2015-04-29 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Fix check for empty data bounds
2015-04-29 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1801) Determine gauge at a station always with same tolerance.
2015-04-29 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Fix Radius calculation for filtered (smoothed) facets
2015-04-28 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Do not base smoothing radius on calculation range
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Do not filter BedHeightSoundings to range.
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
Deduplicate code in Minfo / Wifo difference select states.
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
Deduplicate W / BedHeight Difference selection panel code
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
Backout 8716:b5ac17a10d22 Regression risk too high.
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
Backout 8709:71ae18553377 Regression risk too high.
2015-04-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Only create new Recommendations
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1448) There is no more need for off_epoch infos
2015-04-24 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1602) We don't distinguish between types since sometime but we want to have metadata at the facet.
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1448) Remove obsolete code for OfficalEpoch "Calculation"
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1448) Localize SedimentLoadInfo Exceptions shown in the client
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1448) Also filter epoch values in sq_time_interval mode
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
Improve ArtifactHelper creation debug output
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Also fixup master artifact for already loaded recommendations
2015-04-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
Change database connection debug output to traces
2015-04-15 |
Andre Heinecke |
Change some debugs to trace in theme factory
2015-04-24 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1750) Apply schema changes to oracle, which are already done for PostgreSQL.
2015-04-23 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1787) Globally sorting WST-columns over avg(Q)+max(Q) might give unexpected results at some kms. We thus sort locally since Rev 93a31cfb18c0.
2015-04-23 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1787) Sort WQ data locally over Q bevor lookup of Qs for given W.
2015-04-23 |
Tom Gottfried |
Avoid NPE: fixRes is null if wqkms.lenght==0.
2015-04-23 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove some superfluous debug output and obsolete outcommented code.
2015-04-22 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1602) Use correct descriptor for sounding width y-data.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove useless line of code (thanks for the hint, SLT).
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1670) Remove parallel implementation for gaps in line themes.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1670) Purge obsolete if-branching.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1670) There is no point in refilling half of the gaps.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1670) Remove 99-percent copy-paste method, which had been used only once.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1670) We want to see gaps larger than 100 m, not 100 km.
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1750) Use new MeasuremenStation-methods to find companion station and do less checking for inconsistent data (schema or at least importer do the job now).
2015-04-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1750) New methods for finding the actual location and companion station of a measurement station.
2015-04-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1750) Consistently attach parameters of suspended respectively bedload material to measurement station of respective type.
2015-04-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1750) There can be only one SQ-relation of a parameter for a time range (given by sq_relation_id) per station and some other attributes might be null.
2015-04-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Handle empty strings as missing values without warning when parsing SQ-relations.
2015-04-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) Reduce code-duplication (patch by Sascha Teichmann).
2015-04-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) Empty strings are most likely intended as missing values, so don't try to parse them (plus enhanced logging).
2015-04-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1796) We don't necessarily need the river Rhine. SedDB river names are purely optional.
2015-04-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1755) Remove redundant conditional checks.
2015-04-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1755) The essence is that interpolation is impossible though their might be data.
2015-04-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1796) Use seddb name of a river when accessing the seddb
2015-04-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue 1796) Scheme change! Add model for seddb_name lookup table.
2015-04-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
issue1755 Prevent out of bounds access when there is no data
2015-04-10 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) Fix filtering of lines when parsing bed heights.
2015-04-10 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) We have UNIQUE(station, bedHeight) since Rev 2d16f4a0bdcc and comparing with the other parameters will never return any row if any of them is null.
2015-04-10 |
Tom Gottfried |
Fix spelling and whitespace-cleanup in ETL-README.
2015-04-10 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Add non empty measurement facets again
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Importer, do not jump knowingly over the cliff.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1755) Fix i18n.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Mavenize importer packaging and allow packaging for specific versions and database systems.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) Correct properties in importer scripts.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Correct usage section in release script.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove outdated contributed scripts in backend.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove outdated or useless README-files in backend.
2015-04-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Move importer configuration to a single place.
2015-04-09 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Some spelling fixes for problems in bedquality calc
2015-04-09 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Add Problem also if a result is not interpolateable
2015-04-08 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Only add facets / results when they do not consist exlcusively of NaN values.
2015-04-08 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1763) Use more distinct constraint names and adapt drop-script.
2015-04-08 |
Tom Gottfried |
Move static measurement types to their natural home.
2015-04-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1787) Do not accept any non-NaN W-value but check for epsilon.
2015-04-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Sorting rows is a prerequisite.
2015-04-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use EpsilonComparator instead of redundant implementation.