
age author description
2018-07-02 mschaefer Merge
2018-07-02 mschaefer Fixed approx char restaurated, findValue condition for zone name corrected
2018-07-02 gernotbelger inundationDuration/floodDuration multiple columns+chartLines refactoring
2018-07-02 mschaefer Individual facets/themes for single years i the S-Info collisions output
2018-07-02 gernotbelger AbstractSInfoLineProcessor refactoring
2018-07-02 mschaefer More work on calculations and output for S-Info flood duration workflow (chart types 1 and 2)
2018-07-01 mschaefer Renamed getValues... to fetch...
2018-06-29 gernotbelger refactoring on processors
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Ignore contents of folder shapefiles, because it contains runtime data
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Compile errors fixed
2018-06-29 gernotbelger compile error fix
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Merge
2018-06-29 gernotbelger 'ca.'-issue
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Fixed: used java 7 feature although java 6 comliance level is configured
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Zusammenführen
2018-06-28 gernotbelger Formatting
2018-06-28 gernotbelger sinfo.collisions review
2018-06-28 gernotbelger uinfo.inundationduration workflow
2018-06-28 gernotbelger bom for csv export added
2018-06-28 gernotbelger Minor cleanup and bugfix concerning number formatters
2018-06-28 gernotbelger Configured tkh theme e.g. ShowLineLabel
2018-06-28 gernotbelger Implemented 'ShowLineLabel' for area themes.
2018-06-28 gernotbelger Fixed: manualpoint did not work for tkh calc mode
2018-06-27 gernotbelger code review uinfo.inundationduration
2018-06-26 gernotbelger Themes with band now must have 'showarea' set to true.
2018-06-26 gernotbelger Fixed: waterlevels could not show a band any more
2018-06-26 gernotbelger Fixed: pattern got wrong colors
2018-06-26 gernotbelger DB-Ports
2018-06-26 gernotbelger Merge
2018-06-26 gernotbelger uinfo inundationduration langjähr. Mittel, Uedauern.properties, Meldung
2018-06-26 gernotbelger klasse vergessen uinfo
2018-06-25 mschaefer Work on calculations for S-Info flood duration workflow
2018-06-25 gernotbelger DistancePanel Berechnungsstrecke->Darstellungsbereich Refactoring
2018-06-25 gernotbelger modules order change
2018-06-22 gernotbelger little work on uinfo.inundationduration
2018-06-22 gernotbelger collision details+pdf-export
2018-06-22 gernotbelger tab titles from server
2018-06-21 gernotbelger tkh cast exception fix
2018-06-21 gernotbelger Collisions nullpointer fix
2018-06-21 mschaefer Fixed dateformat with 4-digit year, added query method for collision years of a river
2018-06-20 gernotbelger Result-Tabs (for collisions)
2018-06-20 mschaefer Fixed data datatype to avoid cast exceptions
2018-06-20 gernotbelger REVERT - Aus Versehen DB-Settings committed
2018-06-20 gernotbelger uinfo.distance_only Berechnungsstrecke -> Darstellungsbereich HACK
2018-06-20 gernotbelger layout verrutscht
2018-06-20 gernotbelger runner lauffähig
2018-06-19 mschaefer Added methods to select collision values and collision counts
2018-06-19 mschaefer Added methods to select a gauge's discharge table and main value list; added a main value type key enum
2018-06-19 mschaefer Added a getter for any gauge belonging to the km range
2018-06-19 mschaefer Added the S-Info collision calculation and chart output
2018-06-19 mschaefer Added definitions for the S-Info collision workflow and output
2018-06-19 mschaefer Changed to list of DateRange, added methods in DateRange to support year ranges
2018-06-14 gernotbelger little bugfix on soundings
2018-06-14 mschaefer Merge
2018-06-14 mschaefer Fixed query semicolon
2018-06-14 gernotbelger vergessen
2018-06-14 gernotbelger gigantic refactoring: exporter, result, results
2018-06-14 mschaefer Updated/added reference data files for S-Info tests
2018-06-12 gernotbelger Unit testing flowdepthdevelopment added
2018-06-12 gernotbelger generators
2018-06-12 gernotbelger jasper-files (vergessen)
2018-06-12 gernotbelger sinfo.flood_duration pdf, csv, ui
2018-06-11 mschaefer Fixed three queries (channel, infrastructure, collision) by removing the trailing semicolon (produces oracle errors)
2018-06-08 gernotbelger assembly
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Fixed: no gauges initially visible
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Ignored some more files
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Ingore some files created during runtime
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Fixed warning
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Fetching validation queries from system property makes no sense.
2018-06-08 gernotbelger Removed dependency to simply-glamorous font, that was for testing only.
2018-06-07 gernotbelger Zusammenführen
2018-06-07 gernotbelger Configured manual point editing for sinfo charts
2018-06-06 gernotbelger Comment concerning a bug in current manual points editor
2018-06-07 gernotbelger Title current/historical diff pair; limit on entries in diff'pair twin_panel
2018-06-06 gernotbelger WQSelect can now handle distance-only data
2018-06-06 gernotbelger TKH calculation now takes the stations of the bed heights for the waterlevel calculation instead of letting the user define a km-step
2018-06-06 gernotbelger WQSelect can now handle distance-only data
2018-06-06 gernotbelger Handle case where no default bedheights are defined for a given river
2018-06-06 gernotbelger isStretchWithOverflow=true; Zeilenumbruch immer an
2018-06-06 gernotbelger Testing
2018-06-06 mschaefer Fixed y axis label for collision counts
2018-06-06 mschaefer Fixed adding missing files for the river bed collision counts selectable in the datacage
2018-06-05 gernotbelger NEw export option for diagramms: with or without extra metadata subtitle
2018-06-05 gernotbelger Cleanup of ChartGenerator and ChartGenerator2 code. Put some of the copy/pasted code into a common abstraction.
2018-06-05 gernotbelger Fließtiefen Themen skalieren immer mit der 0
2018-06-05 mschaefer Fixed tkh calculation (sign of an exponent of the critical shields term)
2018-06-05 gernotbelger pdf layout condensed
2018-06-05 gernotbelger missing files Veg'Zone, FontMapper
2018-06-04 gernotbelger Veg-Zone Table improved, State change data recovery;
2018-06-04 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for river bed collision counts loaded from database
2018-06-04 mschaefer Conf files for the infrastructure datacage extension
2018-06-04 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for river infrastructure heights loaded from database
2018-06-04 gernotbelger sortable table veg'zones
2018-06-04 mschaefer Where clause of the predefined datacage series extended by km range condition
2018-06-04 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for river channel sizes loaded from database
2018-06-04 mschaefer Where clause in bed-heights-statement extended by km range condition
2018-06-01 gernotbelger nachtrag
2018-06-01 gernotbelger pdf export enhancements
2018-05-29 gernotbelger VegZones Layout Nachtrag
2018-05-29 gernotbelger vegzones improved
2018-05-29 gernotbelger Added metadata subtitle to all chart export.
2018-05-29 gernotbelger Some finetuning an Tkh calculation, preparation for wsp calculation with bed height stations only
2018-05-29 gernotbelger Added metadata subtitle to all chart export
2018-05-29 gernotbelger Umsortierung in Datenkorb bzgl. min/max Sohlhöhen
2018-05-28 gernotbelger fix-analysis distance range bugfix
2018-05-28 gernotbelger Mini-Bugfix Vegetationszonen-Export
2018-05-28 gernotbelger FixAnalysis.HTML header fix
2018-05-28 gernotbelger Berechnung mit Start-km > End-km
2018-05-28 mschaefer Fixed condition for Query.list result (checking isEmpty added)
2018-05-28 mschaefer Fixed missing parameter in addProblem
2018-05-26 mschaefer Fixed removing duplicates
2018-05-25 mschaefer Fixed flow velocity query by distinct clause to avoid duplicates
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Fixed: major performance bug in tkh calculation leads to many river requests
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Pegelauswahl nach range einschränken
2018-05-25 mschaefer Trace added
2018-05-25 mschaefer Fixed km order in d50 query
2018-05-25 gernotbelger dW-Längsschnitt Punkt
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Fixed :bed heights finder did not consider the river correctly
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Changed order of SINFO results and fixed data in datacage.
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Fixed :bed heights finder did not consider the river correctly
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Avoid too many regular exceptions
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Fixed: do not fall back to default language; englisch works now correctly
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Set version to 3.3.0
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Changed order of facets
2018-05-25 gernotbelger Wasserstand falsche Einheit
2018-05-25 mschaefer Fixed d50 query, added log.trace
2018-05-25 mschaefer Epoche filter deactivated for bed-heights-single
2018-05-23 gernotbelger epoch-panels, single-input-panels
2018-05-22 gernotbelger SingleInputItem abstract
2018-05-22 gernotbelger moved single_year/multi_year common code to AbstractPanel
2018-05-22 gernotbelger dynamic input table epochSelect
2018-05-18 gernotbelger Extract Table from Panel
2018-05-18 gernotbelger state To client communication;
2018-05-17 gernotbelger work on bundu.bezugswst states
2018-05-16 gernotbelger bundu progress (Klon FixationAnalysis +Vollmer funktioniert; Verzweigung neue Berechnungsart Bezugswst)
2018-05-16 gernotbelger create module bundu (Betrieb & Unterhaltung)
2018-05-15 gernotbelger VegetationZoneAccessHelper, VegetationTablePanels verbessert
2018-05-15 gernotbelger access uinfo.vegetationzones+inundation_duration
2018-05-14 gernotbelger access uinfo.salx; tablePanel edit/non-edit merge
2018-05-14 gernotbelger sinfo access collision, floodDuration
2018-05-11 gernotbelger uinfo.inundation_duration ui
2018-05-09 gernotbelger work on uinfo-vegetation-zones table
2018-05-09 gernotbelger work on uinfo-vegetation-zones table
2018-05-08 gernotbelger work on uinfo-inundation_duration states
2018-05-07 gernotbelger Teilabschnitt Salix State
2018-05-07 gernotbelger messages
2018-05-07 gernotbelger messages
2018-05-07 mschaefer Fixed the queries for the loadable tkh, flow depth and depth evolution data
2018-05-04 gernotbelger sinfo.collision states
2018-05-04 gernotbelger local merge
2018-05-04 mschaefer Corrected station parsing for infrastructure import
2018-05-04 mschaefer New pseudo datetime for year-only values (31.12. instead of 15.6.)
2018-05-04 gernotbelger rename grounding->collision; inundation_duration->flood_duration
2018-05-04 gernotbelger - RadioButton-Auswahl generisch
2018-05-03 gernotbelger messages de_en synchronized
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Merge
2018-05-03 gernotbelger sinfo.xml definition states+transitions
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Ignored database dependent unit test
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Removed obsolete FIXME, solved most problems
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Removed another comment
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Removed comment
2018-05-03 gernotbelger Minor cleanup
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Do not halt on warnings: this is necessary because we use slf4j-log which is only an indirect, but necessary dependency
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Do not halt on warnings: this is necessary because we use slf4j-log which is only an indirect, but necessary dependency
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Changed assembly so it doesnt stop if manual is not present
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Changed assembly so it doesnt stop if manual is not present
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Fixed/changed some FIXMEs/TODOs
2018-05-02 gernotbelger Cant use lambda in java 7 code
2018-05-02 mschaefer Database column "comment" renamed to "notes" (restrictions in Oracle)
2018-04-30 gernotbelger Merge
2018-04-30 gernotbelger work on u-info/s-info states
2018-04-30 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for modelled flow depth series loaded from database
2018-04-30 mschaefer Added bed_height_values section heights height01 to height10
2018-04-27 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for flow depth evolution series loaded from database, and a correction for the tkh data
2018-04-27 mschaefer New columns for bed_height, tkh and depth_evolution, a few syntactic corrections for Oracle
2018-04-27 gernotbelger work on unit testing
2018-04-27 gernotbelger adding removed files
2018-04-26 gernotbelger work on proof 2
2018-04-26 gernotbelger work on proof 2
2018-04-26 gernotbelger S-Info-Proof-Init
2018-04-25 gernotbelger local backup
2018-04-23 gernotbelger test add and delete
2018-04-23 gernotbelger test 2,5
2018-04-23 gernotbelger test2
2018-04-23 gernotbelger test commit
2018-04-23 gernotbelger Zusammenführen
2018-04-23 gernotbelger messages
2018-04-23 mschaefer SQL script with table and sequence drops added for reversion of the S-INFO/U-INFO create script
2018-04-23 mschaefer Restriction for not-null reference gauge added
2018-04-23 mschaefer Small changes with debug log
2018-04-23 mschaefer Added datacage select and chart display for TKH series loaded from database
2018-04-20 gernotbelger UInfo / Refaktoring
2018-04-18 mschaefer Added the missing vegetation import classes
2018-04-18 mschaefer Import for S-INFO/U-INFO added (new skip parameters)
2018-04-18 mschaefer Import of vegetation zones added
2018-04-18 mschaefer A few directory and file name changes
2018-04-18 mschaefer Tkh import with day instead of year
2018-04-18 mschaefer Version number of maven jar plugin added, slf4j in pom-oracle
2018-04-18 mschaefer Column tkh.year replaced by tkh.day, alter bed_height and wsts integrated into sinfo-uinfo script
2018-04-17 gernotbelger U-Info S-Info general work
2018-04-17 gernotbelger U-Info S-Info general work
2018-04-17 gernotbelger jasper multiple
2018-04-17 gernotbelger DB-Port
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 gernotbelger Introduced UNFO module
2018-04-11 gernotbelger Zusammenführen
2018-04-11 gernotbelger SInfo - FlowDepthMinMax: choosing bed heights, not bed height min and max separately
2018-04-10 mschaefer Changed a few import paths
2018-04-10 mschaefer Parse via decimalformat instead of bigdecimal constructor (to cope with strings with chars after the actual number)
2018-04-10 mschaefer Oracle schema extension added, a few changes in the postgresql schema
2018-04-09 mschaefer Fixed several BigDecimal(double) creations by BigDecimal(String) parsing to avoid unnecessary decimal digits
2018-04-08 mschaefer Checks added for missing import directory
2018-04-08 mschaefer Modification of the range adding fixed
2018-04-08 mschaefer Database inserts accelerated by suppressing unnecessary database queries for new data series
2018-04-06 gernotbelger Work on SINFO Exporters
2018-04-06 gernotbelger Work on SINFO Exporters
2018-04-06 gernotbelger Do not print traces, they will always pop up
2018-04-06 gernotbelger new messages for pdf export
2018-04-06 gernotbelger Fixed bad expression
2018-04-05 gernotbelger SINFO - show results themes according to spec, either raw data or floating mean values.
2018-04-05 gernotbelger Fixed: 'error_no_export_found' after changing calculation mode in SINFO.
2018-04-05 gernotbelger SINFO Calculations: do not produce result rows if some input data has missing values.
2018-04-03 mschaefer Two fixes for the tkh and selected additionals import
2018-04-03 mschaefer Range data handled consistently as BigDecimal to minimize the fractional part of a and b
2018-04-03 mschaefer Added new columns bed_height.comment and sounding_width_info; extended the bed height parser for the new meta data and the min/max_height columns
2018-04-03 mschaefer Added some trim and lowercase in the where clauses of the selects of existing recordsets; added AnnotationType select
2018-04-03 mschaefer New field wsts.sinfo_selection
2018-04-03 mschaefer Fixed sequence name
2018-04-03 mschaefer Importer for the Schifffahrt (S-INFO) and Oekologie (U-INFO) files
2018-04-03 mschaefer SLF4J added and configureLogging in main
2018-04-03 mschaefer Avoid guessing year 1950 for HQ50 etc.
2018-04-03 mschaefer Create new tables for S-INFO and U-INFO
2018-04-03 mschaefer Add wsts column for S-INFO selection flag
2018-04-03 mschaefer Add two bed_height meta info columns and bed_height_values min/max_height
2018-04-03 mschaefer Datatype changes from rev 8942 reverted
2018-03-29 gernotbelger Code cleanup concerning calculations: improved error handling; improved interpolation; bed heights are now always used for spatial discretisation
2018-03-28 gernotbelger Configured SINFO-zusätzlich selektierte Längsschnitte in datacage
2018-03-28 gernotbelger Fetching year informations for waterlevels used in sinfo
2018-03-28 gernotbelger Implemented datacage for min/max bedheights.
2018-03-28 gernotbelger Added new 'column' xpath function that allows to access a data-column via a name using variable replacement.
2018-03-28 gernotbelger Do not silently eat exceptions!
2018-03-23 gernotbelger Configured datacage for SINFO selektierte zus. Längsschnitte and twin-datacage panel for flowd depth calculation
2018-03-23 gernotbelger Implemented calculation of 'year' for fixations
2018-03-20 gernotbelger Work on SINFO-Fließtiefenentwicklung
2018-03-19 mschaefer BedHeightValue (bed_height_values) extended by two columns for minimum and maximum bed height
2018-03-19 gernotbelger Fixed: flowd depth calculation without transport bodies heights did not work any more
2018-03-19 gernotbelger SINFO - Flow depth development - implemented exporters
2018-03-19 mschaefer Connection to new database table bed_mobility implemented
2018-03-16 gernotbelger Work on SINFO FlowDepth-Development
2018-03-15 gernotbelger Implemented chart output for sinfo flow depth min/max calculation
2018-03-14 gernotbelger Distinguish between csv and pdf column headers
2018-03-14 gernotbelger Work on SINFO-FlowDepthMinMax.
2018-03-14 gernotbelger FixeD: waterlevel got wrong name
2018-03-13 gernotbelger Implementing SINFO - FlowDepthMinMax calculation
2018-03-13 mschaefer Merge
2018-03-13 mschaefer Cascade clause added
2018-03-13 mschaefer Same data types, precision and scale as in Oracle (as far as possible)
2018-03-09 gernotbelger Minor changes to tkh calculation. Loading default bed heights form config file.
2018-03-07 gernotbelger SINFO - tkh, configured result facets and themes
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Preparing for additional outputs of SINFO-Tkh
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Tkh theme should only be pressed to bottom if other themes are present
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Work on Sinfo-tkh - exports; using same logic for wst-description as winfo
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Tkh theme should only be pressed to bottom if other themes are present
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Fixed: introducing the varargs method did brerak some old behaviour, distinguish with method name
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Introduced new hook for chart tweaking.
2018-03-06 gernotbelger wkms name was lost
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Extracting some winfo logic without breaking old code
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Extracting some winfo logic without breaking old code
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Trying to avoid symptoms of == double comparison
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Another nice flys feature... double == comparison
2018-03-06 gernotbelger Fixed some i10n strings
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Basically implemented SINFO-Tkh Exports
2018-03-01 gernotbelger ANother comment
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Removed obsolete and outdated/not-translated extra _en 10n resource
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Using the right locale constant
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Fixed ordering of i10n files, they should be the same for all three.
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Removed obsolete (and outdated) i10n files. Ordered remaining files in the same way.
2018-03-01 gernotbelger Removed diferences between en/default and de/de_DE localizations.
2018-03-01 mschaefer Merge
2018-03-01 mschaefer d50 aggregation by median instead of arithmetic mean,
2018-02-28 mschaefer Merge sinfo/flowdepth/BedQualityD50KmValueFinder
2018-02-26 mschaefer Merge
2018-02-26 mschaefer SINFO Flowdepth: d50 aggregation by median instead of arithmetic mean
2018-02-28 gernotbelger Working on outputmodes of tkh calculation
2018-02-28 gernotbelger Refaktoring of flow depth calculation, extracting tkh part. First implementation of tkh calculation.
2018-02-27 gernotbelger Workflow for SINFO-Transport bodies heights inclduing winfo calculation
2018-02-26 gernotbelger Configured some real fill patterns
2018-02-26 gernotbelger Commented checkstyle from pom becuase it doesnt work with eclipse
2018-02-23 mschaefer SINFO Flowdepth: more error checks, d50 interpolation, avoid negative tkh
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Area chart layers may now have an 'arebgpattern'. Real pattern yet to be defined.
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Adding SInfo results to datacage
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Revering missing .hqignore change
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Reverting missing pom change
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Yust another fixme
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Merge
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Yust another fixme
2018-02-22 gernotbelger Minor changes to helper App so it works
2018-02-20 gernotbelger Moved comments to virtual.xml and configured sinfo themes
2018-02-22 mschaefer S-INFO Flowdepth work on TKH calculation
2018-02-22 mschaefer Merge
2018-02-22 mschaefer forget .hgignore
2018-02-22 mschaefer Implemented S-INFO Flowdepth TKH calculation
2018-02-19 gernotbelger Activated theme 'streckeninformation
2018-02-19 gernotbelger Using correct layer names
2018-02-19 gernotbelger Reactivatd random stuff
2018-02-15 gernotbelger SINFO FlowDepth - slight code cleanup
2018-02-15 gernotbelger Flow-depth-axis and tkh-axis are now synchronized at 0. Show baseline for charts with tkhAxis
2018-02-15 gernotbelger Introduced ChartExtender that allows to tweak the charts for very specific use cases.
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Implemented access to bed measurements
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Calculating moving average of flow depth output
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Allow to configure lower and upper margin of a chart axis
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Missed some places were axes were created
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Missed some places were axes were created
2018-02-14 gernotbelger SINFO-FlowDepth - work on tkh themes
2018-02-14 gernotbelger Some minor changes on chart: allow area-themes to consider range; allow for axis-margins
2018-02-13 gernotbelger Work on SINFO-FlowDepth
2018-02-09 gernotbelger Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth
2018-02-09 gernotbelger Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth
2018-02-09 gernotbelger Slightly better abstraction for extraction waterlevels via datacage
2018-02-09 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.2.2 for changeset de423c2a3c1b 3.2.x
2018-02-09 gernotbelger Further work on SINFO-FlowDepth
2018-02-09 gernotbelger Fixed: reverting removal of module-localization because it is also used at a different place
2018-02-08 gernotbelger Some work on SINFO FlowDepth
2018-02-08 gernotbelger Allow access to staticwqkms data; also allow to acces by km range
2018-02-08 gernotbelger Fixed: strange tweak in w-diferences panel always returned staticwkms factory instead of the original one. In sinfo we need the original one though.
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Fixed some minro layout problems and initial selection.
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Removed obsolete client side module localization
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Just c comment describing an existing bug
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Introduced groups for modules. Modules marked with the same group-id, will be put together in the ui.
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Introduced groups for modules. Modules marked with the same group-id, will be put together in the ui.
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Fixed some typos
2018-02-07 gernotbelger Fixed typo
2018-01-22 Tom Gottfried Checkstyle: define header inline. 3.2.x 3.2.2
2018-01-22 Tom Gottfried Build script: Do not require branch or tag in all repositories. 3.2.x
2018-01-22 Tom Gottfried URL-encode URLs (potentially) containing invalid characters. 3.2.x
2018-01-19 Tom Gottfried Encode fixation preview image-URL with GWT-means. 3.2.x
2018-01-19 gernotbelger Some work on flow depth exporter
2018-01-19 gernotbelger Introduced new number formats for some new data types
2018-01-19 gernotbelger Introduced new FLYS constants class that contains the version number
2018-01-19 gernotbelger Merge with 0862ea5d66baf60e7eee496d130a35157cc9ec12
2018-01-18 Tom Gottfried Add Checkstyle configuration. 3.2.x
2018-01-18 Tom Gottfried Fix license headers. 3.2.x
2018-01-18 Tom Gottfried Fix diverse coding issues. 3.2.x
2018-01-18 Tom Gottfried Fix code style. 3.2.x
2018-01-18 Tom Gottfried Remove unused test code. 3.2.x
2018-01-18 gernotbelger SINFO - first prototype of BArt Fließtiefen
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Some source code comments and fixme's
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Refaktored the DatacageTwinPanel so it is reusable.
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Generalized the FloodplainChoice to a reusable BooleanChoiceState
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Better helper for acessing gauges by station
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Using varargs for message arguments
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Reverting test commit
2018-01-18 gernotbelger Testcommit
2018-01-16 Tom Gottfried Remove unused classes.
2018-01-16 Tom Gottfried Documenting comment.
2018-01-12 Tom Gottfried Encode print URL with GWT-means.
2018-01-12 Tom Gottfried Mark constants final.
2018-01-12 Tom Gottfried Whitespace cosmetics.
2018-01-12 Tom Gottfried Add missing copyright headers.
2017-06-29 Tom Gottfried Fix client build.
2017-06-28 Tom Gottfried Add configurable time tolerance to SAML ticket validation.
2017-05-30 Tom Gottfried Use the webservers log for MapServer.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried ETL: Add shell parameters for config to run script.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried Move README to doc as to include it in package.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried ETL: use Java 7, include run-script and docs when packaging.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried ETL: Update some dependencies.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried Remove unused binaries.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried Do not ignore JARs generally.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete paragraph in README.
2017-05-17 Tom Gottfried Ignore TAGS file.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Geo-Importer: Install dependencies directly on target system.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Remove outdated script.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Upgrade importer to GDAL 1.11.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Whitespace cleanup.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Remove obsolete details from importer docs.
2017-05-16 Tom Gottfried Fix dependency.
2017-05-15 Tom Gottfried Fix path to python importer.
2017-05-15 Tom Gottfried OpenLayers download moved.
2017-05-15 Tom Gottfried Fix D4E framework API-call.
2017-05-15 Tom Gottfried import_river.sh: log less verbose.
2017-05-12 Tom Gottfried Add missing skip-option in import script.
2017-05-10 Tom Gottfried Include init scripts in release bundle.
2017-05-10 Tom Gottfried Add demodata and fix server startup in DB Dockerfile.
2017-05-09 Tom Gottfried min and max must not be equal in LAYER EXTENT in mapfile.
2017-05-09 Tom Gottfried Avoid some annoying NPEs when developing with sparsely filled database.
2017-05-09 Tom Gottfried Report URL on DB connection failure.
2017-04-28 Tom Gottfried Do not filter cross section points for display.
2017-04-13 Tom Gottfried Remove unsed debugging code.
2017-03-14 Tom Gottfried Importer: rename path to extra wsts to avoid non-ascii.
2017-03-14 Tom Gottfried Upgrade to new PostgreSQL JDBC-driver.
2016-02-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Merged
2016-02-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Use new XMLUtils signature when loading themes.
2016-02-16 Tom Gottfried Document singularity of river axes at server start.
2016-02-03 Tom Gottfried Do not use configuration EntityResolver here.
2015-12-28 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.2.1 for changeset d8e3b20e2c93
2015-12-28 Tom Gottfried Add missing newline at end of file. 3.2.1
2015-12-24 Tom Gottfried Entities will be resolved correctly if placeholder is given.
2015-12-24 Tom Gottfried Control directory where axis mapfiles are written.
2015-12-22 Tom Gottfried (Issue1856) Exclude ACC 3.1, use 3.2.2 instead.
2015-12-17 Tom Gottfried Backout revision d793caaf5b5e.
2015-12-17 Tom Gottfried CGI needs to be enabled in jessie.
2015-12-17 Tom Gottfried Small corrections and cosmetics for install docs.
2015-12-16 Tom Gottfried Update install docs.
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried createlang is deprecated and PL/pgSQL installed by default.
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Add Dockerfile for Postgres-DB setup.
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Improve Postgres-DB setup.
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.2.0 for changeset e062d3afd682
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Add missing newlines at end of file. 3.2.0
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Remove unused imports.
2015-12-10 Tom Gottfried Remove indirections internally.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Remove trailing whitespace.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Remove trailing whitespace in properties.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Issue1854: Avoid assumptions about limits of SQL datetime.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Remove unused or redundant imports.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried It comes already ordered from the database.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Issue1854: Use the real data.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Add missing whitespace (syntax error).
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried Issue1854: Adapt to QualityMeasurementFactory and filter with river distance.
2015-12-08 Tom Gottfried It's worth a warning.
2015-12-07 Tom Gottfried Issue1854: Adapt statement to QualityMeasurementFactory
2015-12-03 Tom Gottfried Issue1854: Filter BedOverview down to river distance.
2015-12-03 Tom Gottfried Tidied.
2015-12-02 Tom Gottfried Remove spammy debug line.
2015-12-02 Tom Gottfried Tidied.
2015-11-24 Tom Gottfried Add script to migrate an Oracle DB from schema 3.1.9 to 3.1.10.
2015-11-19 Tom Gottfried Remove invalid public key file.
2015-08-28 Tom Gottfried (issue1839) Consider more than one location in ld_locations.
2015-08-28 Tom Gottfried Force clean dependency management in backend.
2015-08-28 Tom Gottfried Cleanup backend dependencies.
2015-08-28 Tom Gottfried Add unstated dependency.
2015-08-25 Tom Gottfried Remove unused dependency.
2015-08-20 Andre Heinecke issue1841 Only include loads where value != NaN in info service
2015-08-20 Tom Gottfried Remove unused method.
2015-08-20 Tom Gottfried Language corrections in docs.
2015-08-17 Tom Gottfried (issue1838) Remove method in RiverUtils.
2015-08-17 Tom Gottfried (issue1838) Get min and max directly from database.
2015-08-14 Tom Gottfried Upgrade to DBCP 2.1.1
2015-08-13 Tom Gottfried Clean up a few debug messages.
2015-08-11 Sascha L. Teichmann Made ETL process more tolerant for dates in SGM/DIPS gauges. Upgrade to ojdbc6.jar.
2015-06-26 Tom Gottfried Remove indirection via RiverUtils to obtain reference gauge and reduce casts.
2015-06-26 Tom Gottfried (issue1801) Remove indirection via RiverUtils for obtaining reference gauge.
2015-06-26 Tom Gottfried A duration curve is always calculated for a single location.
2015-06-26 Tom Gottfried Remove further indirection in WINFOArtifact.
2015-06-24 Andre Heinecke (issue1801) Code cleanups
2015-06-24 Andre Heinecke (issue1801) Unify reference gauge finding code
2015-06-19 Andre Heinecke Add quotes in Path tests to avoid wrong results if variables are unset
2015-06-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1824) Install smartgwt from file base on SMARTGWT environment variable
2015-06-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1824) Use fixed smartgwt version and add rationale for this.
2015-06-19 Andre Heinecke Do not die if work dir is clean.
2015-06-19 Andre Heinecke (issue1448) Make sq time intervals distinct only for non epoch loads
2015-06-08 Andre Heinecke Remove unused variable and microoptimize loop variables.
2015-06-08 Andre Heinecke (issue1788) Fix area split if there are no NaN's in the data
2015-06-05 Tom Gottfried We expect that every river has only one RiverAxis of kind 1
2015-06-05 Tom Gottfried Avoid writing defect mapfiles for layers without extent.
2015-05-21 Tom Gottfried Remove accidentaly commited temporary debug lines.
2015-05-21 Tom Gottfried (issue1550) Fix writing parameter -GEL to parameter file.
2015-05-08 Tom Gottfried Install doc: update to latest changes in binary packages.
2015-05-07 Tom Gottfried Importer-packaging: just a warning would end up with a package that really looks like VERSION.
2015-05-07 Tom Gottfried Added tag 3.1.10 for changeset 1bc1d6969520
2015-05-07 Tom Gottfried Release script: just a warning would end up with a package that really looks like VERSION (e.g. if -t was forgotten). 3.1.10
2015-05-07 Tom Gottfried Release script: use newer patch build of Smart GWT.
2015-05-06 Tom Gottfried (issue1798) Handle the case when there are no data in the diagram.
2015-05-06 Tom Gottfried Facet-Metadata: Don't put the value into the key.
2015-05-06 Tom Gottfried Bedheight differences PDF-export: there might be multiple differences, so place them at the bottom of the title band.
2015-05-06 Tom Gottfried Release script: prevent gunzip from asking for overwrite.
2015-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2015-04-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports.
2015-04-30 Tom Gottfried (issue1754) Handle the case if no radius is given.
2015-04-30 Andre Heinecke (issue1754) Remove default subtitle hack
2015-04-30 Andre Heinecke (issue1754) Proper subtitle handling for Radius
2015-04-30 Andre Heinecke (issue1754) Add subtitle to output for Minfo Diff's and Flow velocity
2015-04-29 Tom Gottfried (issue1801) Reference gauge for waterlevel calculation depends on direction of calculation or flow direction.
