
age author description
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure SedimentLoad to use the new diagram Generator
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add SedimentLoadProcessor
2013-09-26 Felix Wolfsteller Noted insights.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue1493: Also transform NaN X values to empty string.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure BedQuality to use new DiagramGenerator
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete classes
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add BedQuality Processors
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure bed_difference_year in the new way
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add label for bed difference axis
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add BedWidthProcessor to handle width facets
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Rename BedWidthProcessor to BedHeightSounding processor.
2013-09-25 Sascha L. Teichmann Diagrams: Determine if axis should be inverted dynamically.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure BedDiffYear diagram and remove old generator
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Include encoding parameter hardwiredly in csv export panels
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Let ExportServiceImpl handle encoding parameter,
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: For diagram csv export request windows-1252 encoded output.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Prepare client to include encoding in download url.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller issue971: Let ChartOutputServiceImpl interprete an "encoding" parameter.
2013-09-25 Felix Wolfsteller Doc.
2013-09-23 Felix Wolfsteller Full stop at doc sentence end.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Fix diagram title
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove obsolete MiddleBedHeightGenerator classes
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Configure MiddleBedHeight diagram
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Remove wrong docstring
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Also handle bed height annotations
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Rename BedheightProcessor to BedWidthProcessor
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add axis label to bedheight processor.
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add MiddleBedHeightProcessor
2013-09-25 Andre Heinecke Add dW handling also to the other new longitudinal section diagrams
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Configure Longitudinal section diagram to use the new way.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Add currentKM context / request mapping to RiverUtils and use it in DiagramGenerator
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Handle multiple processors for axis labeling.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Cosmetics
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Add DeltaWProcessor to process data for a delta W axis.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Fix area label rendering.
2013-09-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Removed obsolete imports. Minor code cosmetics.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Close generator-refactoring generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Merge branch generator-refectoring into default.
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Migrate w_differences and remove unused classes generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Actually commit the canHandle part of the last revision. (WQCKms in WOut proc.) generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Process corrected WQkms (WQCKms) also in the WOutProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Fix applying the inversion of diagrams. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Migrate discharge_longitudinal_section generator to the new architecture. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Reactivate CALCULATION_DISCHARGE_LONGITUDINAL_CURVE generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Also handle subtypes of Discharge longitundial Q facets. generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Default to the label of longitundial Q axis in the QProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Handle axis include zero setting for the new processing architecture generator-refactoring
2013-09-24 Andre Heinecke Minor cleanup / doc generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add refactored LongitudinalSectionGenerator2 that inherits DiagramGenerator generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add more Inversion logic to the DiagramGenerator generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add AxisLabel handling to WDiffProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add WDiffProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add AreaProcessor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Added diagram attributes as converter to longitudinal section diagrams. generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Sascha L. Teichmann Use pre-converted diagram attributes now. generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Fix domain axis label and add manualpoints processor to config generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Move manual point handling into a Processor generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Andre Heinecke Add useful debug output for diagram generator debugging generator-refactoring
2013-09-23 Felix Wolfsteller issue1493: Don't let NaNs slip through csv export.
