diff classic/getan.py @ 115:32dad62909c3

Convert classic getan into a module to be able to install it
author Björn Ricks <bjoern.ricks@intevation.de>
date Mon, 12 Dec 2011 09:36:21 +0100
parents classic/getan@9c4e8ba3c4fa
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/classic/getan.py	Mon Dec 12 09:36:21 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# getan
+# -----
+# (c) 2008 by Sascha L. Teichmann <sascha.teichmann@intevation.de>
+# A python worklog-alike to log what you have 'getan' (done).
+# This is Free Software licensed under the terms of GPLv3 or later.
+# For details see LICENSE coming with the source of 'getan'.
+import sys
+import re
+import curses
+import curses.ascii
+import traceback
+import signal
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as db
+PAUSED      = 0
+RUNNING     = 1
+PRE_EXIT    = 2
+SPACE = re.compile("[\\t ]+")
+SELECT id, key, description, total
+FROM projects LEFT JOIN
+    project_id, 
+    sum(strftime('%s', stop_time) - strftime('%s', start_time)) AS total
+    FROM entries 
+    GROUP BY project_id) ON project_id = id
+    WHERE active
+WRITE_LOG = '''
+INSERT INTO entries (project_id, start_time, stop_time, description)
+VALUES(:project_id, :start_time, :stop_time, :description)
+INSERT INTO projects (key, description) VALUES (:key, :description)
+SELECT last_insert_rowid()
+UPDATE projects set key = :key, description = :description WHERE id = :id
+UPDATE entries SET project_id = :new_id WHERE project_id = :old_id
+DELETE FROM projects WHERE id = :id
+# XXX: This is not very efficent!
+SELECT id, strftime('%s', start_time), strftime('%s', stop_time) FROM entries
+WHERE project_id = :project_id
+ORDER by strftime('%s', stop_time) DESC LIMIT 1
+DELETE FROM entries WHERE id = :id
+UPDATE entries SET stop_time = :stop_time WHERE id = :id
+worklog = None
+stdscr  = None
+orig_vis = None
+def cursor_visible(flag):
+    global orig_vis
+    try:
+        old = curses.curs_set(flag)
+        if orig_vis is None: orig_vis = old
+        return old
+    except:
+        pass
+    return 1
+def restore_cursor():
+    global orig_vis
+    if not orig_vis is None:
+        curses.curs_set(orig_vis)
+def render_header(ofs=0):
+    global stdscr
+    stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD)
+    stdscr.addstr(ofs,   5, "getan v0.1")
+    stdscr.addstr(ofs+1, 3, "--------------")
+    stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
+    return ofs + 2
+def render_quit(ofs=0):
+    global stdscr
+    stdscr.addstr(ofs + 2, 3, "Press DEL once more to quit")
+    return ofs + 3
+def tolerantClose(cur):
+    if cur:
+        try: cur.close()
+        except: pass
+def ifNull(v, d):
+    if v is None: return d
+    return v
+def human_time(delta):
+    seconds = delta.seconds
+    s = seconds % 60
+    if delta.microseconds >= 500000: s += 1
+    seconds /= 60
+    m = seconds % 60
+    seconds /= 60
+    out = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds, m, s)
+    if delta.days:
+        out = "%dd %s" % (delta.days, out)
+    return out
+    's':        1,
+    'm':       60,
+    'h'   : 60*60,
+    'd': 24*60*60}
+def human_seconds(timespec):
+    """Translate human input to seconds, default factor is minutes"""
+    total = 0
+    for v in timespec.split(':'):
+        factor = FACTORS.get(v[-1])
+        if factor: v = v[:-1]
+        else:      factor = 60
+        total += int(v) * factor
+    return total
+ESC_MAP = {
+    curses.KEY_F1 : ord('1'),
+    curses.KEY_F2 : ord('2'),
+    curses.KEY_F3 : ord('3'),
+    curses.KEY_F4 : ord('4'),
+    curses.KEY_F5 : ord('5'),
+    curses.KEY_F6 : ord('6'),
+    curses.KEY_F7 : ord('7'),
+    curses.KEY_F8 : ord('8'),
+    curses.KEY_F9 : ord('9'),
+    curses.KEY_F10: ord('0'),
+ZERO = timedelta(0)
+class UTC(tzinfo):
+    """UTC"""
+    def utcoffset(self, dt):
+        return ZERO
+    def tzname(self, dt):
+        return "UTC"
+    def dst(self, dt):
+        return ZERO    
+class Project:
+    def __init__(self, id = None, key = None, desc = None, total = 0):
+        self.id         = id
+        self.key        = key
+        self.desc       = desc
+        self.total      = timedelta(seconds = ifNull(total, 0))
+        self.start_time = None
+    def checkExistence(self, cur):
+        if self.id is None:
+            cur.execute(CREATE_PROJECT, {
+                'key'        : self.key,
+                'description': self.desc})
+            cur.execute(LAST_PROJECT_ID)
+            row = cur.fetchone()
+            cur.connection.commit()
+            self.id = row[0]
+    def writeLog(self, cur, description = None):
+        if self.start_time is None: return
+        self.checkExistence(cur)
+        now = datetime.now()
+        cur.execute(WRITE_LOG, {
+            'project_id' : self.id,
+            'start_time' : self.start_time,
+            'stop_time'  : now,
+            'description': description})
+        self.total += now-self.start_time
+        return now
+    def getId(self, cur):
+        self.checkExistence(cur)
+        return self.id
+    def rename(self, cur, key, desc):
+        self.key  = key
+        self.desc = desc
+        self.checkExistence(cur)
+        cur.execute(RENAME_PROJECT, {
+            'key'        : key,
+            'description': desc,
+            'id'         : self.id })
+        cur.connection.commit()
+    def assignLogs(self, cur, anon):
+        self.total += anon.total
+        anon.total = timedelta(seconds=0)
+        old_id = anon.getId(cur)
+        new_id = self.getId(cur)
+        cur.execute(ASSIGN_LOGS, {
+            'new_id': new_id,
+            'old_id': old_id})
+        cur.connection.commit()
+    def delete(self, cur):
+        pid = self.getId(cur)
+        cur.execute(DELETE_PROJECT, { 'id': pid })
+        cur.connection.commit()
+    def subtractTime(self, cur, seconds):
+        subtractTimeed, zero = timedelta(), timedelta()
+        pid = {'project_id': self.getId(cur)}
+        utc = UTC()
+        while seconds > zero:
+            cur.execute(LAST_ENTRY, pid)
+            row = cur.fetchone()
+            if row is None: break
+            # TODO: evaluate egenix-mx
+            start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(row[1]), utc)
+            stop_time  = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(row[2]), utc)
+            runtime = stop_time - start_time
+            if runtime <= seconds:
+                cur.execute(DELETE_ENTRY, { 'id': row[0] })
+                cur.connection.commit()
+                seconds -= runtime
+                subtractTimeed += runtime
+            else:
+                stop_time -=  seconds
+                cur.execute(UPDATE_STOP_TIME, {
+                    'id': row[0],
+                    'stop_time': stop_time})
+                cur.connection.commit()
+                subtractTimeed += seconds
+                break
+        self.total -= subtractTimeed
+        return subtractTimeed
+    def addTime(self, cur, seconds, description):
+        now = datetime.now()
+        cur.execute(WRITE_LOG, {
+            'project_id' : self.getId(cur),
+            'start_time' : now - seconds,
+            'stop_time'  : now,
+            'description': description
+        })
+        cur.connection.commit()
+        self.total += seconds
+def build_tree(project, depth):
+    if len(project.key) == depth+1:
+        return ProjectNode(project, project.key[depth])
+    node = ProjectNode(None, project.key[depth])
+    node.children.append(build_tree(project, depth+1))
+    return node
+class ProjectNode:
+    def __init__(self, project = None, key = None):
+        self.children = []
+        self.project  = project
+        self.key      = key
+    def insertProject(self, project, depth = 0):
+        if not project.key: # anonym -> end
+            node = ProjectNode(project)
+            self.children.append(node)
+            return
+        for i, child in enumerate(self.children):
+            if not child.key: # before anonym projects
+                self.children.insert(i, build_tree(project, depth))
+                return
+            if child.key == project.key[depth]:
+                child.insertProject(project, depth+1)
+                return
+        self.children.append(build_tree(project, depth))
+    def removeProject(self, project):
+        if self.isLeaf(): return
+        stack = [self]
+        while stack:
+            parent = stack.pop()
+            for child in parent.children:
+                if not child.isLeaf():
+                    stack.append(child)
+                    continue
+                if child.project == project:
+                    parent.children.remove(child)
+                    return
+    def isLeaf(self):
+        return not self.project is None
+    def findProject(self, key):
+        l, lower = key.lower(), None
+        for child in self.children:
+            if child.key == key:
+                return child
+            if child.key and child.key.lower() == l:
+                lower = child
+        return lower
+    def dump(self, depth = 0):
+        out = []
+        indent = "  " * depth
+        out.append("%skey: %s" % (indent, self.key))
+        if self.project:
+            out.append("%sdescription: %s" % (indent, self.project.desc))
+        for child in self.children:
+            out.append(child.dump(depth+1))
+        return "\n".join(out)
+class Worklog:
+    def __init__(self, database):
+        self.initDB(database)
+        self.projects        = []
+        self.tree            = ProjectNode()
+        self.state           = PAUSED
+        self.current_project = None
+        self.selection       = self.tree
+        self.stack           = []
+        self.loadProjects()
+    def initDB(self, database):
+        self.con = db.connect(database)
+    def loadProjects(self):
+        cur = None
+        try:
+            cur = self.con.cursor()
+            cur.execute(LOAD_ACTIVE_PROJECTS)
+            while True:
+                row = cur.fetchone()
+                if not row: break
+                project = Project(*row)
+                self.projects.append(project)
+                self.tree.insertProject(project)
+        finally:
+            tolerantClose(cur)
+    def shutdown(self):
+        self.con.close()
+    def fetchStack(self):
+        cut = ''.join([chr(i) for i in self.stack])
+        self.stack = []
+        return cut
+    def findProject(self, key):
+        key_lower = key.lower()
+        lower = None
+        for p in self.projects:
+            if p.key == key:
+                return p
+            if p.key and p.key.lower() == key_lower:
+                lower = p
+        return lower
+    def findAnonymProject(self, num):
+        count = 0
+        for p in self.projects:
+            if p.key is None:
+                if count == num:
+                    return p
+                count += 1
+        return None
+    def renameAnonymProject(self, num, key, description):
+        project = self.findAnonymProject(num)
+        if project:
+            cur = None
+            try:
+                cur = self.con.cursor()
+                project.rename(cur, key, description)
+            finally:
+                tolerantClose(cur)
+            self.tree.removeProject(project)
+            self.tree.insertProject(project)
+    def assignLogs(self, num, key):
+        anon = self.findAnonymProject(num)
+        if anon is None: return
+        project = self.findProject(key)
+        if project is None: return
+        cur = None
+        try:
+            cur = self.con.cursor()
+            project.assignLogs(cur, anon)
+            self.projects.remove(anon)
+            anon.delete(cur)
+        finally:
+            tolerantClose(cur)
+    def addTime(self, key, seconds, description = None):
+        project = self.findProject(key)
+        if project is None: return
+        cur = None
+        try:
+            cur = self.con.cursor()
+            project.addTime(cur, seconds, description)
+        finally:
+            tolerantClose(cur)
+    def subtractTime(self, key, seconds):
+        project = self.findProject(key)
+        if project is None: return
+        cur = None
+        try:
+            cur = self.con.cursor()
+            project.subtractTime(cur, seconds)
+        finally:
+            tolerantClose(cur)
+    def isRunning(self):
+        return self.state in (RUNNING, RUNNING_ESC)
+    def totalTime(self):
+        sum = timedelta()
+        for p in self.projects:
+            sum += p.total
+        return sum
+    def render(self, ofs=0):
+        ofs = render_header(ofs)
+        ml = max([len(p.desc and p.desc or "unknown") for p in self.projects])
+        unknown = 0
+        if self.current_project and self.current_project.start_time:
+            current_delta      = datetime.now() - self.current_project.start_time 
+            current_time_str   = "%s " % human_time(current_delta)
+            current_time_space = " " * len(current_time_str)
+        else:
+            current_delta      = timedelta()
+            current_time_str   = ""
+            current_time_space = ""
+        for project in self.projects:
+            is_current = project == self.current_project
+            pref = is_current and " -> " or "    "
+            if project.key is None:
+                key = "^%d" % unknown
+                unknown += 1
+            else:
+                key = " %s" % project.key
+            desc = project.desc is None and "unknown" or project.desc
+            stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD)
+            stdscr.addstr(ofs, 0, "%s%s" % (pref, key))
+            stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
+            stdscr.addstr(" %s" % desc)
+            diff = ml - len(desc) + 1
+            stdscr.addstr(" " * diff)
+            if is_current: stdscr.attron(curses.A_UNDERLINE)
+            if is_current:
+                stdscr.addstr("%s(%s)" % (
+                    current_time_str,
+                    human_time(project.total + current_delta)))
+            else:
+                stdscr.addstr("%s(%s)" % (
+                    current_time_space,
+                    human_time(project.total)))
+            if is_current: stdscr.attroff(curses.A_UNDERLINE)
+            ofs += 1
+        total_str   = "(%s)" % human_time(self.totalTime() + current_delta) 
+        total_x_pos = ml + 8 + len(current_time_space)
+        stdscr.addstr(ofs, total_x_pos, "=" * len(total_str))
+        ofs += 1
+        stdscr.addstr(ofs, total_x_pos, total_str)
+        ofs += 1
+        return ofs
+    def writeLog(self, description = None):
+        if self.current_project is None:
+            return datetime.now()
+        cur = None
+        try:
+            cur = self.con.cursor()
+            now = self.current_project.writeLog(cur, description)
+            self.con.commit()
+            return now
+        finally:
+            tolerantClose(cur)
+    def pausedState(self, c):
+        c2 = ESC_MAP.get(c)
+        if c2:
+            self.pausedEscapeState(c2)
+            return
+        global stdscr
+        if c in (curses.KEY_DC, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE):
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = render_quit(self.render())
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            self.state = PRE_EXIT
+        elif c == curses.ascii.ESC:
+            self.state = PAUSED_ESC
+        elif curses.ascii.isascii(c):
+            if c == ord('-'):
+                self.selection = self.tree
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "<key> <minutes>: ")
+                key = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                key = key.strip()
+                if key:
+                    parts = SPACE.split(key, 1)
+                    if len(parts) > 1:
+                        key, timespec = parts[0], parts[1]
+                        try:
+                            seconds = human_seconds(timespec)
+                            if seconds > 0:
+                                seconds = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+                                self.subtractTime(key, seconds)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            pass
+                stdscr.erase()
+                self.render()
+                stdscr.refresh()
+            elif c == ord('+'):
+                self.selection = self.tree
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "<key> <minutes> [<description>]: ")
+                key = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                key = key.strip()
+                if key:
+                    parts = SPACE.split(key, 2)
+                    if len(parts) > 1:
+                        key, timespec = parts[0], parts[1]
+                        if len(parts) > 2: desc = parts[2]
+                        else:              desc = None
+                        try:
+                            seconds = human_seconds(timespec)
+                            if seconds > 0:
+                                seconds = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+                                self.addTime(key, seconds, desc)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            pass
+                stdscr.erase()
+                self.render()
+                stdscr.refresh()
+            else:
+                node = self.selection.findProject(chr(c))
+                if not node:
+                    self.selection = self.tree
+                    return
+                if node.isLeaf():
+                    self.selection = self.tree
+                    nproject = node.project
+                    self.current_project = nproject
+                    nproject.start_time = datetime.now()
+                    stdscr.erase()
+                    ofs = self.render()
+                    stdscr.refresh()
+                    self.state = RUNNING
+                    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+                    signal.alarm(1)
+                else:
+                    self.selection = node
+    def runningState(self, c):
+        global stdscr
+        c2 = ESC_MAP.get(c)
+        if c2:
+            self.runningEscapeState(c2)
+            return
+        if c == curses.ascii.ESC:
+            self.state = RUNNING_ESC
+        elif c == curses.ascii.NL:
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+            self.state = PAUSED
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = self.render()
+            old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+            curses.echo()
+            stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "Description: ")
+            description = stdscr.getstr()
+            curses.noecho()
+            cursor_visible(old_cur)
+            self.writeLog(description)
+            self.current_project = None
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = self.render()
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+            signal.alarm(1)
+        elif c == ord('+'):
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = self.render()
+            if self.stack:
+                timespec = self.fetchStack()
+            else:
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "Enter time to add: ")
+                timespec = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+            try:
+                seconds = human_seconds(timespec)
+                if seconds > 0:
+                    seconds = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+                    self.current_project.start_time -= seconds
+                    stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "added %s" % human_time(seconds))
+            except (ValueError, IndexError):
+                pass
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+            signal.alarm(1)
+        elif c == ord('-'):
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = self.render()
+            if self.stack:
+                timespec = self.fetchStack()
+            else:
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "Enter time to subtract: ")
+                timespec = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+            try:
+                seconds = human_seconds(timespec)
+                if seconds > 0:
+                    now = datetime.now()
+                    seconds = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+                    self.current_project.start_time += seconds
+                    stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "subtracted %s" % human_time(seconds))
+                    if self.current_project.start_time > now:
+                        seconds = self.current_project.start_time - now
+                        self.current_project.start_time = now
+                        cur = None
+                        try:
+                            cur = self.con.cursor()
+                            self.current_project.subtractTime(cur, seconds)
+                        finally:
+                            tolerantClose(cur)
+            except (ValueError, IndexError):
+                pass
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+            signal.alarm(1)
+        elif self.stack or curses.ascii.isdigit(c):
+            self.stack.append(c)
+        elif curses.ascii.isascii(c):
+            project_node = self.selection.findProject(chr(c))
+            if project_node is None:
+                self.selection = self.tree
+                return
+            if project_node.isLeaf():
+                self.selection = self.tree
+                nproject = project_node.project
+                if nproject == self.current_project:
+                    return
+                nproject.start_time = self.writeLog()
+                self.current_project = nproject
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                stdscr.refresh()
+            else:
+                self.selection = project_node
+    def pausedEscapeState(self, c):
+        global stdscr
+        if curses.ascii.isdigit(c):
+            pnum = c - ord('0')
+            nproject = self.findAnonymProject(pnum)
+            if nproject is None:
+                nproject = Project()
+                self.projects.append(nproject)
+            nproject.start_time = self.writeLog()
+            self.current_project = nproject
+            self.state = RUNNING
+            stdscr.erase()
+            ofs = self.render()
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+            signal.alarm(1)
+        elif curses.ascii.isalpha(c):
+            if c == ord('n'):
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "<num> <key> <description>: ")
+                stdscr.refresh()
+                description = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                description = description.strip()
+                if description:
+                    num, key, description = SPACE.split(description, 2)
+                    try:
+                        num = int(num)
+                        self.renameAnonymProject(num, key, description)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        pass
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                stdscr.refresh()
+                self.state = PAUSED
+            elif c == ord('a'):
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                old_cur = cursor_visible(1)
+                curses.echo()
+                stdscr.addstr(ofs + 1, 3, "<num> <key>: ")
+                stdscr.refresh()
+                key = stdscr.getstr()
+                curses.noecho()
+                cursor_visible(old_cur)
+                key = key.strip()
+                if key:
+                    num, key = SPACE.split(key, 1)
+                    try:
+                        num = int(num)
+                        self.assignLogs(num, key)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        pass
+                stdscr.erase()
+                ofs = self.render()
+                stdscr.refresh()
+                self.state = PAUSED
+            else:
+                self.state = PAUSED
+        else:
+            self.state = PAUSED
+    def runningEscapeState(self, c):
+        global stdscr
+        if curses.ascii.isdigit(c):
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+            pnum = c - ord('0')
+            nproject = self.findAnonymProject(pnum)
+            if nproject is None:
+                nproject = Project()
+                self.projects.append(nproject)
+            nproject.start_time = self.writeLog()
+            self.current_project = nproject
+            self.state = RUNNING
+            stdscr.erase()
+            self.render()
+            stdscr.refresh()
+            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
+            signal.alarm(1)
+        else:
+            self.state = RUNNING
+    def run(self):
+        global stdscr
+        stdscr.erase()
+        self.render()
+        stdscr.refresh()
+        while True:
+            c = stdscr.getch()
+            if c == -1: continue
+            if self.state == PAUSED:
+                self.pausedState(c)
+            elif self.state == RUNNING:
+                self.runningState(c)
+            elif self.state == PAUSED_ESC:
+                self.pausedEscapeState(c)
+            elif self.state == RUNNING_ESC:
+                self.runningEscapeState(c)
+            elif self.state == PRE_EXIT:
+                if c in (curses.KEY_DC, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE):
+                    break
+                else:
+                    stdscr.erase()
+                    self.render()
+                    stdscr.refresh()
+                    self.state = PAUSED
+def alarm_handler(flag, frame):
+    global worklog
+    global stdscr
+    stdscr.erase()
+    worklog.render()
+    stdscr.refresh()
+    if worklog.isRunning():
+        signal.alarm(1)
+def exit_handler(flag, frame):
+    exit_code = 0
+    global worklog
+    try:
+        worklog.shutdown()
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        exit_code = 1
+    restore_cursor()
+    curses.nocbreak()
+    stdscr.keypad(0)
+    curses.echo()
+    curses.endwin()
+    sys.exit(exit_code)
+def main():
+    database = len(sys.argv) < 2 and DEFAULT_DATABASE or sys.argv[1]
+    # TODO: create database file if it does not exist.
+    global worklog
+    try:
+        worklog = Worklog(database)
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    global stdscr
+    stdscr = curses.initscr()
+    curses.noecho()
+    curses.cbreak()
+    stdscr.keypad(1)
+    cursor_visible(0)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP,  exit_handler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,  exit_handler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, exit_handler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_handler)
+    try:
+        try:
+            worklog.run()
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+    finally:
+        exit_handler(0, None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
+# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8:
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