2018-04-12 |
gernotbelger |
Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 |
gernotbelger |
Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 |
gernotbelger |
Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 |
gernotbelger |
Work on uinfo
2018-04-12 |
gernotbelger |
Introduced UNFO module
2018-04-11 |
gernotbelger |
2018-04-11 |
gernotbelger |
SInfo - FlowDepthMinMax: choosing bed heights, not bed height min and max separately
2018-04-10 |
mschaefer |
Changed a few import paths
2018-04-10 |
mschaefer |
Parse via decimalformat instead of bigdecimal constructor (to cope with strings with chars after the actual number)
2018-04-10 |
mschaefer |
Oracle schema extension added, a few changes in the postgresql schema
2018-04-09 |
mschaefer |
Fixed several BigDecimal(double) creations by BigDecimal(String) parsing to avoid unnecessary decimal digits
2018-04-08 |
mschaefer |
Checks added for missing import directory
2018-04-08 |
mschaefer |
Modification of the range adding fixed
2018-04-08 |
mschaefer |
Database inserts accelerated by suppressing unnecessary database queries for new data series
2018-04-06 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO Exporters
2018-04-06 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO Exporters
2018-04-06 |
gernotbelger |
Do not print traces, they will always pop up
2018-04-06 |
gernotbelger |
new messages for pdf export
2018-04-06 |
gernotbelger |
Fixed bad expression
2018-04-05 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO - show results themes according to spec, either raw data or floating mean values.
2018-04-05 |
gernotbelger |
Fixed: 'error_no_export_found' after changing calculation mode in SINFO.
2018-04-05 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO Calculations: do not produce result rows if some input data has missing values.
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Two fixes for the tkh and selected additionals import
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Range data handled consistently as BigDecimal to minimize the fractional part of a and b
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Added new columns bed_height.comment and sounding_width_info; extended the bed height parser for the new meta data and the min/max_height columns
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Added some trim and lowercase in the where clauses of the selects of existing recordsets; added AnnotationType select
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
New field wsts.sinfo_selection
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Fixed sequence name
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Importer for the Schifffahrt (S-INFO) and Oekologie (U-INFO) files
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
SLF4J added and configureLogging in main
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Avoid guessing year 1950 for HQ50 etc.
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Create new tables for S-INFO and U-INFO
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Add wsts column for S-INFO selection flag
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Add two bed_height meta info columns and bed_height_values min/max_height
2018-04-03 |
mschaefer |
Datatype changes from rev 8942 reverted
2018-03-29 |
gernotbelger |
Code cleanup concerning calculations: improved error handling; improved interpolation; bed heights are now always used for spatial discretisation
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Configured SINFO-zusätzlich selektierte Längsschnitte in datacage
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Fetching year informations for waterlevels used in sinfo
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Implemented datacage for min/max bedheights.
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Added new 'column' xpath function that allows to access a data-column via a name using variable replacement.
2018-03-28 |
gernotbelger |
Do not silently eat exceptions!
2018-03-23 |
gernotbelger |
Configured datacage for SINFO selektierte zus. Längsschnitte and twin-datacage panel for flowd depth calculation
2018-03-23 |
gernotbelger |
Implemented calculation of 'year' for fixations
2018-03-20 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO-Fließtiefenentwicklung
2018-03-19 |
mschaefer |
BedHeightValue (bed_height_values) extended by two columns for minimum and maximum bed height
2018-03-19 |
gernotbelger |
Fixed: flowd depth calculation without transport bodies heights did not work any more
2018-03-19 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO - Flow depth development - implemented exporters
2018-03-19 |
mschaefer |
Connection to new database table bed_mobility implemented
2018-03-16 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO FlowDepth-Development
2018-03-15 |
gernotbelger |
Implemented chart output for sinfo flow depth min/max calculation
2018-03-14 |
gernotbelger |
Distinguish between csv and pdf column headers
2018-03-14 |
gernotbelger |
Work on SINFO-FlowDepthMinMax.
2018-03-14 |
gernotbelger |
FixeD: waterlevel got wrong name
2018-03-13 |
gernotbelger |
Implementing SINFO - FlowDepthMinMax calculation
2018-03-13 |
mschaefer |
2018-03-13 |
mschaefer |
Cascade clause added
2018-03-13 |
mschaefer |
Same data types, precision and scale as in Oracle (as far as possible)
2018-03-09 |
gernotbelger |
Minor changes to tkh calculation. Loading default bed heights form config file.
2018-03-07 |
gernotbelger |
SINFO - tkh, configured result facets and themes
2018-03-06 |
gernotbelger |
Preparing for additional outputs of SINFO-Tkh