
age author description
2021-01-22 dnt_bjoernsen zu 1.1. Sohlhöhen-Überlappung
2021-01-21 dnt_bjoernsen cleanup
2021-01-21 dnt_bjoernsen debug
2021-01-21 dnt_bjoernsen debug
2021-01-21 dnt_bjoernsen Img -> Image; correct URL for WMS Legend
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen another try for river axis legend
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen handler for wms theme legend
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen refactoring
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen another try
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen yet another attempt
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen another attempt
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen configs
2021-01-20 dnt_bjoernsen legendwindow debug
2021-01-19 dnt_bjoernsen LegendWindow zu 3.1. + 3.2 DEBUG
2021-01-19 dnt_bjoernsen 2.2. Sohlhöhen Themen umbenennen
2021-01-19 dnt_bjoernsen Nachtrag Datenkorb Bezugswasserstände anzeigen
2021-01-14 mschaefer S-Info: collision single year themes initially inactive when epoch selection
2020-08-13 Gernot Belger Deactivated checkstyle for now
2020-08-13 Gernot Belger Removed nonsensiscal cehckstyle options.
2020-08-03 Tom Gottfried Avoid NPE when trying to print map to PDF 3.2.x
2020-08-03 Tom Gottfried Deploy webapp as d4e-river 3.2.x
2020-07-31 Tom Gottfried Add OpenLayers in Docker setup 3.2.x
2020-07-30 Tom Gottfried Add basic Docker setup for development 3.2.x
2020-07-15 Gernot Belger Fixed missing package name
2020-07-15 Gernot Belger Mit 3.2.x zusammenführen
2020-06-04 Tom Gottfried Allow tagging a branch 3.2.x
2020-06-04 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.2.3 for changeset 21c89e39ca72 3.2.x
2020-06-04 Tom Gottfried Avoid using Mercurial extension 3.2.x 3.2.3
2020-06-03 Tom Gottfried Fixup */pom-oracle.xml 3.2.x
2020-06-02 Tom Gottfried Purge unused repositories 3.2.x
2020-05-29 Tom Gottfried Add plugin versions where missing 3.2.x
2020-05-29 Tom Gottfried Get rid of hard coded default checkout directory 3.2.x
2020-05-29 Tom Gottfried Fixup README 3.2.x
2020-05-29 Tom Gottfried Remove default user name for pushing tags 3.2.x
2020-05-23 Tom Gottfried Essentially rewrite MapUtils.getConnection() to cope with driver capabilities 3.2.x
2020-05-22 Tom Gottfried Add minimal test coverage for MapServer connection generation 3.2.x
2020-05-20 Tom Gottfried Tighten code a bit 3.2.x
2020-05-19 Tom Gottfried Ensure the build does not fail due to non-ASCII characters 3.2.x
2020-05-19 Tom Gottfried Update OSGEO repository URL 3.2.x
2020-05-19 Tom Gottfried Update OSGEO repository URL 3.2.x
2020-05-08 dnt_bjoernsen config ÜFD Layer szenario m90 -> m090 etc
2020-05-06 mschaefer S-info/tkh: d50 average changed from median to arithmetic mean
2020-04-03 mschaefer Oracle s-/u-info create script adjusted for special chars
2020-04-03 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: further year/date checks for collision files
2020-04-03 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: oracle script for vegetation_type update improved for special chars
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) vegetation zones: new database column in vegetation_type table for german type name,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: iota (salix): detecting, logging, cancelling in case of wrong column titles/units,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: infrastructures: detecting, logging, cancelling in case of wrong column titles,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: daily discharge: detecting, logging and skipping lines with missing date or q, or duplicate date,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: depth-evolution: corrected directory name Bezug_aktueller_GlW,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: flow-depth: uniform formatting of from-to series names,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: uniform formatting of from-to series names,
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: check and log message for missing values (km, date, waterlevel etc.) and wrong waterlevel unit
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: support of multiple channel data series, check for non-overlapping year ranges
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: cancelling bed-mobility import if wrong mobility keywords
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions: better exception handling
2020-03-23 mschaefer Importer (s/u-info) extensions:
2019-12-04 Gernot Belger Reverted bad commit
2019-12-04 Gernot Belger Fixed: Duplizieren einer Fixierungsanalyse schlägt fehl.
2019-12-03 dnt_bjoernsen maven dependencies update
