend entries of WSPLGEN map more verbose and add units (#767).
2013-06-03 Christian Lins Increase legend scale of map print PDF (#767).
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Fix comment for newRegularTimePeriod
2013-06-02 Christian Lins Increase legend size of map print PDF (#767).
2013-06-02 Christian Lins Increase map title size for map print PDF (#767).
2013-06-02 Sascha L. Teichmann LinearInterpolated#apply(): Added simple test if the two datasets intersect at all.
2013-06-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Waterlevel differences & bed height differences: Add new model LinearInterpolated intented to unify the two very similiar calculations. The focus of the current implementation is correctness and not speed! The fact that the data sets more mostly sorted by station is not exploited. Doing so would improve performance significantly.
2013-06-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Bed quality calculation: Replaced another iteration over the key set + directly fetching the values withan iteration over the entry set.
2013-06-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Bed quality calculation: Fixed a calculation typo: s/sum =+ d/sum += d/
2013-06-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Bed height: Removed braindead index determination code.
2013-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Bed height differences: DO NOT STORE ARTIFACTS IN CALCULATION RESULTS!!! This would lead to caching them which is _really_ wrong.
2013-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Bed height differences: Some refactoring of the calculation to improve readability and performance.
2013-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed unnecessary call of map.containsKey(x).
2013-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-06-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-05-31 Tom Gottfried Schema change: remove UNIQUE-constraint which allows importing cross sections only from PRF
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Use FixMilliseconds instead of dates for time periods
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Guard the collection describe debug output
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Add handling of bound artifacts.
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Add boundToOut handling to ManagedFacets.
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Add debug output in static d4e artifact ctor
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Remove duplicate longitudinal section facet for bedheight_differences
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Handle target_out in the Recommendation / Client datacage code.
2013-05-31 Andre Heinecke Print the complete collection in parseCollection
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Handle special highlighting for fix analysis.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Added JavaScript callback to get the selected module in native JavaScript code.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Start up a new project on load.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Removed next button in initial project view.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Use new icon in rver link list.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Added icon for selected river in link list.
2013-05-30 Raimund Renkert Updated transparent overlay for image map.
2013-05-30 Christian Lins Set mapserver logfile name to d4e-wms.log, which logs to server root instead of /tmp.
2013-05-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added function dc:replace-all(haystack, needle, replacement) to do regular expression replacements. Mapped to Java's String haystack.replaceAll(needle, replacement).
2013-05-29 Christian Lins Add "Ringdeich" class to barrier lines mapfile template (#802).
2013-05-29 Andre Heinecke Add target_out attribute to elements with a factory
2013-05-28 Felix Wolfsteller flys1225/4: Absolute height axis label with wstunits.
2013-05-28 Felix Wolfsteller prep i18n issue1225/4 .
2013-05-28 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.6 for changeset b689d2b9d167
2013-05-28 Andre Heinecke Fix saml parameter name to fix SSO 3.0.6
2013-05-28 Raimund Renkert We have a much faster interactive image map!
2013-05-28 Christian Lins Fixes bug that caused the garbled upload of user shapefiles (#657).
2013-05-28 Christian Lins Add some debug output to FileUploadServiceImpl.
2013-05-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1225/1: Include river name in x axis label.
2013-05-27 Felix Wolfsteller issue1225/1: i18n prep.
2013-05-28 Raimund Renkert Order flow velocity values by station.
2013-05-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Themes: s/hints="h"/hints="hidden"/
2013-05-27 Raimund Renkert Merged theme config files default.xml and second.xml.
2013-05-27 Andre Heinecke Commit changes described in r6110
2013-05-27 Andre Heinecke Fix datacage for user data by adding facet filtering.
2013-05-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed missspelled mapping
2013-05-27 Felix Wolfsteller candidate for issue1335: replace weird test with lest weird test.
2013-05-27 Andre Heinecke Revert 6081 now that determineGauge handles bordering river sections
2013-05-27 Andre Heinecke determineGauge tries now to find the correct Gauge by handling overlapping borders
2013-05-27 Christian Lins Explicitly set Content-Type of shapefile upload response message to text/html. See flys/#657.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Themes: Name second theme 'second'
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Themes: Reunited the small parts of default and second theme to default.xml and second.xml again to have valid XML.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports and dead code.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed unused context from RangeAccess and subclasses leading to some dead code removal.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Removed some Iterator cruft.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Another variable access fix.
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Fixed wrong variable access in meta-data.xml
2013-05-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Macros are indexed, so there is no need to linear scan all template nodes to find them.
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Merge double fix for Virtual Columns
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke First part of the filtering datacage for user data.
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Fix virtual columns, name has to be set and name has to be uppercase
2013-05-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Fixed fix for <dc:virtual-column>
2013-05-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Fixed addColumn in <dc:virtual-column>
2013-05-24 Felix Wolfsteller issue1061: Adjusted facet names of bed diff.
2013-05-24 Felix Wolfsteller part of issue1061: Add i18n.
2013-05-24 Felix Wolfsteller towards issue1061: Store names of original BedHeights in the BedDiffYearResult.
2013-05-24 Sascha L. Teichmann merged
2013-05-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Introduced <dc:virtual-column name="colname" type="type" expr="XPath">
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Also set encoding for river mapfile to UTF-8
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Set WMS encoding correctly to UTF-8
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke We want to expand the group key for the name
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Return an empty string for the NULL object.
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Add some debugging tips
2013-05-24 Andre Heinecke Fix old calculations datacage parts.
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Introduced dc:dump-variables() and modified dc:message to use XPath expansion.
2013-05-23 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-05-23 Tom Gottfried Schema change: view for WSTs which deales with multiple ranges matching station (issues 1315 and 1296)
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Introduced <dc:message>This is my message!</dc:message>. The message are logged at INFO level to help debugging.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue822: Added discharge curve to (new) charts compat matrix.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue954/2: Flood- Protections in Cross-Sections Datacage.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1130: Show 'W am Pegel(cm)' values in waterlevelexport.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: dc:has-result()-guard additionals and basedata.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Wrap user-content in user-range to use 'range intelligence'.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Fix test syntax.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Fix query, select on user-id not collection-id.
2013-05-23 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Make a select a bit more human-resolvable.
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed cruft iterator code.
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitspace.
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import
2013-05-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed i18n key
2013-05-22 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.5 for changeset 1a169e10c0f3
2013-05-22 Andre Heinecke Add WQFixing sanity check. 3.0.5
2013-05-22 Andre Heinecke Use maxOverlap to get the correct gauge for the MainValues
2013-05-22 Andre Heinecke Fix WQ input validation for fixing analysis
2013-05-22 Andre Heinecke Get location limits from fixation overview in fixation location selection
2013-05-22 Felix Wolfsteller in relation to flys1313: fix typo that prevented setting crossSection to c.s.l.
2013-05-17 Felix Wolfsteller Indentation.
2013-05-17 Felix Wolfsteller Mainvalues in comp. discharge curve compat list.
2013-05-22 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Make error message more readable.
2013-05-21 Andre Heinecke Readd accidentally removed macros
2013-05-21 Andre Heinecke Commit meta-data.xml refactoring
2013-05-21 Andre Heinecke Expand the Help Url also in the describe method
2013-05-21 Andre Heinecke Add instanceof guard around boundary handling
2013-05-21 Sascha L. Teichmann DC: fixed dc:group
2013-05-17 Andre Heinecke Add an extra class for values >= the largest class
2013-05-17 Andre Heinecke Fix waterlevel classes and change defaults for them.
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried BHP: do not import lines without useful data
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried Schema change: there is only one bed height per station at a given point in time
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Implement function to spawn a mainvalueartifact, given gauge and river.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Add a new function to create a GaugeDischarge+MainValueArtifact collection.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: prepare to be created by crafted document.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller In relation to issue1081: let there be mainvalues in discharge_curve dc.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Add mainvalues to gaugedischargecurve compat list.
2013-05-16 Felix Wolfsteller Part of issue1081: Show mainvalues in discharge_curve dc.
2013-05-15 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and TODO issue1081
2013-05-15 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-16 Andre Heinecke Do not use from and to as variables in statement.
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried Schema change: Add missing constraints to cross sections in Oracle, cosmetics
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried WstParser: set column names from specified line also if unspecified line does not exist
2013-05-16 Tom Gottfried WstParser: warn if timestamp can not be set, cosmetics.
2013-05-15 Tom Gottfried Sediment yield parser: be more flexible when looking for grain fraction in filename
2013-05-15 Felix Wolfsteller Part of issue1149: Load main values for w/q diagram.
2013-05-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue977/2: supply mainvalues via dc for reference curve.
2013-05-14 Tom Gottfried forgot one in 6023:4ececb3a4e66
2013-05-14 Tom Gottfried consistent string for AT Export tooltip
2013-05-14 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.4 for changeset 5f34e4cb8095
2013-05-14 Andre Heinecke Use the out attribute everywhere where there is a factory 3.0.4
2013-05-14 Andre Heinecke Flys is still flys for the print url
2013-05-14 Andre Heinecke Commit performance improvement written by Sascha Teichmann
2013-05-14 Andre Heinecke Switch W Q labels in historcial discharges
2013-05-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1261: when tab is created, jump navi to 'default'-km. This overcomes
2013-05-14 Felix Wolfsteller issue1320: Handle exception.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller PRFParser: Re-enable line skipping. Act so on station change.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue1259: i18n msg when named main value not found at all gauges.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for issue1259.
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried backout 6009:6ea171b6d8d2 because this was only really valid for fixations
2013-05-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed wrong quote.
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried Schema change because WST-columns without time interval are useless
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried Strip non-word characters from measurement station URL
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried use name and type instead of ID for measurement station link
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Start with w tabs disabled.
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried merged
2013-05-13 Tom Gottfried Importer: use gauge official number as identifier, not name
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue949: meta-data.xml: for additional ls, use staticwqkms factory to have w
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsFactory: Prevent NPE this time.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsFactory: prevent NPE.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue949: staticwqkms/W facets are active.
2013-05-13 Raimund Renkert Updated and added missing images for interactive image map.
2013-05-13 Felix Wolfsteller issue949: allow longitudinal_section.q facets in 'new charts'.
2013-05-10 Felix Wolfsteller ssue862: MiddleBedHeight facet names.
2013-05-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-05-13 Sascha L. Teichmann River ETL: Limit the discharge tables to load to the historical (kind = 1) ones. This prevents the wrong tables (values) to be deleted.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann River ETL: removed wrong info output that discharge tables only found in FLYS are ignored.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Removed macros which are not called.
2013-05-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added stylesheet to detect macros which are defined and not called and vice versa.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Be more tolerant when try to find out if a location is at a gauge position.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed encoding in i18n
2013-05-10 Bernhard Herzog Use name id as username in saml.User.
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.3 for changeset b740f0c4179e
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Use 'W [cm]' as CSV header if discharge table is at a gauge. 3.0.3
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Revert changes in metadata.xml from r5978:ebd6e8e234e0.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Avoid duplicted mainvalues.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Added mainvalues to fixanalysis wq curves.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Renamed label for outlier test in fix analysis.
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Add OUT parameter to each ids parameter
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Add handling for OUT id's parameter to D4EArtifact
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Add dc:iterate function
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Increased column number in cell formater.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Added 'bfgid' column to helper panel in hist discharge curve.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed NPE problem in fetching extram from discharge curves.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Fixed typos in interactive image map.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Added available rivers for fix analysis for interactive image map.
2013-05-10 Raimund Renkert Only select available rivers in interactive image map.
2013-05-10 Felix Wolfsteller issue1311: Update links on toolbar when km changed.
2013-05-10 Felix Wolfsteller NaviChartOutputTab: In prep for issue1311, override getExportUrl to include km.
2013-05-10 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2013-05-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Partial rewrite of historical discharge curves. Needs testing.
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Only show localized elements in getfeatureinfo
2013-05-10 Andre Heinecke Fix print configuration, in the config flys is still flys
2013-05-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete constructor.
2013-05-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-05-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Convert some Latin-1 source files to UTF-8
2013-05-08 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-05-08 Tom Gottfried STA parser: more informative warning
2013-05-08 Tom Gottfried STA parser: Spaces after gauge name given in spec are sometimes used for gauge name, so parse them
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add AuthenticationServlet, a common base class for the login servlets
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Treat SAML URL as login URL in GGInAFilter.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add saml servlet to web.xml configuration.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add SamlServlet to implement actual login via SAML Ticket.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add TicketValidator.checkTicket(InputStream) method.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Make instantiation of saml.User easier.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Move User class from was to saml sub-package.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove now unused JDom namespace constants for SAML.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove now unused old Assertion class.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Adapt WAS Response to new SAML validation code.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Pass trusted key filename to Response in WAS Authenticator.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add trusted key for SAML authentication and configure it in web.xml.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add SAML ticket validator classes.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add new SAML Assertion class based on WAS Assertion.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add XPathUtils, helper functions to process SAML with XPath.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Add NamespaceContext for SAML handling.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove unused method Assertion.getID() and the relate field
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove unused method Response.getRoot()
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove unused Signature class.
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Remove unused Assertion.getSiganture() method and the related field
2013-05-08 Bernhard Herzog Pass LoginServlet's ServletContext to the Authenticators.
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Importer: Log an error if parsing a STA file failed.
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Delete discharge tables which are in AFT but not in FLYS. Fixed Oracle specific pom.xml
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed build error. Is this really supposed to work?
2013-05-08 Raimund Renkert Implemented interaction design in project startup page.
2013-05-08 Raimund Renkert CSS stuff to highlight river links.
2013-05-08 Raimund Renkert HTML document and images for interactive image map.
2013-05-08 Felix Wolfsteller PRFParser: Ignore skip-lines field, simplifies code a bit.
2013-05-08 Felix Wolfsteller PRFParser: Documentation.
2013-05-08 Tom Gottfried Schema change: leave it up to AFT whether time intervals are unique per gauge but do not accept duplicate bfg_id per gauge
2013-05-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1267: W80CSVParser do not stumble about malformed lines.
2013-05-08 Felix Wolfsteller issue1259: Grey out inputhelper Ws when Qs are to be chosen and vice versa.
2013-05-07 Felix Wolfsteller Partial fix for issue862: avoid NPE.
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete artifacts.
2013-05-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Historical discharge curve: Fixed NPE in setup.
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann ETL: Do not ignore open ended discharge tables.
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Historical discharge curves: Do not add calculation relevant curve into list of available curves.
2013-05-07 Tom Gottfried Schema change: named_main_values.name is not unique, as we can have the same name for different types
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann D4E river artifacts: Removed historical discharge calculation from WINFO artifact and use access instead.
2013-05-07 Raimund Renkert Added output mode and generator to config and create facet for export.
2013-05-07 Raimund Renkert New exporter and facet for wsplgen calculation result.
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Fixed flys/issue1246
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Discharge Info Service: Added 'bfg-id' to result document.
2013-05-07 Sascha L. Teichmann D4E river: Fixed substitution on help URL.
2013-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Importer: Store id of time interval in main values.
2013-05-06 Tom Gottfried some additions and adjustments to annotation types
2013-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann flys/issue1244 Historical discharge curve: Suppress current discharge curve.
2013-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Historical discharge curves: Fixed NPE.
2013-05-06 Tom Gottfried changed title and lable of SQ input-data diagramm
2013-05-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed recognition of main values in STA parser.
2013-05-06 Tom Gottfried BHP: more informative error instead of warning if file can not be imported.
2013-05-03 Andre Heinecke Update after renaming and remove the binary artifact-database and common
2013-05-03 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.2 for changeset 387cbdecdfe3
2013-04-30 Andre Heinecke Change a warning from FLYS to D4E 3.0.2
2013-05-03 Tom Gottfried Schema change: increased precision of discharge_table_values.q to allow unique import of higher precision values
2013-05-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed constructor of ImportTimeInterval.
2013-05-03 Sascha L. Teichmann backend: Fixed DateGuesser for DDMMYY.
2013-05-03 Tom Gottfried Schema change: make gauges.official_number unique per river as we can have multiple identical gauges for different representations of the same river. Comments and TODOs
2013-05-03 Tom Gottfried Schema change: remove UNIQUE-constraint from rivers.official number as we have different representations of the same river (e.g. for sommer and winter)
2013-05-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Repaired and simplified dc:filter code.
2013-05-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-05-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Introduced <dc:group epxr="xpath" type="type"> ... </dc:group> and XPath function dc:group-key().
2013-05-02 Tom Gottfried WST-import: do not match against description (mostly NULL)
2013-05-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed indentation.
2013-05-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added some time meassuremnt for templating.
2013-04-30 Tom Gottfried Schema change, importer, i18n: additional field for federal state stations
2013-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Do not import discharge tables twice if no time interval given
2013-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann datacage: simplified range filtering for wsts.
2013-04-30 Tom Gottfried Schema change: add constraint to discharge tables
2013-04-30 Tom Gottfried DateGuesser: set times exactly (without parts of import time)
2013-04-30 Andre Heinecke Make all_annotations translateable
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Another part of flys/issue1247: Now the main values are determined right if the gauge limits are in abitrary order.
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Partial fix for flys/issue1247: When trying to find gauges take care of the fact that start and end position are in abitrary order.
2013-04-29 Tom Gottfried document how to read schema with correct encoding
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann river backend: Removed obsolete hibernate transformer class.
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann river backend: repaired invalid packages.
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann river backend: Adjusted internal references to SedDB hibernate model.
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann river backend: Moved SedDB hibernate model to org/dive4elements/river/seddb.
2013-04-29 Sascha L. Teichmann init.d: Adjusted startup script.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River GWT client: Removed obsolete same package imports.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River backend: Removed obsolete same package imports.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Removed obsolete same package imports.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Renamed FLYSService to D4EService.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Renamed FLYSArtifact(Collection) to D4EArtifact(Collection).
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann FLYS artifacts: Renamed FLYSContext(Factory) to RiverContext(Factory).
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Renamed FLYSUtils to RiverUtils.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Renamed FLYSAnnotation to RiverAnnotation.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River artifacts: Added new copyright headers.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed old copyright headers.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Added copyright header.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann GWT client: Removed old header.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann River ETL: Harmonized maven ids. Adjusted README
2013-04-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fixed Oracle pom.xml and README.
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried it's worth more than a warning if the import is likely to fail
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried adjust importer build-script to new names
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried Schema change: new column 'waterbody' for floodmaps and importer
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried Localization of field names for feature info on map
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried use correct attribute name STROVOER also for polygon boundaries
2013-04-26 Felix Wolfsteller Wst: Avoid NPE.
2013-04-26 Felix Wolfsteller Make showing of outlier facet depending on preprocessing choice.
2013-04-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue949: Have W facets active, Q inactive.
2013-04-26 Felix Wolfsteller Map fix wq points to FixPoints style.
2013-04-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue949: Have fixations in longitudinal-sections have W and Q facet.
2013-04-26 Tom Gottfried Importer-Parser: set time intevals for complete years when parsing years
2013-04-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Added header to river backend.
2013-04-25 Andre Heinecke Use gwt-client as artifactid
2013-04-25 Andre Heinecke Remove duplicated dependency to jfreechart
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Added header to Java files in ETL process.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed broken maven ids ... again.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Adjusted hgignore
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Rename modules to more fitting names.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag dive4elements-move for changeset 795218cf62eb
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Adjusted client pom.xml to let it build again. dive4elements-move
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed internal java dependencies
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaired internal references.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Adjusted configs to new classes.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repair pom.xml
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaired internal references
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaired pom.xml
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaired internal references.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved directories to org.dive4elements.river
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed pom for etl process.
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Repaired internal references
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann moved directories to org.dive4elements.river.etl
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved directories to org.dive4elements.etl
2013-04-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag before-dive4elements-move for changeset a7df90f425e2
2013-04-25 Felix Wolfsteller Remove obsolete (duplicate) macro and its use. before-dive4elements-move
2013-04-24 Andre Heinecke Set the title for the html feature info viewer
2013-04-24 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.1 for changeset 1722b0c47f5b
2013-04-24 Andre Heinecke Add FeatureInfoResponse class 3.0.1
2013-04-24 Andre Heinecke Request feature info on all layers and show it as html if
2013-04-24 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-04-24 Raimund Renkert Use the correct i18n string for gauge info grid header.
2013-04-24 Raimund Renkert Initial interaction model for riverselection on image map. interaktive-karte
2013-04-24 Raimund Renkert Added images to higlight rivers (currently only 'Rhein', 'Mosel'). interaktive-karte
2013-04-24 Andre Heinecke Rework FeatureInfo Window fopr issue 775
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller ImportTimeInterval: Removed obsolete b parameter setting.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller ImportTimeInterval: Verbosity increased and fixed bug
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Trigger w80csv-parsing.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller LineParser: Store reference to input file.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller Initial version of W80CSVParser (stripped W80Parser).
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller Config: Add new flag to skip w80-csv imports (which are not done yet anyways).
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Doc/Cosmetics.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-24 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: Fixes flys/issue1138 (Ausgel. WSPL: Streckenintelligenz bei Generierung Balkendiagramm)
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller Removed obsolete import.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller For base-data from DC, use staticwqkms factory (will spawn w and q facets).
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller chart/staticwqkms.xml: Add facets to compat list.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller WOutProcessor: Renaming, doc.
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller StaticWQKmsState: Also spawn RelativePoint and CrossSectionFacet .
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller StaticWQKmsArtifact: implement WaterLineArtifact .
2013-04-24 Felix Wolfsteller RelativePointFacet: Through minor refactoring prepared to used StaticWQKmsArtifact.
2013-04-23 Andre Heinecke Fix other buildings.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller WST-Parser: Avoid trying to set MIN_RANGE when actually no stations are given
2013-04-23 Andre Heinecke Fix issue1254, make GetFeatureInfo work reliably
2013-04-23 Andre Heinecke Use fullRequestString as WMS Url
2013-04-23 Andre Heinecke Add WMS URL menu entry again and print the wms_url
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1289: Added ommitted adjusted messages.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1289: Show km station with certain error message.
2013-04-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Always clone XML template for builders. If the first is not cloned they get interlinked somehow. Feels like a bug in Java's DOM implementation.
2013-04-22 Andre Heinecke Fix dateFormat for Oracle by invoking dateValue on demand
2013-04-22 Tom Gottfried add missing constraints to Oracle Schema (issue426) and some cosmetics
2013-04-22 Felix Wolfsteller issue1150: i18n.
2013-04-22 Felix Wolfsteller Part of issue697: Q-Mainvalue-Artifacts-Text vertically.
2013-04-22 Tom Gottfried avoid NPE in time interval import (made by R. Renkert)
2013-04-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Add a pool of builders to make it multi threadable.
2013-04-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-04-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-04-19 Raimund Renkert Switch start- and stoptime if starttime is after stoptime in timeinterval
2013-04-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1260, issue1259: Improve multi-gauge w/q input.
2013-04-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1133: Improved multi-gauge W/Q input.
2013-04-19 Felix Wolfsteller issue1276: Re-enable fixation autorecommend at discharge_curves.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo ind i18n string.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Removed macro from bed height difference datacage config.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for morhologic width in datacage.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert enamed morphologic width to sounding width, added strings for morphologic width.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert New theme for morphologic width.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Datacage config and out generator for morphologic width.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Updated config files for morphologic width artifact and facet.
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Model, factory, facet and static artifact for morphologic width.
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add missing i18n strings
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add OSM intevation.de background wms and remove Einzugsgebiete Deutschland
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Remove OSM Intevation.de background layer from datacage :(
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add hydroboundaries where sectie and sobek is null
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add a different translation for catchment_wms
2013-04-18 Raimund Renkert Added new macro for deltaW ls and removed the old one. Use the new macro in bed
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add white.png as a workaround that mapfish print does not support
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Draw stamp on white background and some layout improvements
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Increase acceptet print dialog input length to 30
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Add the north arrow from the desktop flys print logo
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Rework layout for issue 767
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Check for errors based on the return code instead of hackish parsing
2013-04-18 Andre Heinecke Encode the ä in Gewässer. Not really neccessary but more in line with the rest
2013-04-18 Tom Gottfried Geoimpoter: Use attribute STROVOER, not SOBEK in hydr. boundaries
2013-04-17 Tom Gottfried Geoimporter: do not force default 0 for sectie and sobek
2013-04-17 Tom Gottfried Schema change: allow SECTIE and STROVOER (alias SOBEK) to be NULL, rename kinds
2013-04-17 Tom Gottfried rename WMS-Layers representing gauges in data cage
2013-04-17 Tom Gottfried remove prefixed directory names from descriptions in data cage
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFacet: Avoid weird steps, find correct measurement stations.
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller Add containsTolerant to Range.
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller Minor part of issue1235: dont show decimals of years.
2013-04-17 Sascha L. Teichmann FLYS artifacts: Rollback function renaming.
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Minor Refactoring.
2013-04-17 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: issue1149, show calculated wq as points.
2013-04-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Fix Stack overflow.
2013-04-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Forget to increment index.
2013-04-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Forgot to handle the unlikely case that there are more than 2 nested brackets in main values.
2013-04-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Parse time intervals for main values.
2013-04-16 Tom Gottfried added some i18n missing in datacage
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller FixCalculation: Cosmetics, renamed function, doc.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller fixanalysis.xml: Add fix event facet to compat list.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Render fix events.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller FixRealizingCompute: Add one FixEventFacet per selected Event.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.New FixEvent Facet.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsFactory: Add functionality to fetch WQKms if only column id is known.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsFactory: Fix name sql.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsFactory: Add name getting function if only column id is known.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-16 Felix Wolfsteller Added new Facet Type for Fix. Events.
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Fix print url replacement
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Added tag 3.0.0 for changeset 280093510e1d
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Also java encode the info side of the data table 3.0.0
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Send errors as plaintext and not as pdf documents
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Minor layout changes in map print add a margin between map and stamp/legend
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Remove uneccessary debug output
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Add configurable logo for map print and rename/reorder fields
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Add some more WMS Services as specified by issue 796
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Add font settings for info part
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Add toJavaEncodedString function to encode strings in utf-16 notation
2013-04-15 Tom Gottfried Fix class cast error in flow velocity importer (might by S. Teichmann)
2013-04-15 Raimund Renkert Avoid NPE in sediment density factory and return a valid density if no exists.
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged.
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix XML typo
2013-04-15 Tom Gottfried Schema change: add constraint to have unique stations per flow velocity model
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Reset km index after parsing a file.
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Import Flow Velocity Model: Use unique km for station.
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Replace example.com in conf.xml
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Used replacement ${help.url} in i18n- properties.
2013-04-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Added configuration for online help in conf.xml
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller issue1149: Include function name in facet name for fixreal.
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller Avoid NPE.
2013-04-15 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-04-15 Raimund Renkert Use correct i18n string for y axis.
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Switch back to example url and correct background wms url
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller Added accidentally omitted i18n addition.
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller i18n error messages if years are wrong for sediment load.
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and vimline.
2013-04-15 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadYearSelect: Add validation to have second year later than first.
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Increase default memory size for the artifact server
2013-04-15 Andre Heinecke Add print url to relase script
2013-04-12 Tom Gottfried StaFileParser: use correct substring for gauge name
2013-04-12 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-04-12 Tom Gottfried Set description when importing flow velocity models
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.19 for changeset c4162d8378a1
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error 2.9.19
2013-04-12 Felix Wolfsteller Inlcude years in error messages about sed.load, to avoid it interpreted as km.
2013-04-12 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadCalculation: Partly fix 1250 (calculate more than one total if possible).
2013-04-12 Tom Gottfried Schema change: fixed constraints
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Fixed label for 'W' axis in middle bed height generator.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added old calculation and additional data to dc config for bed difference charts.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added processor for new factes in bed difference chart generators.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added facets to bed difference config.
2013-04-12 Tom Gottfried Minor renaming in German i18n
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Update Layout and add basic UTF-8 support that is still broken
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Do ordering in the data dictionary and replace "null" strings with empty strings
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Request maps from osm.intevation.de by another url and fix dpi handling
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Localize the _data strings, limit the input in the panel and Search
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Add i18n for mapfish_data variables. A bit ugly because we
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Add saveguard not to include 0 in a scale for logarithmic axes
2013-04-12 Andre Heinecke Do not autozoom on logarithmic axis. Autozoom tries to include 0 in most cases
2013-04-10 Andre Heinecke Also make http part of the mapserver url replaceable
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Cosmetics.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added basedata and old calculations to middle bedheight dc and added new macros.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Enable the middle bedheight chart generator to draw W facets.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Added new facet types to middle bedheight chart output.
2013-04-12 Raimund Renkert Renamed 'Werte' to 'Ergebnisausgabe' in client.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller Fix RangeAccess.getLocations for Reference Curves.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller Added vimline.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller themes.xml: Fix typo that prevented susp_sediment theme display.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs, vimlines.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Renamed getLoadwithData to getLoadWithData, update callers.
2013-04-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Workaround for flys/issue1161: Render gauge names into tooltip, too.
2013-04-11 Tom Gottfried configured zoom-scale for river Rhein
2013-04-11 Christian Lins Temporary remove classification from floodmap plane theme editor (#801).
2013-04-11 Tom Gottfried fix names in features.xml
2013-04-11 Tom Gottfried fix diverse name errors in floodmap.xml and rivermap.xml
2013-04-11 Christian Lins Create floodmap colorrange dynamically from artifact parameters. Theme setting for colorrange classes is currently not functioning (wasn't before either).
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Add sedimentload IS macro.
2013-04-11 Felix Wolfsteller issue1077: Handle overlapping measurement station ranges, refactored Generator,
2013-04-11 Tom Gottfried updated names and URLs in rivermap.xml and floodmap.xml
2013-04-11 Tom Gottfried update river names in features.xml
2013-04-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Make it compile again.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Minor refactoring.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFacet: Minor refactor.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and cosmetics.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, Cosmetics.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1077: Show loads as step line, therefore transform data in
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: New IS macro for sediment load, prep for issue1077.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and whitespaces.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Add vim line.
2013-04-10 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace cosmetic.
2013-04-03 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: cosmetics in docs.
2013-04-02 Felix Wolfsteller Fix issue697 (i18n).
2013-04-02 Felix Wolfsteller ComputedDischargeCurveState: Cosmetics.
2013-04-10 Tom Gottfried StaFileParser: take correct substring for gauge number
2013-04-10 Raimund Renkert Added old calculations to datacage 'M-INFO Sedimentfracht'.
2013-04-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: fix dc:contains() Do not uppercase needle if its not a container search.
2013-04-10 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: dc:contains() is now able to process strings
2013-04-10 Andre Heinecke Handle NULL elements in datacage xml
2013-04-10 Andre Heinecke Flys Issue 759 write longer strings and explicitly break the lines
2013-04-10 Andre Heinecke Increase the width of the hover item a bit.
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Update dem info string
2013-04-09 Tom Gottfried Import fixpoints.hpgp also from attribut 'ART'
2013-04-09 Tom Gottfried Schema change: Allow longer strings in fixpoints.hpgp
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Add a new mechanism in mapfish print call to add arbitary data maps
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Add some more scales for the map
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Remove old page attributes maptitle and comment
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Move floodplain into its own directory and reindent
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Expand doc for river-wms and user-wms and add note about oracle
2013-04-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-09 Sascha L. Teichmann AFT/DIPS/SGM: Do _not_ update current discharge table from AFT.
2013-04-09 Tom Gottfried Mark layers coming from external WMS as such in datacage
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Remove uneccessary complication fixpoints are always fixpoints
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Uppercase the name if the name is festpunkte
2013-04-09 Christian Lins Hopefully fix for some map resizing issues.
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Renable map print button
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Center print Window in the page to recive click events
2013-04-09 Christian Lins Fix for #802: digitized pipes and dikes should be visible now
2013-04-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added dc:date-format to function resolver. Args: dc:date-format(pattern, date)
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Explicitly set the content type for the pdf download.
2013-04-09 Andre Heinecke Break printing to rework the parametrization of the print job
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke It's hws_kind not kws_kind
2013-04-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: toValue/fromValue: Use constant instead of hard coded number.
2013-04-08 Sascha L. Teichmann FixA: tab output ist now grouped by km and periods. Fixes flys/issue1163
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Add DGM_PATH variable
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.18 for changeset 8128622e4b28
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Set filename for the response 2.9.18
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Minor: Change dgm path config example to make it easier to replace
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Do not show old calculations in hws datacage selection
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke When the HWS parameter is given only show the inline hws
2013-04-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Rolled XPath replacement back for main values.
2013-04-08 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-04-08 Bettina Gruenbauer changing function denotation
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Do not call recommend twice.
2013-04-08 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-04-08 Raimund Renkert Added new elements to M-INFO datacage.
2013-04-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Fix potential connection leak to SedDB.
2013-04-08 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.17 for changeset 3e8f7b4bdf20
2013-04-08 Sascha L. Teichmann Don't use SedDB in Datacage (temp fix) 2.9.17
2013-04-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Simplified inner loop of water level exporter.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Used DOM instead of XPath to extract main values.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Added missing validation check.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Element.getAttributeNS() does not return null values.
2013-04-05 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.16 for changeset 2fa6da26a142
2013-04-05 Andre Heinecke Add geoportal.bafg.de to whitelist and remove layer names from legend 2.9.16
2013-04-05 Andre Heinecke Change HWS Strings in the floodmap for current calculations
2013-04-05 Andre Heinecke Move floodmap folders to the top folder similar to the map module
2013-04-05 Andre Heinecke Use the layer name for the default riveraxis class
2013-04-05 Tom Gottfried added missing ON DELETE CASCADE to Oracle schema
2013-04-05 Raimund Renkert Added i18n string for flow velocity datacage.
2013-04-05 Raimund Renkert Put the correct annotations into flowvelocity dc and fix measurement name.
2013-04-05 Tom Gottfried Backed out changeset 2eeb9a45cd2e
2013-04-05 Tom Gottfried mention conf/cache.xml in flush_cache doku
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Rewrite landscape map layout so that it is more in line with desktop flys
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Add flush_cache helper script to document the functionality how
2013-04-05 Raimund Renkert Write filename as description instead of the header meta line in flow velocity
2013-04-05 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-04-05 Tom Gottfried configured secondary channels for user flys_bfg
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Order Qs before Ds and values ascending
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Cleanup whitespace. Removed unused variable.
2013-04-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-04-04 Tom Gottfried Geo-importer: accept river names with white space
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Use dc:replace to remove static "Fixierungen/" prefix in fixation description
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Add dc:replace function for datacage
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Order Fixations by their description
2013-04-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-04-04 Sascha L. Teichmann FLYS backend: Commented out the Hibernate Management Bean statistic because they are not configured corrctly.
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Fix skipping of buhnen.shp
2013-04-04 Bettina Gruenbauer changing module names
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke MINFO and WINFO are now M-INFO and W-INFO
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Convert the river name into unicode
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Add missing classes for Floodmark, WMSFloodmarksArtifact and WMSJettiesArtifact
2013-04-04 Raimund Renkert merged again.
2013-04-04 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-04-04 Raimund Renkert Added bed quality facets to flow velocity datacage.
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Fix distinction for kilometrage.
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Add Floodmarks and all specified WMS services to datacage
2013-04-04 Andre Heinecke Use latin1 as encoding in the dgm importer to make it easier matching latin1
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Add floodmarks importer
2013-04-03 Sascha L. Teichmann WST importer: Cosmetics.
2013-04-03 Tom Gottfried Wst Parser: Yet another attempt to fix the order of the Q ranges (made by S. Teichmann)
2013-04-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Wst Parser: Another attempt to fix the order of the Q ranges.
2013-04-03 Sascha L. Teichmann WST Importer: Potential fix for tighten gaps between Q ranges.
2013-04-03 Christian Lins Merged
2013-04-03 Christian Lins Revert config.yaml to usable version.
2013-03-25 Christian Lins d4e/client: Map preview in DigitizePanel is now properly resized (as long as the project is not reopened).
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Add i18n for measurements
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Fix typo in i18n for potential
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax errors in oracle scheme
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Add uesg as specified to the datacage
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Remove useless km_exists statements
2013-04-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed replacement for unresolved variables in templating builder.
2013-04-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added connection to SedDB. Use <dc:context connection="seddb"> to use it.
2013-04-03 Andre Heinecke Make FONT_PATH configurable in release script.
2013-04-02 Tom Gottfried Use left join on time intervals as they can be NULL
2013-04-02 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2013-03-28 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Cosmetics, doc.
2013-03-28 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Switch focus when input had been done via inputhelper (part flys/issue1133).
2013-04-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Removed 'filter' attribute from <dc:for-each> because there is the <dc:filter> element now.
2013-04-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Replaced usage of old <dc:for-each filter="..."/> by <dc:filter expr="..."><dc:if test="dc:has-result()">.
2013-03-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Applied contrib/inline-dc-attribute.xsl und fix idention. Need testing
2013-03-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Rename <dc:elements> to <dc:for-each>. We should have done this much earlier.
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried Morpho-Importer: small logging improvements
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried compile manual from within importer packaging script
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.15 for changeset 437109b3cf49
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Add note to uesk that they are not done 2.9.15
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error in builder.
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Add Pegelonline-Pegelpunkte layer instead of gauge_locations
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Properly handle hydr_boundaries and hydr_boundaries_poly in datacage
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Cosmetic scheme change. Qualify the unknown name of sectie and sobek
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Add not null and default for hydr_boundary classifiers
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Explicitly set sectie und sobek to 0 by default
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Do not import floodplains as hydr boundaries again
2013-03-28 Sascha L. Teichmann merged
2013-03-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Added <dc:filter> element. This allows cleaner way to narrow the datasets.
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried SedimentDensityParser: don't try to guess year from comment column
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried Schema change: add shore offset to sediment density values and be more rigid with input files in parser
2013-03-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. Minor code simplifications.
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried SedimentDensityParser: allow year to be null (in line with schema)
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings.
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert Create a new sq relation project on measurement station record click.
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for static sq data.
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert New Artifact and static state for sq relation.
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert Added Factory and model for static sq relations.
2013-03-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Add XSL transformation that replaces <dc:attribute> with their shortened inline notation.
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried Schema change: make sq_relation_value.qmax NOT NULL and more informative messages in parser
2013-03-28 Raimund Renkert Use gauge name instead of gauge to fill 'messstelleninfo'.
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Add support for multiple floodplains and add them to the datacage accordingly
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Minor scheme change. Update kind names to their UI representation.
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Fix new attribute evaluation
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Allow default version in packaging script
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Update attribution year for intevation wms background
2013-03-28 Andre Heinecke Conf dir is no longer needed
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried Parsers: do not call warnings error
2013-03-28 Tom Gottfried BedHeightParser: don't call a warning error.
2013-03-28 Felix Wolfsteller DatacageWidget: Use ScreenLock when loading dc data, solves flys/issue1152 .
2013-03-28 Felix Wolfsteller CollectionView: removed and use functionality that was moved to LockScreen.
2013-03-28 Felix Wolfsteller New ScrenLock class to ease refactoring and reuse of spinning-wheel-show.
2013-03-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Experimental support for '{XPath}' expressions in attributes similiar to XSLT. Using this feature you can shorten the written template a lot because it reduces the necessity to create dynamic attributes with <dc:attribute>.
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried BedHeightParser: allow white space in km-range
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried SQRelationParser: don't call a warning error
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann AFT/DIPS: Small fixes and workarounds for Oracle DB problems.
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann AFT/DIPS: Fixed wrond SQL statement.
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried Schema Change: removed constraint that did not allow to have more than one measurement_type per station
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Add proper handling of multiple river_axes for datacage and rivermapfile
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Fix null pointer exception in ImportMeasurement Station
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried backout r5460 to be compatible with r5471 and Oracle database
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Move km and rename to kilometrage
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Move fixpoints to their correct location in datacage
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert Renamed comment to description in measurement station.
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Add i18n for route_data and other
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Handle kind filtering in QPS WMS artifact
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Use getRiverId from the baseclass
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Do not use != in sql statement
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Restructure datacage to have a route_data folder
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Add crosssection track accessors that filter by kind and by kind and name
2013-03-27 Andre Heinecke Add externalwms for Catchments to datacage config
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Move background out of rastermap folder.
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Show top level folder icons only if node has no factory
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried Schema Change: rename measurement_station.description to comment to fit rest of the code
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried be more flexible with river names (e.g. containing white space) in import script
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert Removed column 'fraction' from sq relation parser and model.
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert Added gauge name to measurement station parser and model.
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried Schema corrected: measurement_station.reference_gauge_station is not needed
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried Schema Change: use parameter instead of fraction in sq_relation_value
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann AFT/DIPS: Added simple XSL transformation to turn DIPS.xml into HTML too be more readable.
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried store name and km of reference gauges in measurement_stations too, as not all are in gauges
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert Allow null values in measurement_station columns without 'not null' constraints.
2013-03-27 Raimund Renkert Correctly parse bedheights.
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Compile XPath expressions and reuse them. With the introduction of filters in dc:elements XPath expressions are evalutated very often so compiling them should reduce the overhead significantly.
2013-03-27 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: fixed constraints in MINFO and removed obsolete column
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-03-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-03-27 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelFacet: Slight refactoring (more needed), fix flys/issue1149.
2013-03-27 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelFacet: Avoid classcastexceptions.
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage: Index macros with a map. Reduces excessive linear scanning for macros when calling them.
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Only create one FunctionResolver per BuildHelper. Creatin new ones over and over again is excessive.
2013-03-26 Tom Gottfried remove unit from sediment density and depths (always t/m3 respectively cm, otherwise a typo)
2013-03-26 Tom Gottfried Allow km-ranges without decimal separator in bed height import
2013-03-26 Tom Gottfried removed unit from model and importer for grain fractions (its always mm, otherwise a typo)
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Set river_id for jetties
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add Jetties to floodmap
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add note about themes to howto
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add buildings of kind 0 to data cage
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add warning if the list is empty even without an exception
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Expose function dc:has-result to Function Resolver.
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann pass BuildHelper to Function Resolver.
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-03-26 Sascha L. Teichmann Datacage Function Resolver: Lift from static to object space.
2013-03-26 Raimund Renkert Added new columns to sq relation importer to import all values from csv and use
2013-03-26 Raimund Renkert Renamed description to comment to fit the schema.
2013-03-26 Raimund Renkert Improved logging.
2013-03-26 Raimund Renkert SCHEMA CHANGE! Renamed columns in sq_relation and sq_relation_value.
2013-03-26 Felix Wolfsteller Fix for flys/issue1130 (decimals in result display).
2013-03-26 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue1150 (i18n).
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Fix Wstcalculation for non monotonous values.
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add port info to generated connection string for oracle
2013-03-26 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, fix typo in i18n.
2013-03-26 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue1206 (reference system in discharge curve).
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Depend on commons-dbcp for connection-init-sqls.
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Add sedinitsqls to packaging script
2013-03-26 Andre Heinecke Use minute instead of month as the last number of the date/timestamp
2013-03-26 Tom Gottfried Morpho-Importer: Do not mask database exceptions as broken files
2013-03-26 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelSelectState: Avoid npe with extreme results.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller Handle main values in HistoricalDischargeWQCurveGenerator.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller Added historical_discharge_wq to chart types, for manualpoints.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller Added historical_discharge_wq.manualpoints facet to winfo facet compat list.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller Added historical_discharge_wq.manualpoints facet to manualpoints compat list.
2013-03-25 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: add table for flood marks and missing DROPs for jetties
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Add building_kinds to drop script and fix syntax of buildings table
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Only match strings vor field values
2013-03-25 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: additional columns and FK constraint for SQ-relation
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Remove river_name and map elements to reduce datacage level depth
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Add buildings with kinds to datacage
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Generalize parsing of ids data string
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Add getBuildings method that filters by kind
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Fix searchValue and mark a field where a string is found as handled
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Setting facetactivity for historical discharge, main values.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller I18n for historical discharge curves main value facet name.
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Override getName to make FacetActivityRegistry working.
2013-03-25 Raimund Renkert I18n for new state 'outlier-method'.
2013-03-25 Raimund Renkert Use new state 'outlier mehtod selection' in SQ-relation.
2013-03-25 Raimund Renkert Added new state for outlier test method. Methods are 'grubbs' or 'std-dev'.
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Fix typo in HWSBarriersState that caused mapfile corruption
2013-03-25 Tom Gottfried Bed height single import: give more informative warnings
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Importer default official = False for hws
2013-03-25 Andre Heinecke Rename station to km to be in line with the rest
2013-03-25 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1183: Default from date form fields (fix).
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Part of flys/issue1183: Default from/to date form fields (not yet working for from).
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Tinydoc.
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Import buildings according to specification
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add function to search a value in all fields.
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Scheme change: Building table is extended and got a lookup table for kind
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Importer act according to specs when importing jetties
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke First revert then update in the make release script to avoid conflicts
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Explicitly force the kind to be 2 when it is not set.
2013-03-22 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-03-22 Raimund Renkert I1174: Changed label for some themes in fix analysis.
2013-03-22 Christian Lins Merge with default branch mapgenfix
2013-03-22 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.14 for changeset a5f5599f6fd5
2013-03-22 Bettina Gruenbauer merge 2.9.14
2013-03-22 Bettina Gruenbauer adjusting files
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: For hist. W/Q diagram mainvalues, get location from gauge.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Spawn two new facets (for his. w/q diagrams).
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Add two new Facet types for mainvalues in hist. w/q diagrams.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Doc, cosmetics.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Recommend main values for historic. w/q diagram.
2013-03-22 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Little formatting, adding mainvalues to compat list.
2013-03-21 Andre Heinecke Importer: Do not return true for IsDoubleField set if the field
2013-03-21 Andre Heinecke Add HWS Lines and HWS Points folder structures to the datacage
2013-03-21 Tom Gottfried re-added spatial indices for Oracle that work since importer forces correct dimensions
2013-03-21 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-03-21 Bettina Gruenbauer insert links to wiki anchors
2013-03-21 Felix Wolfsteller DischargeTablesOverview: Show main values from gauge in dischargetablesoverview.
2013-03-21 Bettina Gruenbauer edit anchor for wiki-links
2013-03-21 Andre Heinecke Switch to 2D for fixpoints and river_axes
2013-03-21 Andre Heinecke Add updated type mapping for jetties
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Enforce two dimensional point geometries
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Fix import_rivers script for postgres
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Jetties are two dimensional
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Add jetties importer
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Fix id handling in dgm import
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Revert 5301:7d29c277000e which introduced inconsitencies in the sequences
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Add small howto which consists mostly of the notes i took while
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Add HWSLines and HWSPoints to datacage for the map
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Remove commented code that could be copied from below.
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Split HWSArtifact into HWSPoints and HWSLines
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Fix HWSKind column name for the name of the kind
2013-03-20 Andre Heinecke Add HWSPoint to flys credentials
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Show some Q mainvalues in DischargeTablesOverview.
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, cosmetics.
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and vim-magiv.
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, cosmetics.
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, debug fix.
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue547, display whole years in hist. wq-time range diagrams (i18n).
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Part of i18n fixes for flys/issue1180.
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Partly i18n fixes for flys/issue1180
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, cosmetic and TODO fixes, renamed field in WQTimeRange.
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Doc and whitespace fixes.
2013-03-19 Felix Wolfsteller Various i18n issues from flys/issue1180 .
2013-03-18 Felix Wolfsteller Part of i18n fix for flys/issues1180.
2013-03-18 Felix Wolfsteller AtFileParser, README: Added main-method for AT-File-Parsing debugging, doc.
2013-03-18 Felix Wolfsteller Cosemtics, doc.
2013-03-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Little code clean up and possible a NPE fix.
2013-03-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Move hws out of data cage flood map.
2013-03-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Allow empty years in bed height parser.
2013-03-15 Andre Heinecke Add documentation about dgm-path option
2013-03-15 Andre Heinecke Be more aggressive when replacing the wiki url
2013-03-15 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: added spatial indices in Oracle that work again
2013-03-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed river dependency from flow velocity model.
2013-03-15 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: added spatial index for river_axes in Oracle
2013-03-15 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: removed bad triggers and foreign keys from schema
2013-03-15 Andre Heinecke Improve oracle integration and generate changelog when tagging
2013-03-15 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.13 for changeset 7fa94b793cbe
2013-03-15 Raimund Renkert I18n for empty selection in new uesk states. 2.9.13
2013-03-15 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for new uesk states.
2013-03-15 Tom Gottfried allowed role flys_bfg to access all rivers currently in DB
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried removed unique constraint to allow one dem to be used by several rivers
2013-03-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-03-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Cleaned up imports.#
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Added new states and transitions to UESK calculation and adjusted states and UI.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Added new UI provider for HWS inline DC and shapefile upload.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Added new states for HWS, user shapefile and barriers.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Changed visiblitiy of some methods. TODO: A lot of refactoring.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Avoid NPE if data list is null.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Data structure and factory for hws.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Added setter for A and B in Pair.
2013-03-14 Raimund Renkert Added filter to elements in datacage templating. (most work done by Sascha T.).
2013-03-14 Andre Heinecke Fix river_axes maps when using oracle.
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried fixed spatial schema for hydraulic boundaries
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried fixed import of fixpoints and hydraulic boundaries (made by A. Heinecke)
2013-03-14 Andre Heinecke Do not explicitly set id for ranges and time_intervals
2013-03-14 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-03-14 Bettina Gruenbauer insert river oder and havel
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried trigger sequence of time_interval IDs in DB as it is not used by hibernate only anymore
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried trigger sequence of range IDs in DB as it is not used by hibernate only anymore
2013-03-14 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-03-14 Bettina Gruenbauer insert rivers to config
2013-03-14 Andre Heinecke Force UESG to multipolygon and import source field for messungen
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried added tables for jetties in spatial schema
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Possible NPE fix.
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller postgresql-spatial.sql: Fixed table definition.
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller postgresql-setup.sh: Introduced third (host) parameter, fixed alter user statement
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller postgresql-setup.sh: Doc improved.
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller postgresql-setup.sh: Made executable.
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-14 Tom Gottfried added script to setup postgres-DB for testing
2013-03-14 Felix Wolfsteller postgresql-minfo.sql: terminate sql statements.
2013-03-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-03-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed bogus imports.
2013-03-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-03-13 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-13 Tom Gottfried correct session-handling for bed height import (made by S. Teichmann)
2013-03-07 Tom Gottfried Use pattern matching for grain fraction in SedimentYieldParser
2013-03-13 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: lookup table for floodmaps and source-field added, Importer adapted to new directory names
2013-03-13 Tom Gottfried additional values in lookup table for bed height types
2013-03-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-03-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Use lookup table from bedd_height from database in importer.
2013-03-13 Raimund Renkert Use river name as layername in new map projects.
2013-03-13 Tom Gottfried added missing lookup tables to drop-scripts
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke An oracle conection string needs a backend otherwise you get an error
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke Use the same structure for the default MS_ERRORFILE in rivers.map that
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke Add LOG_DIR to make release to configure a logging directory. And
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error in next_id and remove obsolete oracle parameter
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke Add some Intevation specific deployment advice.
2013-03-13 Andre Heinecke Use river-wms url in example configuration of mosel and elbe
2013-03-13 Felix Wolfsteller Fix Waterlevel*-Parser to correctly register the wst-columns.
2013-03-13 Felix Wolfsteller ImportWst: Doc and getters.
2013-03-13 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Cosmetics, resolved todo.
2013-03-13 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Light cleaning up, waterlevelimport more parralel to other imports.
2013-03-12 Tom Gottfried fixed DEM-importer to work with Oracle (made by A. Heinecke)
2013-03-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-03-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Set the BFG_ID for current discharge tables in FLYS.
2013-03-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Break long lines in FLYS statements.
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Remove unused library
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Fix oracle backend configuration and allow INITSQLS statement
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Fix wiki url injection
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Update documentation
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Remove outdated config files. Those are now taken directly from
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Improve make_release script to optinally handle tagging and be more generic.
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Remove old artifacts-h2.sql and datacage.sql and expect the
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Use default paths which are the same paths used when
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: In analogy to other wst imports, set kind in ImportRiver.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Waterlevel*Parser, ImportRiver: Remove deprecated exportWst()-usage.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Removed accidentally ommitted file.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Remove debris of (Import)WaterlevelDiff*-model classes.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Remove hibernated and unhibernated Waterlevel*-model classes.
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Added tag 2.9.12 for changeset 88e3473a3846
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Add kind handling for floodplains and crossectiontracks 2.9.12
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, remove obsolete imports.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelParser: Use Wst-structures directly (instead of Waterlevel*).
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: Clean obsolete imports.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Tiny whitespace cosmetic.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller ImportWstColumn: Expose columnValues with a getter.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller Cleaning (java-) imports.
2013-03-12 Andre Heinecke Removed tag 2.9.12
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: Doc and cosmetics.
2013-03-12 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: Create ImportWsts directly.
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Import WaterlevelDifferences as Wst.
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelParser: Use correct wst kind 6 for Waterlevels.
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: Cosmetics and fix misleading debug output.
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelDifferencesParser: In analogy to WaterlevelParser, allow model
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller ImportWaterlevel*: Remove connection to orm-based waterlevels (WIP).
2013-03-11 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Preparing wst-based waterleveldifferences.
2013-03-12 Raimund Renkert Fixed dem select statement in meta-data.xml.
2013-03-12 Raimund Renkert Use range object to get lower and upper km for dgm.
2013-03-11 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: analogue r5201. Here for Oracle
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Add tag 2.9.12 for changeset 3b86bf214d53
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Fix check for river_name in dgm to handle unicode names
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error when river id is not found (pylint could have told me this)
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Handle return codes in the make_flys_release script
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Allow unicode river names
2013-03-11 Tom Gottfried added HWS_KINDS to be accepted by importer
2013-03-11 Raimund Renkert Fixed DoubleArrayPanel. Avoid NPE while creating panel.
2013-03-11 Tom Gottfried INFO instead of WARNING for duplicated annotations
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Importer use different name for HWS log output
2013-03-11 Tom Gottfried add lookup tables for floodplain and cross section tracks
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Importer: Handle empty year fields in dgm csv
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Fix opt path if OPTIONAL_LIBS is not set
2013-03-11 Andre Heinecke Allow dots and numbers in oracle backend name
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke SCHEME CHANGE: dgm now uses time intervals and ranges
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Remove dgm to sql converter. As this is imported directly by the geoimporter now.
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Revert revision 5203
2013-03-08 Tom Gottfried corrected constraints on table gauges
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke SCHEME CHANGE: Add measurement_station to oracle table and rename comment column
2013-03-08 Tom Gottfried Oracle Schema: add missing constraint and allow 7-digit kms
2013-03-08 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-08 Tom Gottfried removed obsolete classes
2013-03-08 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: removed Waterlevel and WaterleveDifferences, added lookup table for wst
2013-03-08 Raimund Renkert Added tag 2.9.11 for changeset 42bb6ff78d1b
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Directly set the connectionInitSqls on the datasource 2.9.11
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Fix quoting of EXTRAS in packaging script
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Log error if KM attribute is not set for fixpoints
2013-03-08 Andre Heinecke Do a case insensitive check for the layer name
2013-03-08 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-03-08 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1137: Allow value selection via inputhelpers in WQAdaptedPanel.
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Fix Credentials parameter order
2013-03-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Possible fix for flys/1202. Initial SQL statements can now be issued at connection creation.
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Fix variable assignments after rename
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Use less ambigious names for variables
2013-03-07 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: fix i18n, added todo as now method is full dupe.
2013-03-07 Felix Wolfsteller Doc Cosmetics.
2013-03-07 Sascha L. Teichmann Stations are now filtered by DiPS not AFT.
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Merge closing commit of the dami branch
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error in importer packaging script
2013-03-07 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-07 Tom Gottfried use pattern matching for grain fraction in SedimentYieldParser
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Fix typo offical -> official in HWS
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke SCHEME CHANGE: Hydr.Boundaries are now three dimensional multilinestrings
2013-03-07 Raimund Renkert Change IllegalArgumentException to HibernateException.
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Add script to build third party libs for the flys-importer package
2013-03-07 Andre Heinecke Improve importer packaging by just expecting a tarball with
2013-03-06 Andre Heinecke Extract Bundesland from path as a fallback if bundesland field is not set.
2013-03-06 Tom Gottfried removed obsolete files from backend/contrib
2013-03-06 Tom Gottfried import gauge number by default (made by S. Teichmann)
2013-03-06 Christian Lins Re-add layer generation for floodmap layers (somewhat buggy though). mapgenfix
2013-03-05 Tom Gottfried let import_river.sh parse gauge official numbers, typo
2013-03-05 Raimund Renkert Catch IllegalArgumentException instead of RuntimeException, added logging.
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Package postgresql importer and import_river script
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Always set axis geometry dimension to be 3d
2013-03-04 Raimund Renkert Made river mapfile generator more tolerant.
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Make OPTIONAL_LIBS overwritable and fix geo importer call
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Fix copyright on import_river.sh
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Add first version of import_river script
2013-03-04 Raimund Renkert Added themes for infoldings.
2013-03-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.10 for changeset 8c65acf01adc
2013-03-04 Raimund Renkert Fixed datacage to be oracle compatible. 2.9.10
2013-03-04 Andre Heinecke Use annotation-types.xml from flys-backend sources
2013-03-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed broken insert statements for axis_kinds.
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1145: Add missing Area styles.
2013-03-01 Andre Heinecke Importer fix issues reported by pylint
2013-03-01 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-03-01 Tom Gottfried added missing constraints in schema (mostly for Oracle)
2013-03-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.10 for changeset f459911fdbfb
2013-03-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed upper and lower conversions in DGM
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Removed dead code.
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller Partly fix flys/issue1127 (show unit in wqadapted) and added documentation.
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller workaround for flys/issue1139: filter columns by all sectors.
2013-03-01 Raimund Renkert Add a configurable path prefix to relative DGM path to allways have an absolute path.
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller DoubleUtil: Use tolerance when comparing doubles in explode(). Fixes flys/issue1132.
2013-03-01 Felix Wolfsteller Doc fixes.
2013-03-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing white space
2013-03-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2013-02-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Generate valid DB connection strings.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke Add kind_id to river_axes table and add AxisKind object to model
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in meta-data.xml for inline datacage.
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert New icons! Use the new icons in project list and for export buttons.
2013-02-28 Tom Gottfried corrected HWS_KIND field-map
2013-02-28 Tom Gottfried Added more types of dams
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert Fixed CSV export for 'W fuer ungleichwertige Abflusslaengsschnitte'.
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert Changed river axis from LineString to MultiLineString.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke Importer: When a hws linestring was two dimensional import it with z=9999
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert New facet types and renaming for infoldings.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke River Axes and HWS_lines are now multiline
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-02-28 Raimund Renkert Merged with 'dc-km-filter-rr' branch.
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1136: Rename diagram in W/Q preview/vorschau.
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue1228: Units in tabular calculation output.
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller Part of fix for flys/issue1128: units in i18n version of W [<unit>].
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Fix log output.
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller Part of fix for flys/issue1128: Use rivers unit in cross section diagrams.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke Dami is now closed. dami
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke SCHEME CHANGE: Merge branch dami into default.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke Fix oracle-spatial creation script and posgresql drop script dami
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue1144: Re-enable annotations in longitudinal_sections.
2013-02-28 Felix Wolfsteller Part of fix for flys/issue1145: enable areas for fixrealize-ls-diagrams.
2013-02-27 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Picky doc and wsp cosmetics.
2013-02-27 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdaptedInputPanel: Refactored to remove code dupes.
2013-02-28 Andre Heinecke Fix import of hws_* on Oracle dami
2013-02-27 Tom Gottfried sensible constraints for dem-table dami
2013-02-27 Andre Heinecke Remove factories of the removed classes from config dami
2013-02-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Patch WIKI urls during release building
2013-02-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Added SLES start script
2013-02-27 Raimund Renkert Fixed 'W fuer ungleichwertige AbflussLaengsschnitte'. See TODO!!!
2013-02-27 Tom Gottfried removed obsolete importer code for catchments dami
2013-02-27 Tom Gottfried removed unnecessary NOT NULL constraints from dem-table dami
2013-02-27 Tom Gottfried spatial indices not working on Oracle 11g commented out, added TODOs dami
2013-02-27 Andre Heinecke Add on delete cascade to the constraints that also cascade on postgres dami
2013-02-27 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Unpolished fix for flys/issue1131: gaugename in csv.
2013-02-27 Felix Wolfsteller AbstractExporter: keep km-, w- and q-formatter instances.
2013-02-27 Andre Heinecke Merge branch default into dami dami
2013-02-27 Tom Gottfried added TODOs to spatial indeces that prevent from importing into Oracle 11g dami
2013-02-27 Felix Wolfsteller BundesWasserStrassenParser: Accept ',' and ';' as separator.
2013-02-26 Felix Wolfsteller Picky doc and whitespace fixes.
2013-02-26 Andre Heinecke Importer: Print a decent error when failing to parse a gew and exit. dami
2013-02-26 Raimund Renkert Skip ConstantWQKms (Umhuellende) in exports.
2013-02-26 Raimund Renkert Display gauge names in WQAdapted input panel instead of gauge range.
2013-02-26 Felix Wolfsteller Partly fix flys/issue1142: Include specified W values at gauge for fix.real.
2013-02-26 Felix Wolfsteller AbstractExporter: Added getter for CallContext.
2013-02-26 Tom Gottfried added missing DROP VIEW todrop script dami
2013-02-26 Raimund Renkert Renamed 'Pegelnullpunkt/Gauge zero ground' to 'PNP/GZG'.
2013-02-26 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1150: Renamed w/q in w/q-diagram.
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add sequences to the new tables that use sequences dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add importer packaging script and some doc about it dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Remove hws, lines and catchments from meta-data.xml and add hwslines dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add osgeo repository for gt-epsg-hsql dependency which was implicittly dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Use HWSLines data for HWS and Lines. dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Remove WMSCatchmentArtifact Class dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add HWSLinesInfo and point the old doLinesInfo method on that. dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add imports required for getLines method dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Add getLines method to get a list of HWSLine elements dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Fix column decorator for sectie dami
2013-02-25 Christian Lins Merge with default branch mapgenfix
2013-02-25 Christian Lins ArtifactMapfileGenerator can now generate user shape mapfiles again. mapgenfix
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Merge Default onto Dami branch. dami
2013-02-25 Andre Heinecke Put km_from and km_to into name of dgm dami
2013-02-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Log the number of points of cross sections to see the effect of the simplification. slt-simplify-cross-sections
2013-02-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Added experimental Douglas Peuker simplification of cross sections. slt-simplify-cross-sections
2013-02-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Made it compile again. Pt II dami
2013-02-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Made it compile again. Removed obsolete imports. Removed C++-alike ';' at end of classes. dami
2013-02-22 Felix Wolfsteller Importer/River: Move storeOfficialNumber from parse* to store*, do not store explicitely.
2013-02-22 Felix Wolfsteller doc: corrected parameter name.
2013-02-21 Andre Heinecke Oracle Schema, add overlooked sectie and sobek fields dami
2013-02-21 Andre Heinecke Fix Syntax Errror dami
2013-02-20 Christian Lins Work on ArtifactMapfileGenerator.createUserShapefileLayer() mapgenfix
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Tex Syntax fixes dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Fix example run script to work with the new packaging dami
2013-02-20 Tom Gottfried fixed latex error dami
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller doc: Document BWASTR and w80 parsing. dami
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc: minor fixes. dami
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller documentation: Typo fix. dami
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller documentation: Use german Silbentrennung. dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add some missed changes to the migrate-dami.sql script dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Remove import-dems.sql dems are now imported with the geoimporter dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Update run example scripts to work with the new packaging dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Simplify installation instruction and move it to overview as it dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Fix build: some more imports some less imports some copy paste errors dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Register new classes in the FLYSCredentials dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add kind, sectie and sobek to HydrBoundary class dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add HWSLine and HWSPoint to the model dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add the simple lookup table classes to the model dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add srid column to dem model dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Remove Catchment HWS and Line from the model dami
2013-02-20 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-02-20 Tom Gottfried fixed latex error
2013-02-20 Raimund Renkert Fixed AT-Export in 'ausgel. WSPL'.
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add minimal documenation how to build the single jar dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add pom-oracle with ojdbc dependency dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Use maven jar and maven assemply plugins to create a single jar dami
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Store fixations also if only "waterlevels" were parsed.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Make waterlevels become fixation-wsts.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelParser: Add Wst-Converting functionality.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller Import*: Add getters to ImportWaterlevel*- classes needed to convert to Wst.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller ImportCrossSectionLine: Whitespace cosmetic.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSArtifactCollection: WSP cosmetic.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller doc: Document BWASTR and w80 parsing.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller importer: Sort options alphabetically.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller importer: Sort options alphabetically.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller Doc: minor fixes.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller documentation: Typo fix.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller documentation: Use german Silbentrennung.
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Fix some oracle syntax problems and move indicies to _idx.sql dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA Change: Make hws_lines a 3d geom dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Pull information about the backend into dgm. dami
2013-02-20 Andre Heinecke Add skip-dgm option to example run script dami
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke Update drop script to include the new tables and leave the old one dami
2013-02-20 Raimund Renkert Resized main value window.
2013-02-20 Raimund Renkert Added attribution to osm wms background layer.
2013-02-20 Raimund Renkert Use the DGM projection for all shapefiles ('talaue', 'barriers').
2013-02-20 Raimund Renkert Removed last gwt part from gauge info panel.
2013-02-20 Felix Wolfsteller README.txt: Typo fix, clarification.
2013-02-19 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: removed catchements from schema and geo-importer (obsolete) dami
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller Use BWASTRParser to set official numbers on rivers.
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke Update migrators for changes made in the dami branch and add dami
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke Sync Posgres and Oracle spatial schema dami
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA Remove geom_target and geom_rated_level from hws_lines table dami
2013-02-19 Christian Lins Renaming methods and fields. Start refactoring with ArtifactMapfileGenerator.generate() which should be the main entry point. mapgenfix
2013-02-19 Christian Lins Move all classes of mapfile generation to de.intevation.flys.mapserver package. mapgenfix
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller StringUtil: Added containsIgnoreCase implementation.
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Added officialNumber field.
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller Added BundesWasserStrassenParser.
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller run_hydr_morph.sh,Config: Add flags for importer to skip bwastr_id.csv parsing.
2013-02-19 Felix Wolfsteller Tiny doc.
2013-02-18 Felix Wolfsteller Minimal whitespace and doc cosmetics.
2013-02-19 Raimund Renkert Added km filter to dc-config. dc-km-filter-rr
2013-02-19 Tom Gottfried merge dami
2013-02-19 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: removed obsolete table 'lines' from spatial schema (now 'hws_lines') dami
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke Add message if DGM import is skipped dami
2013-02-19 Andre Heinecke Do not skip hws_lines when skip hws_points is true dami
2013-02-19 Tom Gottfried Corrected typo in field name dami
2013-02-18 Christian Lins flys/#657: Shapefile upload service returns success or failure to client (i18n tbd)
2013-02-18 Christian Lins flys/#657: Shapefile upload now reports success or failure to client.
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Importer doc: Update installation documentation. dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Importer: Behold, Logging! dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Importer: Fix directory paths and river name encoding dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Fix imports of ogr, this removes a warning in gdal 1.9 but keeps dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Importer: Fix fieldname of "official" in the new feature and set it dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Importer HWS: case insensitive matching for HWS_KIND and FED_STATES dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Fix syntax error dami
2013-02-15 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA_CHANGE: Add lookup tables for sectie / sobek and boundary_kind dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Remove Line class initialization dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Remove skip lines documentation line dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Remove lines dami
2013-02-15 Andre Heinecke Improve debug output for unsupported features and skipped shapefiles dami
2013-02-15 Raimund Renkert Quick-fix for floodmaps. Use the correct projection for DGM.
2013-02-14 Andre Heinecke Add srid field dami
2013-02-14 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: added column dem.srid dami
2013-02-14 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: added 'ON DELETE CASCADE' where necessary to delete complete rivers (only in Postgres-Schema so far) dami
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller FLYS: For Gauge Main Value view, avoid corner cases of gauge range.
2013-02-14 Andre Heinecke If we bother to check if the file is readable we might also dami
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller GaugeInfoPanel: Smarter formatten link, i18n.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller QDTable: Doc.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller Fix i18n in GaugeInfo Basedataview. Include Q values.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller GaugeInfoHead: Removed (not used anymore).
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller WQInputPanel: Whitespace cosmetics.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller WQInputPanel: Removed unnecessary parameter from function.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: (first draft) In GaugeInfo show link to show main values.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: Whitespace and doc cosemtics.
2013-02-11 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Doc and issue-TODO.
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Use os.access instead of try/except open dami
2013-02-13 Tom Gottfried corrected Typo dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke I'm learning how to use cursors \o/ dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Add dgm file reader although an awk script should have been more appropiate dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Handle transformation errors dami
2013-02-13 Christian Lins Change default river/background WMS URLs in floodmap.xml and change srid to 31467.
2013-02-13 Christian Lins Adapting background WMS service in rivermap.xml.
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Update documentation and example run script dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Add handling of River Names and remove target_src parameter dami
2013-02-07 Christian Lins Map printing in landscape mode. Layout still buggy.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller FixRealizingCalculation: TODO/issue comment.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller Calculation4: Doc and TODO/issue.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSArtifactCollection: Doc.
2013-02-05 Christian Lins Editing Map print config.
2013-02-05 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1109/1: Include unit in label for "corrected W".
2013-02-04 Andre Heinecke Importer: Fix the order of the config check dami
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Move classes to its own java file
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Render text in Abflusstafel/-kurve cell like a "normal" html link
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Add click handler to create an artifact for Abflusstafel-/kurve from a pegel cell
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Display Ablusstafel/-kurve in Pegelinfo
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Add data for Ablusstafel/-kurve to GaugeRecord class
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Use VLayout instead of GWTs DecoratorPanel
2013-02-01 Björn Ricks Refactor Pegel- and Messtelleninfo in client ui
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add HWS lines stub. Needs some example data to finish dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add db migration script for postgres to track schema changes dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA CHANGE: extended hydr_boundaries tables dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add sectie and strover to boundaries and select more dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Check lowercase pathname and handle utf-8 conversion dami
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.9 for changeset 53be73133104
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. 2.9.9
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed epsilon calc in ATExporter.
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix cr/nl in ATWriter.
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.9 for changeset 859278918eb1
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Aft: make run.sh executable
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Merge
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Aft: Update documentation for target schema
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Merged.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Use different header in AT export files for gauges and at km.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Fixed AT exporter: Do not multiply W with factor 100.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Renamed 'W fÃŒr ungleichwertigen ...' to 'W fÃŒr benutzerdefinierten...'
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Write some more metadata in AT-export header.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Fixed mainvalues artifact.
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Remove schema patch now that we are in a branch dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: - Handle regular expressions for attribute names dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Import hws_points based on geom type dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Allow Bundeslaender with spaces dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Classify hochufer as Deich dami
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA Change (psql only) use FLOAT8 for real numbers dami
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA CHANGES: Add tables for Hochwasserschutzanlagen dami
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Bedheights: Write sounding name and set max fraction digits in calculation output.
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller HistoricalDischargeComputeState: Fix flys/issue664 i18n numbered facettes.
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller HistoricalDischargeComputeState: Cosmetic.
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed dc:fromValue/toValue (now handles values in locations as numbers).
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller AttributeWriter: Use new CollectionAttribute.hasOutput .
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller AttributeWriter: Doc.
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller CollectionAttribute: New function to check if out exists.
2013-01-31 Felix Wolfsteller CollectionAttribute: Comment.
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1116: Fix m³/q³ label.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Renamed discharge at gauge tab title.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Find correct discharge table for gauge.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Renamed 'Abflusskurve' to 'Abflusskurve/-tafel'.
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller [branch dc-km-filter] meta-data.xml: Use global vars and art. data for wst-km-filter. dc-km-filter
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller [branch dc-km-filter] Builder: Let dc:variables always be global. dc-km-filter
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller [branch dc-km-filter] StackFrames: New putGlobal to add variable to bottom of stack. dc-km-filter
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller StackFrames: Doc. dc-km-filter
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Renamed table header for result sets.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Added filename to export url.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Fixed CR and LF in header of AT export.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Insert CR and LF at the end of each line in CSV exports.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Insert CR at the of each line in AT-extport.
2013-01-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsoltete theme configs.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert CHanged distance panel labels to lower case.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert [I1104] Renamed 'ungleichwertig' to 'benutzerdefiniert'.
2013-01-30 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in themes.
2013-01-30 Felix Wolfsteller [branch: dc-km-filter]: Merge with tip. dc-km-filter
2013-01-29 Raimund Renkert Sort the locations array in new datacage templating language functions.
2013-01-29 Raimund Renkert Added new functions to datacage templating language.
2013-01-29 Raimund Renkert Added view to datacage db to get location/distance information.
2013-01-29 Felix Wolfsteller [branch: dc-km-filter] meta-data.xml: Filter wst columns by range. dc-km-filter
2013-01-29 Felix Wolfsteller [branch:dc-km-filter] DatacageWindow: Send from/to-km to datacage. dc-km-filter
2013-01-29 Felix Wolfsteller CompiledStatement: doc.
2013-01-29 Felix Wolfsteller Builder: Doc, comments.
2013-01-29 Felix Wolfsteller Builder: When looking for a statement in contexts, also search in macro definitions.
2013-01-28 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Access wst_ranges and provide range is info-element.
2013-01-28 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Replace wst_columns queries by macro call.
2013-01-28 Felix Wolfsteller Builder: Doc.
2013-01-28 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Fully qualify a wst-columns query.
2013-01-28 Felix Wolfsteller Builder: Doc.
2013-01-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Added bodies to macros. Use the bodies of <dc:call-macro><body></dc:call-macro> as <dc:macro-body/> in tthe macro. Example:
2013-01-28 Raimund Renkert Fixed config files.
2013-01-28 Raimund Renkert Set all mapserver urls to 'example.com' to have unified config files.
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke Importer: Use cp1252 instead of latin-9 to guess filename encodings
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke Importer: When not tracking dont print info about unimported fields
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke Importer: Only show imported fields if copy_fields is used
2013-01-28 Andre Heinecke Importer: Move copy fields into importer class and track imported/unimported fields
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add new HWS schema as a patch for now.
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (Importer) Add comment about OFT types
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) calculate freeboard and expect sql
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (Doc) Document new importer options
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Enable hws_* importers
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Avoid uneccessary error and improve debug output
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Try to convert paths to UTF-8 for DB insertion
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Style: Remove some empty lines
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Add classes for hws_points and hws_lines
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke (importer) Add utility function to convert paths to utf-8
2013-01-25 Andre Heinecke Add HWS Lines parameters and ogr_connection example
2013-01-23 Andre Heinecke Improve error handling and unify dbconn for all importers
2013-01-23 Andre Heinecke Add ogr_connection parameter to allow directly setting the ogr
2013-01-27 Felix Wolfsteller MetaDataServiceImpl: Doc.
2013-01-27 Felix Wolfsteller DatacageWindow: Doc.
2013-01-27 Felix Wolfsteller MetaDataService: Document parameters string.
2013-01-25 Felix Wolfsteller DatacageButton: doc.
2013-01-25 Raimund Renkert Changed data field names in fix analsis to ld_from, ld_to, ld step.
2013-01-24 Felix Wolfsteller RangeState and descendants: Use RangeAccess, resolve direct ld_* usage.
2013-01-24 Christian Lins Floodmap uses the static River-WMS instead of User-WMS via RiverAxisArtifact.
2013-01-24 Felix Wolfsteller Removed obsolete imports.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSUtils: Use RangeAcces, removed getKmRange.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller FacetCreator: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller ChartGenerator, DurationCurveExporter: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSectionArtifact, Calculation4Access: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller ChartGenerator, ComputedDischargeCurveExporter: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller WQAdapted: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller FloodMapState: Updated to use RangeAccess instead of FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller RangeAccess.getKmRange: Extracted from FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller RangeAccess, FLYSUtils; Moved getKmRangeMode implementation to RangeAccess.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSUtils: Made getLocations private, added TODO about resolution.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller RangeAccess: Add accidentally omitted implementation of getLocations from FLYSUtils.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller ATExporter: Use RangeAccess.getLocations instead of FLYSUtils.getLocations.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller DurationCurveState: Use RangeAccess.getLocations instead of FLYSUtils.getLocations.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityAccess: whitespace, doc.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Use RangeAccess.getLocations instead of FLYSUtils.getLocations.
2013-01-23 Felix Wolfsteller MainValuesArtifact: Use RangeAccess.getLocations instead of FLYSUtils.getLocations.
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.8 for changeset 88014b9852d0
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports and dead code. 2.9.8
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Use isDebugEnabled() in S/Q Measurement factory.
2013-01-23 Raimund Renkert Insert db connection into riveraxis map files.
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed segments creation in calculation 4.
2013-01-23 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-01-23 Raimund Renkert Fixed calculation of effective width in MINFO SQ relation.
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Ignore constant WQKms in CSV and PDF output.
2013-01-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Introduced a fake ConstantWQKms class to have type information to only generate w facets for curves which really carry w data.
2013-01-22 Bettina Gruenbauer insert helpText links
2013-01-22 Bettina Gruenbauer insert helpText links for minfo and winfo
2013-01-22 Bettina Gruenbauer insert helpText for .sq.
2013-01-22 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-01-22 Bettina Gruenbauer insert helpTexts
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed type error in Annotation types.
2013-01-21 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightAccess: Use getFrom/getTo.
2013-01-21 Felix Wolfsteller RangeAccess: Doc and debug.
2013-01-21 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightAccess, FlowVelocityAccess, SedimentLoadAccess: Inherit from RangeAccess.
2013-01-21 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeAccess, RangeAccess and callers: Refactored, moved getStep to RangeAccess.
2013-01-21 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightQualityAccess, RangeAccess: Refactored, moved getFrom/To to RangeAccess.
2013-01-21 Bettina Gruenbauer merge
2013-01-21 Bettina Gruenbauer insert new helpTexts, delete helpText for Transition
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved NaN removal code from W to DoubleUtil. Create QKms when calculating the 'Umhuellende'.
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Use QKMs in calculation of the 'Umhuellende'.
2013-01-21 Bettina Gruenbauer changing helpText static URL to id
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Added QKms model.
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2013-01-21 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import.
2013-01-20 Raimund Renkert merged.
2013-01-20 Raimund Renkert Fixed MINFO SQ calculation.
2013-01-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Bring Access pattern to "W fuer ungleichwertige Abflusslaengsschnitte".
2013-01-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed XPath injection!
2013-01-17 Christian Lins Add rivermap.xml with sample configuration and adapt MapInfoService to use rivermap data instead of floodmap for rivermap.
2013-01-16 Christian Lins Bugs in generated RiverAxis Mapfile fixed. Now the river axes are drawn by the WMS.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller Comment added.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller QualityMesurementFactory: Added vim-line.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller BedQualityCalculation: Added vim-line.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller Comment/doc.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Implement linear cascading distance measurements.
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Renamed lastPointIdx() to getLastPointIdx().
2013-01-16 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Cosmetics, whitespace, TODO resolved, logging improved.
2013-01-15 Christian Lins MapInfoService now submits layer names as well as WMS urls.
2013-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Added missing InfoldingColumns.java
2013-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Trivial typo in selecting infolding columns.
2013-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Added calculation of the "Umhuellende" to calculation of "W fuer ungleichwertige Abfluesse".
2013-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann A naive algorithm to figure out the "Umhuellende" of a set of WQKms.
2013-01-12 Sascha L. Teichmann Added intersectsQRange to QRangeTree to check if a given Q range intersects the Qs of the tree. Useful for 'Umhuellende'. TODO make check depend on km range.
2013-01-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Small code cleanups in S/Q outlier tests.
2013-01-11 Raimund Renkert MINFO: Allow two methods for outlier test in SQ relation.
2013-01-09 Raimund Renkert Fixed facet activities.
2013-01-09 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Added TODOs about riveraxis.
2013-01-09 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Added doc, removed TODO, whitespace cosmetics.
2013-01-09 Raimund Renkert Hide lines in SQ relation charts.
2013-01-09 Raimund Renkert Create and add sieves regardless of the the order of diameter/value.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller DA50Parser: Doc, removed and added a TODO.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller TIMParser: Removed TODO about switching to log4j .
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller TIMParser: Switch to log4j instead of System.err .
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSectionApp: Doc and whitespace cosmetics.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller DA50Parser: Added very basic DA50 parsing (no intersetions or correlation yet
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller DA50Parser: Fix c/p errors.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Trigger basic (useless) da50 parsing.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Bail out if skip* parameters were given.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller DA50Parser: Changed extension from w80 (wrong) to d50 (right).
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Use callback (refactoring), resolving TODOs.
2013-01-08 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Add helper implementation of a CrossSectionParserCallback.
2013-01-07 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Return null if no year set to behave like other parsers and avoid
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann !!! FLYS backend schema change !!! Add column bfg_id column to discharge_tables.
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Do the pairing of FLYS and AFT discharge tables by the field 'ABFLUSSTAFEL.BFG_ID' in
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved check for calculation range intersection to SQL statement.
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Added after login SQL statements for database connection. Can be used to alter the current schema to avoid naming clashes.
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Sorted imports.
2013-01-05 Sascha L. Teichmann Simplified code.
2013-01-04 Sascha L. Teichmann DateGuesser: Take current year modulo 100 if compare it with a two digit year value. Removed auto boxing.
2013-01-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Do not die in W80 parser id invalid date is given.
2013-01-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Move distance calculation to Coordinate class. Use inheritance instead of composition in Anchor class. Made Anchor class static. Use epsilon equal comparision when checking for same station: Boy, do you ever learn that sharp equal comparison of doubles is not a clever idea!?
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Added w80 and hook for da50 parsing (not implemented).
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller run_hydr_morph.sh: Add SKIP_DA50 and SKIP_W80 flags.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller README: Add instruction to do a simple standalone DateGuesser execution.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller DateGuesser: doc.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller DateGuesser: Added and handle DDMMYY pattern.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Use DateGuesser to set a date.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Added field to store a date.
2013-01-04 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Doc.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Comment code that is not (yet?) used by FLYS.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Respect (ignore) 'shore' field of w80 files.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Whitespace-cosmetics and comment.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Remove unneeded code.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Correct c&p stuff in comments (da66->w80).
2013-01-03 Sascha L. Teichmann AFT: Reject AFT gauges which are not inside the calculation range of the corresponding FLYS river.
2013-01-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Fetch calculation range (Berechnungsstrecke) for FLYS rivers, too.
2013-01-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed null comparison where also instanceof is used.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Added TODO/comment.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Actually add points while parsing w80 file.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: addPoint and lastIdx functions to add a point and find last points index.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller Coordinate: Introduce getters for x/y.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller W80Parser: Put infrastructure for an anchor point in place.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Handle coding convention that was introduced to overcome fixed
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller Remove commented code.
2013-01-03 Felix Wolfsteller Conffig: Prepare skip_da50 and skip_w80 options.
2013-01-02 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-12-28 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-01-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2013-01-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Added 'type' attribute to <dc:variable/> element. If an optional 'type' attribute is given
2013-01-02 Christian Lins Add "maptype" parameter to MapInfoService.
2013-01-02 Christian Lins Little work on the RiverMapfileGenerator.
2013-01-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Add <dc:variable name="variable" expr="xpath"/> construct to datacage language.
2013-01-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Remove trailing whitespace.
2013-01-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved EpsilonComparator to utils package becaus its not only useful for TIM parsing. Used EpsilonComparator in DA60 and DA66 case. Maybe TODO: Use in PRF, too.
2012-12-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed x-bit from DateGuesser.java
2012-12-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed superfluous imports.
2012-12-28 Sascha Teichmann Initial version of support files for TIMParser, comments and TODOs by Felix Wolfsteller, Code by Sascha Teichmann.
2012-12-28 Sascha Teichmann Initial version of TIMParser, comments and TODOs by Felix Wolfsteller, Code by Sascha Teichmann.
2012-12-28 Felix Wolfsteller Initial empty version of DA50Parser.
2012-12-28 Felix Wolfsteller Removed removeExtension implementations, which have been moved to FileTools,
2012-12-28 Felix Wolfsteller Initial empty version of W80Parser.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Scale x and y, as they are given in mm. Now we can actually look at the data!
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Do not return a 'year' for measurement, as none is given.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller TODO added.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller ImportRiver: Refactoring, use description and year of da66parser.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Whitespace cosmetics.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Use filename without extension as description for cross section.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller LineParser: Make file name available to subclasses.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Try to guess whether station is given in km or in cm.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Improved logging.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller DA66Parser: Removed unused function.
2012-12-27 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation of DA66Parser.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Adjust callbacks after Parsers new interface implementation, re-enable file hashing for da66s.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Implement new CrossSectionParser interface.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller New CrossSectionParser interface.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Include improved DA66Parser into importer.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Added new parameter SKIP_DA66S to importer.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Importer: Emit log message when a dry run was run.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation added.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation added.
2012-12-19 Felix Wolfsteller Changed naming of variables (i & j -> i & k) for readability.
2012-12-18 Christian Lins Work on rivers.map Generator.
2012-12-17 Christian Lins Fix typo in class names and correct file path in floodmap.xml.
2012-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.7 for changeset 0ba0f3e4f4c2
2012-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged 2.9.7
2012-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed unneeded imports.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed and updated theme configurations.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed NPE in empty style editor window.
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Rename methods and mark them private
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Use isEmpty for list check
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Change only local used methods to private ones
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Change parameters of updateCollectionName
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Rename filter into filterpanel
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Fix filtering of Collections/Projects in the gui
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Use display name of the Collection in CollectionView
2012-12-17 Björn Ricks Add a Collection method to return a string to be displayed in the gui
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Display all 'tranparency' attributes.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed and improved theme handling for areas.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Updated fixing and virutal area themes.
2012-12-17 Raimund Renkert Fixed out processor to draw sector averages in fix analysis ls.
2012-12-14 Raimund Renkert Reverted smartGWT version from 3.1 to 3.0.
2012-12-14 Raimund Renkert Added second theme config files.
2012-12-14 Felix Wolfsteller Less than sceleton for DA66-CrossSection parser added.
2012-12-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-14 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace-cosmetics.
2012-12-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-14 Raimund Renkert Hide facets returning raw data and fixed display name.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added theme mapping for new facets.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Generate and draw new facets.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added new facets for filtered bed height diffs to have filtered and raw data.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added theme mapping for new facets and added theme for discharge.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Generate new facets to have raw and filtered data in flow velocity chart.
2012-12-13 Raimund Renkert Added facet for filtered flow velocity and removed filter from default facet.
2012-12-12 Raimund Renkert Refactored the themes config files (currently only default style).
2012-12-12 Raimund Renkert Reordered some attributes in editor ui and use the hidden attribute.
2012-12-12 Raimund Renkert Read and use the hidden hint correctly.
2012-12-12 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for style editor.
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Fix logging statments and use correct class name
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Codeformat++
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Move loading of the full Collection to an own method
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Add new method hasItems to Collection class
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Create a Collection if an artifact is added to the CollectionView
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Don't create Collection when a CollectionView for a new project is created
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Remove unused import
2012-12-11 Christian Lins Introduce river mapfile generation (WARNING: Changes in config xml files required!).
2012-12-11 Björn Ricks Move the access to artifact data to the Access object
2012-12-07 Christian Lins Refactor Mapserver mapfile generation.
2012-12-07 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSectionGenerator: Center HYK-labels.
2012-12-07 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Tiny optimization, get data only when needed.
2012-12-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Added view for selecting ranges in wsts.
2012-12-06 Felix Wolfsteller XYChartGenerator: Avoid "range merging" for area series, as these might extend
2012-12-05 Christian Lins Merged
2012-12-05 Christian Lins Work on river axis mapfile generator.
2012-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Add stubs for GaugeAccess and RangeAccess, for they do not get lost.
2012-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Prevent NPE when color for bandwidth is unset, use non-template default.
2012-12-05 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Enable manual points for w difference diagrams.
2012-12-05 Raimund Renkert Adjusted y axis label.
2012-12-05 Raimund Renkert Multiplicate diameter with 1000 to have mm instead of m.
2012-12-04 Björn Ricks Improve the up and down arrows in the theme navigation panel
2012-12-04 Raimund Renkert Fixed imports.
2012-12-04 Raimund Renkert Use moving average algorithm to calculate average values depending on the zoom
2012-12-04 Raimund Renkert Put start and end km into the context for average calculation.
2012-12-04 Raimund Renkert Added methods to set single values.
2012-12-04 Raimund Renkert Added missing setter for different values.
2012-12-04 Björn Ricks Deprecate FLYSUtils
2012-12-04 Björn Ricks Use new refreshed bfg logo
2012-12-04 Christian Lins Preparations for autogenerated riveraxis WMSs.
2012-12-04 Christian Lins Make floodmap riveraxis layer name configurable.
2012-12-03 Sascha L. Teichmann A little optimization and handle the case that there are duplicates in the values.
2012-12-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved MovingAverage into math package
2012-12-03 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Merged.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Fixed validation in parameter matrix panel. Single selections are allowed now.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Add start and end km of current chart zoomlevel to the context and use these
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert New class for average calculation implementing moving average algorithms.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Generate flow velocity facets based on the type the user selected.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Set the discharge zone type to be able to generate the appropriate facets.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Added member variable for discharge zone type.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Added new member variable for zone type.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Extracted method to calculate the zoomed bound of a chart.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert Added example config for river 'Elbe' and read the config in context factory.
2012-12-03 Raimund Renkert New class storing configuration about zoom dependent filter levels.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Fix reference curve creation.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-12-03 Felix Wolfsteller Fix differences/Waterlevelartifact.
2012-12-01 Christian Lins Change floodmap WMS paths in make_flys_release.
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add pdf export to GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Fix: Don't show the warning if datatype is WQKms
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Remove obsolete MainMenu
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add new CSS for the layout changes
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add a welcome screen to the workspace background
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add i18n message strings for a welcome screen
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Hide the manage project button if the project list is shown
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add methods to hide and show the manage projects button of the header
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Use the FLYSHeader instead of the MainMenu
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Merge the MainMenu into the FLYSHeader
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add methods to hide and show the project list in FLYS class
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add path for the new small BfG logo
2012-11-30 Björn Ricks Add smaller BfG logo
2012-11-30 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Moved 'map' definitions to more appropriate place.
2012-11-30 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Resolved discharge_longitudinal_section definitions and use
2012-11-30 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Moved duration-curve definitions into more appropriate places.
2012-11-30 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Added 'prototype-macro for longitudinal_sections.
2012-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-11-30 Christian Lins Use floating point calculation for floodmap colors.
2012-11-29 Christian Lins Floodmap can now be classified in the range 5 to 20 (incl.).
2012-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Add ManualPoint-handling to SQRelationGenerator.doOut().
2012-11-29 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation added.
2012-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller Allow manual points in bedheight_longitudinal_sections.
2012-11-28 Felix Wolfsteller Enable manual points for s/q diagrams.
2012-11-27 Björn Ricks Add the csv export to the GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact
2012-11-27 Björn Ricks Refactor ComputedDischargeCurveExporter to support WQKms values and WQKms arrays
2012-11-27 Björn Ricks Use constant from DischargeTables for the scaling factor
2012-11-27 Björn Ricks Refactor getting the WQKms into it's own method
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Allow manual points in flow_velocity diagrams.
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Enable manual points in sedimentload ls.
2012-11-27 Christian Lins Merged
2012-11-27 Christian Lins Work on dynamic color classes for floodmap (work in progress, not yet functional).
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller Fix flys/issue989: manual points in bedheight_middle outs.
2012-11-27 Christian Lins flys-client: Shapefile upload widget readded again (regression).
2012-11-27 Christian Lins flys-client: Patch to render combobox options as clickable links.
2012-11-27 Felix Wolfsteller i18n fix.
2012-11-20 Christian Lins Fix FLYS logo URL for printing.
2012-11-20 Christian Lins flys-client: Map.updateSize() is now called on every windows movement
2012-11-20 Christian Lins Workaround for NPE in FloodMapState.
2012-11-18 Christian Lins flys-client: Cosmetics and warnings.
2012-11-18 Christian Lins flys/client: Exception catched and replaced by friendly warning (MINFO Sohlhoehendifferenz) #967/flys.
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.6 for changeset ce6bea03156c
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Add help anchors for fix analysis 2.9.6
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann More solid S/Q function sampling
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Exchange the river selection map
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Remove obsolete imports
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Add i18n for the new close project list button
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Add css for the project list changes
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Add a small close and add project button to the project list header
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Remove the new project button from the menue
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Get rid of the footer and the spacer in the flys webpage
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Add GaugeOverview to Fixanalysis
2012-11-16 Christian Lins Adapt WMS URLs in floodmap.xml to user-wms.
2012-11-16 Christian Lins Merged
2012-11-16 Christian Lins Map view in DigitizePanel now shows OSM background, river axis and
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann merged
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2012-11-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete import
2012-11-16 Björn Ricks Allow requests from localhost in GGInA filter
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert Added i18n strings for sediment load calculation.
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert New themes for sediment load chart.
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert New field in sediment load object and calculation.
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert New doOut for total load in sediment load calculation.
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert Added new facet type to sediment load calculation.
2012-11-15 Raimund Renkert Removed some debug logs and changed report strings.
2012-11-15 Christian Lins Merged
2012-11-15 Christian Lins MapPanel position and size now properly aligned (#568).
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Add i18n string for soundings width in flys client
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Handle also the bedheight facet in minfo bedheight_middle output
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Load bedheigt single values via the datacage for a bedheight middle output
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Handle also sounding width generated via the datacage in MiddleBedHeightGenerator
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Implement a BedheightProcessor to generate charts from bed height data
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Refactor BedHeightArtifacts to provide bed height single values of a range
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Add type member variable to BedHeightFacet
2012-11-15 Björn Ricks Add method to get all morph width of a BedHeigthSingle object
2012-11-15 Christian Lins Merged
2012-11-15 Christian Lins Map is now properly resized when hiding ThemePanel.
2012-11-15 Felix Wolfsteller Fixed typo in debug message.
2012-11-15 Felix Wolfsteller MetaDataService: Added comment from ChangeLog.
2012-11-15 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation.
2012-11-15 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2012-11-15 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics.
2012-11-14 Christian Lins Fix MapFish print config and add FLYS logo to print output (DIN A4 only).
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Parse and store year in sediment densities.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added new column 'year' to sediment density values in postgresql and oracle
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Completed and fixed sediment load calculation.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added objects and factory for sediment densities.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added new y axis label for m3/a unit and fixed sand fraction output.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Add report facet if calculation had problems.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added logger and fixed data field checkup.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Fixed SQL statements and parameters.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Fix: Handle epochs like official epochs to get a year range.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added methods to sediment load object to check fractions.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in total sediment load facet type.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Added report output generator for sediment load calculation.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Additional transitions and outs for MINFO sediment load calculation.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller fixanalysis.xml: Add cross_section out.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller FixRealizingCompute: Add CrossSectionWaterLineFacet in FixRealizingState.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller FixationArtifact: implement WaterLineArtifact, deliver lines for cross-sections.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller QSectorFacet: Guard access to curentKm in context.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller CrossSectionWaterLineFacet: Guard class cast.
2012-11-14 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: cosmetics, respect 80c width.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Merged.
2012-11-14 Raimund Renkert Fixed typo in make_release script.
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Fix compile
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Fix also BedHeightsArtifact
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Also use variable for displayname
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Improve debugging while merging outs and facets
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Improve debugging in StaticFLYSArtifact
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Change facets member variable to private
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Add method to return the facets of an artifact
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Improve loggin in FLYSArtifact
2012-11-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix hard coded mapserver url
2012-11-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed path to client logging
2012-11-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2012-11-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed problem with mapserver fonts
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Add stack trace if authentication was not successfull
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Return after sending a redirect
2012-11-14 Björn Ricks Check if response code from GGInA is 200 OK
2012-11-14 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed web.xml seding
2012-11-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.5 for changeset b51f6bb188d7
2012-11-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Made REALEASE setable 2.9.5
2012-11-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Improved build script
2012-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics: Removed some WSP, obsolete imports. Documentation added.
2012-11-13 Christian Lins Merged
2012-11-13 Christian Lins Add new FLYS logo.
2012-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Add cross-section facets and out to extreme state.
2012-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller WINFOArtifact: Compute extreme values for cross sections too. Add CS-Facet.
2012-11-13 Felix Wolfsteller WaterLineArtifact: Added callcontext-parameter to interfaces getWaterLine.
2012-11-13 Christian Lins Remove dead code and warnings.
2012-11-12 Christian Lins Try to fix resize problems with MapWidget in DigitizePanel (#802).
2012-11-12 Christian Lins Resize MapWidget in MapPanel manually using a ResizedHandler.
2012-11-11 Christian Lins Map print settings can now be configured via settings window.
2012-11-10 Christian Lins Map print does now submit additional parameters to MapPrintServiceImpl.
2012-11-09 Christian Lins Work (in progress) on a print settings dialog.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller Rmoved obsolete imports.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller i18n: Add i18n for flow-velovity discharges.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller minfo.xml: Add discharge facet to compat list of flow_velocity out.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityGenerator: Handle new discharge curves at new third axis.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityData: Add new helper to get km/Q-double-arrays.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityState: Create new discharge facet.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Register new FLOW_VELOCITY_DISCHARGE type.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller For FlowV.-Artifacts, use given id, fetch data and display via facet and generator.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityMeasurementFactory: New, do the query to fetch measured flow velocities.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityMeasurementValue: Added 'fast' (db-unmapped) class to access values later.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace cosmetics.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller Whitespace cosmetic.
2012-11-09 Felix Wolfsteller BedHeightArtifact: Whitespace-cosmetic and vim line.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityGenerator: Dummy-handle new measured velocity facets.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityGenerator: Added TODO about 3rd and 4th axis.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Register new FLOW_VELOCITY_MEASUREMENT Facet Type.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Add annotations and flow velocity measurements to the DC.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Register flowvelocity artifact factory.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Add new facet to flow velocity outs compat list.
2012-11-08 Felix Wolfsteller Add FlowVelocityMeasurementArtifact and -facet. Yet dummies.
2012-11-08 Björn Ricks Use static variable for login page name in LoginServlet
2012-11-08 Björn Ricks Be sure that a redirect url always exist
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Add datacage for minfo and longitudinal_section.w from fixanalysis
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Use new WOutProcessor for generating charts
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Add processor to be able to generate curves for WKms values
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Remove AbstractFixGenerator and use new KMIndexProcessor instead
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Move inverted from LongitudinalSectionGenerator to XYChartGenerator
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Add method to a access the CallContext of a ChartGenerator
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Introduce a new Interface to abstract the data to curve generation
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Introduce a new FixingsFacet to add save access to the current Km
2012-11-07 Björn Ricks Fix logging statement
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Remove whitespace added by eclipse
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Fix: Use correct class for the logger
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Don't notify jfreechart listeners when adding points
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Only put current Km to the context if it is a valid km
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Reintroduce wrongly outbacked changes (rev 4418-4425).
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Merged backouts.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Backed out changeset e8a4d2fd25cc
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Backed out changeset e8a4d2fd25cc
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Merged.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller Added vim line.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of sedimentload_ls out.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Force-recommend annotations for sedimentload_ls outs.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Added vim-line.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Added TODO.
2012-11-07 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadFactory: Changed comments, removed empty one.
2012-11-06 Christian Lins Add (currently useless) button for map print settings.
2012-11-06 Christian Lins Remove authentication from MapPrintServiceImpl.
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Move GGInAFilter and NoCacheFilter to an own package
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Add config in web.xml for the new NoCacheFilter
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Add new Filter class to change caching
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Add javadoc comment about RiverInfoServiceImpl
2012-11-06 Björn Ricks Less debug output in GGInAFilter
2012-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller FixationArtifact: In doc, mention where the FacetActivity is registered.
2012-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCalculation: Resolve probably too nested break.
2012-11-06 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCalculation: Doc.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller manualpoints.xml: Add facet for the extrene_wq_curve out.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: Add new ChartType extreme_wq_curve to enable manual points.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSUtils: Null-guard some conditionals (autoboxes).
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller WaterevelState: Doc.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCompute: Further naming improvements on facets.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Fixed typo in debug output.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Removed obsolete import.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller server-side i18n for inputs of extreme*. Newlines at end of file.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Add wst and pdf Facets to extremes compat list.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCompute: Add DataFacets (csv, wst, defunc pdf).
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Use new WQKmsResult to avoid parallel paths for Extrem- and Fixing-Result.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCompute: Whitespace-cosmetics.
2012-11-05 Björn Ricks Improve debugging inf FLYSArtifact
2012-11-05 Christian Lins Get rid of HorizontalLayout in MapOutputTab and use manual resizing.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller Let Extreme- and FixRealizingResult implement WQKmsResult.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller conf.xml: Register the extreme_curve_export generator, a WaterlevelExporter.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Add extreme_curve_export outputmode and csv facet to its compat list.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller WQKmsResult: New interface to ease Export.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller conf.xml: Register the extreme_curve_report-Out-Generator.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Add error ('report') outputmode to extreme_wq_curve out, and compat for reportfacet.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller FlowVelocityGenerator: Handle ('out') annotations.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of flow-velocity outs.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Force-recommend annotations for flow-velocity-outs.
2012-11-05 Felix Wolfsteller Merged
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller i18n for showextramark in client.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Respect theme prop about showing the extrapol-line.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ThemeUtil: Method to parse/access showextramark theme prop.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Removed more or less dead code.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Use real facet description as name for data series of extreme wqs.
2012-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag flys-2.9.4 for changeset 10e277c2fe0f
2012-11-04 Sascha L. Teichmann Some fixes to make the calculation work. flys-2.9.4
2012-11-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag flys-2.9.4 for changeset 651b93c10dc5
2012-11-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed superfluous imports.
2012-11-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed superfluous imports.
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Converting from list to array doesn't make sence here
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Add facets for fixanalysis data from the datacage
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Add datacage logic for MINFO bed differences
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Add chart generation for fixings in bed differences generators
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Extract common generator method from FixLongitudinalSectionGenerator
2012-11-02 Björn Ricks Avoid NullPointerExceptions if no settings are available
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Updated i18n strings for sediment load.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Added chart generator for sediment load output.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Added sediment load calculation.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert New facet and result set for sediment load.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Added access object for artifact containing sediment load parameters.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Updated data object and factory for sediment load.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Added i18n string for sediment load output tab title.
2012-11-02 Raimund Renkert Fixed sediment yield parser.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller Even better Extreme W/Q Facet names. i18n thereof.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller Registered style for extreme_wq_base_curves.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller StyledSeriesBuilder: Corrected doc.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller StyledSeriesBuilder: New addPointsQW accepting double[]s.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSUtils: Minor doc add.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Reuse prerpareChartData, handle new extreme_wq_curve_base facet.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller FixWQCurveGenerator: Refac, extracted a prepareChartData from doOut, to be reused.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCompute: Create a facet to show the non-inter-or-extrapolated points.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Add new extreme_wq_curve_base to compat of extreme_wq_curve out.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCurveFacet: Add new constructor to set name to new FacetType (extreme_wq_curve_base). Data is the same.
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller FacetTypes: New type: exreme_wq_curve_base (for the Stuetz-Q-Poits).
2012-11-02 Felix Wolfsteller ExtremeCompute: Improve naming of facets.
2012-11-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Added missing percentage cut off in extreme calculation.
2012-11-02 Sascha L. Teichmann Circumvent NPE in Curve. issue flys/1019
2012-11-01 Björn Ricks Ignore comments in meta data xml template
2012-11-01 Björn Ricks Refactor Converter to use common code
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: Show NaviOutput-Tab also for extreme_wq_curve.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: i18n for extreme_wq_curve.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller winfo.xml: Change extreme wq-out from fix_wq_curve to (new) extreme_wq_curve.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller conf.xml: Register new ExtremeWQCurveGenerator.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Removed doExtreme*() as its implemented in own generator now, opened visibility of field artifact for refac.
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Added new Generator: ExtremeWQCurveGenerator (and its *Info*-counterpart).
2012-11-01 Felix Wolfsteller Removed obsolete imports.
