view farol/templates/producttree/view.j2 @ 163:1d63a532ccce

Add possibility to create product Tree from the cpe itself.
author Benoît Allard <>
date Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:34:21 +0100
parents 43cd11ba7928
line wrap: on
line source
# Description:
# Web Template used in Farol Design
# Authors:
# BenoƮt Allard <>
# Copyright:
# Copyright (C) 2014 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

{% extends "base.j2" %}
{% from "macros.j2" import panel, modal, add_button, edit_button, delete_button %}
{% block title %}Product Tree{% endblock %}

{% set active = 'product' %}

{% block content %}
<div class='page-header'>
  <h1>Document's Product Tree<a href="#prodtree_modal" data-toggle="modal">?</a> <small>{{ producttree._products | length }} Products defined</small></h1>
{% call modal('prodtree_modal', "Product Tree") %}
<p>The <strong>Product Tree</strong> container contains all the fully qualified product names that can be referenced elsewhere in the document (specifically when describing the products that are affected by a vulnerability using the <strong>Product Statuses</strong>, <strong>Threats</strong>, <strong>CVSS Score Sets</strong>, and <strong>Remediation</strong> containers). The <strong>Product Tree</strong> can have as many branches as needed, but each endpoint of the tree must be terminated with a <strong>Full Product Name</strong> element, which represents a product that can be referenced elsewhere.</p>
<p>The <strong>Product Tree</strong> can be kept simple (flat) or made more detailed (branched out). It also supports concatenating products to describe relationships, such as components contained in a product or products installed on other products.</p>
  <dd><p>In the simplest case, a flat <strong>Product TreeM</strong> would contain one or more <strong>Full Product Name</strong> elements at the root level, one for each product that needs to be described.</p></dd>
  <dd><p>In a more detailed <strong>Product Tree</strong>, the root element would contain one or more <strong>Branch</strong> elements at the root level, one for each class/type/category of product, each of which again contains one or more <strong>Branch</strong> elements until all desired categories and subcategories are described to the satisfaction of the document issuer. Then each open <strong>Branch</strong> element is terminated with the actual product item in the form of a <strong>Full Product Name</strong> element.</p></dd>
  <dd><p>No matter whether a flat or branched structure is chosen, you may need to be able to describe the combination of two <strong>Full Product Name</strong> elements, such as when a product is only vulnerable when installed together with another, or to describe operating system components. To do that, a <strong>Relationship</strong> element is inserted at the root of the <strong>Product Tree</strong>, with attributes establishing a link between two existing <strong>Full Product Name</strong> elements, allowing the document producer to define a combination of two products that form a new <strong>Full Product Name</strong> entry.</p></dd>
  <dd><p>Once <strong>Full Product Name</strong> elements are defined, they may be freely added to logical groups, which may then be used to refer to a group of products. Given that it is possible for a product to be a member of more than one logical group, some areas of the CVRF document may not allow references to product groups to avoid ambiguity.</p></dd>
{% endcall %}
{% call panel(heading="Branches", badge=producttree._branches | length, title=4, extended=True) %}
  {% for branch in producttree._branches recursive %}
    {% call panel() %}
        {{ branch._type}}: <em>{{ branch._name }}</em>
        {{ edit_button(url_for('.edit_branch', path=branch.getPath() | join('/'))) }}
        {% if branch.isOrphaned() %}
          {{ delete_button(url_for('.del_branch', path=branch.getPath() | join('/'))) }}
        {% endif %}
      {% if branch._product %}
        <p><strong><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=branch._product._productid) }}">{{ branch._product._name }}</a></strong></p>
      {% else %}
        {{ loop(branch._childs) }}
      {% endif %}
      {% if branch.isOrphaned() %}
        <p class="text-danger">This branch is <em>orphaned</em>. A <a href="{{ url_for('.add_product') }}">product</a> or a new <a href="{{ url_for('.add_branch') }}">branch</a> should be created as child of this one.</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endcall %}
  {% endfor %}
  <div class="pull-right">{{ add_button(url_for('.add_branch')) }}</div>
{% endcall %}
{% call panel(heading="Products", badge=producttree.nbProducts(), title=4) %}
  {% for product in producttree._products if product._parent is sameas producttree %}
    <p><strong><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=product._productid) }}">{{ product._name }}</a></strong></p>
  {% endfor %}
  <div class="pull-right">{{ add_button(url_for('.add_product')) }}</div>
{% endcall %}
{% call panel(heading="Relationships", badge=producttree._relationships | length, title=4) %}
  {% for relationship in producttree._relationships %}
    {% call panel() %}
        <em>{{ cvrf.getProductForID(relationship._productreference)._name }}</em> as {{ relationship._relationtype | lower }} <em>{{ cvrf.getProductForID(relationship._relatestoproductreference)._name }}</em>
        {{ edit_button(url_for('.edit_relationship', index=loop.index0)) }}
        {% if relationship.isOrphaned() %}
          {{ delete_button(url_for('.del_relationship', index=loop.index0)) }}
        {% endif %}
      {% if relationship._product %}
        <p><strong><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=relationship._product._productid) }}">{{ relationship._product._name }}</a></strong></p>
      {% endif %}
      {% if relationship.isOrphaned() %}
        <p class="text-danger">This relationship is <em>orphaned</em>. A product should be <a href="{{ url_for('.add_product') }}">created</a> as child of this one.</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endcall %}
  {% endfor %}
  <div class="pull-right">{{ add_button(url_for('.add_relationship')) }}</div>
{% endcall %}
{% call panel(heading="Groups", badge=producttree._groups | length, title=4) %}
  {% for group in producttree._groups %}
    {% call panel() %}
      <div class="pull-right">
        {{ edit_button(url_for('.edit_group', groupid=group._groupid)) }}
        {%if cvrf.isGroupOrphan(group._groupid) %}
          {{ delete_button(url_for('.del_group', groupid=group._groupid)) }}
        {% endif %}
      {% if group._description %}<p class="small">{{ group._description }}</p>{% endif %}
        {% for productid in group._productids %}
          {% with product = cvrf.getProductForID(productid) %}
            <li><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=product._productid) }}">{{ product._name }}</a></li>
          {% endwith %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endcall %}
  {% endfor %}
  <div class="pull-right">{{ add_button(url_for('.add_group')) }}</div>
{% endcall %}
<div class="pull-right">
{% if cvrf.isProductTreeOrphan() %}
  {{ delete_button(url_for('.delete'), text="delete whole Product Tree") }}
{% else %}
  <p class="text-danger"><small>The Product Tree cannot be deleted as some of its elements are referenced in the Document</small></p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}