
age author description
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein dummy merge for repo head
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein merged flys-backend
2012-09-28 Ingo Weinzierl Adapted the spatial schema for DEMs and the DgmSqlConverter.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue862/1.
2012-09-27 Ingo Weinzierl Added a new method to RiverAxis to query a special kind of river axes (default, official, outsourced).
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue863: Handle missing data points for epoch bed height data.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Documentation (d o c u m e n t a t i o n).
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Removed debug output.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Let importer handle gappy single bed height values.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Towards fix for issue863 (gaps in bedheight data).
2012-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Code simplification. Removed trailing whietspace.
2012-09-27 Ingo Weinzierl Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
2012-09-24 Ingo Weinzierl Adapted postgresql spatial schema and fixed a bug in the geo importer.
2012-09-24 Ingo Weinzierl Some minor bugfixes for MINFO import.
2012-09-24 Ingo Weinzierl Adapted PostgreSQL spatial schema.
2012-09-24 Bjoern Ricks Remove fetchInfoURL methods from River and gauge
2012-09-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Backend: Added 'official_number' column to rivers table to model the 'Bundeswasserstrassen Identnummer'.
2012-09-21 Bjoern Ricks Change methods names until the url is really be fetched from the db
2012-09-21 Bjoern Ricks Add a new method to River and Gauge classes to return a http url for additional
2012-09-19 Ingo Weinzierl Store minfo values into database only if their peer has been successfully stored.
2012-09-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2012-09-18 Ingo Weinzierl Added missing GrainFraction type to parser; accept 'Querprofil' as valid BedHeightType during MINFO import.
2012-09-18 Ingo Weinzierl Improved logging and stabilized minfo import.
2012-09-17 Ingo Weinzierl Tagged 'flys-backend' as 2.9.1
2012-09-28 Thomas Arendsen Hein merged flys-artifacts
2012-09-28 Bjoern Ricks Also add the name to the artifact description
2012-09-28 Bjoern Ricks Add new Artifacts and State for displaying discharge curves at a gauge
2012-09-28 Bjoern Ricks Make addOutput of StaticState public
2012-09-28 Bjoern Ricks Add FLYSArtifact addFacets method
2012-09-28 Ingo Weinzierl Added an 'info' node to DEMs in the datacage.
2012-09-28 Felix Wolfsteller i18n.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Work in i18n issue724.
2012-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann S(Q) relation: Fixed SQL projection.
2012-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann S(Q) relation. Extract more values from database.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Partly fix issue871.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Fix issue863.
2012-09-27 Ingo Weinzierl Set the missing 'originalExtent' attribute for WSPLGEN layers.
2012-09-27 Felix Wolfsteller Towards fix of issue863 (gaps in middle heigh bed data).
2012-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed trailing whitespace.
2012-09-27 Sascha L. Teichmann S/Q: More symbols in reconstruction of Excel macros.
2012-09-26 Bjoern Ricks Mark createOutputModes as private
2012-09-26 Bjoern Ricks Convert FKYSArtifact data member to a private variable
2012-09-26 Christian Lins Enable line labels for Delta W/t sector average lines
2012-09-26 Ingo Weinzierl Fixed various projection issues during map creation.
2012-09-26 Christian Lins Rename fix_derivate to fix_derivate_curve to enable manual points on it
2012-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller Re-enable manual point facets for some fix* charts.
2012-09-24 Christian Lins Fix for #825 ?
2012-09-24 Raimund Renkert MINFO: Fixed SQL statement in BedloadOverview. Exclude data where km is null.
2012-09-24 Christian Lins Fixing analysis longitudinal section chart has now initially deactivated A1/B facets
2012-09-24 Bjoern Ricks Remove info-url and add official number
2012-09-23 Christian Lins W(Q) chart: q sectors are now black and labeled by default
