- Set version to 1.1.02015-01-05, by Benoît Allard
- merged2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- CPE: Add the possibility to add ourself integrally to the product tree2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- Docstring update + use a set where due2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- Add the possibility to batch-import trees2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- CVE: Handle the case where gsa has no result2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- CVE: Add a generator to our generated document2014-12-30, by Benoît Allard
- Add CVE parsing (from OpenVAS GSA)2014-12-29, by Benoît Allard
- parsers/CVRF: Move the date parsing method to parsers/XML2014-12-29, by Benoît Allard
- CPE: Add a generic 'parse' method2014-12-29, by Benoît Allard
- Add a CPE parser (and tests)2014-12-29, by Benoît Allard
- Don't consider a Base Score of 0 as no Base Score2014-12-23, by Benoît Allard
- CHANGES: Mention the new HTML export format.2014-12-17, by Benoît Allard
- HTML: Make one article per Vulnerability2014-12-17, by Benoît Allard
- Add HTML export format.2014-12-16, by Benoît Allard
- Added tag 1.0 for changeset 9ddfd6ee6b012014-11-05, by Benoît Allard
- Release 1.01.0 2014-11-05, by Benoît Allard
- Add a .hgignore2014-11-04, by Benoît Allard
- Make farolluz executable2014-11-04, by Benoît Allard
- Add method to change a Group ID2014-10-27, by Benoît Allard
- Fix isProductOrphan2014-10-27, by Benoît Allard
- Refactor tests dir2014-10-27, by Benoît Allard
- Vulnerability: remove unused functionnality2014-10-27, by Benoît Allard
- Fix the imports2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- Reorganize the code in smaller mpodules2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- Update the CHANGES2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- merged2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- OVAL: Replace one SecPod with Farol2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- Add tests + method to change a ProductID2014-10-24, by Benoît Allard
- Added tag 0.1.1 for changeset dfa9fe731e782014-10-17, by Benoît Allard
- Prepare for 0.1.1 release0.1.1 2014-10-17, by Benoît Allard
- Add method to check group and producttree references2014-10-15, by Benoît Allard
- merged2014-10-14, by Benoît Allard
- Add methods to extract Product references in a document.2014-10-14, by Benoît Allard
- Small template correction2014-10-14, by Benoît Allard
- Consolidate productTree edition2014-10-09, by Benoît Allard
- Fix issue in validation of CVSS Score Sets2014-10-09, by Benoît Allard
- Improve validation2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Update the CHANGES2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Add some missing elements in the CVRF generation2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Output multiple Name and Organization per Acknowledgment2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Parse Name and Organization in a Acknowledgment as multiple elements2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Allow Name and Organization in anAcknowledgment to be plural2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Add a method to get a Vulnerability Note per ordinal2014-10-08, by Benoît Allard
- Add a method to request a Document ID2014-10-06, by Benoît Allard
- Allow parsing of incomplete documents2014-10-06, by Benoît Allard
- Add support for writing incomplete documents2014-10-06, by Benoît Allard
- Added tag 0.1 for changeset 5d81cea795832014-09-24, by Benoît Allard
- include_package_data is needed so that install works.0.1 2014-09-24, by Benoît Allard
- Add support for AggregateSeverity2014-09-24, by Benoît Allard
- Initial Release2014-09-23, by Benoît Allard