2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1750) Check for stations according to measurement station range logic
2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Increase widht of PARAMETER column
2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Use epsilon comparator to compare range km's
2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
Lowercase additional call to createPropertyUi
2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Fix editing the point color (not Color) of SQThemes.
2015-03-20 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1051) Show offending value in year format error
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1051) Fix recommended official epochs for period mode
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1051) Validate epochs before adding them to the list
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Filter out NaN values before creating the interplation function
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Fix export order of multiple result columns
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Fix filtering of BedQuality user facets
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
Don't warn for defined behavior.
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Add interpolated facets and update themes accordingly
2015-03-19 |
Andre Heinecke |
Don't die if only one year is selected for SedimentLoad calculation
2015-03-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
Remove obsolete class
2015-03-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
Remove additionally uneccessary file.
2015-03-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
Remove unecessary imports
2015-03-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Generalise BedQuality result handling
2015-03-17 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1599) Fix ManualPoints axis for bedheight_middle outputs.
2015-03-17 |
Andre Heinecke |
Reduce duplicated functions to obtain layer descritpions for bedquality
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Add range to W / Bed difference export.
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
Add jasper -> jrxml converted files.
2015-03-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Update SQL-statements to schema-changes in rev 6d8d7425a6b5.
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Interpolate BedQuality Results
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Format S with only up to three fractional digits
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Add english measurements jasper template
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Implement PDF export of SQ Measurement data.
2015-03-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Use different theme for measurements overview and single diagrams
2015-03-11 |
Andre Heinecke |
Renable access to seddb sessions
2015-03-10 |
Andre Heinecke |
Merge of MINFO improvement developments
2015-03-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
There seems to be no use case for not overriding these methods.
2015-03-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
The bug that motivated this extremely defensive error-handling was fixed in Rev fe7e9da6312a by nomore calling close() on a private variable.
2015-03-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove superfluous private variable.
2015-02-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1798) Adjust WinCM according to W in NHN axis on explicit zoom
2015-02-26 |
Andre Heinecke |
Do not get any wst values just to get the name of the differences for export.
2015-02-26 |
Andre Heinecke |
Readd StaticWQKmsCacheKey and use it again.
2015-02-26 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use updated class name instead of no more existant.
2015-02-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1797) Increase session debug output
2015-02-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1797) Move close into session release and guard it.
2015-02-17 |
Andre Heinecke |
Replace offensive comment by a more constructive note.
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(Issue1755) Add distance step selection to bed quality artifact
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
Move static operation out of loop.
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1755) Move KM Step handling from Winfo artifact to RangeAccess
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Accept more elevation system names (e.g. with hyphen).
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Meta-data on sounding width associated to bed heights is redundant to real data associated to values.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Bed heights are just bed heights since a while ('single' is obsolete).
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete class hierarchy for bed height data.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Abstract parser for bed heights is obsolete.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Importer: Remove obsolete interface for bed heights.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete interface for bed height values.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Morphological width imported and stored with heights is redundant to table morphologic_width.
2015-02-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
bed height differences datacage: only supply differences where subtrahend is older than minuend or year is unknown.
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Add km filtering for winfo anf fixanal results in difference calculations
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
Actually configure a bedheight cache.
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Fix wst static cache name.
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Extend WKms interface for KM filtering
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Gracefully handle empty differenc results (e.g from km 0,001 to 0,002)
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1754) Add distantce handling to WINFO differences state
2015-02-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
Warn for not implemented difference handling of minfo artifacts.
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1750) It is an error if there are more then two stations at the same range.
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(Issue1754) Make BedDifference calculation range dependent.
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1750) Take Static SQ Relations based on a range and merge them together
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Remove "measured" from CSV header
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Add measurements to CSV export
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Add SQ Measurement dates as text annotations to points
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Carry measurement date through SQ values
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1753) Add label theme for SQMeasurements
2015-02-13 |
Andre Heinecke |
Log the server startup to stdout
2015-02-12 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1599) Add manualpoints theme for MSH
2015-02-12 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1068) Add different theme for SQOutlier curves and increase SQCurve linesize to 2
2015-02-12 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1786) Enable manualline facets for cross section charts
2015-02-12 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue869) Remove horizontal lines in parameters
2015-02-11 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1051) Use a list of single years in SedimentLoadYear mode
2015-02-11 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1051) Add input support for epochs
2015-02-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1788) Do not divide area by two.
2015-02-18 |
Tom Gottfried |
(issue1717) Use unified description for y-field in editor for manual points in historical discharge time-diagrams.
2015-02-17 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1795) Handle modules configuration for any module
2015-02-17 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1794) Safeguard against layers without extent.
2015-01-30 |
Andre Heinecke |
Update uuid of "Rhein"
2015-01-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1777) Move logging code for existing tickets to the correct location
2015-01-12 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove useless i18n that cannot be called from server anyhow.
2014-12-19 |
Tom Gottfried |
Release script: build binaries for publication when tagging and slightly mavenize the whole process.
2014-12-19 |
Tom Gottfried |
Useful default for path to DEMs.
2014-12-19 |
Tom Gottfried |
It's useful to have an uncompressed tar to which more files can be appended.
2014-12-19 |
Tom Gottfried |
We don't need the base directory in the assembly.
2014-12-19 |
Tom Gottfried |
Let overview be the first tab in SQ relation output.
2014-12-18 |
Tom Gottfried |
On error log error.
2014-12-18 |
Tom Gottfried |
Set useful default for mapserver-URLs.
2014-12-18 |
Tom Gottfried |
Exclude transitive dependency because of conflicting version which breaks charting.
2014-12-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Update Oracle-POM in backend and add pom-oracle.xml with respective dependency to artifacts.
2014-12-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Configure standalone binary assembly.
2014-12-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use Maven instead of potentially outdated JARs for creation of h2-databases. TODO: adapt release script.
2014-12-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
OpenLayers download moved to github.
2014-12-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Put artifact server run-script in it's final place.
2014-12-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
ETL: Upgrade PostgreSQL dependency to same version as river-backend.
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1782) Invert artifact range if necessary in officiallinefinder
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1782) Invert KM filter if from is larger then to
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1782) Select index based on km for step generation
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1777) Evaluate CLIENT_CONF environment variable
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1777) Add options to change login redirect and disable login
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1777) Log saml logins also as info without username.
2014-12-16 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1777) Hide logout button if it is configured.
2014-12-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Whitespace-cleanup in XML-files.
2014-12-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
Release script: remove installation specific defaults and give the possibility to overwrite any config-file in WEB-INF.
2014-12-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
The used patch build of SmartGWT is not available anymore.
2014-12-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
Release script: use trusted connections to repositories.
2014-12-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete Wiki-URL config in client.
2014-12-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
The base-URL comes from elsewhere. Other *.properties-files know that already.
2014-12-12 |
Tom Gottfried |
Do not filter tables without end date in recommendations for historical discharge tables.
2014-12-04 |
Tom Gottfried |
Artifact-server config in release script: remove installation specific defaults and give the possibility to overwrite any config-file.
2014-12-04 |
Tom Gottfried |
Do not give Oracle-JARs with hardcoded personal path in release script.
2014-12-04 |
Tom Gottfried |
Correct header for release script.
2014-12-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Added tag 3.1.9 for changeset 7bc675e4e6e0
2014-12-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Remove trailing whitespace.
2014-12-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-12-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Time series chart: bounds cannot allways be assumed to be given.
2014-12-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Do not flood log with details about all facets.
2014-12-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Datacage config: Oracle has no boolean data type and thus can not handle such CASE-statement in WHERE-clause.
2014-12-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove non-existant artifact from config.
2014-11-28 |
Tom Gottfried |
Make maxWait configurable and wait for 30 seconds
2014-11-28 |
Tom Gottfried |
maxWait should be set independendly of validationQuery.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use validation queries for release.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use explicit query to avoid hibernate connection leak.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Connection pool: do not wait forever for new connections and be more verbose.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Upgrade hibernate.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add missing annotation.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use RiverAccess instead of RiverUtils.
2014-11-27 |
Tom Gottfried |
We depend on PostreSQL >= 9.1 at least since rev 598e4bec920b (because of CTE).
2014-11-26 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use portable validation queries.
2014-11-26 |
Tom Gottfried |
The used patch build of SmartGWT is not available anymore.
2014-11-25 |
Andre Heinecke |
Add validation-query to example configuration.
2014-11-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Datacage: order WSTs according to column numbers in import files.
2014-11-18 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1772) Use 0.001km tolarance instead of 0.1 to find matching km.
2014-11-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete lines from drop script.
2014-11-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added a validation SQL query to database backends.
2014-11-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove docs for specific system.
2014-11-05 |
Tom Gottfried |
Cross section navigation: behave equally, regardless of whether an input value is below or above the range of possible values.
2014-11-05 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1767) Fix lookup of closest value.
2014-11-05 |
Tom Gottfried |
Gauge locations are obsolete since a long time.
2014-11-04 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1767) Fix closet next value selection.
2014-11-04 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add possibility to pack install-script in release tarball.
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove no more existant processor from config.
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete historical discharge curve implementations.
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Load discharge curves via recommendations in historical discharge calculation. ToDo: Remove the other logic to load them.
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Accept number as argument in dc:date-format().
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Unify wording and spelling for axis fixation in chart properties editor.
2014-10-30 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete setting of start date.
2014-10-30 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1764) Use datepicker with text field
2014-10-29 |
Andre Heinecke |
Improve error handling.
2014-10-29 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1764) Set upper-time and lower-time for time series axes
2014-10-29 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1764) Handle date ranges in chart properties editor
2014-10-29 |
Tom Gottfried |
Recognize the 'no-data value' of fromkm and tokm in datacage statement for discharge curves.
2014-10-28 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1732) When duplication wsplgen artificats fix shapefile layers
2014-10-28 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1733) Use rangeaccess to access range information in location select
2014-10-28 |
Tom Gottfried |
The used patch build of SmartGWT is not available anymore. The newer was used for the 3.1.8 release already.
2014-10-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1733) Fix locationdistancepanel
2014-10-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1733) Fix switch between location and distance
2014-10-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1733) Remove weird and broken code (fixes tab selection)
2014-10-27 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1733) Clearly set location distance defaults
2014-10-24 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1769) Adapt release script for new print url.
2014-10-24 |
Tom Gottfried |
In case to equals from, and only in this case, there should be only one class. Then we have to set an arbitrary value > 0 for step because the user is allowed to give step=0.
2014-10-22 |
Andre Heinecke |
(issue1762) Use getValue to obtain dateRange values
2014-10-21 |
Tom Gottfried |
Do not transform Q values from cm to m.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Added tag 3.1.8 for changeset 7cb55659646d
2014-10-20 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Avoid encoding problem with NaN in bed difference export.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Adapt PDF-export to new columns in bed differences result.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Mention gauge name in theme name for historical discharge curves.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
More cleanup in discharge data processing.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
Unify descriptions of model discharge curve at gauge.
2014-10-20 |
Tom Gottfried |
For fixation analysis, allow loading discharge curves from multiple gauges on calculation range via datacage.
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Antiprogramming (in german: 'Softwareabwicklung')
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
i18n cleanup.
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Load sounding width via recommendations for bed height differences and cleanup and fix related bed height macros.
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove obsolete class.
2014-10-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
Do not add a sounding width facet for bed height differences.
2014-10-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
fixed bed difference export.
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
There might be no sounding width given at some stations of a bed height single.
2014-10-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete import.
2014-10-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-10-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-10-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added i18n strings for sounding width and data gap.
2014-10-17 |
Raimund Renkert |
Bedheight differences exports sounding width and data gap for minuend and subtrahend.
2014-10-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Only draw discharge curve if on same station as navigation.
2014-10-17 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed morpho width from bed height diffs.
2014-10-17 |
Tom Gottfried |
Do not filter bed heights by year in datacage for optional data (plus some cleanup).
2014-10-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Give ordered list of measurement stations at river.
2014-10-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add comment to measurement stations info.
2014-10-16 |
Tom Gottfried |
Reduce code duplication and repair filter for sediment load-recommendations.
2014-10-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
SCHEMA CHANGE: 'comment' is not acceptable as column name for Oracle.
2014-10-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
More detailed documentation on SQ-relation import.
2014-10-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
We only want to use stations with an end km.
2014-10-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
SCHEMA CHANGE: removed superfluous columns station and river_id from measurement_stations and adapted other components accordingly.
2014-10-15 |
Tom Gottfried |
SCHEMA CHANGE: There is no boolean data type in oracle, and therefore it's no good idea to use it in postgresql.
2014-10-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
Whitespace cleanup and small addition regarding sediment load at measurement stations.
2014-10-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
Purge redundant station-column (the values will go to kmstart).
2014-10-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
Purge sorting stations without range to end of list.
2014-10-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
Put date range into facet descriptions for curve and measurements.
2014-10-14 |
Tom Gottfried |
Distinguish between types of measurement stations and filter appropriately (plus minor cleanup in related classes).
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Unify colors of SQ-relations and distinguish outliers by point size.
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove non-mapped dependencies of removed theme.
2014-10-13 |
Tom Gottfried |
Theme-style cleanup for discharge curves.
2014-10-10 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add possibility to give custom client log4j.properties.
2014-10-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Added tag 3.1.7 for changeset 319aa972a1a3
2014-10-09 |
Raimund Renkert |
Fixed date filter for fix overview.
2014-10-09 |
Tom Gottfried |
Log successful/unsuccessful authentication without traceback.
2014-10-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Backed out changeset da67b2bca1c0 Not needed.
2014-10-09 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixing overview filter: Accept date range as UNIX time stamps, too.
2014-10-08 |
Raimund Renkert |
Add location data to sq relation artifact. Fixed station name.
2014-10-08 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added location to measurement station sq relation.
2014-10-08 |
Tom Gottfried |
Further subtitle cleanup (including obsolete classes using them).
2014-10-08 |
Raimund Renkert |
If context contains pnp, transform W to m.
2014-10-08 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Only the master-artifact should decide about injected CURRENT_KM et al. (and removed dependend obsolete class).
2014-10-08 |
Raimund Renkert |
Removed dependency to FixWQCurveGenerator in processor.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
For whatever reason (if any) facet descriptions with trailing whitespace are stripped from the legend.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Removed some code duplication and moved macros to more appropriate places in file.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Fixed some typos in datacage docs.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Unify discharge curve subtitles.
2014-10-07 |
Raimund Renkert |
Try to determine gauge by km in gauge discharge facet for exporter.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Use more recent SmartGWT-build.
2014-10-07 |
Tom Gottfried |
Add possibility to give custom config for server log.
2014-10-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
Transform export in cm at gauge. TODO: don't transfrom twice if coming from PegelInfo.
2014-10-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
2014-10-06 |
Raimund Renkert |
Use context constant for current km in fix delta w/t generator.
2014-10-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
Purge RiverUtils from ATExporter.
2014-10-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
Manual points shall be plotted in discharge diagrams.
2014-10-06 |
Tom Gottfried |
It's the description we want to see in the legend, not the facet name.
2014-10-03 |
Tom Gottfried |
Q-symmetric datacage configuration for user-data.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Make derived curve-diagram working with subtitle.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Re-add line previously removed accidentally between lots of comments.
2014-10-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Added km sub title to fix derivate curve, too.
2014-10-02 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete import.
2014-10-02 |
Raimund Renkert |
2014-10-02 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added i18n strings.
2014-10-02 |
Raimund Renkert |
Fixed W/Q diagram subtitle in fix analysis.
2014-10-02 |
Raimund Renkert |
Use the CURRENT_KM constant from injectors.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
The current km is needed for SQ diagrams too.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Overwriting the current km in context gives unexpected results if artifacts from different km have been loaded.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
s/logger/log/ or removed unused logger.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
dataset can be null.
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
Fetch current km from context (and remove obsolete or superfluous comments and logging).
2014-10-02 |
Tom Gottfried |
wUnit might be null.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Purge obsolete representation of reference system for discharge tables.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Instead of adding datum to Q-values, correctly transform W-values to meter above datum.
2014-10-01 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-10-01 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed obsolete imports.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Deliver historical discharge curves in meter, not centimeter over datum.
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
Use the current km from context for fix analysis W/Q subtitle.
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
Updated i18n strings.
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
Added y axis label to discharge processors.
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
Use i18n string for w in cm axis.
2014-10-01 |
Raimund Renkert |
Fixed i18n string for x axis label in discharge curves.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Never ever set current km via RiverUtils.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Remove misplaced file extension.
2014-10-01 |
Tom Gottfried |
Let injectors be strictly distinct from each other and give more meaningful names (they know what they do, not where they will be used. The latter is configuration).