
age author description
2013-02-14 Tom Gottfried SCHEMA CHANGE: added 'ON DELETE CASCADE' where necessary to delete complete rivers (only in Postgres-Schema so far) dami
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller FLYS: For Gauge Main Value view, avoid corner cases of gauge range.
2013-02-14 Andre Heinecke If we bother to check if the file is readable we might also dami
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller GaugeInfoPanel: Smarter formatten link, i18n.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller QDTable: Doc.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller Fix i18n in GaugeInfo Basedataview. Include Q values.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller GaugeInfoHead: Removed (not used anymore).
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller WQInputPanel: Whitespace cosmetics.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller WQInputPanel: Removed unnecessary parameter from function.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: (first draft) In GaugeInfo show link to show main values.
2013-02-14 Felix Wolfsteller flys-client: Whitespace and doc cosemtics.
2013-02-11 Felix Wolfsteller WaterlevelExporter: Doc and issue-TODO.
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Use os.access instead of try/except open dami
2013-02-13 Tom Gottfried corrected Typo dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke I'm learning how to use cursors \o/ dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Add dgm file reader although an awk script should have been more appropiate dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Handle transformation errors dami
2013-02-13 Christian Lins Change default river/background WMS URLs in floodmap.xml and change srid to 31467.
2013-02-13 Christian Lins Adapting background WMS service in rivermap.xml.
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Update documentation and example run script dami
2013-02-13 Andre Heinecke Add handling of River Names and remove target_src parameter dami
2013-02-07 Christian Lins Map printing in landscape mode. Layout still buggy.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller FixRealizingCalculation: TODO/issue comment.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller Calculation4: Doc and TODO/issue.
2013-02-06 Felix Wolfsteller FLYSArtifactCollection: Doc.
2013-02-05 Christian Lins Editing Map print config.
2013-02-05 Felix Wolfsteller flys/issue1109/1: Include unit in label for "corrected W".
2013-02-04 Andre Heinecke Importer: Fix the order of the config check dami
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Move classes to its own java file
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Render text in Abflusstafel/-kurve cell like a "normal" html link
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Add click handler to create an artifact for Abflusstafel-/kurve from a pegel cell
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Display Ablusstafel/-kurve in Pegelinfo
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Add data for Ablusstafel/-kurve to GaugeRecord class
2013-02-04 Björn Ricks Use VLayout instead of GWTs DecoratorPanel
2013-02-01 Björn Ricks Refactor Pegel- and Messtelleninfo in client ui
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add HWS lines stub. Needs some example data to finish dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add db migration script for postgres to track schema changes dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke SCHEMA CHANGE: extended hydr_boundaries tables dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Add sectie and strover to boundaries and select more dami
2013-02-01 Andre Heinecke Importer: Check lowercase pathname and handle utf-8 conversion dami
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.9 for changeset 53be73133104
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. 2.9.9
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed epsilon calc in ATExporter.
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Fix cr/nl in ATWriter.
2013-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Added tag 2.9.9 for changeset 859278918eb1
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Aft: make run.sh executable
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Merge
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Aft: Update documentation for target schema
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Merged.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Use different header in AT export files for gauges and at km.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Fixed AT exporter: Do not multiply W with factor 100.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Renamed 'W fÃŒr ungleichwertigen ...' to 'W fÃŒr benutzerdefinierten...'
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Write some more metadata in AT-export header.
2013-01-31 Raimund Renkert Fixed mainvalues artifact.
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Remove schema patch now that we are in a branch dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: - Handle regular expressions for attribute names dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Import hws_points based on geom type dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Allow Bundeslaender with spaces dami
2013-01-31 Andre Heinecke Importer: Classify hochufer as Deich dami
