
age author description
2018-07-16 mschaefer Made serializable for use with FloodDurationCalculationResults
2018-07-13 mschaefer Added W and Q main values to S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-13 gernotbelger fixation refactoring and inputItem behaviour to interfaces
2018-07-13 gernotbelger Merge from 3.2.1
2018-07-13 gernotbelger Zusammenführen
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Fixed: NPE when recalculating tkh
2018-07-12 mschaefer Work on S-Info flood duration curve chart
2018-07-12 mschaefer Using varargs for msg arguments
2018-07-12 gernotbelger bundu showHint "JJJJ"
2018-07-12 gernotbelger Historical Result
2018-07-12 gernotbelger pseudo epoch for salix.historical
2018-07-12 gernotbelger salix.historical.distance_only_part detail work
2018-07-12 gernotbelger some hibernate queries on bedheigts for salix
2018-07-11 gernotbelger bedheight datasource for salix.historical
2018-07-11 gernotbelger commit error
2018-07-11 gernotbelger salix.supraRegional+Regional results
2018-07-11 gernotbelger SupraRegionalTable final review
2018-07-10 gernotbelger minor bugfixes
2018-07-10 gernotbelger comment vergessen zu löschen
2018-07-10 gernotbelger salix.supraregional better error- + advance-handling
2018-07-10 gernotbelger salix.supraregional table revision -> Anschluss
2018-07-10 gernotbelger salix.supraregional ui
2018-07-06 mschaefer S-Info flood durations with automatic km step width
2018-07-06 gernotbelger sinfo.flood_duration step entfernt bei Eingabe 100m-step muss noch hinzugefügt werden
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Cleanup and more fail safe
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Configured 'year' attributes on bed heights,certain waterlevels and fixation results; this is used in the intelligent datacage selection for waterlevels-soundings
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Implemented xpath function that selectes the 'mean year' of a fixation-artifact.
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Finetuning intelligent waterlevel-sounding select.
2018-07-06 gernotbelger Using a bed height without year in tkh calculation now throws an immediate error
2018-07-05 mschaefer Different themes/facets for left bank and right bank infrastructures in S-Info flood durations, some fixmes done
2018-07-05 gernotbelger JUnit-Tests finish
2018-07-04 gernotbelger Allow to control specific behaviour in TwinDatacagePanel
2018-07-04 gernotbelger JUnit-Tests - tkh works
2018-07-04 gernotbelger klasse vergessen
2018-07-04 gernotbelger salix workflow little improvments
2018-07-04 gernotbelger uinfo.salix.scen_historical workflow
2018-07-04 gernotbelger uinfo.salix regional workflow
2018-07-04 gernotbelger Exchanged left and right side for waterlevel/sounding selection
2018-07-04 gernotbelger Allow to filter contents of datacage on client side.
2018-07-04 mschaefer Fixed getBedHeights (removed the obsolete km filtering loop)
2018-07-04 mschaefer Bed height queries extended by km range condition
2018-07-04 gernotbelger header fix flood_duration
2018-07-03 gernotbelger second themes format (make compare with first possible again)
2018-07-03 gernotbelger work on collison, flood_duration
2018-07-03 gernotbelger Made DateRange class immutable
2018-07-03 gernotbelger Fixed: typo
2018-07-03 gernotbelger Ignored additional conf files
2018-07-03 gernotbelger SINFO-TKH: definition der standard sohlhöhen jetzt mit Gültigkeitsstrecke. Definitionsdateien aufgeteilt in eine pro Gewässer.
2018-07-03 gernotbelger Fixed: was using java 7 features in java 6 code
2018-07-03 gernotbelger index
2018-07-03 gernotbelger funcion replaced by interface
2018-07-02 mschaefer Merge
2018-07-02 mschaefer Fixed approx char restaurated, findValue condition for zone name corrected
2018-07-02 gernotbelger inundationDuration/floodDuration multiple columns+chartLines refactoring
2018-07-02 mschaefer Individual facets/themes for single years i the S-Info collisions output
2018-07-02 gernotbelger AbstractSInfoLineProcessor refactoring
2018-07-02 mschaefer More work on calculations and output for S-Info flood duration workflow (chart types 1 and 2)
2018-07-01 mschaefer Renamed getValues... to fetch...
2018-06-29 gernotbelger refactoring on processors
2018-06-29 gernotbelger Ignore contents of folder shapefiles, because it contains runtime data
