
age author description
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Handle bedheightdiff-facets in LS Generator.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1393: Add bedheight-difference facets to chart.xml longitudinal-section
2013-07-29 Andre Heinecke Do not translate river annotations twice. (issue1370)
2013-07-26 Andre Heinecke Activate also in historical discharge
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: SedimentLoadExporter: Implemented rough output.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Prepare i18n for issue1416.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Use full stop in doc. This fixes my syntax highlight :) .
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Use foreach instead of for-loop.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc, vimline.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Added @Override annotation.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-29 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller Cosmetics, docs, imports.
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: fixed typos, language and formatting issues for hydrological data double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: cross section import completed. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer Doc: document that Amtl_Linien.config is needed. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: move paragraphs on main values and WST to correct section double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: comment out obsolete paragraph on invalid gauge numbers. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: small formating corrections to overview. double-precision
2013-07-26 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: small language corrections to Overview double-precision
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1416: Move a stub new SedimentLoadExporter in place.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller BedDifferenceExporter: Added licence header.
2013-07-26 Felix Wolfsteller issue1259: in WQAdaptedInputPanel (vollmer w/q-input) allow
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1413: Only show unknown sediment loads of selected unit type.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller SedimentLoadUnknownFacet: Removed another debugging obstacle (wrong class for logger).
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller Fix, missed to commit a typo correction.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller Fixed typo that made me search longer than necessary.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue1415: Update state of artifact when storing artifact.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1415: Define update statement for artifacts state.
2013-07-25 Andre Heinecke Make mainvalues active in discharge_curve and fix_wq_curve (issue1391)
2013-07-25 Tom Gottfried Importer scripts: shpimporter needs backend name to play with Oracle. double-precision
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller fix issue1412: make vollmer-curves functional in middle bedheight diagrams.
2013-07-25 Felix Wolfsteller meta-data.xml: Partly fix a filter expression (unclodes literal).
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Cast ld values to varchar in user artifacts statement
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Add zero padding to minutes and seconds of a_creation times
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Add some useful debug output.
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried Purge tables when droping in Oracle to free space and avoid duplicates in views such as dba_constraints double-precision
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried Importer scripts: add default encoding to correctly read gew-files double-precision
2013-07-24 Tom Gottfried fixed statement for floodplains in datacage-config (with Andre's eyes)
2013-07-24 Felix Wolfsteller Collapse overly complicated dc-filter-statement for vollmer-curves.
2013-07-24 Felix Wolfsteller vimline added.
2013-07-23 Felix Wolfsteller Fix doc typo.
2013-07-23 Felix Wolfsteller Fix misleading debug output.
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Remove duplicated discharge_table_gauge macros and calls
2013-07-24 Andre Heinecke Unify duplicated fix-wq-curve case
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Only look to W facets for inversion handling.
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried Schema change: droped NOT NULL constraint from attributes.value because empty string is silently converted to NULL in Oracle but needed here. double-precision
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried More correct i18n string for outlier tolerance in SQ
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried merge
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried backout changeset 6513:ef3b02034f6a
2013-06-28 Tom Gottfried Backed out changeset 1a7f5d09b9d8
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Subtract PNP before calculating wcm from wMinCM (issue1155)
2013-07-23 Tom Gottfried Importer doc: Complete gauge master data. double-precision
2013-07-23 Andre Heinecke Do not invert chart when adding point data. (issue1290)
2013-07-22 Andre Heinecke Fix Waterlevel description for issue1404
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Importer docs: Improved layout. double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Schema changes: fixed typos, syntax errors and missing or obsolete statements in Oracle schema double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried Fixed documentation for Oracle schema. double-precision
2013-07-22 Tom Gottfried completed documentation for Oracle schema double-precision
