changeset 106:4ea7966dcc99

Show where a Product is referenced in the Document.
author BenoƮt Allard <>
date Tue, 14 Oct 2014 16:52:55 +0200 (2014-10-14)
parents 09915cbdf549
children 86b843748c81 ce64f90e58c4
files farol/ farol/templates/producttree/view_product.j2
diffstat 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/farol/	Tue Oct 14 14:36:31 2014 +0200
+++ b/farol/	Tue Oct 14 16:52:55 2014 +0200
@@ -144,7 +144,9 @@
         product = cvrf.getProductForID(productid)
     except IndexError:
-    return render_template('producttree/view_product.j2', product=product, cvrf=cvrf)
+    return render_template('producttree/view_product.j2',
+        product=product, groups=[g for g in cvrf._producttree._groups if productid in g._productids],
+        cvrf=cvrf)
 @producttree.route('/product/<productid>/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
--- a/farol/templates/producttree/view_product.j2	Tue Oct 14 14:36:31 2014 +0200
+++ b/farol/templates/producttree/view_product.j2	Tue Oct 14 16:52:55 2014 +0200
@@ -34,14 +34,13 @@
 <div class='page-header'>
   <h1>{{ product._name }}{% if product._cpe %} <small>{{ product._cpe }}</small>{% endif %}</h1>
-{% if product.isRoot() %}
-  <p>This product is defined without relation to other elements</p>
-{% elif product.isRelationship() %}
-  <p>This product is part of the following relationship:</p>
+{% if product.isRelationship() %}
+  <p>This product is defined by the following relationship:</p>
   {% set prodref = cvrf.getProductForID(product._parent._productreference) %}
   {% set relatesto = cvrf.getProductForID(product._parent._relatestoproductreference) %}
   <p><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=prodref._productid) }}">{{ prodref._name }}</a> as <em>{{ product._parent._relationtype | lower }}</em> <a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=relatesto._productid) }}">{{ relatesto._name }}</a><p>
-{% else %}
+{% elif not product.isRoot() %}
   {% call panel(heading="Tree", title=3, collapsible=False) %}
   {% for type, name in product.getTree() %}
     <ul><li>{{ type }}: <em>{{ name }}</em></li>
@@ -50,15 +49,59 @@
   {% endcall %}
 {% endif %}
-<p>This product belong to the following groups:</p>
-{% for group in cvrf._producttree._groups if product._productid in group._productids %}
-  <li>{{ group.getTitle() }}</li>
-{% else %}
-  <li><em>None</em></li>
-{% endfor %}
+{% call panel(heading="Relationships", title=3, collapsible=False) %}
+  <p>This product is part of the following relationships:</p>
+  <ul>
+  {% for relationship in cvrf._producttree._relationships if product._productid in (relationship._productreference, relationship._relatestoproductreference) %}
+    {% set prodref2 = cvrf.getProductForID(relationship._productreference) %}
+    {% set relatesto2 = cvrf.getProductForID(relationship._relatestoproductreference) %}
+    <li><a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=prodref2._productid) }}">{{ prodref2._name }}</a> as <em>{{ relationship._relationtype | lower }}</em> <a href="{{ url_for('.view_product', productid=relatesto2._productid) }}">{{ relatesto2._name }}</a></li>
+  {% else %}
+    <li><em>None</em></li>
+  {% endfor %}
+  </ul>
+{% endcall %}
+{% call panel(heading="Groups", title=3, collapsible=False) %}
+  <p>This product belong to the following groups:</p>
+  <ul>
+  {% for group in groups %}
+    <li>{{ group.getTitle() }}</li>
+  {% else %}
+    <li><em>None</em></li>
+  {% endfor %}
+  </ul>
+{% endcall %}
+{% call panel(heading="Vulnerabilities", title="3", collapsible=False) %}
+  <p>The following Vulneralibities are mentionning this product:</p>
+  <ul>
+    {% for vulnerability in cvrf._vulnerabilities if (
+               vulnerability.isMentioningProdId(product._productid) or
+               vulnerability.isMentioningGroupId(groups | map(attribute="_groupid") | list)) %}
+      <li>
+        <a href="{{ url_for('vulnerability.view', ordinal=vulnerability._ordinal) }}">{{ vulnerability.getTitle() }}</a>
+        {% set elements = vulnerability.mentionsProdId(product._productid) | list %}
+        {% for group in groups %}
+          {{ elements.extend(vulnerability.mentionsGroupId(group._groupid) | list) or '' }}
+        {% endfor %}
+        {% set comma = joiner(', ') %}
+        (
+        {%- for grouper, list in elements | groupby('NAME') %}{{ comma() -}}
+          {{ grouper }}{% if list | length > 1 %}(x{{ list | length }}){% endif %}
+        {%- endfor -%}
+        )
+      </li>
+    {% else %}
+      <li><em>None</em></li>
+    {% endfor %}
+  </ul>
+{% endcall %}
+<div class="pull-right">
+  {% if cvrf.isProductOrphan(product._productid) %}
+    {{ delete_button(url_for('.del_product', productid=product._productid)) }}
+  {% else %}
+    <p class="text-danger"><small>This product cannot be deleted, as it is referenced in the document</small></p>
+  {% endif %}
-<div class="pull-right">{{ delete_button(url_for('.del_product', productid=product._productid)) }}</div>
 {% endblock %}